14,357 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis and Review on Performance Modeling Literature

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    In management practice, performance indicators are considered as a prerequisite to make informed decisions in line with the organization's goals. On the other hand, indicators summarizes compound phenomena in a few digits, which can induce to inadequate decisions, biased by information loss and conflicting values. Model driven approaches in enterprise engineering can be very effective to avoid these pitfalls, or to take it under control. For that reason, "performance modeling" has the numbers to play a primary role in the "model driven enterprise" scenario, together with process, information and other enterprise-related aspects. In this perspective, we propose a systematic review of the literature on performance modeling in order to retrieve, classify, and summarize existing research, identify the core authors and define areas and opportunities for future research

    Statistical Panopticism and Its Critique

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    The article develops the concept of statistical panopticism, thereby combining the French approach of economics of convention (EC) and Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism. The differences between Foucault’s original notion of panopticism and statistical panopticism are emphasized. It is argued that statistical panopticism has been made possible by the enormous growth of quantification, datafication, linking, and centralization of numerical data production, data collection, and data analysis. This has been (mainly) realized by private enterprises and implemented in different social spheres but also in private situations. From the perspective of EC, quantification, big data, and statistical panopticism have to be related to the foundational conventions of data production (measurement) and data interpretation. Foucault has analyzed the neoliberal and indirect form of contemporary governance. Statistical panopticism works as a dispositive for this neoliberal form of governance. Its asymmetric and mainly invisible character is sketched. Also the critique and the deficiencies of critique of political and economic usages of numerical data and indicators are discussed

    Sustainable Management and Total Quality Management in Public Organizations with Outsourcing

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    The aim of this paper is to explore how Total Quality Management (TQM) can act as a foundation and key catalyst for developing Sustainable Management and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within Public Organizations. In the public sector we have too often experienced low quality services, which have generated and perpetuated low expectations. The result has been great dissatisfaction and frustration, but not much action (Gaster, 1995). As any other organization, the Public Organization can apply TQM and thereby accomplish some improvements.CSR is an emerging topic within organizational research and praxis. It has parallels to sustainable development, environmental protection, social equity and economic growth.This paper shows specifically how to incorporate sustainability into a quality system by using a model that shows the relation between investment in quality and the variables fame and reputation. The interest in the nature of the relationship between TQM and CSR is long-standing. The aim of the quality movement is to enable organizations to deliver high quality services in the shortest possible time to market, at minimum cost, and in a manner that emphasises human dignity, work satisfaction, and mutual and long-term loyalty between the organization and its stakeholders. As such, TQM has a strong ethical dimension, advocating the importance of considering the interests of stakeholders (Oppenheim & Przasnyski, 1999). In this paper outsourcing in Public Organizations is considered as an instrument for raising the qualitative level of services and thus for developing CSR. First, the definitions of CSR are discussed. Second, the ethics in quality are described, followed by a discussion on existing quality models with regard to CSR. Third, the relationship between TQM and CSR is considered. We have analyzed the strong similarity between TQM and CSR, and outsourcing analysis is used to illustrate the combined CSR/TQM approach in Public Organizations. Finally, we have highlighted the main factors of resistance to externalization in Public Administrations and how these can be overcome by developing a risk management approach.

    Architecting the Future: A Model for Enterprise Integration in the Metaverse

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    Although it has a history that goes back about three decades, Metaverse has grown to be one of the most talked-about subjects today. Metaverse gradually increased its influence in the realm of business discourse after initially being restricted to discussions about entertainment. Before getting deep into the Metaverse, it should be noted that failure and deviating from the business path are highly likely for an enterprise that relies heavily on information technology (IT) because of improper use and thinking about IT. The idea of enterprise architecture (EA) emerged as a management strategy to address this issue. As the first school of thought of EA, it sought to transform IT from an unnecessary burden in an enterprise to a guiding and supporting force. Then an extended EA model is suggested as a result of the attempt made in this paper to use the idea of EA to steer virtual enterprises on Metaverse-based platforms. Finally, to evaluate the conceptual model and demonstrate that the Metaverse can support businesses, three case studies Decentraland, Battle Infinity, and Rooom were utilized.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Organic Crop Production Overview

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    This publication provides an overview of the key concepts and practices of certified organic crop production. It also presents perspectives on many of the notions, myths, and issues that have become associated with organic agriculture over time. A guide to useful ATTRA resources and to several non-ATTRA publications is provided

    Conceptual modeling for the design of intelligent and emergent information systems

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    A key requirement to today's fast changing economic environment is the ability of organizations to adapt dynamically in an effective and efficient manner. Information and Communication Technologies play a crucially important role in addressing such adaptation requirements. The notion of `intelligent software' has emerged as a means by which enterprises can respond to changes in a reactive manner but also to explore, in a pro-active manner, possibilities for new business models. The development of such software systems demands analysis, design and implementation paradigms that recognize the need for ‘co-development’ of these systems with enterprise goals, processes and capabilities. The work presented in this paper is motivated by this need and to this end it proposes a paradigm that recognizes co-development as a knowledge-based activity. The proposed solution is based on a multi-perspective modeling approach that involves (i) modeling key aspects of the enterprise, (ii) reasoning about design choices and (iii) supporting strategic decision-making through simulations. The utility of the approach is demonstrated though a case study in the field of marketing for a start-up company

    Building a Digital Transformation Maturity Evaluation Model for Construction Enterprises Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method

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    With digital transformation underway in various Chinese construction enterprises, each enterprise has progressed differently, and a clear direction for future digital transformation and upgrading is lacking. As such, the importance of measuring the level of digitization among Chinese construction enterprises is increasing. This paper presents a model for evaluating digital transformation maturity within construction enterprises. The model considers six aspects: digital strategy, digital business applications, digital technology capabilities, and so on. The digital maturity of enterprises is determined using the Analysis of Hierarchy (AHP)-Decision Making Experiment and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method. Technical abbreviations are explained when first used. This study demonstrates that digital business applications are the most significant primary indicator, with a weight of 29.53%. The success of digital transformation in the construction industry is strongly influenced by the interconnection between digital technology and construction sites, as well as other factors such as new technical personnel, digital infrastructure, digital innovation, and innovation iteration ability. It is crucial to understand how digital technology and the construction industry can effectively connect in order to achieve success in this realm. This paper aims to enhance the digital transformation capabilities and efficiency of construction companies and boost their core competitiveness through targeted measures

    ConfiguraciĂłn mĂ­stica velada de recursos operativos ĂĄgiles para la rentabilidad en empresas familiares de PakistĂĄn

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    Resources act as an arm which often facilitates firm’s sustainable performance in volatile business markets. Few studies have emphasized the agile operant resources that propel family-owned firm’s profitability. The aim of this article is to show the concealed role of agile operant resources of firm owners that expedite family-owned businesses in profitability to ensure a firm’s sustainability. This research uses relativistic perspective based on interpretive worldview. For data collection, purposive sampling is used. While directing interviews, open-ended questions (interview guide) along with observations are used. Abductive research accompanied by Gioia methodology has been utilized for broader themes of discussion. The findings indicated relationship proneness, reputational resources, religious resources, agile soft skills, performance efficiency and excellency as hidden agile intangible resources which facilitate family firms of catering profitability. The paper presents a conceptual framework that highlights how family-owned firms can ensure profitability. The proposed research framework contributes to the present literature of family-owned firms by inspecting the mystical role of agile resources. It opens new avenues for practitioners to work on these resources that support to enhance profitability.Los recursos funcionan como un arma que a menudo facilita el rendimiento sostenible de las empresas en un mercado empresarial volĂĄtil. Pocos estudios han enfocado los recursos operativos ĂĄgiles que impulsan la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares. El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es mostrar el papel oculto de los recursos operativos ĂĄgiles de los propietarios de empresas que aceleran la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares para garantizar la sostenibilidad de las empresas. Esta investigaciĂłn se basa en una perspectiva relativista e interpretativa a nivel mundial. Para la recopilaciĂłn de datos, se utiliza un muestreo intencional/judicial. Durante las entrevistas, se emplea un cuestionario abierto (guĂ­a de entrevistas) junto con observaciones. Se ha utilizado una investigaciĂłn abductiva acompañada de la metodologĂ­a de Gioia para ampliar los temas de discusiĂłn. Los resultados indicaron que la propensiĂłn a las relaciones, los recursos reputacionales, los recursos religiosos, las habilidades blandas ĂĄgiles, la eficiencia y excelencia en el rendimiento son recursos intangibles ĂĄgiles ocultos que facilitan la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares. Este artĂ­culo propuso un marco conceptual que guĂ­a a las empresas familiares para lograr rentabilidad. El marco propuesto contribuye a la literatura actual sobre empresas familiares al examinar el papel mĂ­stico de los recursos ĂĄgiles y recomendar a los profesionales pulir estos recursos que ayudan a mejorar la rentabilidad, lo que lleva a la sostenibilidad de las empresas familiares
