31,061 research outputs found

    A novel Big Data analytics and intelligent technique to predict driver's intent

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    Modern age offers a great potential for automatically predicting the driver's intent through the increasing miniaturization of computing technologies, rapid advancements in communication technologies and continuous connectivity of heterogeneous smart objects. Inside the cabin and engine of modern cars, dedicated computer systems need to possess the ability to exploit the wealth of information generated by heterogeneous data sources with different contextual and conceptual representations. Processing and utilizing this diverse and voluminous data, involves many challenges concerning the design of the computational technique used to perform this task. In this paper, we investigate the various data sources available in the car and the surrounding environment, which can be utilized as inputs in order to predict driver's intent and behavior. As part of investigating these potential data sources, we conducted experiments on e-calendars for a large number of employees, and have reviewed a number of available geo referencing systems. Through the results of a statistical analysis and by computing location recognition accuracy results, we explored in detail the potential utilization of calendar location data to detect the driver's intentions. In order to exploit the numerous diverse data inputs available in modern vehicles, we investigate the suitability of different Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques, and propose a novel fuzzy computational modelling methodology. Finally, we outline the impact of applying advanced CI and Big Data analytics techniques in modern vehicles on the driver and society in general, and discuss ethical and legal issues arising from the deployment of intelligent self-learning cars

    Data Processing and Fusion For Multi-Source Wireless Systems

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    The constant evolution of the telecommunication technologies is one fundamental aspect that characterizes the modern era. In the context of healthcare and security, different scenarios are characterized by the presence of multiple sources of information that can support a large number of innovative services. For example, in emergency scenarios, reliable transmission of heterogeneous information (health conditions, ambient and diagnostic videos) can be a valid support for managing the first-aid operations. The presence of multiple sources of information requires a careful communication management, especially in case of limited transmission resource availability. The objective of my Ph.D. activity is to develop new optimization techniques for multimedia communications, considering emergency scenarios characterized by wireless connectivity. Different criteria are defined in order to prioritize the available heterogeneous information before transmission. The proposed solutions are based on the modern concept of content/context awareness: the transmission parameters are optimized taking into account the informative content of the data and the general context in which the information sources are located. To this purpose, novel cross-layer adaptation strategies are proposed for multiple SVC videos delivered over wireless channel. The objective is to optimize the resource allocation dynamically adjusting the overall transmitted throughput to meet the actual available bandwidth. After introducing a realistic camera network, some numerical results obtained with the proposed techniques are showed. In addition, through numerical simulations the benefits are showed, in terms of QoE, introduced by the proposed adaptive aggregation and transmission strategies applied in the context of emergency scenarios. The proposed solution is fully integrated in European research activities, including the FP7 ICT project CONCERTO. To implement, validate and demonstrate the functionalities of the proposed solutions, extensive transmission simulation campaigns are performed. Hence, the presented solutions are integrated on a common system simulator which is been developed within the CONCERTO project

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Human-Computer Interaction

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    In this book the reader will find a collection of 31 papers presenting different facets of Human Computer Interaction, the result of research projects and experiments as well as new approaches to design user interfaces. The book is organized according to the following main topics in a sequential order: new interaction paradigms, multimodality, usability studies on several interaction mechanisms, human factors, universal design and development methodologies and tools