54,754 research outputs found

    Position surveillance using one active ranging satellite and time-of-arrival of a signal from an independent satellite

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    Position surveillance using one active ranging/communication satellite and the time-of-arrival of signals from an independent satellite was shown to be feasible and practical. A towboat on the Mississippi River was equipped with a tone-code ranging transponder and a receiver tuned to the timing signals of the GOES satellite. A similar transponder was located at the office of the towing company. Tone-code ranging interrogations were transmitted from the General Electric Earth Station Laboratory through ATS-6 to the towboat and to the ground truth transponder office. Their automatic responses included digital transmissions of time-of-arrival measurements derived from the GOES signals. The Earth Station Laboratory determined ranges from the satellites to the towboat and computed position fixes. The ATS-6 lines-of-position were more precise than 0.1 NMi, 1 sigma, and the GOES lines-of-position were more precise than 1.6 NMi, 1 sigma. High quality voice communications were accomplished with the transponders using a nondirectional antenna on the towboat. The simple and effective surveillance technique merits further evaluation using operational maritime satellites

    Essays in Leadership Communication

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    This work centers around leadership communication: how our (dis)information-rich and uncertain global environment has posed challenges to and offered opportunities for this key leadership behavior, and how leaders engage in difficult communications with their stakeholders. I focus on leader-stakeholder two-way dynamics to investigate leader communication in critical moments when they deliver undesirable information to their stakeholders and respond to tough questions from their stakeholders. Essay I reviews research on leader communication and discusses those challenges and opportunities. Essay II uses 107 million Twitter posts to examine stakeholder responses to political leaders’ COVID-19 communications and illustrates the evolving leader-stakeholder relationship throughout different phases of the global pandemic. Essay III explores organizational leaders’ response strategies when facing difficult questions from stakeholders in high-stakes corporate environments. In conclusion, I aim to highlight leaders’ indispensable responsibilities to communicate effectively, benevolently, and responsibly, enhancing the field’s current understanding of crisis leadership, followership, and strategic leadership

    EDP Serviço Universal rebranding communication plan

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    The objective of this project is to develop a communication plan for the rebranding of EDP Serviço Universal. EDP Serviço Universal is the regulated market company. At the end of 2017, the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) imposed on the EDP group to make a total separation of designation and image between the companies in the group providing regulated services - that is, they have a specific function in the electricity sector and are remunerated for this through electricity tariffs - and those operating in the liberalized market, such as EDP Comercial. At the beginning of 2020, EDP Serviço Universal had to make the brand change. Being a regulated market company, there are several restrictions on how it can communicate with their customers, being this one of the main obstacles. The communication of the name distinction between the other companies of the EDP group is another factor that had to be taken into account. The communication strategy integrates mostly traditional tools. It is a customized strategy dedicated to each customer segment. Before the implementation and definition of objectives, all external and internal factors were analyzed, using several members of the project team to align the information with the company's expectations. The project was developed and implemented. During twelve months and after several meetings with the Board of Directors of the current SU ELETRICADE, it was possible to implement this communication plan. After completing the rebranding project, the company decided to create a customer experience area where the author is currently responsible for the entire communication strategy.O objetivo deste projeto é desenvolver um plano de comunicação para o rebranding da EDP Serviço Universal. A EDP Serviço Universal é a empresa do mercado regulado. No final do ano de 2017, a Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE) impôs ao grupo EDP que fizesse uma separação total de designação e imagem entre as empresas do grupo que prestam serviços regulados - ou seja, têm uma função específica no sector elétrico e são remuneradas por isso através das tarifas da eletricidade - e aquelas que atuam no mercado liberalizado, como a EDP Comercial. A EDP Serviço Universal, no início do ano de 2020 teve obrigatoriamente que fazer a mudança de marca. Sendo uma empresa do mercado regulado, existem várias restrições a nível das formas como pode comunicar com os seus clientes, sendo este um dos principais obstáculos. A comunicação da distinção de nome entre as demais empresas do grupo EDP é outro fator que se teve que ser em conta na implementação da estratégia. A estratégia de comunicação integra maioritariamente ferramentas tradicionais. É uma estratégia personalizada e dedicada a cada segmento de cliente. Antes da implementação e definição de objetivos, foram analisados todos os fatores externos e internos, recorrendo a vários membros da equipa de projeto para que a informação fosse alinhada com as expectativas da empresa. O projeto foi desenvolvido e implementado simultaneamente aquando a construção da tese. Durante doze meses e após várias reuniões com o Conselho de Administração da atual SU ELETRICIDADE, foi possível implementar este plano de comunicação. Após a conclusão do projeto rebranding, a empresa decidiu criar uma área de experiência de cliente onde a autora é atualmente responsável por toda a estratégia de comunicação

    Communicating the ideas and attitudes of spying in film music: A social semiotic approach

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    Taking the example of two 1960s popular spy films this paper explores how social semiotics can make a contribution to the analysis of film music. Following other scholars who have sought to create inventories of sound meanings to help us break down the way that music communicates, this paper explores how we can draw on the principles of Hallidayan functional grammar to present an inventory of meaning potentials in sound. This provides one useful way to describe the semiotic resources available to composers to allow them to communicate quite specific ideas, attitudes and identities through combinations of different sounds and sound qualities, by presenting them as systems of meaning rather than as lists of connotations. Here we apply this to the different uses of music and sound in Dr No and The Ipcress Files which allows us to show how we can reveal different ideologies of spying


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    In situations requiring the exchange of information to resolve equivocality or reduce uncertainty, can Media Richness Theory account for differences in individuals\u27 preferences for electronic mail and voice mail relative to one another? The results of this study indicate that, as predicted, electronic mail was preferred over voice mail for the exchange of information to reduce uncertainty. However, contrary to the predictions of Media Richness Theory, voice mail was not preferred over electronic mail for the resolution of equivocality. These results suggest that Media Richness Theory in its current formulation may not be applicable to the study of the new media. Future research should redefine and extend the concept of richness and its elements to account for the nature and functionality of the new media and investigate alternative social dimensions to individuals\u27 preferences for and usage of the new media

    “Helping you to pay us”: Rapport management in debt collection call centre encounters

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    This paper investigates the rapport management (Spencer-Oatey 2005) that collections agents at a UK-based utilities company call centre are expected to perform during debt collection telephone interactions. It does so by examining the rapport-relevant information communicated in the textual materials, including training manuals and call-scoring criteria, through which a prescribed debt collection style is disseminated and implemented. The analysis reveals that there are tensions in the rapport-concerns collectors must attend to when using the style. Collectors are instructed to perform potentially face-threatening behaviours in order to collect debt, whilst simultaneously engaging in linguistic behaviour that may be interpreted as face-enhancing and which functions to develop rapport with the debtor. It is suggested that the local deployment of this contradictory “helping you to pay us” philosophy is problematic on multiple levels and may give rise to relational tensions between collectors and debtors who have conflicting expectations about rapport management entitlements. In turn, this may contribute to a culture of sanctioned face-attacks in call centres (Archer and Jagodzinski 2015). Therefore, I suggest that call centres may need to loosen the syncedochical hold they have over their employees, thereby affording them the flexibility and volition to cope with the complex face demands, unpredictability and potential volatility of debt collection encounters

    Англійська мова для навчання і работи. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів і фахівців галузі знань 0503 Розробка корисних копалин Т 1

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    A coursebook includes all the activities of students’ work at ESP course aimed at development of language behaviour necessary for effective communication of students in their study and specialism areas. The tasks and activities given in the coursebook are typicalfor students’ academic and professional domains and situations. The content is organized in modules that covers generic job-related language skills of engineers. The authentic texts taken from real life contain interesting up-to-date information about mining, peculiarities of study abroad, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries. Pack of self-study resources given in Part II contains Glossary of mining terms, tasks and activities aimed at developing a range of vocabulary necessary for mining, different functions and functional exponents to be used in academic and professional environment as well as tasks developing self-awareness, self-assessment and self-organisation skills. Testing points for different grammar structuresare given in Part III. Indices at the end of each part easify the use of the coursebook. The coursebook contains illustrations, various samples of visualizing technical information. The coursebook is designed for ESP students of non-linguistic universities. It can be used as teaching/learning materials for ESP Courses for Mining Engineers as well as for self-study of subject and specialist teachers, practicing mining engineers and researchers in Engineering.У посібнику представлені всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Навчальний посібник містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту– модульна і охоплює загальні мовленнєві вміння інженерів. Зразки текстів– автентичні, взяті з реального життя, містять цікаву та актуальну інформацію про видобувничу промисловість, особливості навчання за кордоном, традиції та звичаї країн, мова яких вивчається. Ресурси для самостійної роботи(Том ІІ) містять глосарій термінів, завдання та вправи для розвитку словарного запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на розвиток навичок самооцінювання і організації свого навчання. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі ІІІ. Наприкінці кожної частини наведено алфавітно-предметні покажчики. Багато ілюстрацій та різних візуальних засобів подання інформації. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей

    The "Illimitable Dominion" of Charles Dickens: Transatlantic Print Culture and the Spring of 1842

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    This article explores Edgar Allan Poe’s May 1842 edition of Graham’s Monthly Magazine in the context of debates about international copyright circulating in the press at the time of Charles Dickens’s famous tour of the US. I offer a reading of Poe’s short story ‘The Masque of the Red Death’, and his review of Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales that sees these texts as interventions in transatlantic debates at the forefront of the public imagination in the Spring of 1842. In particular, through an original close reading of ‘The Masque of the Red Death’ I demonstrate how Poe subtly drew upon penny press exposés to inform the short story’s discussion of class, status and rights of access. I also suggest that the argument Poe made in his review of Nathaniel Hawthorne about the importance of ‘invention, creation, imagination [and] originality’ to the ‘prose tale’ is usefully considered in the same context, as an American response to questions of authorship that were also raised by the popular hysteria surrounding Dickens


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    After the strict processes of mid-twentieth-century minimalism, a new musical style has emerged which retains extensive use of repetition, but is generally more aurally accessible, based in non-functional triadic harmony, and flexible in its compositional structure. Frequent use of non-minimalist resources, musical resources from multiple styles in a single composition, and quotation from previous historical periods define this flexibility. American choral music has many popular compositions that exhibit characteristics of this new musical style, in part because of its accessibility relative to earlier minimalist styles, and in part because it adapts easily to the choral setting. At the same time, teaching this music to choirs requires resources that are not in standard-practice choral pedagogy textbooks or peer-reviewed choral journals. This monograph utilizes newer research in musical analysis and several recent writings attempting to generalize the postminimalist style to develop a definition of choral postminimalism. Then, this monograph also suggests analytical approaches and resources for choral warm-ups, score preparation, and other pedagogical tools for three pieces: Arvo Pärt’s The Beatitudes, Nico Muhly’s Bright Mass with Canons, and Tarik O’Regan’s The Ecstasies Above