508 research outputs found

    Decision Tree Ensemble Method for Analyzing Traffic Accidents of Novice Drivers in Urban Areas

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    Presently, there is a critical need to analyze traffic accidents in order to mitigate their terrible economic and human impact. Most accidents occur in urban areas. Furthermore, driving experience has an important effect on accident analysis, since inexperienced drivers are more likely to suffer fatal injuries. This work studies the injury severity produced by accidents that involve inexperienced drivers in urban areas. The analysis was based on data provided by the Spanish General Traffic Directorate. The information root node variation (IRNV) method (based on decision trees) was used to get a rule set that provides useful information about the most probable causes of fatalities in accidents involving inexperienced drivers in urban areas. This may prove useful knowledge in preventing this kind of accidents and/or mitigating their consequences.his work has been supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and by “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) under Project TEC2015-69496-R

    Effects of Mobile Phone Use on Driving Performance: An Experimental Study of Workload and Traffic Violations

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    ABSTRACT: The use of communication technologies, e.g., mobile phones, has increased dramatically in recent years, and their use among drivers has become a great risk to traffic safety. The present study assessed the workload and road ordinary violations, utilizing driving data collected from 39 young participants who underwent a dual-task while driving a simulator, i.e., respond to a call, text on WhatsApp, and check Instagram. Findings confirmed that there are significant differences in the driving performance of young drivers in terms of vehicle control (i.e., lateral distance and hard shoulder line violations) between distracted and non-distracted drivers. Furthermore, the overall workload score of young drivers increases with the use of their mobile phones while driving. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the driving performance of distracted young drivers and thus they could be useful for further improvements to traffic safety strategies

    Econometric and Machine Learning Methods to Identify Pedestrian Crash Patterns

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    Walking plays an important role in overcoming many challenges nowadays, and governments and local authorities are encouraging healthy and environmentally sustainable lifestyles. Nevertheless, pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users and crashes with pedestrian involvement are a serious concern. Thus, the identification of pedestrian crash patterns is crucial to identify appropriate safety countermeasures. The aims of the study are (1) to identify the road infrastructure, environmental, vehicle, and driver-related patterns that are associated with an overrepresentation of pedestrian crashes, and (2) to identify safety countermeasures to mitigate the detected pedestrian crash patterns. The analysis carried out an econometric model, namely the mixed logit model, and the association rules and the classification tree algorithm, as machine learning tools, to analyse the patterns contributing to the overrepresentation of pedestrian crashes in Italy. The dataset consists of 874,847 crashes—including 101,032 pedestrian crashes—that occurred in Italy from 2014 to 2018. The methodological approach adopted in the study was effective in uncovering relations among road infrastructure, environmental, vehicle, and driver-related patterns, and the overrepresentation of pedestrian crashes. The mixed logit provided a clue on the impact of each pattern on the pedestrian crash occurrence, whereas the association rules and the classification tree detected the associations among the patterns with insights on how the co-occurrence of more factors could be detrimental to pedestrian safety. Drivers’ behaviour and psychophysical state turned out to be crucial patterns related to pedestrian crashes’ overrepresentation. Based on the identified crash patterns, safety countermeasures have been proposed

    A Context Aware Classification System for Monitoring Driver’s Distraction Levels

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    Understanding the safety measures regarding developing self-driving futuristic cars is a concern for decision-makers, civil society, consumer groups, and manufacturers. The researchers are trying to thoroughly test and simulate various driving contexts to make these cars fully secure for road users. Including the vehicle’ surroundings offer an ideal way to monitor context-aware situations and incorporate the various hazards. In this regard, different studies have analysed drivers’ behaviour under different case scenarios and scrutinised the external environment to obtain a holistic view of vehicles and the environment. Studies showed that the primary cause of road accidents is driver distraction, and there is a thin line that separates the transition from careless to dangerous. While there has been a significant improvement in advanced driver assistance systems, the current measures neither detect the severity of the distraction levels nor the context-aware, which can aid in preventing accidents. Also, no compact study provides a complete model for transitioning control from the driver to the vehicle when a high degree of distraction is detected. The current study proposes a context-aware severity model to detect safety issues related to driver’s distractions, considering the physiological attributes, the activities, and context-aware situations such as environment and vehicle. Thereby, a novel three-phase Fast Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (Fast-RCNN) architecture addresses the physiological attributes. Secondly, a novel two-tier FRCNN-LSTM framework is devised to classify the severity of driver distraction. Thirdly, a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) for the prediction of driver distraction. The study further proposes the Multiclass Driver Distraction Risk Assessment (MDDRA) model, which can be adopted in a context-aware driving distraction scenario. Finally, a 3-way hybrid CNN-DBN-LSTM multiclass degree of driver distraction according to severity level is developed. In addition, a Hidden Markov Driver Distraction Severity Model (HMDDSM) for the transitioning of control from the driver to the vehicle when a high degree of distraction is detected. This work tests and evaluates the proposed models using the multi-view TeleFOT naturalistic driving study data and the American University of Cairo dataset (AUCD). The evaluation of the developed models was performed using cross-correlation, hybrid cross-correlations, K-Folds validation. The results show that the technique effectively learns and adopts safety measures related to the severity of driver distraction. In addition, the results also show that while a driver is in a dangerous distraction state, the control can be shifted from driver to vehicle in a systematic manner

    Parametric and Non-Parametric Analyses for Pedestrian Crash Severity Prediction in Great Britain

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    The study aims to investigate the factors that are associated with fatal and severe vehicle– pedestrian crashes in Great Britain by developing four parametric models and five non-parametric tools to predict the crash severity. Even though the models have already been applied to model the pedestrian injury severity, a comparative analysis to assess the predictive power of such modeling techniques is limited. Hence, this study contributes to the road safety literature by comparing the models by their capabilities of identifying the significant explanatory variables, and by their performances in terms of the F-measure, the G-mean, and the area under curve. The analyses were carried out using data that refer to the vehicle–pedestrian crashes that occurred in the period of 2016–2018. The parametric models confirm their advantages in offering easy-to-interpret outputs and understandable relations between the dependent and independent variables, whereas the non-parametric tools exhibited higher classification accuracies, identified more explanatory variables, and provided insights into the interdependencies among the factors. The study results suggest that the combined use of parametric and non-parametric methods may effectively overcome the limits of each group of methods, with satisfactory prediction accuracies and the interpretation of the factors contributing to fatal and serious crashes. In the conclusion, several engineering, social, and management pedestrian safety countermeasures are recommended

    Bayesian Network-Based framework for cost-implication assessment of Road Traffic collisions

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    Abstract: Investigating the cost-implications of road traffic collision factors is an important endeavour that has a direct impact on the economy, transport policies, cities and nations around the world. A Bayesian network framework model was developed using real-life road traffic collision data and expert knowledge to assess the cost of road traffic collisions. Findings of this study suggest that the framework is a promising approach for assessing the cost-implications associated with road traffic collisions. Moreover, adopting this framework with other computational intelligence approaches would have a positive impact towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in terms of road safety

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data

    The relationship between markers of risk-taking tendecies and the first year driving records of young drivers

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    AI-based framework for automatically extracting high-low features from NDS data to understand driver behavior

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    Our ability to detect and characterize unsafe driving behaviors in naturalistic driving environments and associate them with road crashes will be a significant step toward developing effective crash countermeasures. Due to some limitations, researchers have not yet fully achieved the stated goal of characterizing unsafe driving behaviors. These limitations include, but are not limited to, the high cost of data collection and the manual processes required to extract information from NDS data. In light of this limitations, the primary objective of this study is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) framework for automatically extracting high-low features from the NDS dataset to explain driver behavior using a low-cost data collection method. The author proposed three novel objectives for achieving the study's objective in light of the identified research gaps. Initially, the study develops a low-cost data acquisition system for gathering data on naturalistic driving. Second, the study develops a framework that automatically extracts high- to low-level features, such as vehicle density, turning movements, and lane changes, from the data collected by the developed data acquisition system. Thirdly, the study extracted information from the NDS data to gain a better understanding of people's car-following behavior and other driving behaviors in order to develop countermeasures for traffic safety through data collection and analysis. The first objective of this study is to develop a multifunctional smartphone application for collecting NDS data. Three major modules comprised the designed app: a front-end user interface module, a sensor module, and a backend module. The front-end, which is also the application's user interface, was created to provide a streamlined view that exposed the application's key features via a tab bar controller. This allows us to compartmentalize the application's critical components into separate views. The backend module provides computational resources that can be used to accelerate front-end query responses. Google Firebase powered the backend of the developed application. The sensor modules included CoreMotion, CoreLocation, and AVKit. CoreMotion collects motion and environmental data from the onboard hardware of iOS devices, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, pedometers, magnetometers, and barometers. In contrast, CoreLocation determines the altitude, orientation, and geographical location of a device, as well as its position relative to an adjacent iBeacon device. The AVKit finally provides a high-level interface for video content playback. To achieve objective two, we formulated the problem as both a classification and time-series segmentation problem. This is due to the fact that the majority of existing driver maneuver detection methods formulate the problem as a pure classification problem, assuming a discretized input signal with known start and end locations for each event or segment. In practice, however, vehicle telemetry data used for detecting driver maneuvers are continuous; thus, a fully automated driver maneuver detection system should incorporate solutions for both time series segmentation and classification. The five stages of our proposed methodology are as follows: 1) data preprocessing, 2) segmentation of events, 3) machine learning classification, 4) heuristics classification, and 5) frame-by-frame video annotation. The result of the study indicates that the gyroscope reading is an exceptional parameter for extracting driving events, as its accuracy was consistent across all four models developed. The study reveals that the Energy Maximization Algorithm's accuracy ranges from 56.80 percent (left lane change) to 85.20 percent (right lane change) (lane-keeping) All four models developed had comparable accuracies to studies that used similar models. The 1D-CNN model had the highest accuracy (98.99 percent), followed by the LSTM model (97.75 percent), the RF model (97.71 percent), and the SVM model (97.65 percent). To serve as a ground truth, continuous signal data was annotated. In addition, the proposed method outperformed the fixed time window approach. The study analyzed the overall pipeline's accuracy by penalizing the F1 scores of the ML models with the EMA's duration score. The pipeline's accuracy ranged between 56.8 percent and 85.0 percent overall. The ultimate goal of this study was to extract variables from naturalistic driving videos that would facilitate an understanding of driver behavior in a naturalistic driving environment. To achieve this objective, three sub-goals were established. First, we developed a framework for extracting features pertinent to comprehending the behavior of natural-environment drivers. Using the extracted features, we then analyzed the car-following behaviors of various demographic groups. Thirdly, using a machine learning algorithm, we modeled the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle. Younger drivers are more likely to be aggressive, according to the findings of this study. In addition, the study revealed that drivers tend to accelerate when the distance between them and the vehicle in front of them is substantial. Lastly, compared to younger drivers, elderly motorists maintain a significantly larger following distance. This study's results have numerous safety implications. First, the analysis of the driving behavior of different demographic groups will enable safety engineers to develop the most effective crash countermeasures by enhancing their understanding of the driving styles of different demographic groups and the causes of collisions. Second, the models developed to predict the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle will provide enough information to explain the behavior of the ego-driver.Includes bibliographical references
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