268 research outputs found

    Development of actuating organ for electric intervention tool

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    Master's thesis in Offshore technologyThis thesis describes the initial steps towards development of a modularized all-electric toolbox, to use during ROV intervention. Based on a vision of future subsea systems, which will rely on electrification and standardization. Inspired by standardized interfaces and interchangeability in tool kits used on land, the objective has been to research the possibility of implementing such concepts into the offshore industry. The primary objective of this thesis was to create an understanding of ROV systems and their capabilities. The secondary objective of this thesis was to expand our understanding of relevant markets, and the services involved in these. What kind of tools are necessary to complete the given tasks? What characteristics are mandatory of an ROV to operate relevant tools in a safe and efficient manner? These questions determine what market segments are favorable and should be focused on, and thereby which tools are relevant. The third objective was to analyze the chosen tools to determine preferable properties towards electrification and modularization. The fourth objective is to determine what tools are best suited to proceed into concept and design evaluations. The properties of the selected tools are then reviewed, where necessities related to power input and outputs are established. Electric actuator solutions are then analyzed to find viable candidates within the suggested electric motor types. Several motors containing viable qualities where found. The qualities and restrictions that one must comply with during design and operation where adhered to, following these guidelines the best tooling solutions where sought out. These objectives culminate into a goal of making it possible to enter the ROV market with limited experience, by learning the basics of the ROV business and thereby gaining insight into this trade. Based on the knowledge gained in every step of the process, datasheets containing recommended properties for four electric actuators are presented. These are capable of performing the criterions set for tooling actuators. Development processes might now proceed with the suggested candidates as the basis for further research

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    Monitored And Controlled Underwater Scissor Arm Manipulator Using Pixy Camera

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    Underwater vehicle manipulator system (UVMS) generally consists of a camera unit and robotic manipulator. Its main function is to replace human work in underwater manipulation tasks. Most commercially available manipulators are not designed for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) because the vehicle does not have sufficient power supply to drive these manipulators which are electro-hydraulically driven. A proposed solution is to invest in development of low power underwater manipulator to deepen studies in AUV. Thus, this research has an objective of developing an underwater manipulator for small scale AUV. In this research, the manipulator is used in an object recovery task. An acrylic scissor arm which is electro-mechanically driven is used as manipulator in this research. Permanent magnets are used as its end effector. A Pixy CMUcam5 vision sensor is paired with this manipulator to navigate the AUV and control the manipulator. The usage of planar pressure housing helps in reducing light refraction effect of underwater environment that may affect the sensor’s accuracy. From the simulation done using Solid Works, it is found out that type 316L stainless steel is the best choice for the manipulator developed. To evaluate the performance of the UVMS developed, a series of tests are carried out. Based on the results obtained, it is known that the system has high speed and consistency with minimum time delay between input and output. As long as an object has distinct colour signature from its background and its surrounding is clear and well illuminated, the Pixy vision sensor can detect that object regardless of the distance between the sensor and the object

    Investigation into the Dynamics and Control of an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System

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    This study addresses the detailed modeling and simulation of the dynamic coupling between an underwater vehicle and manipulator system. The dynamic coupling effects due to damping, restoring, and inertial effects of an underwater manipulator mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) are analyzed by considering the actuator and sensor characteristics. A model reference control (MRC) scheme is proposed for the underwater vehicle-manipulator system (UVMS). The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated using numerical simulations along with comparative study between conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control. The robustness of the proposed control scheme is also illustrated in the presence of external disturbances and parameter uncertainties

    Monitored and controlled underwater scissor arm manipulator using Pixy camera

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    1120-1131Underwater vehicle manipulator system (UVMS) generally consists of a camera unit and robotic manipulator. Its main function is to replace human work in underwater manipulation tasks. Most commercially available manipulators are not designed for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) because the vehicle does not have sufficient power supply to drive these manipulators which are electro-hydraulically driven. A proposed solution is to invest in development of low power underwater manipulator to deepen studies in AUV. Thus, this research has an objective of developing an underwater manipulator for small scale AUV. In this research, the manipulator is used in an object recovery task. An acrylic scissor arm which is electro-mechanically driven is used as manipulator in this research. Permanent magnets are used as its end effector. A Pixy CMUcam5 vision sensor is paired with this manipulator to navigate the AUV and control the manipulator. The usage of planar pressure housing helps in reducing light refraction effect of underwater environment that may affect the sensor’s accuracy. From the simulation done using Solid Works, it is found out that type 316L stainless steel is the best choice for the manipulator developed. To evaluate the performance of the UVMS developed, a series of tests are carried out. Based on the results obtained, it is known that the system has high speed and consistency with minimum time delay between input and output. As long as an object has distinct colour signature from its background and its surrounding is clear and well illuminated, the Pixy vision sensor can detect that object regardless of the distance between the sensor and the object

    Development of a Hybrid Simulator for Underwater Vehicles with Manipulators

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    This article describes a hybrid simulation approach meant to facilitate the realization of a simulator for underwater vehicles with one or more manipulators capable of simulating the interaction of the vehicle with objects and structures of the environment. The hybrid simulation approach is first described and motivated analytically, then an analysis of simulation accuracy is proposed, where, in particular, the implications of added mass simulation are discussed. Then, a possible implementation of the proposed architecture is shown, where a robotic simulator of articulated bodies, capable of stable and accurate simulation of contact forces, although unfit to simulate any serious hydrodynamic model, is tightly interfaced with a general purpose dynamic systems simulator that is used to simulate the hydrodynamic forces, the vehicle guidance, navigation, and control system, and also a man-machine interface. Software details and the technicalities needed to interface the two simulators are also briefly presented. Finally, the results of the simulation of three operational scenarios are proposed as qualitative assessment of the simulator capabilities

    Development and Design of ROV Manipulator

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    The thesis is carried out in collaboration with the student organization UiS Subsea. The primary objective of this thesis is to design and develop a manipulator for the ROV, named YME, using the product development process (PDP). The end goal is to showcase the final product at the MATE ROV Competition 2023. The importance of sustainability has been highlighted in recent years, and this year, MATE ROV Competition focuses on the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable development (2021-2030), and challenge students to contribute to UNs Sustainability goals by seeking sustainable solutions for their projects. The product development process consisted of four phases: planning, concept development, concept generation, and product concept selection. The planning process focused on resource allocation, declaring a mission statement, and establishing a good foundation for the process ahead. Gathering benchmarking information and establishing target specifications was a crucial part of the concept development phase, prior to the concept generation process, as the information and specifications served as a guidance and outline for the concepts to be generated. By a circular economy approach, the reuse of old components within UiS Subsea was evaluated, and potential components were located. The circular economy approach influenced design decisions, and resulted in cost and timeefficiency, and contribution towards sustainability in engineering practices. Concepts were generated for both the manipulator arm and end-effector, and the most promising ones were selected for further development. Eventually one concept for the arm, and one for the end-effector, was selected and further developed through detailed design. Through detailed design, a complete CAD model of the manipulator was made, also material was selected and necessary calculations were performed. The outcome was a three degree of freedom manipulator arm with a rotating end-effector, pitch function, xv and a telescope function. Through prototyping and extensive testing, the design was evaluated and deemed sufficient according to customer needs and target specifications. The outcome of the project was a fully functional ROV Manipulator able to perform all the required MATE tasks, and contributed greatly towards the successful qualification to the 2023 MATE ROV Competition. However, there was room for further improvement and optimization of both the manipulator and the process, and hopefully the manipulator can serve as a foundation for future UiS Subsea manipulator projects.The thesis is carried out in collaboration with the student organization UiS Subsea. The primary objective of this thesis is to design and develop a manipulator for the ROV, named YME, using the product development process (PDP). The end goal is to showcase the final product at the MATE ROV Competition 2023. The importance of sustainability has been highlighted in recent years, and this year, MATE ROV Competition focuses on the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable development (2021-2030), and challenge students to contribute to UNs Sustainability goals by seeking sustainable solutions for their projects. The product development process consisted of four phases: planning, concept development, concept generation, and product concept selection. The planning process focused on resource allocation, declaring a mission statement, and establishing a good foundation for the process ahead. Gathering benchmarking information and establishing target specifications was a crucial part of the concept development phase, prior to the concept generation process, as the information and specifications served as a guidance and outline for the concepts to be generated. By a circular economy approach, the reuse of old components within UiS Subsea was evaluated, and potential components were located. The circular economy approach influenced design decisions, and resulted in cost and timeefficiency, and contribution towards sustainability in engineering practices. Concepts were generated for both the manipulator arm and end-effector, and the most promising ones were selected for further development. Eventually one concept for the arm, and one for the end-effector, was selected and further developed through detailed design. Through detailed design, a complete CAD model of the manipulator was made, also material was selected and necessary calculations were performed. The outcome was a three degree of freedom manipulator arm with a rotating end-effector, pitch function, xv and a telescope function. Through prototyping and extensive testing, the design was evaluated and deemed sufficient according to customer needs and target specifications. The outcome of the project was a fully functional ROV Manipulator able to perform all the required MATE tasks, and contributed greatly towards the successful qualification to the 2023 MATE ROV Competition. However, there was room for further improvement and optimization of both the manipulator and the process, and hopefully the manipulator can serve as a foundation for future UiS Subsea manipulator projects

    Marine Robot Sample Retrieving System

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    The exploration of our underwater ecosystems is critical. The aquatic ecosystem has a significant effect on human life, yet our understanding of the oceanic environment is severely lacking. Santa Clara University’s Robotic Systems Lab contributes to subsea exploration through its investment in remotely operated vehicle (ROV) technology. This project was done with the guidance of not only professors in the Robotics Systems Lab, but also stakeholders from the US Geological Survey scientists and researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Our team goal was to further advance SCU’s efforts by creating a sediment sample collection system consisting of a manipulator arm and sample storage container compatible with an existing SCU ROV. Our project has the potential to give researchers better access to submerged ecosystems and assists their efforts to understand and protect subsea environments in the future. We designed, built, and tested a prototype of a multiple degree-offreedom arm and storage system for the existing Nautilus ROV, for safely manipulating and storing submerged sedimentary artifacts at 300 feet deep with a maximum dive time of 45 minutes. At the end of this project, we were able to see robust three degree of freedom movement of the arm within its anticipated workspace. We achieved a basic level of motion control of the arm which was successfully tested and evaluated within a testing tank. However, there is still need for additional testing and increased functionality of the mechanical and controls systems. The storage system for samples design needs a thrust bearing to better rotate and there is still much work to make the controls of the arm user friendly such as end effector control for depositing a sample into the storage system instead of doing all the movements manually