76,263 research outputs found

    The redshift evolution of the distribution of star formation among dark matter halos as seen in the infrared

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    Recent studies revealed a strong correlation between the star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass of star-forming galaxies, the so-called star-forming main sequence. An empirical modeling approach (2-SFM) which distinguishes between the main sequence and rarer starburst galaxies is capable of reproducing most statistical properties of infrared galaxies. In this paper, we extend this approach by establishing a connection between stellar mass and halo mass with the technique of abundance matching. Based on a few, simple assumptions and a physically motivated formalism, our model successfully predicts the (cross-)power spectra of the cosmic infrared background (CIB), the cross-correlation between CIB and cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing, and the correlation functions of bright, resolved infrared galaxies measured by Herschel, Planck, ACT and SPT. We use this model to infer the redshift distribution these observables, as well as the level of correlation between CIB-anisotropies at different wavelengths. We also predict that more than 90% of cosmic star formation activity occurs in halos with masses between 10^11.5 and 10^13.5 Msun. Taking into account subsequent mass growth of halos, this implies that the majority of stars were initially (at z>3) formed in the progenitors of clusters, then in groups at 0.5<z<3 and finally in Milky-Way-like halos at z<0.5. At all redshifts, the dominant contribution to the star formation rate density stems from halos of mass ~10^12 Msun, in which the instantaneous star formation efficiency is maximal (~70%). The strong redshift-evolution of SFR in the galaxies that dominate the CIB is thus plausibly driven by increased accretion from the cosmic web onto halos of this characteristic mass scale

    Ab-initio multimode linewidth theory for arbitrary inhomogeneous laser cavities

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    We present a multimode laser-linewidth theory for arbitrary cavity structures and geometries that contains nearly all previously known effects and also finds new nonlinear and multimode corrections, e.g. a bad-cavity correction to the Henry α\alpha factor and a multimode Schawlow--Townes relation (each linewidth is proportional to a sum of inverse powers of all lasing modes). Our theory produces a quantitatively accurate formula for the linewidth, with no free parameters, including the full spatial degrees of freedom of the system. Starting with the Maxwell--Bloch equations, we handle quantum and thermal noise by introducing random currents whose correlations are given by the fluctuation--dissipation theorem. We derive coupled-mode equations for the lasing-mode amplitudes and obtain a formula for the linewidths in terms of simple integrals over the steady-state lasing modes.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Grid-scale Fluctuations and Forecast Error in Wind Power

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    The fluctuations in wind power entering an electrical grid (Irish grid) were analyzed and found to exhibit correlated fluctuations with a self-similar structure, a signature of large-scale correlations in atmospheric turbulence. The statistical structure of temporal correlations for fluctuations in generated and forecast time series was used to quantify two types of forecast error: a timescale error (eτe_{\tau}) that quantifies the deviations between the high frequency components of the forecast and the generated time series, and a scaling error (eζe_{\zeta}) that quantifies the degree to which the models fail to predict temporal correlations in the fluctuations of the generated power. With no aa prioripriori knowledge of the forecast models, we suggest a simple memory kernel that reduces both the timescale error (eτe_{\tau}) and the scaling error (eζe_{\zeta})

    Frequencies of the Ricker wavelet

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