15 research outputs found

    Multioperator Weighted Monadic Datalog

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    In this thesis we will introduce multioperator weighted monadic datalog (mwmd), a formal model for specifying tree series, tree transformations, and tree languages. This model combines aspects of multioperator weighted tree automata (wmta), weighted monadic datalog (wmd), and monadic datalog tree transducers (mdtt). In order to develop a rich theory we will define multiple versions of semantics for mwmd and compare their expressiveness. We will study normal forms and decidability results of mwmd and show (by employing particular semantic domains) that the theory of mwmd subsumes the theory of both wmd and mdtt. We conclude this thesis by showing that mwmd even contain wmta as a syntactic subclass and present results concerning this subclass

    Automaták, fák és logika = Automata, trees and logic

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    Elemi idejű exponenciális algoritmus adtunk meg reguláris szavak ekvivalenciájának eldönthetőségére. Általánosítottuk Kleene tételét végtelen szavakat is felismerő súlyozott automatákra. Kifejlesztettünk egy algebrai módszert, amellyel a CTL logika számos szegmense estén eldönthető, hogy egy reguláris fanyelv definiálható-e a szegmensben. Vizsgáltuk a faautomaták algebrai tulajdonságait, megadtuk a felismerhetőség egy algebrai jellemzését. Definiáltunk a multi-leszálló fatranszformátort és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens a determinisztikus reguláris szűkítésű felszálló fatranszformátorral. Meghatároztuk a lineáris multi-leszálló osztály számítási erejét. Megmutattuk, hogy az alakmegőrző leszálló fatranszformátorok ekvivalensek az átcímkézőkkel és bebizonyítottuk, hogy az alakmegőrző tulajdonság eldönthető. Megadtuk a kavics makró fatranszformációk egy felbontását és megmutattuk, hogy a különböző cirkularitási tulajdonságok eldönthetők. Ugyancsak megadtuk a felbontást erős kavics kezelés estén is. Általánosítottuk J. Engelfriet hiararchia tételét súlyozott fatranszformátorokra. Súlyozott faautomatákra definiáltuk a termátíró szemantikát és megmutattuk, hogy ekvivalens az algebari szenmatikával. Algoritmust adtunk annak eldöntésére, hogy egy polinomiálisan súlyozott faautomata véges költségű-e. Vizsgáltuk a súlyozott faautomata különböző változatait: fuzzy faautomata, multioperátor monoid feletti faautomata, Ez utóbbi esetre általánosítottuk a Kleene tételt. | We gave an elementary algorithm for deciding the equivalence of regular words. We generalized Kleene's theorem to weighted automata processing infinite words. We developed an algebraic method that, for several segments of the CTL logic, can be applied to decide if a regular tree language can be defined in that segment. We examined algebraic properties of tree automata, and gave an algebraic characterization of recognizability. We defined multi bottom-up tree transducers and showed that they are equivalent to top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead. We determined the computation power of the linear subclass. We showed that shape preserving bottom-up tree transducers are equivalent to relabelings. We proved that the shape preserving property is decidable. We gave a decomposition for pebble macro tree transducers and showed that certain circularity properties are decidable. We also gave a decomposition for the strong pebble handling. We have generalized the hierarchy theorem of J. Engelfriet to weighted tree transducers. We defined the term rewrite semantics of weighted tree transducers and showed that it is equivalent to the algebraic semantics. We gave a decision algorithm for the finite cost property of a polynomially weighted tree automata. We defined different versions of weighted tree automata: fuzzy tree automata, weighted tree automata over a multioperator monoid. For the latter we generalized Kleene's theorem

    Characterisation Theorems for Weighted Tree Automaton Models

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    In this thesis, we investigate different theoretical questions concerning weighted automata models over tree-like input structures. First, we study exact and approximated determinisation and then, we turn to Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations. We consider multiple weighted automata models, including weighted tree automata over semirings (Chapters 3 and 4), weighted forest automata over M-monoids (Chapter 5), and rational weighted tree languages with storage (Chapter 6). For an explanation as to why the last class can be considered as a weighted automaton model, we refer to page 188 of the thesis. We will now summarise the main contributions of the thesis. In Chapter 3, we focus on the determinisation of weighted tree automata and present our determinisation framework, called M-sequentialisation, which can model different notions of determinisation from the existing literature. Then, we provide a positive M-sequentialisation result for the case of additively idempotent semirings or finitely M-ambiguous weighted tree automata. Another important contribution of Chapter 3 is Theorem 77, where we provide a blueprint theorem that can be used to find determini- sation results for more classes of semirings and weighted tree automata easily. In fact, instead of repeating an entire determinisation construction, Theorem 77 allows us to prove a determinisation result by finding certain finite equivalence relations. This is a very potent tool for future research in the area of determinisation. In Chapter 4, we move from exact determinisation towards approximate determini- sation. We lift the formalisms and the main results from one approach from the literature from the word case to the tree case. This successfully results in an approximated determinisation construction for weighted tree automata over the tropical semiring. We provide a formal mathematical description of the approximated determinisation construction, rather than an algorithmic description as found in the related approach from the literature. In Chapter 5, we turn away from determinisation and instead consider Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations of weighted recognisability. We introduce weighted forest automata over M-monoids, which are a generalisation of weighted tree automata over M-monoids and weighted forest automata over semirings. Then, we prove that our recognisable weighted forest languages can be decomposed into a finite product of recognisable weighted tree languages. We also prove that the initial algebra semantic and the run semantic for weighted forest automata are equivalent under certain conditions. Lastly, we define rational forest expressions and forest M-expressions and and prove that the classes of languages generated by these formalisms coincide with recognisable weighted forest languages under certain conditions. In Chapter 6, we consider rational weighted tree languages with storage, where the storage is introduced by composing rational weighted tree languages without storage with a storage map. It has been proven in the literature that rational weighted tree languages with storage are closed under the rational operations. In Chapter 6, we provide alternative proofs of these closure properties. In fact, we prove that our way of introducing storage to rational weighted tree languages preserves the closure properties from rational weighted tree languages without storage.:1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Languages 2.2 WeightedLanguages 2.3 Weighted Tree Automata 3 A Unifying Framework for the Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Preliminaries 3.3 Factorisation in Monoids 3.3.1 Ordering Multisets over Monoids 3.3.2 Cayley Graph and Cayley Distance 3.3.3 Divisors and Rests 3.3.4 Factorisation Properties 3.4 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) and the Twinning Property 3.4.1 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.4.2 The Twinning Property 3.5 Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.5.1 The Sequentialisation Construction 3.5.2 The Finitely R-Ambiguous Case 3.6 Relating WTA over M_fin(M) and WTA over S 3.7 M-Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.7.1 Accumulation of D_B 3.7.2 M-Sequentialisation Results 3.8 Comparison of our Results to the Literature 3.8.1 Determinisation of Unweighted Tree Automata 3.8.2 The Free Monoid Case 3.8.3 The Group Case 3.8.4 The Extremal Case 3.9 Conclusion 4 Approximated Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 125 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Preliminaries 4.3 Approximated Determinisation 4.3.1 The Approximated Determinisation Construction 4.3.2 Correctness of the Construction 4.4 The Approximated Twinning Property 4.4.1 Implications for Approximated Determinisability 4.4.2 Decidability of the Twinning Property 4.5 Conclusion 5 Kleene and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Forest Languages over M-Monoids 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Preliminaries 5.3 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.1 Forests 5.3.2 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.3 Rectangularity 5.3.4 I-recognisable is R-recognisable 5.4 Kleene’s Theorem 5.4.1 Kleene’s Theorem for Trees 5.4.2 Kleene’s Theorem for Forests 5.4.3 An Inductive Approach 5.5 Büchi’s Theorem 5.5.1 Büchi’s Theorem for Trees 5.5.2 Büchi’s Theorem for Forests 5.6 Conclusion 6 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Preliminaries 6.3 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.4 The Kleene-Goldstine Theorem 6.5 Closure of Rat(S¢,Σ,S) under Rational Operations 6.5.1 Top-Concatenation, Scalar Multiplication, and Sum 6.5.2 α-Concatenation 6.5.3 α-Kleene Star 6.6 Conclusion 7 Outlook Reference

    Two characterisation results of multiple context-free grammars and their application to parsing

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    In the first part of this thesis, a Chomsky-Schützenberger characterisation and an automaton characterisation of multiple context-free grammars are proved. Furthermore, a framework for approximation of automata with storage is described. The second part develops each of the three theoretical results into a parsing algorithm

    Weighted Tree Automata -- May it be a little more?

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    This is a book on weighted tree automata. We present the basic definitions and some of the important results in a coherent form with full proofs. The concept of weighted tree automata is part of Automata Theory and it touches the area of Universal Algebra. It originated from two sources: weighted string automata and finite-state tree automata

    Weighted Branching Automata: Combining Concurrency and Weights

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    Eine der stärksten Erweiterungen der klassischen Theorie formaler Sprachen und Automaten ist die Einbeziehung von Gewichten oder Vielfachheiten aus einem Halbring. Diese Dissertation untersucht gewichtete Automaten über Strukturen mit Nebenläufigkeit. Wir erweitern die Arbeit von Lodaya und Weil und erhalten so ein Modell gewichteter verzweigender Automaten, in dem die Berechnung des Gewichts einer parallelen Komposition anders als die einer sequentiellen Komposition gehandhabt wird. Die von Lodaya und Weil eingeführten Automaten modellieren Nebenläufigkeit durch Verzweigen. Ein verzweigender Automat ist ein endlicher Automat mit drei verschiedenen Typen von Transitionen. Sequentielle Transitionen überführen durch Ausführen eines Ereignisses einen Zustand in einen anderen. Dagegen sind Gabel- und Binde-Transitionen für das Verzweigen verantwortlich. Läufe dieser Automaten werden beschrieben durch sequentiell-parallele posets, kurz sp-posets. Alle Transitionen des Automaten werden in unserem Modell mit Gewichten versehen. Neben dem Nichtdeterminismus und der sequentiellen Komposition wollen wir nun auch die parallele Komposition quantitativ behandeln. Dafür benötigen wir eine Gewichtsstruktur mit einer Addition, einer sequentiellen und einer parallelen Multiplikation. Solch eine Struktur, genannt Bihalbring, besteht damit de facto aus zwei Halbringen mit derselben additiven Struktur. Weiterhin muss die parallele Multiplikation kommutativ sein. Das Verhalten eines gewichteten verzweigenden Automaten ist dann eine Funktion, die jeder sp-poset ein Element eines Bihalbrings zuordnet. Das Hauptresultat charakterisiert das Verhalten dieser Automaten im Sinne von Kleenes und Schützenbergers Sätzen über das Zusammenfallen der Klassen der erkennbaren und der rationalen Sprachen bzw. formalen Potenzreihen. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir den Abschluss dieser Verhalten unter allen rationalen Operationen und unter dem Hadamard-Produkt. Letztlich diskutieren wir Zusammenhänge zwischen Reihen und Sprachen im Rahmen verzweigender Automaten.One of the most powerful extensions of classical formal language and automata theory is the consideration of weights or multiplicities from a semiring. This thesis investigates weighted automata over structures incorporating concurrency. Extending work by Lodaya and Weil, we propose a model of weighted branching automata in which the calculation of the weight of a parallel composition is handled differently from the calculation of the weight of a sequential composition. The automata as proposed by Lodaya and Weil model concurrency by branching. A branching automaton is a finite-state device with three different types of transitions. Sequential transitions transform a state into another one by executing an action. In contrast, fork and join transitions are responsible for branching. Executions of such systems can be described by sequential-parallel posets, or sp-posets for short. In the model considered here all kinds of transitions are equipped with weights. Beside non-determinism and sequential composition we would like to deal with the parallel composition in a quantitative way. Therefore, we are in need of a weight structure equipped with addition, a sequential, and, moreover, a parallel multiplication. Such a structure, called a bisemiring, is actually composed of two semirings with the same additive structure. Moreover, the parallel multiplication has to be commutative. Now, the behavior of a weighted branching automaton is a function that associates with every sp-poset an element from the bisemiring. The main result characterizes the behavior of these automata in the spirit of Kleene's and Schützenberger's theorems about the coincidence of recognizable and rational languages, and formal power series, respectively. Moreover, we investigate the closure of behaviors under all rational operations and under Hadamard-product. Finally, we discuss connections between series and languages within our setting

    Multi-weighted Automata Models and Quantitative Logics

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    Recently, multi-priced timed automata have received much attention for real-time systems. These automata extend priced timed automata by featuring several price parameters. This permits to compute objectives like the optimal ratio between rewards and costs. Arising from the model of timed automata, the multi-weighted setting has also attracted much notice for classical nondeterministic automata. The present thesis develops multi-weighted MSO-logics on finite, infinite and timed words which are expressively equivalent to multi-weighted automata, and studies decision problems for them. In addition, a Nivat-like theorem for weighted timed automata is proved; this theorem establishes a connection between quantitative and qualitative behaviors of timed automata. Moreover, a logical characterization of timed pushdown automata is given