475 research outputs found

    SIMNET: simulation-based exercises for computer net-work curriculum through gamification and augmented reality

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    Gamification and Augmented Reality techniques, in recent years, have tackled many subjects and environments. Its implementation can, in particular, strengthen teaching and learning processes in schools and universities. Therefore, new forms of knowledge, based on interactions with objects, contributing game, experimentation and collaborative work. Through the technologies mentioned above, we intend to develop an application that serves as a didactic tool, giving support in the area of Computer Networks. This application aims to stand out in simulated controlled environments to create computer networks, taking into ac-count the necessary physical devices and the different physical and logical topologies. The main goal is to enrich the students’ learning experiences and contrib-ute to teacher-student interaction, through collaborative learning provided by the tool, minimizing the need for expensive equipment in learning environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An Augmented Reality Mathematics Serious Game

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    ABSTRAK Penggunaan media pembelajaran augmented reality berbasis smartphone dinilai perlu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran produktif Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan media pembelajaran augmented reality (AR) berbasis smartphone untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi memelihara transmisi manual, serta melihat bagaimana respon siswa dan guru terhadap media pembelajaran augmented reality pada mata pelajaran transmisi manual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ekperimen dengan desain ADDIE, data bersumber dari siswa dan guru yang ada di SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang dengan melakukan uji coba langsung, instrumen pengumpulan data dengan tes dan wawancara, data hasil penelitian menunjukkan media pembelajaran augmented reality pada mata pelajaran transmisi manual yang dikembangkan secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran tersebut, sebagian besar siswa dan guru menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan media augmented reality berbasis smartphone. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, maka media pembelajaran augmented reality berbasis smartphone dapat dijadikan alternatif media pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan di sekolah menengah kejuruan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, augmented reality, pemahaman, transmisi manual ABSTRACT The use of smartphone-based augmented reality learning media is deemed necessary to increase students understanding of productive subjects in Vocational High Schools (SMK). This research aims to design and implement smartphone-based augmented reality (AR) learning media to improve students understanding of manual transmission maintenance material, and want to know how students and teachers respond to augmented reality learning media on manual transmission subjects. This research is an experimental research was used ADDIE method, data's sourced from students and teachers in Vocational High School (SMK) 1 of Bangkinang by conducting direct trials. The data's was collected by examinations and interviews. The results of this research indicate that augmented reality learning media on manual transmission subjects developed can be improve students understanding of these subjects significantly. Then, most of students and teachers also showed a positive attitude towards learning using the smartphone-based augmented reality media. Based on the result of this research, smartphone-based augmented reality learning media can be used as an alternative to learning media that can be applied to Vocational High Schools (SMK) to improve the quality of education. Keywords: Learning media, augmented reality, understanding, manual transmissio

    Visualyzart Project – The role in education

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    The VisualYzARt project intends to develop research on mobile platforms, web and social scenarios in order to bring augmented reality and natural interaction for the general public, aiming to study and validate the adequacy of YVision platform in various fields of activity such as digital arts, design, education, culture and leisure. The VisualYzARt project members analysed the components available in YVision platform and are defining new ones that allow the creation of applications to a chosen activity, effectively adding a new language to the domain YVision. In this paper we will present the role of the InstitutoPolitécnico de Santarém which falls into the field of education.VisualYzART is funded by QREN – Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT), Project n. º 23201 - VisualYzARt (from January 2013 to December 2014). Partners: YDreams Portugal; Instituto Politécnico de Santarém - Gabinete de e-Learning; Universidade de Coimbra - Centro de Informática e Sistemas; Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - Centro de Investigação em Informática e Comunicações; Universidade Católica do Porto - Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uso de la Realidad Virtual en Educación: un análisis bibliométrico

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    Virtual Reality includes different technologies through which a user can experience a virtual world created in 3 dimensions by computer. Although its adoption has been slow, since the devices required to access virtual reality were expensive, there have been experiences in education since the 1990s. The present study carries out a bibliometric study in which 1074 articles related to the use of virtual reality in education from 1990 to the beginning of 2021 have been analyzed. It has been studied, from a quantitative point of view, the evolution of the annual scientific production, collaboration and production of authors, nationalities and sources of the articles. An analysis of citations, co-citations and bibliographical coupling has also been carried out.La Realidad Virtual incluye diferentes tecnologías a través de las cuales un usuario puede experimentar un mundo virtual en 3 dimensiones creado por ordenador. Aunque su adopción ha sido lenta, ya que los dispositivos requeridos para acceder a la realidad virtual eran caros, ha habido experiencias en el campo de la educación desde 1990. El presente estudio lleva a cabo un análisis bibliométrico en el que se han analizado 1074 artículos relacionados con el uso de la realidad virtual en educación desde 1990 hasta principios de 2021. Se ha analizado, desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, la evolución anual de la producción científica, la colaboración y producción de autores, nacionalidades y fuentes de los artículos. También se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de citaciones, co-citaciones y acoplamiento bibliográfico.Grant PRE2020-093276 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”

    The Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Education

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    New teaching techniques have been adopted as a result of the emergence of innovative technological tools in the field of Augmented Reality (AR), as investigated in several articles to date (Hsu 2017; Forsythe & Raine 2019). The availability of AR applications, both vision, and location-based, allows students today to learn foreign languages in a more contextualized and immersive manner, thanks to the use of smartphones and other electronic devices. Thus, this study seeks to analyze and review the recent trends in AR implementation in education and to present the main projects aimed at teaching with AR-based projects that have been published in the latest years in WOS and Scopus

    Digital Realities and Academic Research

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    There\u27s a change occurring in the delivery of scientific content. The development and application of virtual reality and augmented reality is changing research in nearly every field, from the life sciences to engineering. As a result, scholarly content is also changing its direction from print centric to fully submersed digital. Historically, scientific content has been simple text and figures. To create higher quality, more intuitive and engaging content, scholarly communication has witnessed a shift to video and, most recently, researchers have begun to include data to create next generation content types that supplement and enrich their works. Scholarly communication will continue this trend, requiring the delivery of content that is more innovative and interactive. However, in a world where the PDF has dominated the industry for years, new skills and technologies will be needed to ensure reader use and engagement remain stable as the information services industry shifts to accommodate new forms of content and articles enhanced by virtual and augmented reality. Implementing and delivering on augmented or virtual reality supplemental material, and supporting them with the necessary tools for engagement, is no easy task. For as much as interest, discussion and innovation are occurring-as with all disruptive entrants-questions will need to be answered, issues addressed, and best practices established so that publisher, author and end-user can benefit from the results of deeper content engagement. For publishers who work directly with scholars and researchers, this pivot means they must re-examine the needs of their customers, understand what they need delivered, where they expect to find that information, and how they want to interact with it. This will require publishers to update their current infrastructures, submission practices and guidelines, as well as develop or license software to keep pace and meet the needs of their authors and readers. This session will help to define the challenges and strengths related to digital realities, data, and the role researchers play in shaping mixed content types in a more data drive, digital environment. Discussion includes: What are some of the pros and cons associated with data and digital reality research? How are these different content types being used as supplemental material and will they be shifting to be seen as a more integral part of the scholarly record? In the future, what role will libraries play in this shift in providing users what they want, and in a format conducive to their work and research