10 research outputs found

    Coupling of interactive manufacturing operations simulation and immersive virtual reality

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    This paper presents a novel general-purpose simulation analysis application that combines concurrent operations simulation with the advanced data interrogation and user interaction capabilities of immersive virtual reality systems. The application allows for interactive modification of the simulation parameters, while providing the users with the available simulation information by effectively placing the operator in the midst of the environment being simulated. The major contribution of this research is the total integration of the immersive virtual reality environment with the simulation, allowing users in the environment to interactively change the inputs to the simulation as it is running. Implementation and functionality details of the developed application are presented. The experience of using the application to analyze a manufacturing operation in a collaborative scenario is also discussed

    GOALI: A Hybrid Method to Support Natural Interaction of Parts in a Virtual Environment

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    The overall goal of this research is to improve the design of assembly methods through the use of virtual reality (VR) and haptics (force feedback). The research is focused on two critical aspects: the development of methods for simulating natural part-to-part interaction to support the human-centric approach to concurrent design and the evaluation of these methods in a manufacturing design context. As part of the research, we have developed the SPARTA software platform, explored new VR interaction methods and conducted several site visits at Deere facilities to better understand their processes and operations. This paper summarizes the efforts and results to date

    Combining virtual reality enabled simulation with 3D scanning technologies towards smart manufacturing

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    Recent introduction of low-cost 3D sensing and affordable immersive virtual reality have lowered the barriers for creating and maintaining 3D virtual worlds. In this paper, we propose a way to combine these technologies with discrete-event simulation to improve the use of simulation in decision making in manufacturing. This work will describe how feedback is possible from real world systems directly into a simulation model to guide smart behaviors. Technologies included in the research include feedback from RGBD images of shop floor motion and human interaction within full immersive virtual reality that includes the latest headset technologies

    Design of a Virtual Reality Framework for Maintainability and Assemblability Test of Complex Systems

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    This paper presents a unique environment whose features are able to satisfy requirements for both virtual maintenance and virtual manufacturing through the conception of original virtual reality (VR) architecture. Virtual Reality for the Maintainability and Assemblability Tests (VR_MATE) encompasses VR hardware and software and a simulation manager which allows customisation of the architecture itself as well as interfacing with a wide range of devices employed in the simulations. Two case studies are presented to illustrate VR_MATE's unique ability to allow for both maintainability tests and assembly analysis of an aircraft carriage and a railway coach cooling system respectively. The key impact of this research is the demonstration of the potentialities of using VR techniques in industry and its multiple applications despite the subjective character within the simulation. VR_MATE has been presented as a framework to support the strategic and operative objectives of companies to reduce product development time and costs whilst maintaining product quality for applications which would be too expensive to simulate and evaluate in the real world

    Desarrollo de un simulador de eventos discretos experimental basado en realidad virtual

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    [Resumen] En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo el desarrollo de un simulador experimental de eventos discretos en un entorno de realidad virtual, empleando para ello el motor de videojuegos Unity3D. En este sentido, inicialmente se crea una serie de librerías que permiten modelar procesos de fabricación. A continuación, tras una revisión del estado del arte, se diseñó una interfaz gráfica de usuario con algunas de las principales formas de interacción con el mundo virtual empleadas en la actualidad. Tras una fase de conexión entre el simulador y la interfaz, se llevó a cabo una fase de ensayos con varias personas con conocimientos en los softwares actuales de simulación de eventos discretos. En la última parte del proyecto, se desarrolló un caso de demostración y se implementó un algoritmo de programación de tareas que permitió validar el simulador y analizar su potencial como herramienta de simulación de eventos discretos.[Resumo] No presente traballo lévase a cabo o desenvolvemento dun simulador experimental de eventos discretos nun entorno de realidade virtual, empregando o motor de videoxogos Unity3D. Para iso, primeiramente creáronse unha serie de librarías que permiten modelar procesos de fabricación. Deseguido, tras una revisión do estado da arte, diseñouse unha interface gráfica de usuario con algunhas das principais formas de interacción entre có mundo virtual que se empregan na actualidade. Tras una fase de conexión do simulador coa interfaz, varias persoas con experiencia en simulación de eventos discretos levaron a cabo ensaios có simulador, probando a súas funcionalidades. Na derradeira parte do proxecto, desenvolveuse un caso de demostración e implementouse un algoritmo de programación de tarefas que permitiu validar o simulador e analizar o seu potencial como ferramenta de simulación de eventos discretos.[Abstract] Within the following project, a discrete event experimental simulator based on virtual reality has been developed by using the video game engine Unity3D. Initially, a set of programming libraries were developed with the aim of modelling manufacturing processes as well as taking advantage of the capabilities of games engines. Afterwards, a VR Graphical User Interface (VR GUI) was designed with a view to the state-of-the-art ways of VR interaction which main video games include nowadays. After coupling the interface and the simulator with each other, some people, experienced with discrete-event simulation, were selected to test the aforementioned simulator and to respond to a brief survey. Eventually, a demonstration case was built by developing a task sorting algorithm which allowed to validate the simulator and to deeply analyse the future potential of such a DES tool.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría industrial. Curso 2018/201

    Understanding the immersive experience: Examining the influence of visual immersiveness and interactivity on spatial experiences and understanding

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    Advances in computer graphics have enabled us to generate more compelling 3D virtual environments. 'Immersive experience' in these environments result from a combination of immersion and interactivity. As such, various disciplines have started adopting 3D technology for enhancing spatial understanding and experience. But the impact of the immersive experience on spatial understanding and experience remains unclear. This study utilized a controlled, between-subjects experiment to systematically manipulate a virtual reality system's technology affordances (stereoscopy, field of view, and navigability) and measure their impact. Participants, N=120, explored a virtual office and completed a questionnaire on the experience and tasks evaluating their understanding of the space. The results indicated that visual immersion had the greatest impact on understanding but, better experiences were gained when visual immersion was combined with greater interactivity. These findings support the notion the immersive experience is important for the comprehension of virtual spaces. This study overall served to provide insight into the role of the immersive experience on the comprehension of virtual spaces. The findings advance theories of spatial presence and immersion, support the use of methods which look at technology as affordances rather than entities, and support the use of 3D technology for communicating spatial information as in the case of architecture and fire-fighter training

    Coupling of interactive manufacturing operations simulation and immersive virtual reality

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    This paper presents a novel general-purpose simulation analysis application that combines concurrent operations simulation with the advanced data interrogation and user interaction capabilities of immersive virtual reality systems. The application allows for interactive modification of the simulation parameters, while providing the users with the available simulation information by effectively placing the operator in the midst of the environment being simulated. The major contribution of this research is the total integration of the immersive virtual reality environment with the simulation, allowing users in the environment to interactively change the inputs to the simulation as it is running. Implementation and functionality details of the developed application are presented. The experience of using the application to analyze a manufacturing operation in a collaborative scenario is also discussed.This is a manuscript from Virtual Reality 16 (2010): 15, doi:10.1007/s10055-010-0165-7. Posted with permission. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10055-010-0165-7.</p

    Vers une méthodologie de développement d'outils de réalité virtuelle pour faciliter la convergence métiers en conception de produits centrée sur l'homme

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    La conception concourante de produits matériels centrée sur l homme est basée sur une collaboration entre le concepteur mécanicien, l ergonome et le designer industriel. Cette collaboration souvent difficile peut être facilitée par l utilisation d objets intermédiaires de conception, tels que la Réalité Virtuelle (RV). Néanmoins, bien que largement utilisée dans l industrie, la RV souffre d un déficit d acceptation de la part des concepteurs de produits. Dans le cadre de ces travaux, nous proposons d utiliser la RV sous la forme d outils immersifs d assistance à la convergence multidisciplinaire développés selon une démarche anthropocentrée en fonction des besoins spécifiques à chaque projet de conception de produits. Afin d optimiser les délais de développement, nous proposons une méthodologie de conception d applications immersive dédiée : la méthodologie ASAP(As Soon As Possible). Une première série expérimentale a été conduite dans le cadre de contrats industriels d études et de recherche afin de valider la faisabilité de la méthodologie et l efficacité des outils développés.Une deuxième série expérimentale a été effectuée sur plus de 50 sujets dans le cadre de projets, cette fois, pédagogiques qui ont nécessité le développement de 12 applications. Elle a permis de valider quantitativement l influence des outils immersifs sur l efficacité perçue des phases de convergence interdisciplinaires ainsi que l influence de l approche proposée sur l acceptation de la RV par les concepteurs de produits. Ces travaux de thèse présentent une première approche qui, selon nous, permettra à terme, de faire évoluer l usage de la RV vers une intégration plus forte au sein des processus de conception de produits avec, par exemple, une plus large utilisation des applications immersives de modélisation 3D, réelles sources d innovation.Human centered and concurring product design is based on the collaboration between mechanical engineers, human factor experts and industrial designers. This collaboration is often difficult and can be eased through the use of intermediary objects such as Virtual Reality (VR). Nevertheless, even though VR is widely used in the industry, it suffers from a lack of acceptance by product designers. In the context of this research work, we suggest to use VR in the form of immersive multidisciplinary convergence support tools. These tools are developed in accordance with an anthropocentered approach, as a function of each specific product design project s needs. In order to optimize development times, we propose a dedicated immersive software design methodology : the ASAP methodology (As Soon As Possible). A first experiment, aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of the ASAP methodology and the effectiveness of the implemented immersive tools, has been conducted in the context of industrial product design projects. A second experiment, involving more than 50 participants, has been conducted in the context of educational product design projects and led to the development of 12 immersivetools. It demonstrated quantitatively the contribution of immersive tools to the perceived effectiveness of interdisciplinary convergence phases and the contribution of the ASAP methodology on the acceptation of VR by product designers. This research work describes a first approach that could, according to us, allow abetter integration of VR within product design processes.BELFORT-UTBM-SEVENANS (900942101) / SudocSudocFranceF