315,827 research outputs found

    The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: The build-up of the colour-density relation

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    We investigate the redshift and luminosity evolution of the galaxy colour-density relation using the data from the First Epoch VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). The size (6582 galaxies), depth (I_AB<=24) and redshift sampling rate of the survey enable us to reconstruct the 3D galaxy environment on relatively local scales (R=5 Mpc) up to z~1.5. Particular attention has been devoted to calibrate a density reconstruction scheme, which factors out survey selection effects and reproduces in an unbiased way the underlying `real' galaxy environment. While at lower redshift we confirm the existence of a steep colour-density relation, with the fraction of the reddest(/bluest) galaxies of the same luminosity increasing(/decreasing) as a function of density, this trend progressively disappears in the highest redshift bins investigated. The rest frame u*-g' colour-magnitude diagram shows a bimodal pattern in both low and high density environments up to z~1.5. We find that the bimodal distribution is not universal but strongly depends upon environment: at lower redshifts the colour-magnitude diagrams in low and high density regions are significantly different while the progressive weakening of the colour-density relation causes the two bimodal distributions to nearly mirror each other in the highest redshift bin investigated. Both the colour-density and the colour-magnitude-density relations appear to be a transient, cumulative product of genetic and environmental factors operating over at least a period of 9 Gyr. These findings support an evolutionary scenario in which star formation/gas depletion processes are accelerated in more luminous objects and in high density environments: star formation activity is shifting with cosmic time towards lower luminosity (downsizing), and out of high density environments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, figures added, accepted by A&

    Measuring Galaxy Environments with Deep Redshift Surveys

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    We study the applicability of several galaxy environment measures (n^th-nearest-neighbor distance, counts in an aperture, and Voronoi volume) within deep redshift surveys. Mock galaxy catalogs are employed to mimic representative photometric and spectroscopic surveys at high redshift (z ~ 1). We investigate the effects of survey edges, redshift precision, redshift-space distortions, and target selection upon each environment measure. We find that even optimistic photometric redshift errors (\sigma_z = 0.02) smear out the line-of-sight galaxy distribution irretrievably on small scales; this significantly limits the application of photometric redshift surveys to environment studies. Edges and holes in a survey field dramatically affect the estimation of environment, with the impact of edge effects depending upon the adopted environment measure. These edge effects considerably limit the usefulness of smaller survey fields (e.g. the GOODS fields) for studies of galaxy environment. In even the poorest groups and clusters, redshift-space distortions limit the effectiveness of each environment statistic; measuring density in projection (e.g. using counts in a cylindrical aperture or a projected n^th-nearest-neighbor distance measure) significantly improves the accuracy of measures in such over-dense environments. For the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we conclude that among the environment estimators tested the projected n^th-nearest-neighbor distance measure provides the most accurate estimate of local galaxy density over a continuous and broad range of scales.Comment: 17 pages including 16 figures, accepted to Ap

    Compact groups from the Millennium Simulations: I. Their Nature and the completeness of the Hickson sample

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    We identify compact groups of galaxies (CGs) within mock galaxy catalogues from the Millennium Simulation at z=0 with three semi-analytic models (SAMs) of galaxy formation. CGs are identified using the same 2D criteria as those visually applied by Hickson (1982) to his CGs (HCGs), but with a brightest galaxy magnitude limit, and the blending of close projected pairs. Half of the mock CGs identified in projection contain at least 4 accordant velocities (mvCGs), versus 70% for HCGs. In comparison to mvCGs, the HCGs are only 8% complete at distances < 9000 km/s, missing the CGs with small angular sizes, a strongly dominant galaxy, and (for one SAM) the CGs that are fainter and those with lower surface brightness. We explore different ways to determine the fraction of physically dense groups. Binding energy criteria turn out to be inapplicable given the segregation between galaxies and dark matter particles. We rely instead on the combination of the 3D length of the CGs (maximum real space galaxy separation) and their elongation along the line-of-sight (ratio of maximum line-of-sight to maximum projected separations), restricting ourselves in both cases to smallest quartets within the CGs. We find that between 64% and 80% (depending on the SAM) of the mvCGs have 3D lengths shorter than 200 kpc/h, between 71% and 80% have line-of-sight elongations less than 2, while between 59% and 76% have either 3D lengths shorter than 100 kpc/h or both lengths shorter than 200 kpc/h and elongations smaller than 2. Therefore, chance alignments (CAs) of galaxies concern at most 40% of the mvCGs. These CAs are mostly produced from larger host groups, but a few have galaxies extending a few Mpc beyond the host group. The mvCGs built with the Hickson selection with (without) the close projected pair blending criterion have 10% higher (lower) fractions of physically dense systems.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The new version has a different title and a different author list. The analysis of the nature of compact groups has been thoroughly modified, while the subsections on compact group properties and correlations have been omitted and should appear elsewher
