288 research outputs found

    River Run Off Measurement With SAR Along Track Interferometry

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    The paper summarizes the need for global space borne river run-off measurements. It reports about an airborne SAR experiment aimed to measure the surface velocity of the river Isar in Bavaria / Germany. The results from two different SAR techniques, including Along Track Interferometry (ATI) show good correspondence. Finally suggestions for further studies are given

    An Interferometric SAR Satellite Mission

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    The paper provides a critical review of the achievements in SAR interferometry from the ERS mission as well as from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM. It describes the development from the original idea of the Interferometric Cartwheel to the concept of a formation flight of identical and active SAR satellites. From the experience gained from ERS and SRTM interferometric data processing as well as from the analysis of the Cartwheel concept a list of mission requirements has been set up. The most demanding one is the autonomous configuration flight of a tight x-band constellation, where the satellites fly as close as up to 30 m with a dead-band of +/- 10 m. The guidance, navigation and control considerations come to the conclusion that such a mission is feasible

    Minimizing the residual topography effect on interferograms to improve DInSAR results: estimating land subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt

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    The accurate detection of land subsidence rates in urban areas is important to identify damage-prone areas and provide decision-makers with useful information. Meanwhile, no precise measurements of land subsidence have been undertaken within the coastal Port-Said City in Egypt to evaluate its hazard in relationship to sea-level rise. In order to address this shortcoming, this work introduces and evaluates a methodology that substantially improves small subsidence rate estimations in an urban setting. Eight ALOS/PALSAR-1 scenes were used to estimate the land subsidence rates in Port-Said City, using the Small BAse line Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique. A stereo pair of ALOS/PRISM was used to generate an accurate DEM to minimize the residual topography effect on the generated interferograms. A total of 347 well distributed ground control points (GCP) were collected in Port-Said City using the leveling instrument to calibrate the generated DEM. Moreover, the eight PALSAR scenes were co-registered using 50 well-distributed GCPs and used to generate 22 interferogram pairs. These PALSAR interferograms were subsequently filtered and used together with the coherence data to calculate the phase unwrapping. The phase-unwrapped interferogram-pairs were then evaluated to discard four interferograms that were affected by phase jumps and phase ramps. Results confirmed that using an accurate DEM (ALOS/PRISM) was essential for accurately detecting small deformations. The vertical displacement rate during the investigated period (2007–2010) was estimated to be −28 mm. The results further indicate that the northern area of Port-Said City has been subjected to higher land subsidence rates compared to the southern area. Such land subsidence rates might induce significant environmental changes with respect to sea-level rise

    Ocean Surface Observations Using the TanDEM-X Satellite Formation

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    The TanDEM-X SAR satellite formation permits improved ocean surface observations by means of bistatic along-track interferometry (ATI) when compared to single-satellite systems. The flexible imaging geometry of its two cooperating SAR sensors forms an interferometer that can achieve very high sensitivity to motions of objects on ground. This way, radar imaging of surface currents with unprecedented accuracy, high spatial resolution and wide coverage at the same time becomes possible. We demonstrate the capabilities of the sensor in the contexts of tidal current mapping, measurement of thermohaline and wind-driven ocean currents as well as detection of areas with surface films. We have developed a dedicated postprocessing system for TanDEM-X image products that allows extracting surface current information from the data. By this paper, we address bistatic data acquisition and processing aspects for sea surface imaging with TanDEM-X like interferometric baseline geometry, temporal decorrelation, and phase calibration. We present a variety of examples of data evaluation that clearly demonstrate the application potential of the methodology

    Rice Plant Height Monitoring from Space with Bistatic Interferometry

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    This chapter provides an overview of the possibility to derive paddy rice plant heights with spaceborne bistatic SAR interferometry (InSAR). By using the only available interferometer in space, TanDEM-X, an investigation of rice crops located in Turkey is performed. Before analyzing the main outcomes, an introduction to the generation of elevation models with InSAR is provided, with a special focus on the agricultural land cover. The processing chain and the modifications foreseen to properly produce plant elevations and a roadmap for the quality assessment are described. The results obtained, with a very high interferometric coherence supporting an accurate estimation due to a limited electromagnetic wave penetration into the canopy, support a temporal change analysis on a field-by-field basis. For the purpose, an automatic approach to segment the fields without external auxiliary data is also provided. The study is concluded with an analysis of the impact of the wave polarization in the results

    First Results Of TanDEM-X Along-Track Interferometry

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    The interferometric imaging modes of the TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurements) satellite formation offer improved along-track interferometric capabilities e.g. through longer and multiple baselines. While the first provide high sensitivities to ground motions, the latter enable to resolve ambiguities. The extraction of motion information from TanDEM-X data by means of ATI is challenging due to the hybrid nature of the interferometric baseline. This is generally composed of an across-track (XTI) and an along-track interferometric (ATI) component BATI and requires a separation of the respective interferometric phase contributions