40 research outputs found

    Gerenciamento de nuvem computacional usando critérios de segurança

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    Orientador: Paulo Lício de GeusTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A nuvem computacional introduziu novas tecnologias e arquiteturas, mudando a computação empresarial. Atualmente, um grande número de organizações optam por utilizar arquiteturas computacionais tradicionais por considerarem esta tecnologia não confiável, devido a problemas não resolvidos relacionados a segurança e privacidade. Em particular, quanto á contratação de um serviço na nuvem, um aspecto importante é a forma como as políticas de segurança serão aplicadas neste ambiente caracterizado pela virtualização e serviços em grande escala de multi-locação. Métricas de segurança podem ser vistas como ferramentas para fornecer informações sobre o estado do ambiente. Com o objetivo de melhorar a segurança na nuvem computacional, este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a gestão da nuvem computacional usando a segurança como um critério, através de uma arquitetura para monitoramento da segurança com base em acordos de níveis de serviço de segurança Security-SLA para serviços de IaaS, PaaS e SaaS, que usa métricas de segurançaAbstract: Cloud Computing has introduced new technology and architectures that changed enterprise computing. Currently, there is a large number of organizations that choose to stick to traditional architectures, since this technology is considered unreliable due to yet unsolved problems related to security and privacy. In particular, when hiring a service in the cloud, an important aspect is how security policies will be applied in this environment characterized by both virtualization and large-scale multi-tenancy service. Security metrics can be seen as tools to provide information about the status of the environment. Aimed at improving security in the Cloud Computing, this work presents a methodology for Cloud Computing management using security as a criterion, across an architecture for security monitoring based on Security-SLA for IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services using security metricsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação23/200.308/2009FUNDEC

    PaaSword: A Data Privacy and Context-aware Security Framework for Developing Secure Cloud Applications - Technical and Scientific Contributions

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    Most industries worldwide have entered a period of reaping the benefits and opportunities cloud offers. At the same time, many efforts are made to address engineering challenges for the secure development of cloud systems and software.With the majority of software engineering projects today relying on the cloud, the task to structure end-to-end secure-by-design cloud systems becomes challenging but at the same time mandatory. The PaaSword project has been commissioned to address security and data privacy in a holistic way by proposing a context-aware security-by-design framework to support software developers in constructing secure applications for the cloud. This chapter presents an overview of the PaaSword project results, including the scientific achievements as well as the description of the technical solution. The benefits offered by the framework are validated through two pilot implementations and conclusions are drawn based on the future research challenges which are discussed in a research agenda

    Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security

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    Data Confidentiality and Risk Management in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing can enable an organisation to outsource computing resources to gain economic benefits. Cloud computing is transparent to both the programmers and the users; as a result, it introduces new challenges when compared with previous forms of distributed computing. Cloud computing enables its users to abstract away from low level configuration (configuring IP addresses and routers). It creates an illusion that this entire configuration is automated. This illusion is also true for security services, for instance automating security policies and access control in the Cloud, so that companies using the Cloud perform only very high- level (business oriented) configuration. This thesis identifies research challenges related to security, posed by the transparency of distribution, abstraction of configuration and automation of services that entails Cloud computing. It provides solutions to some of these research challenges. As mentioned, Cloud computing provides outsourcing of resources; the outsourcing does not enable a data owner to outsource the responsibility of confidentiality, integrity and access control as it remains the responsibility of the data owner. The challenge of providing confidentiality, integrity and access control of data hosted on Cloud platforms is not catered for by traditional access control models. These models were developed over the course of many decades to fulfil the requirements of organisations which assumed full control over the physical infrastructure of the resources they control access to. The assumption is that the data owner, data controller and administrator are present in the same trusted domain. This assumption does not hold for the Cloud computing paradigm. Risk management of data present on the Cloud is another challenge. There is a requirement to identify the risks an organisation would be taking while hosting data and services on the Cloud. Furthermore, the identification of risk would be the first step, the next step would be to develop the mitigation strategies. As part of the thesis, two main areas of research are targeted: distributed access control and security risk management

    Method of Information Security Risk Analysis for Virtualized System

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    The growth of usage of Information Technology (IT) in daily operations of enterprises causes the value and the vulnerability of information to be at the peak of interest. Moreover, distributed computing revolutionized the out-sourcing of computing functions, thus allowing flexible IT solutions. Since the concept of information goes beyond the traditional text documents, reaching manufacturing, machine control, and, to a certain extent – reasoning – it is a great responsibility to maintain appropriate information security. Information Security (IS) risk analysis and maintenance require extensive knowledge about the possessed assets as well as the technologies behind them, to recognize the threats and vulnerabilities the infrastructure is facing. A way of formal description of the infrastructure – the Enterprise Architecture (EA) – offers a multiperspective view of the whole enterprise, linking together business processes as well as the infrastructure. Several IS risk analysis solutions based on the EA exist. However, lack of methods of IS risk analysis for virtualization technologies complicates the procedure, thus leading to reduced availability of such analysis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three main chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter introduces the problem of information security risk analysis and its’ automation. Moreover, state-of-the-art methodologies and their implementations for automated information security risk analysis are discussed. The second chapter proposes a novel method for risk analysis of virtualization components based on the most recent data, including threat classification and specification, control means and metrics of the impact. The third chapter presents an experimental evaluation of the proposed method, implementing it to the Cyber Security Modeling Language (CySeMoL) and comparing the analysis results to well-calibrated expert knowledge. It was concluded that the automation of virtualization solution risk analysis provides sufficient data for adjustment and implementation of security controls to maintain optimum security level

    Dynamic reliability and security monitoring: a virtual machine approach

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    While one always works to prevent attacks and failures, they are inevitable and situational awareness is key to taking appropriate action. Monitoring plays an integral role in ensuring reliability and security of computing systems. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds significantly lower the barrier for obtaining scalable computing resources and allow users to focus on what is important to them. Can a similar service be offered to provide on-demand reliability and security monitoring? Cloud computing systems are typically built using virtual machines (VMs). VM monitoring takes advantage of this and uses the hypervisor that runs VMs for robust reliability and security monitoring. The hypervisor provides an environment that is isolated from failures and attacks inside customers’ VMs. Furthermore, as a low-level manager of computing resources, the hypervisor has full access to the infrastructure running above it. Hypervisor-based VM monitoring leverages that information to observe the VMs for failures and attacks. However, existing VM monitoring techniques fall short of “as-a-service” expectations because they require a priori VM modifications and require human interaction to obtain necessary information about the underlying guest system. The research presented in this dissertation closes those gaps by providing a flexible VM monitoring framework and automated analysis to support that framework. We have developed and tested a dynamic VM monitoring framework called Hypervisor Probes (hprobes). The hprobe framework allows us to monitor the execution of both the guest OS and applications from the hypervisor. To supplement this monitoring framework, we use dynamic analysis techniques to investigate the relationship between hardware events visible to the hyper-visor and OS constructs common across OS versions. We use the results of this analysis to parametrize the hprobe-based monitors without requiring any user input. Combining the dynamic VM monitoring framework and analysis frameworks allows us to provide on-demand hypervisor based monitors for cloud VMs


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    The use of online server applications has increased in recent years. To achieve the benefits of these technologies, cloud computing, with its ability to use virtual machine technologies to overcome limitations and guarantee security and quality of service to its end user customer, is being used as a platform to run online server applications. This however brings about a number of security issues aimed specifically at virtual machine technologies. A number of security solutions like virtual machine introspection, intrusion detection and many more, have been proposed and implemented, but the question to combat security issues in near or even real time still remains. To help answer the above question or even move a step further from the existing solutions, which still use data mining techniques to combat the security issues of virtualisation, we propose the novel use of predictive analytics for risk analysis and management of security threats in virtualised information systems as well as design and implement a novel predictive analytics framework used to design build and implement the same predictive analytics model In this project, we adopt the use of predictive analytics and demonstrate how it can be used for managing risks and security of virtualised environments. An experimental testbed for the simulation of attacks and data collection is set-up. Exploratory data analytics process is carried out to prepare the data for predictive modelling. A linear regression predictive model is built using the results from the exploratory data analytics using linear regression algorithm. The model is then validated and tested for predictive accuracy using Naïve Bayes and logistic algorithms respectively. Time series algorithms are then used to build a time series predictive model that will predict attacks (DoS attacks in this case) in real time using new data. Designing and implementing the proposed predictive analytics model, which is aimed at monitoring, analysing and mitigating security threats in real time successfully demonstrates the use of predictive analytics modelling as a security management tool for virtualised information systems as a novel contribution to virtualisation security