85 research outputs found

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for long reach passive optical network

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    Next generation broadband access networks are gaining more interests from many key players in this field. The demands for longer reach and higher bandwidth are among the driving factors for such network as it can reach wider area up to 100 km, even beyond; has enhanced bandwidth capacity and transmission speed, but with low cost and energy consumption. One promising candidate is long reach passive optical network, a simplified network with reduced number of network elements, equipment interfaces, and even nodes; which leads to a significant reduction in the network’s capital expenditure and operational expenditure. Outcome of an extended reach often results in increased propagation delay of dynamic bandwidth allocation messages exchange between the optical line terminals and optical network units, leading to the degradations of bandwidth allocation and quality of service support. Therefore, an effective bandwidth allocation algorithm with appropriate service interval setup for a long reach network is proposed to ensure the delay is maintained under ITU-T G.987.1 standard requirement. An existing algorithm is improved in terms of service interval so that it can perform well beyond 100 km. Findings show that the improved algorithm can reduce the mean delay of high priority traffic classes for distance up to 140 km

    Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for next generation optical access networks

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    Mecanismos para gerenciamento de banda passante em redes ópticas passivas Ethernet com clientes locatários de múltiplas unidades ópticas de redes

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    Orientador: Nelson Luis Saldanha da FonsecaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: As atuais redes de acesso banda larga à Internet necessitam dar suporte às altas demandas de diversas aplicações tais como voz sobre IP (VoIP), streaming de vídeo UHD, videoconferência, internet das coisas (IoT) e jogos interativos. A tecnologia de redes ópticas passivas (PONs) é considerada promissora para fornecer alta capacidade de acesso com um custo-benefício aceitável. Existem duas diferentes tecnologias que disputam o mercado das redes ópticas; Ethernet PON (EPON) e Gigabit Capable PON(GPON). Devido ao alto custo de aquisição e manutenção de uma infraestrutura PON, muitas empresas (clientes) recorrem a fornecedores de infraestrutura (InP) para reduzir os altos custo, por meio do aluguel de uma porção dos recursos da PON. Esses clientes podem ser, por exemplo, operadores de rede móvel ou provedores de serviços virtuais, que podem adquirir múltiplas unidades da rede óptica (ONU) conectadas em uma única PON. Essa facilidade de alugar múltiplas ONUs pode gerar problemas de balanceamento de carga entre ONUs, uma vez que os atuais algoritmos de alocação de banda passante (DBA) são capazes de garantir banda para uma única ONU. Consequentemente, picos de demanda de banda passante podem ultrapassar a banda garantida em algumas ONUs e, ao mesmo tempo, subutilizar a banda garantida em outras ONUs de um mesmo cliente. Nesta dissertação, aborda-se o problema de gerenciamento de largura de banda para clientes multi-ONU nas redes EPON. Propõe-se um algoritmo de alocação dinâmica de banda passante (DBA) (MOS-IPACT) para dar suporte ao contrato de serviço (SLA) para clientes com várias ONUs. O mecanismo proposto distribui a largura de banda agregada entre ONUs de um mesmo cliente, com o objetivo de melhorar a utilização da largura de banda. Além disso propõe-se um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (subMOSIPACT) com o objetivo de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade. Este algoritmo é fundamental para clientes multi-ONU e que oferecem diversos tipos de serviços. Por exemplo, um operador da rede virtual pode alugar as ONUs de um InP para oferecer serviços corporativos e residenciais. Introduz-se, também, um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT) que permite a cooperação entre clientes. O algoritmo proposto permite que clientes cooperativos compartilhem banda passante não utilizada a fim de aumentar a banda disponível para alocação mas sem afetar seus SLAs individuais. Os resultados mostram que os três algoritmos propostos são capazes de garantir banda passante para clientes multi-ONU, mesmo em condições de tráfego desbalanceadas; Além de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade aumentando o suporte aos requisitos de qualidade de serviço (QoS). Resultados derivados por simulação mostraram que os algoritmos distribuem eficientemente a largura de banda entre os clientes multi-ONU bem como para clientes convencionais que possuem uma única ONU. Por fim, este trabalho mostra os benefícios do modelo de clientes cooperativos para aumentar a largura de banda disponívelAbstract: Current broadband access networks need to support the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of diverse application such as voice over IP (VoIP), ultra-high video streaming, video conferencing, Internet of Things (IoT) and interactive gaming. Passive Optical Networks (PONs) is considered a promising solution to provides high access capacity with acceptable cost-benefit. Two different technologies share the optical access networks market: Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit Capable PON (GPON). However, the deployment of PON infrastructure involves significant costs. On the other hand, Infrastructure Provider (InP) can alleviate these costs by leasing their PONs to several enterprises (customers). These customers can be Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), multi-site enterprises, or virtual service providers. New scenarios are envisioned in which customers owning multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) (multi-ONUs customers) are connected to a single PON. However, current EPON Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to support only guaranteed bandwidth for individual ONUs. Consequently, peaks of bandwidth demand may surpass the guaranteed bandwidth for some ONUs and, at the same time, underutilize the bandwidth in other ONUs of a multi-ONU customer. In this work, the bandwidth management problem for multi-ONU customers in EPON network is addressed. This dissertation proposes a mechanisms for the support of multiONU Service Level Agreements (SLA) in DBA algorithms for EPONs. The proposed DBA algorithms (MOS-IPACT) allows customers owning multiple ONUs to redistribute the aggregated bandwidth of the group of ONUs to better balance the bandwidth utilization. This dissertation also proposes a DBA algorithm for EPON networks (subMOS-IPACT) with the objective of assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity. This algorithm is quite important for multi-ONU customers offering diverse type of services. For example, a virtual network operator can lease ONUs from an InP to offer enterprise and residential services to its client.This work also introduce a DBA algorithm for EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT), which allows cooperation between customers. The proposed DBA algorithm allows cooperative customers share the unused bandwidth without affecting their individual multi-ONU SLAs. Results show that the three proposed Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to guarantee bandwidth for multi-Optical Network Unit (ONU) customers even in unbalancing traffic conditions. Furthermore, assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity improves the Quality of Service (QoS) providing. Simulation results showed that the mechanisms efficiently distributes bandwidth between multi-ONU customers and traditional customers owning a single ONU. Finally, this work show the benefits of cooperative customers model in order to increase the available bandwidthMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação132308/2016-9CNP

    Upstream traffic capacity of a WDM EPON under online GATE-driven scheduling

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    Passive optical networks are increasingly used for access to the Internet and it is important to understand the performance of future long-reach, multi-channel variants. In this paper we discuss requirements on the dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithm used to manage the upstream resource in a WDM EPON and propose a simple novel DBA algorithm that is considerably more efficient than classical approaches. We demonstrate that the algorithm emulates a multi-server polling system and derive capacity formulas that are valid for general traffic processes. We evaluate delay performance by simulation demonstrating the superiority of the proposed scheduler. The proposed scheduler offers considerable flexibility and is particularly efficient in long-reach access networks where propagation times are high

    Resource management research in ethernet passive optical networks

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    The last decades, we have witnessed different phenomenology in the telecommunications sector. One of them is the widespread use of the Internet, which has brought a sharp increase in traffic, forcing suppliers to continuously expand the capacity of networks. In the near future, Internet will be composed of long-range highspeed optical networks; a number of wireless networks at the edge; and, in between, several access technologies. Today one of the main problems of the Internet is the bottleneck in the access segment. To address this issue the Passive Optical Networks (PONs) are very likely to succeed, due to their simplicity, low-cost, and increased bandwidth. A PON is made up of fiber optic cabling and passive splitters and couplers that distribute an optical signal to connectors that terminate each fiber segment. Among the different PON technologies, the Ethernet-PON (EPON) is a great alternative to satisfy operator and user needs, due to its cost, flexibility and interoperability with other technologies. One of the most interesting challenges in such technologies relates to the scheduling and allocation of resources in the upstream (shared) channel, i.e., the resource management. The aim of this thesis is to study and evaluate current contributions and propose new efficient solutions to address the resource management issues mainly in EPON. Key issues in this context are future end-user needs, quality of service (QoS) support, energy-saving and optimized service provisioning for real-time and elastic flows. This thesis also identifies research opportunities, issue recommendations and proposes novel mechanisms associated with access networks based on optical fiber technologies.Postprint (published version

    Investigation of the DBA Algorithm Design Space for EPONs

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    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Fair bandwidth allocation algorithm for PONS based on network utility maximization

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    Network utility maximization (NUM) models have been successfully applied to address multiple resource- allocation problems in communication networks. This paper explores, for the first time to our knowledge, their application to modeling the bandwidth-allocation problem in passive optical networks (PONs) and long-reach PONs. Using the NUM model, we propose the FEx-DBA (fair excess-dynamic bandwidth allocation) algorithm, a new DBA scheme to allow a fair and efficient allocation of the upstream channel capacity. The NUM framework provides the mathematical support to formally define the fairness concept in the resource allocation and the guidelines to devise FEx-DBA. A simulation study is conducted, whereby FEx-DBA is compared to a state-of-the-art proposal. We show that FEx-DBA (i) provides bandwidth guarantees to the users according to the service level agreement (SLA) contracted and fairly distributes the excess bandwidths among them; (ii) has a stable response and fast convergence when traffic or SLAs change, avoiding the oscillations appearing in other proposals; (iii) improves average delay and jitter measures; and (iv) only depends on a reduced set of parameters, which can be easily tuned.This work has been funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TEC2014-53071-C3-2-P and TEC2015-71932-REDT)