3,264 research outputs found

    Vegetation Dynamics in Ecuador

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    Global forest cover has suffered a dramatic reduction during recent decades, especially in tropical regions, which is mainly due to human activities caused by enhanced population pressures. Nevertheless, forest ecosystems, especially tropical forests, play an important role in the carbon cycle functioning as carbon stocks and sinks, which is why conservation strategies are of utmost importance respective to ongoing global warming. In South America the highest deforestation rates are observed in Ecuador, but an operational surveillance system for continuous forest monitoring, along with the determination of deforestation rates and the estimation of actual carbon socks is still missing. Therefore, the present investigation provides a functional tool based on remote sensing data to monitor forest stands at local, regional and national scales. To evaluate forest cover and deforestation rates at country level satellite data was used, whereas LiDAR data was utilized to accurately estimate the Above Ground Biomass (AGB; carbon stocks) at catchment level. Furthermore, to provide a cost-effective tool for continuous forest monitoring of the most vulnerable parts, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was deployed and equipped with various sensors (RBG and multispectral camera). The results showed that in Ecuador total forest cover was reduced by about 24% during the last three decades. Moreover, deforestation rates have increased with the beginning of the new century, especially in the Andean Highland and the Amazon Basin, due to enhanced population pressures and the government supported oil and mining industries, besides illegal timber extractions. The AGB stock estimations at catchment level indicated that most of the carbon is stored in natural ecosystems (forest and páramo; AGB ~98%), whereas areas affected by anthropogenic land use changes (mostly pastureland) lost nearly all their storage capacities (AGB ~2%). Furthermore, the LiDAR data permitted the detection of the forest structure, and therefore the identification of the most vulnerable parts. To monitor these areas, it could be shown that UAVs are useful, particularly when equipped with an RGB camera (AGB correlation: R² > 0.9), because multispectral images suffer saturation of the spectral bands over dense natural forest stands, which results in high overestimations. In summary, the developed operational surveillance systems respective to forest cover at different spatial scales can be implemented in Ecuador to promote conservation/ restoration strategies and to reduce the high deforestation rates. This may also mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions and guarantee functional ecosystem services for local and regional populations

    High-resolution DEM generated from LiDAR data for water resource management

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    Terrain patterns play an important role in determining the nature of water resources and related hydrological modelling. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), offering an efficient way to represent ground surface, allow automated direct extraction of hydrological features (Garbrecht and Martz, 1999), thus bringing advantages in terms of processing efficiency, cost effectiveness, and accuracy assessment, compared with traditional methods based on topographic maps, field surveys, or photographic interpretations. However, researchers have found that DEM quality and resolution affect the accuracy of any extracted hydrological features (Kenward et al., 2000). Therefore, DEM quality and resolution must be specified according to the nature and application of the hydrological features. The most commonly used DEM in Victoria, Australia is Vicmap Elevation delivered by the Land Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment. It was produced by using elevation data mainly derived from existing contour map at a scale of 1:25,000 and digital stereo capture, providing a state-wide terrain surface representation with a horizontal resolution of 20 metres. The claimed standard deviations, vertical and horizontal, are 5 metres and 10 metres respectively (Land- Victoria, 2002). In worst case, horizontal errors could be up to ±30m. Although high resolution stereo aerial photos provide a potential way to generate high resolution DEMs, under the limitations of currently used technologies by prevalent commercial photogrammetry software, only DSMs (Digital Surface Models) other than DEMs can be directly generated. Manual removal of the nonground data so that the DSM is transformed into a DEM is time consuming. Therefore, using stereo aerial photos to produce DEM with currently available techniques is not an accurate and costeffective method. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data covering 6900 km² of the Corangamite Catchment area of Victoria were collected over the period 19 July 2003 to 10 August 2003. It will be used to support a series of salinity and water management projects for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA). The DEM derived from the LiDAR data has a vertical accuracy of 0.5m and a horizontal accuracy of 1.5m. The high quality DEM leads to derive much detailed terrain and hydrological attributes with high accuracy. Available data sources of DEMs in a catchment management area were evaluated in this study, including the Vicmap DEM, a DEM generated from stereo aerial photos, and LiDAR-derived DEM. LiDAR technology and LiDAR derived DEM were described. In order to assess the capability of LiDAR-derived DEM for improving the quality of extracted hydrological features, sub-catchment boundaries and drainage networks were generated from the Vicmap DEM and the LiDAR-derived DEM. Results were compared and analysed in terms of accuracy and resolution of DEMs. Elevation differences between Vicmap and LiDAR-derived DEMs are significant, up to 65m in some areas. Subcatchment boundaries derived from these two DEMs are also quite different. In spite of using same resolution for the Vicmap DEM and the LiDARderived DEM, high accuracy LiDAR-derived DEM gave a detailed delineation of sub-catchment. Compared with results derived from LiDAR DEM, the drainage networks derived from Vicmap DEM do not give a detailed description, and even lead to discrepancies in some areas. It is demonstrated that a LiDAR-derived DEM with high accuracy and high resolution offers the capability of improving the quality of hydrological features extracted from DEMs

    Enhanced visualization of the flat landscape of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands

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    The Fenlands of East Anglia, England, represent a subtle landscape, where topographic highs rarely exceed 30 m above sea level. However, the fens represent an almost full sequence of Quaternary deposits which, together with islands of Cretaceous and Jurassic outcrops, make the area of geological importance. This feature discusses the advantages of using 3D visualization coupled with high-resolution topographical data, over traditional 2D techniques, when undertaking an analysis of the landscape. Conclusions suggest that the use of 3D visualization will result in a higher level of engagement, particularly when communicating geological information to a wider public

    Quality Assessment of Hydrogeomorphological Features Derived from Digital Terrain Models

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    Digital terrain models (DTM) provide a model for representing the continuous earth elevation surface that can contain errors introduced by the main phases of generation and modelling. Uncertainty of the model is rarely considered by users. Assessment of uncertainty require information on the nature, amount and spatial structure of the errors. DTMs of di®erent original resolution were compared in order to assess the quality of derived hydrological and morphological features. SRTM dataset with resolution of 100m, DEM dataset mosaic from various sources with a resolution of 60m and ASTER derived dataset with a resolution of 30m were used. The error propagation was modelled with a stochastic approach. The probabilistic distribution of extracted hydrological features was drawn considering the spatial structure of errors in the datasets. The features considered were stream network and watershed divides net. The distribution of the Strahler order of the features was studied. An analysis of the overall probability of features extracted from variously prepared datasets was carried in order to get information on where is the most probable stream network or watershed divides net.JRC.H.6-Spatial data infrastructure

    Comparative accuracy assessment of global DTM and DTM generated from Soviet topographic maps for the purposes of road planning

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    This article analyses the accuracy of global DTM comparatively to the Soviet topographic maps. The main aim of this study is to estimate the possibility of utilising global DTM for the purposes of road planning. In order to reach this aim, three separate territories with mountain, hill and plain topography were chosen. A DEM was generated for those territories from three different scale levels of Soviet topo­graphic maps. The generated DEM rasters where then subtracted from SRTM and ASTER GDEM global DTMs. Results of the subtraction were analysed using statistical methods and verified with ground data. The Possibility of the replacement of DTMs generated from topographic maps by the global DTM data was proven for the different territories. The results obtained could be useful for the road engineers who still use Soviet topographic maps for the purposes of road planning. Also, some of the findings might be interesting for GIS-professionals who frequently use global DTMs

    A Sustainable Approach for upgrading geographic databases based on high resolution satellite imagery

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    The availability of high-resolution satellite images could be exploited for upgrading geographic databases at medium scales (1:5,000-1:25,000) as alternative to aerial photogrammetry. The paper presents a procedure to carry out this task which is based on an automatic image-to-image registration procedure of new satellite data to existing ortho-photomaps that have to be upgraded. In order to get a regularization of control points extracted in automatic way, a technique implementing a neural network algorithm is applied. Once an image has been georeferenced, this can be ortho-corrected thanks to a DTM (nowadays available in almost all developed countries). However, the product which is obtained so far is still a raster maps. To cope with the increasing need of vector data in geographic geographic databases, some tests performed on the extraction of features (buildings and roads) from real high-resolution satellite images have been performed and results are shown here. Finally, to complete the data acquisition process, the use of GPS-GIS data-logger receivers in differential mode is proposed

    recognition of surface flow processes influenced by roads and trails in mountain areas using high resolution topography

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    AbstractRoad networks in mountainous forest landscapes have the potential to increase the susceptibility to erosion and shallow landsliding. The same issue is observed also for minor trail networks, with evidences of surface erosion due to surface flow redistribution. This could be a problem in regions such as the Italian Alps where forestry and tourist activities are a relevant part of the local economy. This is just one among the several effects of modern anthropogenic forcing: it is now well accepted by the scientific community that we are living in a new era where human activities may leave a significant signature on the Earth, by altering its morphology, and significantly affecting the related surface processes. In this work, we proposed a methodology for the automatic recognition of roads and trails induced flow direction changes. The algorithm is based on the calculation of the drainage area variation in the presence, or in the absence of anthropic features such as roads and trails on hillslopes. T..

    semi automatic derivation of channel network from a high resolution dtm the example of an italian alpine region

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    AbstractHigh-resolution digital terrain models (HR-DTMs) of regional coverage open interesting scenarios for the analysis of landscape, including derivation and analysis of channel network. In this study, we present the derivation of the channel network from a HR-DTM for the Autonomous Province of Trento. A preliminary automatic extraction of the raw channel network was conducted using a curvature-based algorithm applied to a 4 m resolution DTM derived from an airborne LiDAR survey carried out in 2006. The raw channel network automatically extracted from the HR-DTM underwent a supervised control to check the spatial pattern of the hydrographic network. The supervised control was carried out by means of different informative layers (i.e. geomorphometric indexes, orthophoto imagery and technical cartography) resulting in an accurate and fine-scale channel network

    Sensitivity analysis of automatic landslide mapping: numerical experiments towards the best solution

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    The automatic detection of landslides after major events is a crucial issue for public agencies to support disaster response. Pixel-based approaches (PBAs) are widely used in the literature for various applications. However, the accuracy of PBAs in the case of automatic landslide mapping (ALM) is affected by several issues. In this study, we investigated the sensitivity of ALM using PBA through digital terrain models (DTMs). The analysis, carried out in a study area of Poland, consisted of the following steps: (1) testing the influence of selected DTM resolutions for ALM, (2) assessing the relevance of diverse landslide morphological indicators for ALM, and (3) assessing the sensitivity to landslide features for a selected size of moving window (kernel) calculations for ALM. Ultimately, we assessed the performance of three classification methods: maximum likelihood (ML), feed-forward neural network (FFNN), and support vector machine (SVM). This broad analysis, as combination of grid cell resolution, surface derivatives calculation, and performance classification methods, is the challenging aspect of the research. The results of almost 500 experimental tests provide valuable guidelines for experts performing ALM. The most important findings indicate that feature sensitivity in the case of kernel size increases with coarser DTM resolution; however, the peak of the optimal feature performance for the selected study area and landslide type was demonstrated for a resolution of 20 m. Another finding indicated that in combining a set of topographic variables, the optimal performance was acquired for a DTM resolution of 30 m and the support vector machine classification. Moreover, the best performance of the identification is represented for SVM classification
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