2,421 research outputs found

    Behavioral types in programming languages

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    A recent trend in programming language research is to use behav- ioral type theory to ensure various correctness properties of large- scale, communication-intensive systems. Behavioral types encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. The successful application of behavioral types requires a solid understanding of several practical aspects, from their represen- tation in a concrete programming language, to their integration with other programming constructs such as methods and functions, to de- sign and monitoring methodologies that take behaviors into account. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of these aspects, which we summarize as the pragmatics of behavioral types

    An Unexpected Journey: Towards Runtime Verification of Multiagent Systems and Beyond

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    The Trace Expression formalism derives from works started in 2012 and is mainly used to specify and verify interaction protocols at runtime, but other applications have been devised. More specically, this thesis describes how to extend and apply such formalism in the engineering process of distributed articial intelligence systems (such as Multiagent systems). This thesis extends the state of the art through four dierent contributions: 1. Theoretical: the thesis extends the original formalism in order to represent also parametric and probabilistic specications (parametric trace expressions and probabilistic trace expressions respectively). 2. Algorithmic: the thesis proposes algorithms for verifying trace expressions at runtime in a decentralized way. The algorithms have been designed to be as general as possible, but their implementation and experimentation address scenarios where the modelled and observed events are communicative events (interactions) inside a multiagent system. 3. Application: the thesis analyzes the relations between runtime and static verication (e.g. model checking) proposing hybrid integrations in both directions. First of all, the thesis proposes a trace expression model checking approach where it shows how to statically verify LTL property on a trace expression specication. After that, the thesis presents a novel approach for supporting static verication through the addition of monitors at runtime (post-process). 4. Implementation: the thesis presents RIVERtools, a tool supporting the writing, the syntactic analysis and the decentralization of trace expressions

    A constraint-based approach to quality assurance in service choreographies.

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    Knowledge about the quality characteristics (QoS) of service com- positions is crucial for determining their usability and economic value. Ser- vice quality is usually regulated using Service Level Agreements (SLA). While end-to-end SLAs are well suited for request-reply interactions, more complex, decentralized, multiparticipant compositions (service choreographies) typ- ically involve multiple message exchanges between stateful parties and the corresponding SLAs thus encompass several cooperating parties with interde- pendent QoS. The usual approaches to determining QoS ranges structurally (which are by construction easily composable) are not applicable in this sce- nario. Additionally, the intervening SLAs may depend on the exchanged data. We present an approach to data-aware QoS assurance in choreographies through the automatic derivation of composable QoS models from partici- pant descriptions. Such models are based on a message typing system with size constraints and are derived using abstract interpretation. The models ob- tained have multiple uses including run-time prediction, adaptive participant selection, or design-time compliance checking. We also present an experimen- tal evaluation and discuss the benefits of the proposed approach

    QoS Contract Negotiation in Distributed Component-Based Software

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    Currently, several mature and commercial component models (for e.g. EJB, .NET, COM+) exist on the market. These technologies were designed largely for applications with business-oriented non-functional requirements such as data persistence, confidentiality, and transactional support. They provide only limited support for the development of components and applications with non-functional properties (NFPs) like QoS (e.g. throughput, response time). The integration of QoS into component infrastructure requires among other things the support of components’ QoS contract specification, negotiation, adaptation, etc. This thesis focuses on contract negotiation. For applications in which the consideration of non-functional properties (NFPs) is essential (e.g. Video-on-Demand, eCommerce), a component-based solution demands the appropriate composition of the QoS contracts specified at the different ports of the collaborating components. The ports must be properly connected so that the QoS level required by one is matched by the QoS level provided by the other. Generally, QoS contracts of components depend on run-time resources (e.g. network bandwidth, CPU time) or quality attributes to be established dynamically and are usually specified in multiple QoS-Profiles. QoS contract negotiation enables the selection of appropriate concrete QoS contracts between collaborating components. In our approach, the component containers perform the contract negotiation at run-time. This thesis addresses the QoS contract negotiation problem by first modelling it as a constraint satisfaction optimization problem (CSOP). As a basis for this modelling, the provided and required QoS as well as resource demand are specified at the component level. The notion of utility is applied to select a good solution according to some negotiation goal (e.g. user’s satisfaction). We argue that performing QoS contract negotiation in multiple phases simplifies the negotiation process and makes it more efficient. Based on such classification, the thesis presents heuristic algorithms that comprise coarse-grained and fine-grained negotiations for collaborating components deployed in distributed nodes in the following scenarios: (i) single-client - single-server, (ii) multiple-clients, and (iii) multi-tier scenarios. To motivate the problem as well as to validate the proposed approach, we have examined three componentized distributed applications. These are: (i) video streaming, (ii) stock quote, and (iii) billing (to evaluate certain security properties). An experiment has been conducted to specify the QoS contracts of the collaborating components in one of the applications we studied. In a run-time system that implements our algorithm, we simulated different behaviors concerning: (i) user’s QoS requirements and preferences, (ii) resource availability conditions concerning the client, server, and network bandwidth, and (iii) the specified QoS-Profiles of the collaborating components. Under various conditions, the outcome of the negotiation confirms the claim we made with regard to obtaining a good solution

    QoS Contract Negotiation in Distributed Component-Based Software

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    Currently, several mature and commercial component models (for e.g. EJB, .NET, COM+) exist on the market. These technologies were designed largely for applications with business-oriented non-functional requirements such as data persistence, confidentiality, and transactional support. They provide only limited support for the development of components and applications with non-functional properties (NFPs) like QoS (e.g. throughput, response time). The integration of QoS into component infrastructure requires among other things the support of components’ QoS contract specification, negotiation, adaptation, etc. This thesis focuses on contract negotiation. For applications in which the consideration of non-functional properties (NFPs) is essential (e.g. Video-on-Demand, eCommerce), a component-based solution demands the appropriate composition of the QoS contracts specified at the different ports of the collaborating components. The ports must be properly connected so that the QoS level required by one is matched by the QoS level provided by the other. Generally, QoS contracts of components depend on run-time resources (e.g. network bandwidth, CPU time) or quality attributes to be established dynamically and are usually specified in multiple QoS-Profiles. QoS contract negotiation enables the selection of appropriate concrete QoS contracts between collaborating components. In our approach, the component containers perform the contract negotiation at run-time. This thesis addresses the QoS contract negotiation problem by first modelling it as a constraint satisfaction optimization problem (CSOP). As a basis for this modelling, the provided and required QoS as well as resource demand are specified at the component level. The notion of utility is applied to select a good solution according to some negotiation goal (e.g. user’s satisfaction). We argue that performing QoS contract negotiation in multiple phases simplifies the negotiation process and makes it more efficient. Based on such classification, the thesis presents heuristic algorithms that comprise coarse-grained and fine-grained negotiations for collaborating components deployed in distributed nodes in the following scenarios: (i) single-client - single-server, (ii) multiple-clients, and (iii) multi-tier scenarios. To motivate the problem as well as to validate the proposed approach, we have examined three componentized distributed applications. These are: (i) video streaming, (ii) stock quote, and (iii) billing (to evaluate certain security properties). An experiment has been conducted to specify the QoS contracts of the collaborating components in one of the applications we studied. In a run-time system that implements our algorithm, we simulated different behaviors concerning: (i) user’s QoS requirements and preferences, (ii) resource availability conditions concerning the client, server, and network bandwidth, and (iii) the specified QoS-Profiles of the collaborating components. Under various conditions, the outcome of the negotiation confirms the claim we made with regard to obtaining a good solution

    Proceedings of International Workshop "Global Computing: Programming Environments, Languages, Security and Analysis of Systems"

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    According to the IST/ FET proactive initiative on GLOBAL COMPUTING, the goal is to obtain techniques (models, frameworks, methods, algorithms) for constructing systems that are flexible, dependable, secure, robust and efficient. The dominant concerns are not those of representing and manipulating data efficiently but rather those of handling the co-ordination and interaction, security, reliability, robustness, failure modes, and control of risk of the entities in the system and the overall design, description and performance of the system itself. Completely different paradigms of computer science may have to be developed to tackle these issues effectively. The research should concentrate on systems having the following characteristics: • The systems are composed of autonomous computational entities where activity is not centrally controlled, either because global control is impossible or impractical, or because the entities are created or controlled by different owners. • The computational entities are mobile, due to the movement of the physical platforms or by movement of the entity from one platform to another. • The configuration varies over time. For instance, the system is open to the introduction of new computational entities and likewise their deletion. The behaviour of the entities may vary over time. • The systems operate with incomplete information about the environment. For instance, information becomes rapidly out of date and mobility requires information about the environment to be discovered. The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems. This workshop covers the aspects related to languages and programming environments as well as analysis of systems and resources involving 9 projects (AGILE , DART, DEGAS , MIKADO, MRG, MYTHS, PEPITO, PROFUNDIS, SECURE) out of the 13 founded under the initiative. After an year from the start of the projects, the goal of the workshop is to fix the state of the art on the topics covered by the two clusters related to programming environments and analysis of systems as well as to devise strategies and new ideas to profitably continue the research effort towards the overall objective of the initiative. We acknowledge the Dipartimento di Informatica and Tlc of the University of Trento, the Comune di Rovereto, the project DEGAS for partially funding the event and the Events and Meetings Office of the University of Trento for the valuable collaboration

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAsynchronous circuits exhibit impressive power and performance benefits over its synchronous counterpart. Asynchronous system design, however, is not widely adopted due to the fact that it lacks an equivalent support of CAD tools and requires deep expertise in asynchronous circuit design. A relative timing (RT) based asynchronous asynchronous commercial CAD tools was recently proposed. This design flow enables engineers who are proficient in using synchronous design and CAD flow to more easily switch to asynchronous design without asynchronous experience while retaining the asynchronous benefits of power and performance. Relative timing constraints are the key step to this design flow, and were generated manually by the designer based on his/her intuition and understanding of the circuit logic and structure. This process was quite time-consuming and error-prone. This dissertation presents an algorithm that automatically generates a set of relative timing constraints to guarantee the correctness of a circuit with the aid of a formal verification engine - Analyze. The algorithms have been implemented in a tool called ARTIST (Automatic Relative Timing Identifier based on Signal Traces). Automatic generation of relative timing constraints relies on manipulation, such as searching and backtracking, of a trace status tableau that is built based on the counter example signal trace returned from the formal verification engine. The underlying mechanism of relative timing is to force signal ordering on the labeled transition graph of the system to restrict its reachability to failure states such that the circuit implementation conforms to the specification. Examples from a simple C-Element to complex six-four GasP circuits are demonstrated to show how this technique is applied to real problems. The set of relative timing constraints generated by ARTIST is compared against the set of hand generated constraints in terms of efficiency and quality. Over 100 four-phase handshake controller protocols have been verified through ARTIST and Analyze. ARTSIT vastly reduces the design time as compared to hand generation which may take days or even months to achieve a solution set of RT constraints. The quality of ARTIST generated constraints is also shown to be as good as hand generation
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