8 research outputs found

    Pengaturan Timer Penyemprotan Desinfektan Bilik Sterilisasi Menggunakan SISO Fuzzy

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    Penelitian ini merancang dan merakit alat sterilisasi yang disertai pengukur suhu tubuh dengan tujuan membantu pemerintah dalam pencegahan tersebarnya virus Covid-19 dengan cara memutus rantai penyebaran virus tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode SISO fuzzy untuk menentukan pengaturan timer pada saat penyemprotan. Suhu tubuh normal manusia adalah 35⁰C–37,5⁰C, namun ketika tubuh bereaksi terhadap benda asing yang masuk ke tubuh dan bersifat menginfeksi, maka suhu tubuh akan beadaptasi dan naik diatas 37,5⁰C. Ketika suhu tubuh diatas 37,5⁰C, alat akan mendeteksi sehingga otomatis melakukan tindakan yaitu bunyi alarm yang menandakan bahwa suhu tubuh melebihi batas normal sehingga perlu diwaspadai dan ditindak sesuai prosedur deteksi COVID-19. Lama penyemprotan didasarkan pada kondisi objek, jika suhu tubuh diatas 37,5⁰C maka penyemprotan otomatis berlangsung selama 60 second dan jika suhu tubuh objek normal maka penyemprotan berlangsung selama 30 second

    Movie recommender chatbot based on Dialogflow

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    Currently, the online movie streaming business is growing rapidly, such as Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, and Apple TV. The recommender system helps customers in getting information about movies that are in accordance with their wishes. Meanwhile, the development of messaging platform technology has made it easier for many people to communicate instantly. Utilizing a messaging platform to build a recommender system for movies, provides special benefits because people often access the messaging platform all the time. In the Indonesian language, there are many slang terms that the system must recognize. In this study, we build a chatbot on a messaging platform which users can interact with the system in natural language (in Indonesian language) and get recommendations. We use rule-based and maximum likelihood as a method in natural language processing (NLP), and content-based filtering for the recommendation process. The recommender system interaction is built through a conversation mechanism that will form a conversational recommender system. The interaction is based on a chatbot which is built using Dialogflow and implemented on the telegram. We use the accuracy of recommendations and user satisfaction to evaluate the system performance. The results obtained from the user study indicate that the NLP approach provides a positive experience for users. In addition, the system also produces an accuracy value of 83%

    A mutual authentication and key update protocol in satellite communication network

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    Satellite communication networks have been widely used to provide essential communication services, including voice communication, global positioning, message communication, etc. However, sorts of network attacks are easy to be launched in these networks due to the limited computation capability and communication width, long communication delay, and intermittent link connection. In this paper, we first propose a new [E]ncryption-based [M]utual [A]uthentication and [K]ey [U]pdate (EMAKU) protocol in satellite communication networks. Next we analyze the security of the EMAKU protocol under two classic network attacks which are replay attack and man-in-the-middle attack. Finally, experiments show that the EMAKU protocol is 21.5% faster than the traditional encryption-based authentication protocols, and the average time of key update of the EMAKU protocol is about 450.01 ms

    Neural Collaborative Filtering Classification Model to Obtain Prediction Reliabilities

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    Neural collaborative filtering is the state of art field in the recommender systems area; it provides some models that obtain accurate predictions and recommendations. These models are regression-based, and they just return rating predictions. This paper proposes the use of a classification-based approach, returning both rating predictions and their reliabilities. The extra information (prediction reliabilities) can be used in a variety of relevant collaborative filtering areas such as detection of shilling attacks, recommendations explanation or navigational tools to show users and items dependences. Additionally, recommendation reliabilities can be gracefully provided to users: “probably you will like this film”, “almost certainly you will like this song”, etc. This paper provides the proposed neural architecture; it also tests that the quality of its recommendation results is as good as the state of art baselines. Remarkably, individual rating predictions are improved by using the proposed architecture compared to baselines. Experiments have been performed making use of four popular public datasets, showing generalizable quality results. Overall, the proposed architecture improves individual rating predictions quality, maintains recommendation results and opens the doors to a set of relevant collaborative filtering fields

    Genetic algorithm for holistic VNF-mapping and virtual topology design

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    Producción CientíficaNext generation of Internet of Things (IoT) services imposes stringent requirements to the future networks that current ones cannot fulfill. 5G is a technology born to give response to those requirements. However, the deployment of 5G is also accompanied by profound architectural changes in the network, including the introduction of technologies like multi-access edge computing (MEC), software defined networking (SDN), and network function virtualization (NFV). In particular, NFV poses diverse challenges like virtual network function (VNF) placement and chaining, also called VNF-mapping. In this paper, we present an algorithm that solves VNF-placement and chaining in a metro WDM optical network equipped with MEC resources. Therefore, it solves the VNF-mapping in conjunction with the virtual topology design of the underlying optical backhaul network. Moreover, a version of the method providing protection against node failures is also presented. A simulation study is presented to show the importance of designing the three problems jointly, in contrast to other proposals of the literature that do not take the design of the underlying network into consideration when solving that problem. Furthermore, this paper also shows the advantages of using collaboration between MEC nodes to solve the VNF-mapping problem and the advantage of using shared protection schemes. The new algorithm outperforms other proposals in terms of both service blocking ratio, and number of active CPUs (thus reducing energy consumption). Finally, the impact of deploying different physical topologies for the optical backhaul network is also presented.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant TEC2017-84423-C3-1-P)Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (grant BES 2015-074514)Spanish Thematic Network (contract RED2018-102585-T)INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) program (project 0677_DISRUPTIVE_2_E

    System assessment of WUSN using NB-IoT UAV-aided networks in potato crops

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are part of precision agriculture; also, their impact on fast deployable wireless communication is offering new solutions and systems never envisioned before such as collecting information from underground sensors by using low power Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. In this paper, we propose a (Narrow Band IoT) NB-IoT system for collecting underground soil parameters in potato crops using a UAV-aided network. To this end, a simulation tool implementing a gateway mounted on a UAV using NB-IoT based access network and LTE based backhaul network is developed. This tool evaluates the performance of a realistic scenario in a potato field near Bogota, Colombia, accounting for real size packets in a complete IoT application. While computing the wireless link quality, it allocates access and backhaul resources simultaneously based on the technologies used. We compare the performance of wireless underground sensors buried in dry and wet soils at four different depths. Results show that a single drone with 50 seconds of flight time could satisfy more than 2000 sensors deployed in a 20 hectares field, depending on the buried depth and soil characteristics. We found that an optimal flight altitude is located between 60 m and 80 m for buried sensors. Moreover, we establish that the water content reduces the maximum reachable buried depth from 70 cm in dry soils, down to 30 cm in wet ones. Besides, we found that in the proposed scenario, sensors & x2019; battery life could last up to 82 months for above ground sensors and 77 months for the deepest buried ones. Finally, we discuss the influence of the sensor & x2019;s density and buried depth, the flight service time and altitude in power-constrained conditions and we propose optimal configuration to improve system performance

    Cloud-Edge Orchestration for the Internet-of-Things: Architecture and AI-Powered Data Processing

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThe Internet-of-Things (IoT) has been deeply penetrated into a wide range of important and critical sectors, including smart city, water, transportation, manufacturing and smart factory. Massive data are being acquired from a fast growing number of IoT devices. Efficient data processing is a necessity to meet diversified and stringent requirements of many emerging IoT applications. Due to the constrained computation and storage resources, IoT devices have resorted to the powerful cloud computing to process their data. However, centralised and remote cloud computing may introduce unacceptable communication delay since its physical location is far away from IoT devices. Edge cloud has been introduced to overcome this issue by moving the cloud in closer proximity to IoT devices. The orchestration and cooperation between the cloud and the edge provides a crucial computing architecture for IoT applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool to enable the intelligent orchestration in this architecture. This paper first introduces such a kind of computing architecture from the perspective of IoT applications. It then investigates the state-of-the-art proposals on AI-powered cloud-edge orchestration for the IoT. Finally, a list of potential research challenges and open issues is provided and discussed, which can provide useful resources for carrying out future research in this area.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC