Understanding the immersive experience: Examining the influence of visual immersiveness and interactivity on spatial experiences and understanding


Advances in computer graphics have enabled us to generate more compelling 3D virtual environments. 'Immersive experience' in these environments result from a combination of immersion and interactivity. As such, various disciplines have started adopting 3D technology for enhancing spatial understanding and experience. But the impact of the immersive experience on spatial understanding and experience remains unclear. This study utilized a controlled, between-subjects experiment to systematically manipulate a virtual reality system's technology affordances (stereoscopy, field of view, and navigability) and measure their impact. Participants, N=120, explored a virtual office and completed a questionnaire on the experience and tasks evaluating their understanding of the space. The results indicated that visual immersion had the greatest impact on understanding but, better experiences were gained when visual immersion was combined with greater interactivity. These findings support the notion the immersive experience is important for the comprehension of virtual spaces. This study overall served to provide insight into the role of the immersive experience on the comprehension of virtual spaces. The findings advance theories of spatial presence and immersion, support the use of methods which look at technology as affordances rather than entities, and support the use of 3D technology for communicating spatial information as in the case of architecture and fire-fighter training

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