200 research outputs found

    Subject-independent modeling of sEMG signals for the motion of a single robot joint through GMM Modelization

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    This thesis evaluates the use of a probabilistic model, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), trained through Electromyography (EMG) signals to estimate the bending angle of a single human joint. The GMM is created from the EMG signals collected by different people and the goal is to create a general model based on the data of different subjects. The model is then tested on new, unseen data. The goodness of the estimated data is evaluated by means of Normalized Mean Square Errorope

    Weighted variance variational autoencoder for speech enhancement

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    We address speech enhancement based on variational autoencoders, which involves learning a speech prior distribution in the time-frequency (TF) domain. A zero-mean complexvalued Gaussian distribution is usually assumed for the generative model, where the speech information is encoded in the variance as a function of a latent variable. While this is the commonly used approach, in this paper we propose a weighted variance generative model, where the contribution of each TF point in parameter learning is weighted. We impose a Gamma prior distribution on the weights, which would effectively lead to a Student's t-distribution instead of Gaussian for speech modeling. We develop efficient training and speech enhancement algorithms based on the proposed generative model. Our experimental results on spectrogram modeling and speech enhancement demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach compared to the standard unweighted variance model

    Query Answering in Probabilistic Data and Knowledge Bases

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    Probabilistic data and knowledge bases are becoming increasingly important in academia and industry. They are continuously extended with new data, powered by modern information extraction tools that associate probabilities with knowledge base facts. The state of the art to store and process such data is founded on probabilistic database systems, which are widely and successfully employed. Beyond all the success stories, however, such systems still lack the fundamental machinery to convey some of the valuable knowledge hidden in them to the end user, which limits their potential applications in practice. In particular, in their classical form, such systems are typically based on strong, unrealistic limitations, such as the closed-world assumption, the closed-domain assumption, the tuple-independence assumption, and the lack of commonsense knowledge. These limitations do not only lead to unwanted consequences, but also put such systems on weak footing in important tasks, querying answering being a very central one. In this thesis, we enhance probabilistic data and knowledge bases with more realistic data models, thereby allowing for better means for querying them. Building on the long endeavor of unifying logic and probability, we develop different rigorous semantics for probabilistic data and knowledge bases, analyze their computational properties and identify sources of (in)tractability and design practical scalable query answering algorithms whenever possible. To achieve this, the current work brings together some recent paradigms from logics, probabilistic inference, and database theory

    Prescriptive Analytics:A Survey of Emerging Trends And Technologies

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    Efficient querying and learning in probabilistic and temporal databases

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    Probabilistic databases store, query, and manage large amounts of uncertain information. This thesis advances the state-of-the-art in probabilistic databases in three different ways: 1. We present a closed and complete data model for temporal probabilistic databases and analyze its complexity. Queries are posed via temporal deduction rules which induce lineage formulas capturing both time and uncertainty. 2. We devise a methodology for computing the top-k most probable query answers. It is based on first-order lineage formulas representing sets of answer candidates. Theoretically derived probability bounds on these formulas enable pruning low-probability answers. 3. We introduce the problem of learning tuple probabilities which allows updating and cleaning of probabilistic databases. We study its complexity, characterize its solutions, cast it into an optimization problem, and devise an approximation algorithm based on stochastic gradient descent. All of the above contributions support consistency constraints and are evaluated experimentally.Probabilistische Datenbanken können große Mengen an ungewissen Informationen speichern, anfragen und verwalten. Diese Doktorarbeit treibt den Stand der Technik in diesem Gebiet auf drei Arten vorran: 1. Ein abgeschlossenes und vollstĂ€ndiges Datenmodell fĂŒr temporale, probabilistische Datenbanken wird prĂ€sentiert. Anfragen werden mittels Deduktionsregeln gestellt, welche logische Formeln induzieren, die sowohl Zeit als auch Ungewissheit erfassen. 2. Ein Methode zur Berechnung der k Anworten höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit wird entwickelt. Sie basiert auf logischen Formeln erster Stufe, die Mengen an Antwortkandidaten reprĂ€sentieren. BeschrĂ€nkungen der Wahrscheinlichkeit dieser Formeln ermöglichen das KĂŒrzen von Antworten mit niedriger Wahrscheinlichkeit. 3. Das Problem des Lernens von Tupelwahrscheinlichkeiten fĂŒr das Aktualisieren und Bereiningen von probabilistischen Datenbanken wird eingefĂŒhrt, auf KomplexitĂ€t und Lösungen untersucht, als Optimierungsproblem dargestellt und von einem stochastischem Gradientenverfahren approximiert. All diese BeitrĂ€ge unterstĂŒtzen Konsistenzbedingungen und wurden experimentell analysiert
