1,215 research outputs found

    A Probability Collectives Approach with a Feasibility-Based Rule for Constrained Optimization

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    This paper demonstrates an attempt to incorporate a simple and generic constraint handling technique to the Probability Collectives (PC) approach for solving constrained optimization problems. The approach of PC optimizes any complex system by decomposing it into smaller subsystems and further treats them in a distributed and decentralized way. These subsystems can be viewed as a Multi-Agent System with rational and self-interested agents optimizing their local goals. However, as there is no inherent constraint handling capability in the PC approach, a real challenge is to take into account constraints and at the same time make the agents work collectively avoiding the tragedy of commons to optimize the global/system objective. At the core of the PC optimization methodology are the concepts of Deterministic Annealing in Statistical Physics, Game Theory and Nash Equilibrium. Moreover, a rule-based procedure is incorporated to handle solutions based on the number of constraints violated and drive the convergence towards feasibility. Two specially developed cases of the Circle Packing Problem with known solutions are solved and the true optimum results are obtained at reasonable computational costs. The proposed algorithm is shown to be sufficiently robust, and strengths and weaknesses of the methodology are also discussed

    Deep Learning Meets Mechanism Design: Key Results and Some Novel Applications

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    Mechanism design is essentially reverse engineering of games and involves inducing a game among strategic agents in a way that the induced game satisfies a set of desired properties in an equilibrium of the game. Desirable properties for a mechanism include incentive compatibility, individual rationality, welfare maximisation, revenue maximisation (or cost minimisation), fairness of allocation, etc. It is known from mechanism design theory that only certain strict subsets of these properties can be simultaneously satisfied exactly by any given mechanism. Often, the mechanisms required by real-world applications may need a subset of these properties that are theoretically impossible to be simultaneously satisfied. In such cases, a prominent recent approach is to use a deep learning based approach to learn a mechanism that approximately satisfies the required properties by minimizing a suitably defined loss function. In this paper, we present, from relevant literature, technical details of using a deep learning approach for mechanism design and provide an overview of key results in this topic. We demonstrate the power of this approach for three illustrative case studies: (a) efficient energy management in a vehicular network (b) resource allocation in a mobile network (c) designing a volume discount procurement auction for agricultural inputs. Section 6 concludes the paper

    Multifidelity Analysis and Optimization for Supersonic Design

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    Supersonic aircraft design is a computationally expensive optimization problem and multifidelity approaches over a significant opportunity to reduce design time and computational cost. This report presents tools developed to improve supersonic aircraft design capabilities including: aerodynamic tools for supersonic aircraft configurations; a systematic way to manage model uncertainty; and multifidelity model management concepts that incorporate uncertainty. The aerodynamic analysis tools developed are appropriate for use in a multifidelity optimization framework, and include four analysis routines to estimate the lift and drag of a supersonic airfoil, a multifidelity supersonic drag code that estimates the drag of aircraft configurations with three different methods: an area rule method, a panel method, and an Euler solver. In addition, five multifidelity optimization methods are developed, which include local and global methods as well as gradient-based and gradient-free techniques

    Descriptive Complexity Approaches to Inductive Inference

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    We present a critical review of descriptive complexity approaches to inductive inference. Inductive inference is defined as any process by which a model of the world is formed from observations. The descriptive complexity approach is a formalization of Occam\u27s razor: choose the simplest model consistent with the data. Descriptive complexity as defined by Kolmogorov, Chaitin and Solomonoff is presented as a generalization of Shannon\u27s entropy. We discuss its relationship with randomness and present examples. However, a major result of the theory is negative: descriptive complexity is uncomputable. Rissanen\u27s minimum description length (MDL) principle is presented as a restricted form of the descriptive complexity which avoids the uncomputability problem. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MDL through its application to AR processes. Lastly, we present and discuss LeClerc\u27s application of MDL to the problem of image segmentation

    Drone Base Station Trajectory Management for Optimal Scheduling in LTE-Based Sparse Delay-Sensitive M2M Networks

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    Providing connectivity in areas out of reach of the cellular infrastructure is a very active area of research. This connectivity is particularly needed in case of the deployment of machine type communication devices (MTCDs) for critical purposes such as homeland security. In such applications, MTCDs are deployed in areas that are hard to reach using regular communications infrastructure while the collected data is timely critical. Drone-supported communications constitute a new trend in complementing the reach of the terrestrial communication infrastructure. In this study, drones are used as base stations to provide real-time communication services to gather critical data out of a group of MTCDs that are sparsely deployed in a marine environment. Studying different communication technologies as LTE, WiFi, LPWAN and Free-Space Optical communication (FSOC) incorporated with the drone communications was important in the first phase of this research to identify the best candidate for addressing this need. We have determined the cellular technology, and particularly LTE, to be the most suitable candidate to support such applications. In this case, an LTE base station would be mounted on the drone which will help communicate with the different MTCDs to transmit their data to the network backhaul. We then formulate the problem model mathematically and devise the trajectory planning and scheduling algorithm that decides the drone path and the resulting scheduling. Based on this formulation, we decided to compare between an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based technique that optimizes the drone movement among the sparsely-deployed MTCDs and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based solution that achieves the same purpose. This optimization is based on minimizing the energy cost of the drone movement while ensuring the data transmission deadline missing is minimized. We present the results of several simulation experiments that validate the different performance aspects of the technique

    From Pattern Discovery to Pattern Interpretation of Semantically-Enriched Trajectory Data

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    The widespread use of positioning technologies ranging from GSM and GPS to WiFi devices tend to produce large-scale datasets of trajectories, which represent the movement of travelling entities. Several application domains, such as recreational area management, may benefit from analysing such datasets. However, analysis results only become truly useful and meaningful for the end user when the intrinsically complex nature of the movement data in terms of context is taken into account during the knowledge discovery process. For this reason we propose a pattern interpretation framework that consists of three main steps, namely, pattern discovery, semantic annotation and pattern analysis. The framework supports the understanding of movement patterns that were extracted using some trajectory mining algorithm. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the framework, we have specifically applied it for understanding moving flock patterns in pedestrian movement. For the pattern discovery step, we have formally defined the concept of moving flock, distinguishing it from stationary flock, and developed a detection algorithm for it. A set of guidelines for setting the parameters of the algorithm is provided and a specific technique is implemented for the radius parameter.As for the semantic annotation step, we have proposed a guideline for selecting appropriate attributes for semantic enrichment of individual entities and of moving flocks. Two levels of annotation, which are at individual and pattern level, were also described. Finally, for the pattern interpretation step, we have combined the results obtained using hierarchichal clustering and decision tree classification in order to analyse the attributes of flock members and of the flocks, and the flocks themselves. The entire framework was tested on the Dwingelderveld National Park (DNP) dataset and the Delft dataset, both of which are pedestrian datasets based in the Netherlands. The DNP dataset contains records of observations on the movement of visitors in the park while the Delft dataset describes movement of the pedestrians in the city. As a result, some forms of interactions, such as certain groups of visitors following the most popular path in the park, were inferred. Furthermore, some flocks were linked with specific attractions of the park

    A Comprehensive Review of Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithms Including Applications in Microelectronics and Nanophotonics

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    The application of artificial intelligence in everyday life is becoming all-pervasive and unavoidable. Within that vast field, a special place belongs to biomimetic/bio-inspired algorithms for multiparameter optimization, which find their use in a large number of areas. Novel methods and advances are being published at an accelerated pace. Because of that, in spite of the fact that there are a lot of surveys and reviews in the field, they quickly become dated. Thus, it is of importance to keep pace with the current developments. In this review, we first consider a possible classification of bio-inspired multiparameter optimization methods because papers dedicated to that area are relatively scarce and often contradictory. We proceed by describing in some detail some more prominent approaches, as well as those most recently published. Finally, we consider the use of biomimetic algorithms in two related wide fields, namely microelectronics (including circuit design optimization) and nanophotonics (including inverse design of structures such as photonic crystals, nanoplasmonic configurations and metamaterials). We attempted to keep this broad survey self-contained so it can be of use not only to scholars in the related fields, but also to all those interested in the latest developments in this attractive area

    Proceedings of the 2nd IUI Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects

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    These are the Proceedings of the 2nd IUI Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects. Objects that we use in our everyday life are expanding their restricted interaction capabilities and provide functionalities that go far beyond their original functionality. They feature computing capabilities and are thus able to capture information, process and store it and interact with their environments, turning them into smart objects

    Deliberation, Representation, Equity

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    "What can we learn about the development of public interaction in e-democracy from a drama delivered by mobile headphones to an audience standing around a shopping center in a Stockholm suburb? In democratic societies there is widespread acknowledgment of the need to incorporate citizens’ input in decision-making processes in more or less structured ways. But participatory decision making is balancing on the borders of inclusion, structure, precision and accuracy. To simply enable more participation will not yield enhanced democracy, and there is a clear need for more elaborated elicitation and decision analytical tools. This rigorous and thought-provoking volume draws on a stimulating variety of international case studies, from flood risk management in the Red River Delta of Vietnam, to the consideration of alternatives to gold mining in Roșia Montană in Transylvania, to the application of multi-criteria decision analysis in evaluating the impact of e-learning opportunities at Uganda's Makerere University. Editors Love Ekenberg (senior research scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis [IIASA], Laxenburg, professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Karin Hansson (artist and research fellow, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University), Mats Danielson (vice president and professor of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, affiliate researcher, IIASA) and Göran Cars (professor of Societal Planning and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) draw innovative collaborations between mathematics, social science, and the arts. They develop new problem formulations and solutions, with the aim of carrying decisions from agenda setting and problem awareness through to feasible courses of action by setting objectives, alternative generation, consequence assessments, and trade-off clarifications. As a result, this book is important new reading for decision makers in government, public administration and urban planning, as well as students and researchers in the fields of participatory democracy, urban planning, social policy, communication design, participatory art, decision theory, risk analysis and computer and systems sciences.