29 research outputs found

    A BIST Approach for Configurable Nanofabric Arrays

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    This work proposes a Built-in Self Test (BIST) approach to test crossbars for a defined set of faults. The BIST can classify the different programmable elements in the crossbars as non-defective or defective with a certain fault type. The logic synthesis can then configure the crossbar by avoiding these defective elements

    Defect-tolerance and testing for configurable nano-crossbars

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    Moore\u27s Law speculated a trend in computation technology in terms of number of transistors per unit area that would double roughly every two years. Even after 40 years of this prediction, current technologies have been following it successfully. There are however, certain physical limitations of current CMOS that would result in fundamental obstructions to continuation of Moore\u27s Law. Although there is a debate amongst experts on how much time it would take for this to happen, it is certain that some entirely new paradigms for semiconductor electronics would be needed to replace CMOS and to delay the end of Moore\u27s Law. Silicon nanowires (SiNW) and Carbon nanotubes (CNT) possess significant promise to replace current CMOS --Abstract, page iv

    ToPoliNano: Nanoarchitectures Design Made Real

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    Many facts about emerging nanotechnologies are yet to be assessed. There are still major concerns, for instance, about maximum achievable device density, or about which architecture is best fit for a specific application. Growing complexity requires taking into account many aspects of technology, application and architecture at the same time. Researchers face problems that are not new per se, but are now subject to very different constraints, that need to be captured by design tools. Among the emerging nanotechnologies, two-dimensional nanowire based arrays represent promising nanostructures, especially for massively parallel computing architectures. Few attempts have been done, aimed at giving the possibility to explore architectural solutions, deriving information from extensive and reliable nanoarray characterization. Moreover, in the nanotechnology arena there is still not a clear winner, so it is important to be able to target different technologies, not to miss the next big thing. We present a tool, ToPoliNano, that enables such a multi-technological characterization in terms of logic behavior, power and timing performance, area and layout constraints, on the basis of specific technological and topological descriptions. This tool can aid the design process, beside providing a comprehensive simulation framework for DC and timing simulations, and detailed power analysis. Design and simulation results will be shown for nanoarray-based circuits. ToPoliNano is the first real design tool that tackles the top down design of a circuit based on emerging technologie

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    Inherited Redundancy and Configurability Utilization for Repairing Nanowire Crossbars with Clustered Defects

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    With the recent development of nanoscale materials and assembly techniques, it is envisioned to build high-density reconfigurable systems which have never been achieved by the photolithography. Various reconfigurable architectures have been proposed based on nanowire crossbar structure as the primitive building block. Unfortunately, high-density systems consisting of nanometer-scale elements are likely to have many imperfections and variations; thus, defect-tolerance is considered as one of the most exigent challenges. In this paper, we evaluate three different logic mapping algorithms with defect avoidance to circumvent clustered defective crosspoints in nanowire reconfigurable crossbar architectures. The effectiveness of inherited redundancy and configurability utilization is demonstrated through extensive parametric simulations

    Enabling Design and Simulation of Massive Parallel Nanoarchitectures

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    A common element in emerging nanotechnologies is the increasing complex- ity of the problems to face when attempting the design phase, because issues related to technology, specific application and architecture must be evalu- ated simultaneously. In several cases faced problems are known, but require a fresh re-think on the basis of different constraints not enforced by standard design tools. Among the emerging nanotechnologies, the two-dimensional structures based on nanowire arrays is promising in particular for massively parallel architec- tures. Several studies have been proposed on the exploration of the space of architectural solutions, but only a few derived high-level information from the results of an extended and reliable characterization of low-level structures. The tool we present is of aid in the design of circuits based on nanotech- nologies, here discussed in the specific case of nanowire arrays, as best candi- date for massively parallel architectures. It enables the designer to start from a standard High-level Description Languages (HDL), inherits constraints at physical level and applies them when organizing the physical implementation of the circuit elements and of their connections. It provides a complete simu- lation environment with two levels of refinement. One for DC analysis using a fast engine based on a simple switch level model. The other for obtaining transient performance based on automatic extraction of circuit parasitics, on detailed device (nanowire-FET) information derived by experiments or by existing accurate models, and on spice-level modeling of the nanoarray. Re- sults about the method used for the design and simulation of circuits based on nanowire-FET and nanoarray will be presente

    Improving the Fault Tolerance of Nanometric PLA Designs

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    Several alternative building blocks have been proposed to replace planar transistors, among which a prominent spot belongs to nanometric laments such as Silicon NanoWires (SiNWs) and Carbon NanoTubes (CNTs). However, chips leveraging these nanoscale structures are expected to be affected by a large amount of manufacturing faults, way beyond what chip architects have learned to counter. In this paper, we show a design ow, based on software mapping algorithms, to improve the yield of nanometric Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs). While further improvements to the manufacturing technology will be needed to make these devices fully usable, our ow can signi cantly shrink the gap between current and desired yield levels. Also, our approach does not need post-fabrication functional analysis and mapping, therefore dramatically cutting on veri cation costs. We check PLA yields by means of an accurate analyzer after Monte Carlo fault injection. We show that, compared to a baseline policy of wire replication, we achieve equal or better yields (8% over a set of designs) depending on the underlying defect assumptions

    Cost-Driven Repair of a Nanowire Crossbar Architecture

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    The recent development of nanoscale materials and assembly techniques has resulting in the manufacturing of high-density computational systems. These systems consist of nanometer-scale elements and are likely to have many manufacturing imperfections (defects); thus, defect-tolerance is considered as one of the most some algorithms for repairing defective crosspoints in a nanoscale crossbar architecture; furthermore we estimate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of each algorithm. Also, for a given design and manufacturing environment, we propose a cost-driven method to find a balanced solution by which figures of merit such as area, repair time and reconfiguration cost can be taken into account. Probabilistic parameters are utilized in the proposed cost-driven method for added flexibility