694 research outputs found

    Syntaktische Abgrenzungen von formalen Systemen der Pi-Analysis und Delta-Analysis

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    SLED Phenomenology: Curvature vs. Volume

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    We assess the question whether the SLED (Supersymmetric Large Extra Dimensions) model admits phenomenologically viable solutions with 4D maximal symmetry. We take into account a finite brane width and a scale invariance (SI) breaking dilaton-brane coupling, both of which should be included in a realistic setup. Provided that the microscopic size of the brane is not tuned much smaller than the fundamental bulk Planck length, we find that either the 4D curvature or the size of the extra dimensions is unacceptably large. Since this result is independent of the dilaton-brane couplings, it provides the biggest challenge to the SLED program. In addition, to clarify its potential with respect to the cosmological constant problem, we infer the amount of tuning on model parameters required to obtain a sufficiently small 4D curvature. A first answer was recently given in [arXiv:1508.01124], showing that 4D flat solutions are only ensured in the SI case by imposing a tuning relation, even if a brane-localized flux is included. In this companion paper, we find that the tuning can in fact be avoided for certain SI breaking brane-dilaton couplings, but only at the price of worsening the phenomenological problem. Our results are obtained by solving the full coupled Einstein-dilaton system in a completely consistent way. The brane width is implemented using a well-known ring regularization. In passing, we note that for the couplings considered here the results of [arXiv:1508.01124] (which only treated infinitely thin branes) are all consistently recovered in the thin brane limit, and how this can be reconciled with the concerns about their correctness, recently brought up in [arXiv:1509.04201].Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    A practice-related risk score (PRS): a DOPPS-derived aggregate quality index for haemodialysis facilities

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    Background. The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) database was used to develop and validate a practice-related risk score (PRS) based on modifiable practices to help facilities assess potential areas for improving patient care. Methods. Relative risks (RRs) from a multivariable Cox mortality model, based on observational haemodialysis (HD) patient data from DOPPS I (1996-2001, seven countries), were used. The four practices were the percent of patients with Kt/V >= 1.2, haemoglobin >= 11 g/dl (110 g/l), albumin >= 4.0 g/dl (40g/l) and catheter use, and were significantly related to mortality when modelled together. DOPPS II data (2002-2004, 12 countries) were used to evaluate the relationship between PRS and mortality risk using Cox regression. Results. For facilities in DOPPS I and II, changes in PRS over time were significantly correlated with changes in the standardized mortality ratio (SMR). The PRS ranged from 1.0 to 2.1. Overall, the adjusted RR of death was 1.05 per 0.1 points higher PRS (P < 0.0001). For facilities in both DOPPS I and II (N = 119), a 0.2 decrease in PRS was associated with a 0.19 decrease in SMR (P = 0.005). On average, facilities that improved PRS practices showed significantly reduced mortality over the same time frame. Conclusions. The PRS assesses modifiable HD practices that are linked to improved patient survival. Further refinements might lead to improvements in the PRS and will address regional variations in the PRS/mortality relationship

    Effect of dimerization on dynamics of spin-charge separation in Pariser-Parr-Pople model: A time-dependent density matrix renormalization group study

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    We investigate the effect of static electron-phonon coupling, on real-time dynamics of spin and charge transport in π\pi-conjugated polyene chains. The polyene chain is modeled by the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian with dimerized nearest-neighbor parameter t0(1+δ)t_{0}(1+\delta) for short bonds and t0(1δ)t_{0}(1-\delta) for long bonds, and long-range electron-electron interactions. We follow the time evolution of the spin and charge using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group technique, when a hole is injected at one end of the chain in its ground state. We find that spin and charge dynamics followed through spin and charge velocities, depend both on chain length and extent of dimerization, δ\delta. Analysis of the results requires focusing on physical quantities such as average spin and charge polarizations, particularly in the large dimerization limit. In the dimerization range 0.0 \le δ\delta \le 0.15, spin-charge dynamics is found to have a well defined behavior, with spin-charge separation (measured as the ratio of charge velocity to spin velocity) as well as, the total amount of charge and spin transported in a given time, along the chain, decreasing as dimerization increases. However, in the range 0.3 \le δ\delta \le 0.5, it is observed that the dynamics of spin and charge transport becomes complicated. It is observed that for large δ\delta values, spin-charge separation is suppressed and the injected hole fails to travel the entire length of the chain.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev. B; preprint format of published versio

    Conflicts in the Niger Delta: Analysis of Causes, Impacts and Resolution Strategies

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    Conflict in the Niger Delta holds profound implications for the democratic and developmental transformation of Nigeria. The analysis of the causes and impacts of the oil conflict in the region, and of strategies to resolve it, requires an understanding of the traditionally and constitutionally enshrined resource rights of the marginalised inhabitants. Patterns of resource appropriation by multinational oil companies and the mismanagement of resource revenue by federal government, and the associated environmental pollution, remain a legacy of the topdown approaches that have been employed in an attempt to resolve conflicts in the Niger Delta. These approaches have largely failed to effectively address the complex issues affecting the indigenes and have even triggered further dissention amongst various local communities. Using grounded theory as a research method, this thesis explores the grassroots approach to conflict resolution in the Niger Delta region as a socio-political paradigm for developing substantive content for the resolution of conflict in this oil-rich region of Nigeria. Drawing on history and using social and conflict theories, the paper investigates the potential for the bottom-up approach to be applied to the conflict resolution paradigm, in order to advance a sustainable peace process and promote economic, political and social transformation in Nigeria – and, in particular, the Niger Delta regio

    Model-driven Enterprise Systems Configuration

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    Enterprise Systems potentially lead to significant efficiency gains but require a well-conducted configuration process. A promising idea to manage and simplify the configuration process is based on the premise of using reference models for this task. Our paper continues along this idea and delivers a two-fold contribution: first, we present a generic process for the task of model-driven Enterprise Systems configuration including the steps of (a) Specification of configurable reference models, (b) Configuration of configurable reference models, (c) Transformation of configured reference models to regular build time models, (d) Deployment of the generated build time models, (e) Controlling of implementation models to provide input to the configuration, and (f) Consolidation of implementation models to provide input to reference model specification. We discuss inputs and outputs as well as the involvement of different roles and validation mechanisms. Second, we present an instantiation case of this generic process for Enterprise Systems configuration based on Configurable EPCs

    New Constraints on General Slepton Flavor Mixing

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    We explore the phenomenological implications on charged lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes from slepton flavor mixing within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We work under the model-independent hypothesis of general flavor mixing in the slepton sector, being parametrized by a complete set of dimensionless delta^AB_ij (A,B = L,R; i,j = 1, 2, 3) parameters. The present upper bounds on the most relevant LFV processes, together with the requirement of compatibility in the choice of the MSSM parameters with the recent LHC and (g-2) data, lead to updated constraints on all slepton flavor mixing parameters. A comparative discussion of the most effective LFV processes to constrain the various generation mixings is included.Comment: 42 pages, 19 figures. Minor changes, version to appear in PR

    Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid)

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    p. 468-475A timber shell structure is designed to provide covering for an outdoor auditorium in Madrid (Spain). The covering comprises five independent overlapped marquees with similar shape but diverse dimensions. The surface geometry of each marquee is defined by a hyperbolic paraboloid, with its boundaries delimited by elliptical curves in horizontal projection. Structural section for the timber shell is a composite section with several staggered layers of straight sawn timber planks, arranged in two orthogonal directions following the straight skew lines of the hyperbolic paraboloid. Over them two continuous top layers are arranged which provides bracing for the structure and support for the waterproofing material. Each layer is laid over the previous one, bolted and glued with polyurethane adhesive. Special characteristics of the design analysis and detailed erection process are described. The designed solution provides lightweight roofing with a powerful and original image, short construction time and reasonable budget.Anton, A.; Meijide, AG.; Corbal, JJ. (2009). Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/653