288 research outputs found

    Multi-level agent-based modeling - A literature survey

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    During last decade, multi-level agent-based modeling has received significant and dramatically increasing interest. In this article we present a comprehensive and structured review of literature on the subject. We present the main theoretical contributions and application domains of this concept, with an emphasis on social, flow, biological and biomedical models.Comment: v2. Ref 102 added. v3-4 Many refs and text added v5-6 bibliographic statistics updated. v7 Change of the name of the paper to reflect what it became, many refs and text added, bibliographic statistics update

    Multi-level agent-based modeling with the Influence Reaction principle

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    This paper deals with the specification and the implementation of multi-level agent-based models, using a formal model, IRM4MLS (an Influence Reaction Model for Multi-Level Simulation), based on the Influence Reaction principle. Proposed examples illustrate forms of top-down control in (multi-level) multi-agent based-simulations

    SCS: 60 years and counting! A time to reflect on the Society's scholarly contribution to M&S from the turn of the millennium.

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    The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Since its inception, the Society has widely disseminated the advancements in the field of modeling and simulation (M&S) through its peer-reviewed journals. In this paper we profile research that has been published in the journal SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International from the turn of the millennium to 2010; the objective is to acknowledge the contribution of the authors and their seminal research papers, their respective universities/departments and the geographical diversity of the authors' affiliations. Yet another objective is to contribute towards the understanding of the overall evolution of the discipline of M&S; this is achieved through the classification of M&S techniques and its frequency of use, analysis of the sectors that have seen the predomination application of M&S and the context of its application. It is expected that this paper will lead to further appreciation of the contribution of the Society in influencing the growth of M&S as a discipline and, indeed, in steering its future direction

    Laboratoire Virtuel pour la Pompe Biologique dans le Domaine Mésopélagique

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    L'objectif du stage est de concevoir un laboratoire virtuel pour permettre l'expérimentation en réalité virtuelle de modèles de la pompe biologique dans le domaine mésopélagique. Actuellement, il est établi que l'interaction entre les particules qui sédimentent et les organismes de la zone mésopélagique (100-1000m) détermine l'efficacité de la pompe biologique qui varie spatialement et temporellement à différentes échelles ; mais il n'y a pas de consensus sur les mécanismes la contrôlant. Ce document étudie quels concepts et outils facilitent l'étude et la compréhension des phénomènes impliqués dans le devenir du carbone produit à la surface des océans qui sédimente après avoir traversé différents réseaux trophiques entre le voisinage de la surface et les grandes profondeurs. Deux verrous informatiques principaux sont identifiés pour élaborer ce laboratoire virtuel : l'intrication de modèles multidisciplinaires et les interactions multi-échelles. L'analyse de la dynamique de ce système complexe grâce à la théorie de compétition pour les ressources nous permet d'interpréter les interactions écologiques et biochimiques dans des régions stables de l'océan. Cet aspect ne prenant en compte que les interactions entre populations, nous avons étudié la pompe biologique sous une approche basée agent. L'écosystème virtuel créé s'est avéré stable et donc particulièrement intéressant pour la prévision de la réponse à des changements de paramètres. Cependant, ce genre de simulation basé agent est difficile à mettre en place et est lourd en calcul. Une approche multi-échelles (basée sur la théorie du bilan énergétique dynamique) nous a orienté vers le laboratoire que nous avons réalisé, programmé en langage C. Une approche par paquets de particules nous a permis d'obtenir des résultats qui semblent cohérents dans un temps raisonnable

    A review of wildland fire spread modelling, 1990-present 3: Mathematical analogues and simulation models

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    In recent years, advances in computational power and spatial data analysis (GIS, remote sensing, etc) have led to an increase in attempts to model the spread and behvaiour of wildland fires across the landscape. This series of review papers endeavours to critically and comprehensively review all types of surface fire spread models developed since 1990. This paper reviews models of a simulation or mathematical analogue nature. Most simulation models are implementations of existing empirical or quasi-empirical models and their primary function is to convert these generally one dimensional models to two dimensions and then propagate a fire perimeter across a modelled landscape. Mathematical analogue models are those that are based on some mathematical conceit (rather than a physical representation of fire spread) that coincidentally simulates the spread of fire. Other papers in the series review models of an physical or quasi-physical nature and empirical or quasi-empirical nature. Many models are extensions or refinements of models developed before 1990. Where this is the case, these models are also discussed but much less comprehensively.Comment: 20 pages + 9 pages references + 1 page figures. Submitted to the International Journal of Wildland Fir

    Multi-level and hybrid modelling approaches for systems biology

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    During the last decades, high-throughput techniques allowed for the extraction of a huge amount of data from biological systems, unveiling more of their underling complexity. Biological systems encompass a wide range of space and time scales, functioning according to flexible hierarchies of mechanisms making an intertwined and dynamic interplay of regulations. This becomes particularly evident in processes such as ontogenesis, where regulative assets change according to process context and timing, making structural phenotype and architectural complexities emerge from a single cell, through local interactions. The informa- tion collected from biological systems are naturally organized according to the functional levels composing the system itself. In systems biology, biological information often comes from overlapping but different scientific domains, each one having its own way of representing phenomena under study. That is, the dif- ferent parts of the system to be modelled may be described with different formalisms. For a model to have improved accuracy and capability for making a good knowledge base, it is good to comprise different sys- tem levels, suitably handling the relative formalisms. Models which are both multi-level and hybrid satisfy both these requirements, making a very useful tool in computational systems biology. This paper reviews some of the main contributions in this field

    Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Wildfire Spread Simulation

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    Wildfires have significant impact on both ecosystems and human society. To effectively manage wildfires, simulation models are used to study and predict wildfire spread. The accuracy of wildfire spread simulations depends on many factors, including GIS data, fuel data, weather data, and high-fidelity wildfire behavior models. Unfortunately, due to the dynamic and complex nature of wildfire, it is impractical to obtain all these data with no error. Therefore, predictions from the simulation model will be different from what it is in a real wildfire. Without assimilating data from the real wildfire and dynamically adjusting the simulation, the difference between the simulation and the real wildfire is very likely to continuously grow. With the development of sensor technologies and the advance of computer infrastructure, dynamic data driven application systems (DDDAS) have become an active research area in recent years. In a DDDAS, data obtained from wireless sensors is fed into the simulation model to make predictions of the real system. This dynamic input is treated as the measurement to evaluate the output and adjust the states of the model, thus to improve simulation results. To improve the accuracy of wildfire spread simulations, we apply the concept of DDDAS to wildfire spread simulation by dynamically assimilating sensor data from real wildfires into the simulation model. The assimilation system relates the system model and the observation data of the true state, and uses analysis approaches to obtain state estimations. We employ Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods (also called particle filters) to carry out data assimilation in this work. Based on the structure of DDDAS, this dissertation presents the data assimilation system and data assimilation results in wildfire spread simulations. We carry out sensitivity analysis for different densities, frequencies, and qualities of sensor data, and quantify the effectiveness of SMC methods based on different measurement metrics. Furthermore, to improve simulation results, the image-morphing technique is introduced into the DDDAS for wildfire spread simulation

    A Review of Platforms for the Development of Agent Systems

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    Agent-based computing is an active field of research with the goal of building autonomous software of hardware entities. This task is often facilitated by the use of dedicated, specialized frameworks. For almost thirty years, many such agent platforms have been developed. Meanwhile, some of them have been abandoned, others continue their development and new platforms are released. This paper presents a up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms and also a historical perspective of this domain. It aims to serve as a reference point for people interested in developing agent systems. This work details the main characteristics of the included agent platforms, together with links to specific projects where they have been used. It distinguishes between the active platforms and those no longer under development or with unclear status. It also classifies the agent platforms as general purpose ones, free or commercial, and specialized ones, which can be used for particular types of applications.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, 83 reference

    Simulation-driven engineering for the management of harmful algal and cyanobacterial blooms

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    Harmful Algal and Cyanobacterial Blooms (HABs), occurring in inland and maritime waters, pose threats to natural environments by producing toxins that affect human and animal health. In the past, HABs have been assessed mainly by the manual collection and subsequent analysis of water samples and occasionally by automatic instruments that acquire information from fixed locations. These procedures do not provide data with the desirable spatial and temporal resolution to anticipate the formation of HABs. Hence, new tools and technologies are needed to efficiently detect, characterize and respond to HABs that threaten water quality. It is essential nowadays when the world's water supply is under tremendous pressure because of climate change, overexploitation, and pollution. This paper introduces DEVS-BLOOM, a novel framework for real-time monitoring and management of HABs. Its purpose is to support high-performance hazard detection with Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) infrastructure for dynamic environments