1,099 research outputs found

    Urban Hydrogeology Studies

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    Urbanization worldwide is a pervasive phenomenon of our time, and sustainable urban development is one of the greatest challenges faced by the contemporary world. The subsurface plays a range of roles in such developments through the complex processes of urbanization, including building development, constructing roads, and providing water supplies, drainage, sanitation, and even solid waste disposal.Urban groundwater problems are usually predictable; however, they are not predicted early enough. During recent decades, progressive advances in the scientific understanding of urban hydrogeological processes and the groundwater regimes of a substantial number of cities have been documented. This extensive array of subsurface challenges that cities have to contend with lies at the core of the sustainability of the urban water cycle. This is threatened by the increasing scale and downward extent of urban subsurface construction, including utilities (cables, sewage, and drainage), transportation (tunnels, passages), and storage (cellars, parking lots, and thermal energy). The cumulative impact of this subsurface congestion on the surrounding geology, and especially on the groundwater system, has to be constantly studied and addressed.In this volume, key connections amongst urban hydrogeology activities are identified as being consistent with scientific results and good practices in their relationship to subsurface data and knowledge on subsurface systems. The volume supports a useful dialogue between the providers and consumers of urban groundwater data and knowledge, offering new perspectives on the existing research themes

    Decoding the origins of vertical land motions observed today at coasts

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    In recent decades, geodetic techniques have allowed detecting vertical land motions and sea-level changes of a few millimetres per year, based on measurements taken at the coast (tide gauges), on board of satellite platforms (satellite altimetry) or both (Global Navigation Satellite System). Here, contemporary vertical land motions are analysed from January 1993 to July 2013 at 849 globally distributed coastal sites. The vertical displacement of the coastal platform due to surface mass changes is modelled using elastic and viscoelastic Green's functions. Special attention is paid to the effects of glacial isostatic adjustment induced by past and present-day ice melting. Various rheological and loading parameters are explored to provide a set of scenarios that could explain the coastal observations of vertical land motions globally. In well-instrumented regions, predicted vertical land motions explain more than 80 per cent of the variance observed at scales larger than a few hundred kilometres. Residual vertical land motions show a strong local variability, especially in the vicinity of plate boundaries due to the earthquake cycle. Significant residual signals are also observed at scales of a few hundred kilometres over nine well-instrumented regions forming observation windows on unmodelled geophysical processes. This study highlights the potential of our multitechnique database to detect geodynamical processes, driven by anthropogenic influence, surface mass changes (surface loading and glacial isostatic adjustment) and tectonic activity (including the earthquake cycle, sediment and volcanic loading, as well as regional tectonic constraints). Future improvements should be aimed at densifying the instrumental network and at investigating more thoroughly the uncertainties associated with glacial isostatic adjustment models.This research benefited from financial support from the CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France) through the TOSCA committee fellowship and from the European Research Council within the framework of the SP2-Ideas Program ERC-2013-CoG, under ERC Grant agreement number 617588. GS is supported by a DiSPeA research grant (CUP H32I160000000005) and by Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA 2013/B2.06, CUP D32I14000230005). AM was supported by an Australian Research Council Super Science Fellowship (FS110200045)

    Inferring subsidence characteristics in Wuhan (China) through multitemporal InSAR and hydrogeological analysis

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    Wuhan (China) is facing severe consolidation subsidence of soft soil and karst collapse hazards. To quantitatively explore the extent and causes of land subsidence in Wuhan, we performed multitemporal interferometry (MTI) analysis using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from the TerraSAR-X satellite from 2013 to 2017 and the Sentinel-1A satellite from 2015 to 2017. MTI results reveal four major subsidence zones in Wuhan, namely, Hankou (exceeding −6 cm/yr), Xudong-Qingshan (−3 cm/yr), Baishazhou-Jiangdi (−3 cm/yr), and Jianshe-Yangluo (−2 cm/yr). Accuracy assessment using 106 levelling benchmarks and cross-validation between the two InSAR-based results indicate an overall root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 2.5 and 3.1 mm/yr, respectively. Geophysical and geological analyses suggest that among the four major subsiding zones, Hankou, Xudong-Qingshan, and Jianshe-Yangluo are located in non-karstic soft soil areas, where shallow groundwater (< 30 m) declines driven by engineering dewatering and industrial water depletion contribute directly to soft soil compaction. Subsidence in the Baishazhou-Jiangdi zone develops in the karst terrain with abundant underground caves and fissures, which are major natural factors for gradual subsidence and karst collapse. Spatial variation analysis of the geological conditions indicates that the stage of karst development plays the most important role in influencing kart subsidence, followed by municipal construction, proximity to major rivers, and overlying soil structure. Moreover, land subsidence in this zone is affected more via coupling effects from multiple factors. Risk zoning analysis integrating subsidence horizontal gradient, InSAR deformation rates, and municipal construction density show that the high-risk areas in Wuhan are mainly distributed in the Tianxingzhou and Baishazhou-Jiangdi zone, and generally spread along the metro lines. © 202

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Freshwater ecosystem services in mining regions : modelling options for policy development support

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    The ecosystem services (ES) approach offers an integrated perspective of social-ecological systems, suitable for holistic assessments of mining impacts. Yet for ES models to be policy-relevant, methodological consensus in mining contexts is needed. We review articles assessing ES in mining areas focusing on freshwater components and policy support potential. Twenty-six articles were analysed concerning (i) methodological complexity (data types, number of parameters, processes and ecosystem-human integration level) and (ii) potential applicability for policy development (communication of uncertainties, scenario simulation, stakeholder participation and management recommendations). Articles illustrate mining impacts on ES through valuation exercises mostly. However, the lack of ground-and surface-water measurements, as well as insufficient representation of the connectivity among soil, water and humans, leave room for improvements. Inclusion of mining-specific environmental stressors models, increasing resolution of topographies, determination of baseline ES patterns and inclusion of multi-stakeholder perspectives are advantageous for policy support. We argue that achieving more holistic assessments exhorts practitioners to aim for high social-ecological connectivity using mechanistic models where possible and using inductive methods only where necessary. Due to data constraints, cause-effect networks might be the most feasible and best solution. Thus, a policy-oriented framework is proposed, in which data science is directed to environmental modelling for analysis of mining impacts on water ES

    Multi-component and multi-source approach to model subsidence in deltas. Application to Po Delta Area

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    This thesis focused on the definition of a study approach able to deal with the complexity of the land subsidence phenomenon in deltas. In the framework of the most up- to-date multi-methodological and multi-disciplinary studies concerning land subsidence and targeting to predict and prevent flooding risk, the thesis introduces a procedure based on two main innovations: the multi-component study and the multi-source analysis. The proposed approach is a “multi-component” procedure as it investigates, in the available geodetic datasets, the permanent component apart from the periodic one, and, at the same time, it is a “multi-source” approach because it attempts to identify the relevant processes causing subsidence (sources) by a modelling based on multi-source data analysis. The latter task is accomplished first through multi-disciplinary and multi-methodological comparative analyses, then through modelling of the selected processes. With respect to past and current approaches for studying subsidence phenomena, the developed procedure allows one to: i. overcome the one-component investigation, improving the accuracy in the geodetic velocity estimate; ii. fix the “analyses to modelling” procedure, enhancing qualitative or semi-quantitative procedures that often characterize the “data to source” and the “residual to source” approaches; iii. quicken the source validation phase, accrediting the relevance of the source on the basis of the analysis results and before the modelling phase, differently from the “peering approach”, which validates the source on the basis of the model findings. The proposed procedure has been tested on the Po Delta (northern Italy), an area historically affected by land subsidence and recently interested by accurate continuous geodetic monitoring through GNSS stations. Daily-CGPS time series (three stations), weekly- CGPS time series (two stations) and seven sites of DInSAR-derived time series spanning over the time interval 2009 – 2017 constituted the used geodetic datasets. Several meteo/hydro parameters collected from fifty-seven stations and wide stratigraphic-geological information formed the base for the performed comparative analyses. From the application of the proposed procedure, it turns out that the periodic annual component highlighted in the continuous GPS stations is explained by two water mass-dependent processes: soil moisture mass change, which seems to control the ground level up-or-down lift in the southern part of the Delta, and the river water mass change, which influences the ground displacement in the central part of the Delta. As it concerns the permanent component, the lower rate found over 2012 - 2016 period in the central part of the Delta with respect to the eastern part is interpreted as due to the sediment compaction process of the Holocene prograding sequences and to the increase of rich-clay deposits

    Remote Sensing and Modeling of Stressed Aquifer Systems and the Associated Hazards

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    abstract: Aquifers host the largest accessible freshwater resource in the world. However, groundwater reserves are declining in many places. Often coincident with drought, high extraction rates and inadequate replenishment result in groundwater overdraft and permanent land subsidence. Land subsidence is the cause of aquifer storage capacity reduction, altered topographic gradients which can exacerbate floods, and differential displacement that can lead to earth fissures and infrastructure damage. Improving understanding of the sources and mechanisms driving aquifer deformation is important for resource management planning and hazard mitigation. Poroelastic theory describes the coupling of differential stress, strain, and pore pressure, which are modulated by material properties. To model these relationships, displacement time series are estimated via satellite interferometry and hydraulic head levels from observation wells provide an in-situ dataset. In combination, the deconstruction and isolation of selected time-frequency components allow for estimating aquifer parameters, including the elastic and inelastic storage coefficients, compaction time constants, and vertical hydraulic conductivity. Together these parameters describe the storage response of an aquifer system to changes in hydraulic head and surface elevation. Understanding aquifer parameters is useful for the ongoing management of groundwater resources. Case studies in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, focus on land subsidence from groundwater withdrawal as well as distinct responses to artificial recharge efforts. In Christchurch, New Zealand, possible changes to aquifer properties due to earthquakes are investigated. In Houston, Texas, flood severity during Hurricane Harvey is linked to subsidence, which modifies base flood elevations and topographic gradients.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 201

    Application of DInSAR techniques to the monitoring of ground deformations

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    The aim of the present thesis has been to test the applicability of the innovative Advanced DInSAR techniques in the natural risk mitigation related to subsidence phenomena. In particular, two test sites have been chosen, both located within alluvial plains and affected by subsidence phenomena: Telese Terme (Italy) where no monitoring network has been installed in spite of the great amount of damaged buildings located in the urban area; Murcia city (Spain) where subsidence has caused damage to structures and infrastructures with an estimated cost of more than 50 million euros. In this second case, the institutions have required studies since '90. For this reason, 20 years of monitoring data are available which have allowed the implementation of an integrated monitoring system based upon satellite DInSAR, conventional field techniques and geotechnical data. Therefore these two areas have been chosen to test different approaches in the use of DInSAR results which can complete a monitoring network where available (as in the case of Murcia city) and replace it where it does not exist (as in the case of Telese Terme). In Murcia case study, the correlation between the temporal evolution of ground surface displacement measures (radar and in situ) and the piezometric groundwater level variation has been analysed to determine mechanisms and critical states of failure; this has permitted to implement a finite element model (FEM) of the phenomenon. Therefore, two models have been carried out: one (called "deep") up to the end of the gravel layer (where the pumping takes place) and one (called "shallow") up to the extensometers' base. The results of the deep model have been compared with DInSAR displacements time series which represent the whole deformation of the stratigraphic column. These comparisons have allowed the individuation of local anomalies of the stiffness values, and have permitted a best model calibration. Moreover, the shallow model results have been compared with the extensometers measurements. These comparisons have showed the occurrence of vertical anisotropies of the permeability. This hypothesis has been verified, analysing the available Lefranc's tests and the most detailed stratigraphic columns and a new model has been proposed. The geotechnical model results have been interpolated through the Ordinary Kriging Radar Errors (OKRE) technique. The achieved deformation maps have been used in the SAR images processing to allow the algorithm to better estimate the no-lineal part of the interferometric phase. In Telese Terme case study, radar measured displacements have allowed to understand the phenomenon spatial extension, its magnitude as same as its historical development. This has permitted the individuation of the causes which provoked damages for some "test buildings". For one of them, a structural model has been implemented; in this case, radar data have been used to verify if its structural response to the displacements detected by SAR corresponded to the overpassing of the limit states. The model results have turned out to have a good correspondence with the forensic analysis achieved in situ. All the proposed approaches could be applied to other scenarios affected by similar phenomena.El objetivo de la presente tesis ha sido probar la aplicabilidad de las técnicas innovadoras de DInSAR Advanced, en la mitigación de los riesgos naturales relacionados con fenómenos de subsidencia. En particular, se han elegido dos sitios de prueba, ambos ubicados en llanuras aluviales y afectados por fenómenos de subsidencia: Telese Terme (Italia) donde no se ha instalado red de vigilancia, a pesar de la gran cantidad de edificios dañados ubicadas en el área urbana y la ciudad de Murcia (España), donde la subsidencia ha causado daños a las estructuras e infraestructuras con un coste estimado de más de 50 millones de euros. En este segundo caso, las instituciones han requerido estudios desde los años 90.Por esta razón, se dispone de 20 años de datos monitorizados los cuales han permitido la implementación de un sistema integrado de vigilancia basado en el satélite dinSAR, técnicas de datos convencionales y datos geotécnicos. Por lo tanto, para probar diferentes enfoques en el uso de los resultados de DInSAR, se han escogidas estas dos áreas de modo que se pueda completar una red de monitoreo donde esté disponible (como en el caso de la ciudad de Murcia) y reemplazarla donde no existe (como en el caso de Telese Terme). En el caso de Murcia, se ha analizado la correlación entre la evolución temporal de las medidas de desplazamiento de la superficie del suelo (radar in situ) y la variación piezométrica del nivel de las aguas subterráneas para determinar los mecanismos y estados críticos de fracaso. Esto ha permitido poner en práctica un modelo de elementos finitos (FEM) del fenómeno. Teniendo en cuenta estos estudios, se han llevado a cabo dos modelos FEM: uno (llamado "(deep) profundo") hasta el extremo del nivel de grava (donde se lleva a cabo el bombeo) y uno (llamado "(shallow) superficial") hasta la base de los extensómetros. Los resultados del modelo de profundidad han sido comparados con las series temporales de deformación DInSAR que representan toda la deformación de la columna estratigráfica. Estas comparaciones han permitido a la individuación de las anomalías locales de los valores de rigidez, y han permitido una mejor calibración del modelo. Por otra parte, los resultados del modelo superficial (shallow), se han comparado con las mediciones extensométricas. Estas comparaciones han mostrado la ocurrencia de anisotropías verticales de la permeabilidad. Esta hipótesis ha sido verificada, analizando las pruebas disponibles de la Lefranc y las columnas estratigráficas más detalladas y se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo. Los resultados del modelo geotécnico han sido interpolados a través de la técnica "Ordinary Kriging Radar Errors" (OKRE). Los mapas de deformación obtenidos han sido utilizados en el procesado de imágenes SAR para permitir al algoritmo una mejor estimación de la parte no lineal de la fase interferométrica. En el caso de Telese Terme, los desplazamientos radar medidos han permitido comprender la extensión espacial del fenómeno, su magnitud y su desarrollo histórico. Esto ha permitido la individuación de las causas que provocaron daños en algunos edificios "de prueba". Para uno de ellos, se ha implementado un modelo estructural; en este caso, se han utilizados, los datos radar para verificar si su respuesta estructural a los desplazamientos detectados por SAR correspondían a la "superación de los estados límite". Los resultados del modelo han resultado tener una buena correspondencia con el análisis forense conseguida in situ. Todos los aproches propuestos se podrían aplicar a otros escenarios afectados por fenómenos similares

    Geomechanics of subsurface water withdrawal and injection

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    Land subsidence and uplift, ground ruptures, and induced seismicity are the principal geomechanic effects of groundwater withdrawal and injection. The major environmental consequence of groundwater pumping is anthropogenic land subsidence. The first observation concerning land settlement linked to subsurface processes was made in 1926 by the American geologists Pratt and Johnson, who wrote that \u2018\u2018the cause of subsidence is to be found in the extensive extraction of fluid from beneath the affected area.\u2019\u2019 Since then, impressive progress has been made in terms of: (a) recognizing the basic hydrologic and geomechanic principles underlying the occurrence; (b) measuring aquifer compaction and ground displacements, both vertical and horizontal; (c) modeling and predicting the past and future event; and (d) mitigating environmental impact through aquifer recharge and/or surface water injection. The first milestone in the theory of pumped aquifer consolidation was reached in 1923 by Terzaghi, who introduced the principle of \u2018\u2018effective intergranular stress.\u2019\u2019 In the early 1970s, the emerging computer technology facilitated development of the first mathematical model of the subsidence of Venice, made by Gambolati and Freeze. Since then, the comprehension, measuring, and simulation of the occurrence have improved dramatically. More challenging today are the issues of ground ruptures and induced/triggered seismicity, which call for a shift from the classical continuum approach to discontinuous mechanics. Although well known for decades, anthropogenic land subsidence is still threatening large urban centers and deltaic areas worldwide, such as Bangkok, Jakarta, and Mexico City, at rates in the order of 10 cm/yr