8 research outputs found

    The role of mating-relevant factors in the perpetration of digital dating abuse

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by SAGE in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, available online at: https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605211004103 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Previous research has explored offline intimate partner violence from an evolutionary perspective, primarily focusing on the role of individual differences inperpetration and victimisation. However, a current form of intimate partner violence is digital dating abuse, which involves abuse towards a romantic partner, occuring online through the use of electronic communication technology. This form of abuse differs from offline abuse, in that physical proximity is not required. Although research has focused on the effects digital dating abuse has on victims, little research has focused on the perpetration of digital dating abuse. This is important, as research focused on perpetration can inform a wide range of initiatives geared towards understanding the factors which drive this behaviour. Recent research has focused on evolutionary mating-relevant factors that drive the perpetration of digital dating abuse. Here, we extended and replicated previous work by reporting two studies (study 1, n = 114; study 2, n = 162) which explored the roles of mate value discrepancy, intrasexual competition, and relationship-contingent self-esteem in the perpetration of digital dating abuse. We found that mate value discrepancy (study 1 and 2) and intrasexual competition (study 2) positively predicted the perpetration of digital dating abuse. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to provide support that those who report high intrasexual competition, engage in greater levels of digital dating abuse, thus furthering theoretical advancements in this field by showing digital dating abuse is a mate retention tactic. Our findings further our understanding of online behaviour in romantic relationships through an evolutionary psychological lens.Study 2 was funded by the University of Wolverhampton’s Doctoral College as part of the early researcher award scheme (ERAS)

    Youth cyber dating abuse: a meta-analysis of risk and protective factors

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    yber Dating Abuse (CDA) has been identified as a prevalent and negative experience for youth, which highlights the need to identify the factors associated with the occurrence of this phenomenon. Thus, this meta-analysis aims to determine the factors associated with youth CDA perpetration and victimization, identifying which of the factors present the strongest risk and protective effects. We identified 16 studies and 17 independent samples, including a total sample of 12,760 adolescents and young adults. Results showed that individual and intimate relation factors were related to both CDA perpetration and victimization, and peer factors were significantly associated with CDA perpetration; individual sociodemographic factors were unrelated to CDA. Findings from this metaanalysis provide valuable evidence to develop CDA prevention and intervention strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyber dating abuse and its relationship with gender roles, in youth and adults

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    RESUMEN: En el estudio de la violencia de la pareja existen evidencias de la relación con los roles de género tradicionales en el contexto offline. En los entornos virtuales poco se ha revisado esta relación en las formas de agresión que las parejas o exparejas expresan a través de los medios electrónicos, o como se ha denominado, cyber dating abuse (CDA). El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación del CDA y los roles de género en una muestra de jóvenes y adultos mexicanos y españoles comprendida por 508 personas (M=24.59; DS=5.21), que declaró estar en relación de pareja o haberse separado recientemente. El diseño consistió en un estudio descriptivo-correlacional transversal donde los sujetos accedían a participar de manera voluntaria a través de Google Forms para responder a dos instrumentos; la Escala de Violencia de pareja que se expresa a través de Medios Electrónicos (EVIME) y el Ideario de lo femenino y lo masculino. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, correlaciones, análisis de clúster y Anova. Los resultados sugieren que a mayor respaldo de los roles tradicionales de género son más frecuentes las agresiones recibidas por parte de la pareja o expareja. A su vez, quienes aceptan roles no tradicionalistas reportan menos abusos en las relaciones amorosas. Fue posible ubicar a los participantes en perfiles sobre la percepción de la justificación de la violencia, los estereotipos, las ideas de igualdad y las nuevas concepciones de genero. Con ello se observó que las acciones de control, monitoreo y vigilancia de la pareja e invasión de las propias redes sociales sin consentimiento, se diferenciaron en el perfil de aquellos que aceptan los roles de género no tradicionalistas. Se concluye que este estudio promueve la atención científica de la relación de la concepción de los géneros y la violencia de las parejas en la red, por su alta relevancia social y de implicación en el campo de la sexología. ABSTRACT: In the study of intimate partner violence, there is evidence of the relationship with traditional gender roles in the offline context. In virtual environments has been slightly revised this relationship in the ways of aggression that couples or ex-partners express through electronic media, or as it has been called, cyber dating abuse (CDA). The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between CDA and gender roles in a sample of Mexican and Spanish youth and adults comprised of 508 people (M = 24.59; SD = 5.21), who declared to be in a relationship or to have recently separated. The design consisted of a cross-sectional descriptive-correlational study where the subjects agreed to participate voluntarily through Google Forms to respond to two instruments; the Partner Violence Scale that is expressed through Electronic Means (EVIME) and the Ideology of the feminine and the masculine. Descriptive analyzes, correlations, cluster analysis and ANOVA were performed. The results suggest that to greater support for traditional gender roles, is more frequent the aggressions recibes by the partner or ex-partner. In turn, those who accept non-traditional roles report less abuse in love relationships. It was possible to place the participants in profiles on the perception of the justification of violence, stereotypes, ideas of equality and new conceptions of gender. With this, can be noted, that the actions of control, monitoring and surveillance of the couple and invasion of the social networks themselves without consent, differed in the profile of those who accept non-traditionalist gender roles. It is concluded that this study promotes scientific attention to the relationship between the conception of genders and the violence of couples in the network, due to its high social relevance and involvement in the field of sexology

    Unethical internet behaviour among students in high education institutions: a systematic literature review

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    The modern internet era has several advantages and disadvantages, including the advent of immoral Internet conduct in addition to better, quicker, and increased working capacity in less time. Even though the area of study on unethical Internet activity has advanced, systematic literature reviews from a comprehensive perspective on unethical Internet behaviour among university students are still lacking. As a result, this systematic literature will provide theoretical foundation that address the following research questions: RQ1-How are unethical Internet behaviours among university students classified; RQ2-What are the various theoretical lenses that are used in unethical Internet behaviour research; RQ3-What demographic and risk factors are involved in unethical Internet behaviour research; and RQ4-What are the challenges and research opportunities for unethical Internet behaviour research within university settings? To respond to a formulated set of research questions, a total of 64 publications that were published between 2010 and 2020 underwent a systematic review. The study illustrates how university students’ unethical Internet activity is categorised. This study offers a comprehensive grasp of the factors that affect unethical Internet behaviour and an overview of the theories that have been utilised to explain and forecast unethical Internet behaviours in this sector. This study discusses literature gaps for future research to contribute to human ethical behavioural studies

    Ciber-abuso nos relacionamentos afetivo-amorosos, vinculação e perturbação de stress pós-traumático em adolescentes e adultos

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    O ciber-abuso diz respeito ao abuso cibernético entre parceiros em relacionamentos, com caráter afetivo, amoroso ou sexual (Hinduja & Patchin, 2011), com recurso a meios tecnológicos (Zweig et al., 2013). Embora seja um fenómeno recente, as implicações negativas são notórias. A pertinência deste estudo deve-se ao aumento dos casos de ciberabuso, a nível de perpetração e de vitimização, pondo em risco a integridade da vítima. Dado o número escasso de estudos que explorem a relação entre o ciber-abuso, vinculação e Perturbação de Stress Pós-traumático (PTSD), o presente estudo tem como objetivo central explorar o papel preditivo da vinculação e das variáveis sociodemográficas no ciber-abuso e o papel preditivo do ciber-abuso na Perturbação de Stress Pós-Traumático (PSTD). A amostra é constituída por 195 indivíduos, entre os 18 e os 47 anos, de ambos os sexos e os instrumentos utilizados são o questionário sociodemográfico e as versões adaptadas para a população portuguesa das escalas: Questionário sobre Ciber Abuso no Namoro – CAN; Versão Portuguesa da Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM- 5 (PCL-5) e Experiências nas Relações Próximas – Estruturas Relacionais (ERP-ER).Cyber-abuse concerns cyber abuse between partners in relationships, with an affective, loving or sexual character (Hinduja & Patchin, 2011), using technological means (Zweig et al., 2013). Although it is a recent phenomenon, the negative implications are notorious. The relevance of this study is due to the increase in cases of cyber-abuse, in terms of perpetration and victimization, endangering the integrity of the victim. Given the limited number of studies exploring the relationship between cyber-abuse, linkage and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the present study aims to explore the predictive role of linkage and sociodemographic variables in cyber-abuse and the predictive role of cyber-abuse in PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). The sample consists of 195 individuals, between 18 and 47 years old, of both sexes and the instruments used are the sociodemographic questionnaire and the versions adapted to the Portuguese population of the scales: Questionnaire on Cyber Abuse in Dating - CAN; Portuguese version of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) and Experiences in Close Relationships - Relational Structures (ERP-ER)

    Cyber Dating Abuse and Masculine Gender Norms in a Sample of Male Adults

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    Gender role norms have been widely studied in the offline partner violence context. Different studies have indicated that internalizing these norms was associated with dating violence. However, very few research works have analyzed this relation in forms of aggression against partners and former partners using information and communication technologies (ICT). The objective of the present study was to examine the co-occurrence of cyber dating abuse by analyzing the extent to which victimization and perpetration overlap, and by analyzing the differences according to conformity to the masculine gender norms between men who are perpetrators or victims of cyber dating abuse. The participants were 614 male university students, and 26.5% of the sample reported having been a victim and perpetrator of cyber dating abuse. Nonetheless, the regression analyses did not reveal any statistically significant association between conformity to masculine gender norms and practicing either perpetration or victimization by cyber dating abuse

    Perfil psicosocial de adolescentes implicados en violencia filioparental

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    La violencia filio-parental se define como aquellas conductas que conducen a una situación de humillación, acoso y desafío a la autoridad parental con la intención de dominar y lastimar a los padres. Esta violencia conlleva graves consecuencias negativas para padres e hijos (Alemany, 2019; Calvete et al., 2015; 2019; Contreras y Cano, 2016; Del-Hoyo et al., 2020; Ibabe y Jaureguizar, 2011; Ibabe, 2019, 2020) y su incidencia es creciente (Padilla-Falcón y Moreno-Manso, 2019). Sin embargo, no todos los casos son denunciados y se estima que hay un número muy elevado de situaciones de violencia filio-parental que no son denunciadas ni detectadas (Carrascosa et al., 2018; Loinaz y De Sousa, 2019). Para la detección temprana de estos casos y el desarrollo de intervenciones para su prevención son necesarios estudios amplios y completos, con muestras comunitarias de adolescentes. Por ello, esta Tesis Doctoral se planteó con el objetivo de elaborar un perfil psicosocial amplio de las características personales, familiares, escolares y sociales de los adolescentes escolarizados en centros de educación secundaria implicados en conductas agresivas hacia la madre y hacia el padre, tanto ocasionales como frecuentes. En esta investigación participaron 672 adolescentes (49.6% chicos; 50.4% chicas), de 11 a 19 años, escolarizados en cuatro centros de enseñanza secundaria de la provincia de Valencia. Se evaluaron variables personales (autoconcepto, satisfacción con la vida, ira, ánimo depresivo, necesidad de ayuda percibida y soledad), familiares (comunicación padres-hijos, estilos de socialización y violencia conyugal), escolares y sociales (actitud hacia estudios, actitud hacia autoridad y normas, reputación social) y su implicación en conductas violentas con sus iguales y pareja. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una elevada prevalencia de la violencia psicológica ocasional, ejercida por hijos e hijas, hacia ambos progenitores. Además, las variables analizadas permitieron elaborar perfiles diferenciados para los adolescentes con conductas violentas ocasionales, respecto de aquellos con conductas violentas frecuentes. Los agresores frecuentes mostraron más sintomatología depresiva, más ira y sentimientos de soledad y un autoconcepto más negativo en ámbitos sociales y académicos, además de un autoconcepto familiar más negativo, sobre todo las chicas. Estos adolescentes indicaron más dificultades de comunicación padres hijos, percibir más hostilidad (especialmente con el progenitor al que se dirigen las agresiones) y presenciar más violencia conyugal. Indicaron también actitudes más negativas hacia las figuras de autoridad y los estudios, y desear una reputación social menos conformista; además de estar más implicados en conductas violentas con sus iguales y su pareja. Los programas de intervención deberían, por tanto, centrarse en estas variables, tanto para la detección como para la prevención