5,105 research outputs found

    Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator

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    Running Simultaneous Kepler Sessions for the Parallelization of Parametric Scans and Optimization Studies Applied to Complex Workflows

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    AbstractIn this paper we present an approach taken to run multiple Kepler sessions at the same time. This kind of execution is one of the requirements for Integrated Tokamak Modelling platform developed by the Nuclear Fusion community within the context of EUROFusion project[2]. The platform is unique and original: it entails the development of a comprehensive and completely generic tokamak simulator including both the physics and the machine, which can be applied for any fusion device. All components are linked inside workflows. This approach allows complex coupling of various algorithms while at the same time provides consistency. Workflows are composed of Kepler and Ptolemy II elements as well as set of the native libraries written in various languages (Fortran, C, C++). In addition to that, there are Python based components that are used for visualization of results as well as for pre/post processing. At the bottom of all these components there is a database layer that may vary between software releases, and require different version of access libraries. The community is using shared virtual research environment to prepare and execute workflows. All these constraints make running multiple Kepler sessions really challenging. However, ability to run numerous sessions in parallel is a must - to reduce computation time and to make it possible to run released codes while working with new software at the same time. In this paper we present our approach to solve this issue and examples that show its correctness

    The modeling of a tokamak plasma discharge, from first principles to a flight simulator

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    A newly developed tool to simulate a tokamak full discharge is presented. The tokamak \u27flight simulator\u27 Fenix couples the tokamak control system with a fast and reduced plasma model, which is realistic enough to take into account several of the plasma non-linearities. A distinguishing feature of this modeling tool is that it only requires the pulse schedule (PS) as input to the simulator. The output is a virtual realization of the full discharge, whose time traces can then be used to judge if the PS satisfies control/physics goals or needs to be revised. This tool is envisioned for routine use in the control room before each pulse is performed, but can also be used off-line to correct PS in advance, or to develop and validate reduced models, control schemes for future machines like a commercial reactor, simulating realistic actuators and sensors behavior

    Abbreviations and acronyms

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    This booklet provides a partial list of acronyms, abbreviations, and other short word forms, including their definitions, used in documents at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This list does not preclude the use of other short forms of less general usage, as long as these short forms are identified the first time they appear in a document and are defined in a glossary in the document in which they are used. This document supplements information in the GSFC Scientific and Technical Information Handbook (GHB 2200.2/April 1989). It is not intended to contain all short word forms used in GSFC documents; however, it was compiled of actual short forms used in recent GSFC documents. The entries are listed first, alphabetically by the short form, and then again alphabetically by definition

    On-Chip Nanoscale Plasmonic Optical Modulators

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    In this thesis work, techniques for downsizing Optical modulators to nanoscale for the purpose of utilization in on chip communication and sensing applications are explored. Nanoscale optical interconnects can solve the electronics speed limiting transmission lines, in addition to decrease the electronic chips heat dissipation. A major obstacle in the path of achieving this goal is to build optical modulators, which transforms data from the electrical form to the optical form, in a size comparable to the size of the electronics components, while also having low insertion loss, high extinction ratio and bandwidth. Also, lap-on-chip applications used for fast diagnostics, and which is based on photonic sensors and photonic circuitry, is in need for similar modulator specifications, while it loosens the spec on the modulator’s size. Silicon photonics is the most convenient photonics technology available for optical interconnects application, owing to its compatibility with the mature and cheap CMOS manufacturing process. Hence, building modulators which is exclusively compatible with this technology is a must, although, Plasmonics could be the right technology for downsizing the optical components, owing to its capability in squeezing light in subwavelength dimensions. Hence, our major goal is to build plasmonic modulators, that can be coupled directly to silicon waveguides. A Plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator was built, based on the orthogonal junction coupling technique. The footprint of the modulator is decreased to 0.6 4.7, extinction ratio of 15.8 dB and insertion loss of 3.38 dB at 10 volts was achieved in the 3D simulations. The voltage length product for the modulator is 47 V. The orthogonal junction coupler technique minimized the modulator’s footprint. On the other hand, photonic sensors favorably work in the mid-infrared region, owing to the presence of a lot of molecules absorption peaks in this region. Hence, III-V semiconductor media is used for this type of applications, owing to the availability of laser sources built of III-V media, and to the lower losses that these materials have in mid-infrared region. Hybrid plasmonic waveguide, formed of doped InAs, AlAs and GaAs is studied extensively. Based on this waveguide an electro-absorption modulator is built. The device showed an extinction ratio of 27 dB at 40 length, and 1.2 dB of insertion loss. The small device footprint predicts a much lower energy consumption

    Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall

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    For the past several years, the JET scientific programme (Pamela et al 2007 Fusion Eng. Des.82 590) has been engaged in a multi-campaign effort, including experiments in D, H and T, leading up to 2020 and the first experiments with 50%/50% D–T mixtures since 1997 and the first ever D–T plasmas with the ITER mix of plasma-facing component materials. For this purpose, a concerted physics and technology programme was launched with a view to prepare the D–T campaign (DTE2). This paper addresses the key elements developed by the JET programme directly contributing to the D–T preparation. This intense preparation includes the review of the physics basis for the D–T operational scenarios, including the fusion power predictions through first principle and integrated modelling, and the impact of isotopes in the operation and physics of D–T plasmas (thermal and particle transport, high confinement mode (H-mode) access, Be and W erosion, fuel recovery, etc). This effort also requires improving several aspects of plasma operation for DTE2, such as real time control schemes, heat load control, disruption avoidance and a mitigation system (including the installation of a new shattered pellet injector), novel ion cyclotron resonance heating schemes (such as the three-ions scheme), new diagnostics (neutron camera and spectrometer, active Alfvèn eigenmode antennas, neutral gauges, radiation hard imaging systems...) and the calibration of the JET neutron diagnostics at 14 MeV for accurate fusion power measurement. The active preparation of JET for the 2020 D–T campaign provides an incomparable source of information and a basis for the future D–T operation of ITER, and it is also foreseen that a large number of key physics issues will be addressed in support of burning plasmas.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 and 2019–2020 under grant agreement No. 633053Postprint (published version

    EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC): programme and the role of high performance computing

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    The paper is a written summary of an overview oral presentation given at the 1st Spanish Fusion HPC Workshop that took place on the 27th November 2020 as an online event. Given that over the next few years ITER will move to its operation phase and the European-DEMO design will be significantly advanced, the EUROfusion consortium has initiated a coordination effort in theory and advanced simulation to address some of the challenges of the fusion research in Horizon EUROPE (2021-2027), i.e. the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This initiative has been called E-TASC that stands for EUROfusion-Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination. The general and guiding principles of E-TASC are summarized in the paper. In addition, an overview of the scientific results obtained in a pilot phase (2019-2020) of E-TASC are provided while highlighting the importance of the required progress in computational methods and HPC techniques. In the initial phase, five pilot theory and simulation tasks were initiated: 1. Towards a validated predictive capability of the L-H transition and pedestal physics; 2. Electron runaway in tokamak disruptions in the presence of massive material injection; 3. Fast code for the calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity in stellarators and tokamaks; 4. Development of a neutral gas kinetics modular code; 5. European edge and boundary code for reactor-relevant devices. In this paper we report on recent progress made by each of these projects.</p

    Reduced transport models for a tokamak flight simulator

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    EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC) : programme and the role of high performance computing

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    This paper is a written summary of an overview oral presentation given at the 1st Spanish Fusion High Performance Computer (HPC) Workshop that took place on the 27 November 2020 as an online event. Given that over the next few years ITER24 will move to its operation phase and the European-DEMO design will be significantly advanced, the EUROfusion consortium has initiated a coordination effort in theory and advanced simulation to address some of the challenges of the fusion research in Horizon EUROPE (2021-2027), i.e. the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This initiative has been called E-TASC, which stands for EUROfusion-Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination. The general and guiding principles of E-TASC are summarized in this paper. In addition, an overview of the scientific results obtained in the pilot phase (2019-2020) of E-TASC are provided while highlighting the importance of the required progress in computational methods and HPC techniques. In the initial phase, five pilot theory and simulation tasks were initiated: towards a validated predictive capability of the low to high transition and pedestal physics; runaway electrons in tokamak disruptions in the presence of massive material injection; fast code for the calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity in stellarators and tokamaks; development of a neutral gas kinetics modular code; European edge and boundary code for reactor-relevant devices. In this paper, we report on recent progress made by each of these projects.Peer reviewe
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