4,381 research outputs found

    Conformal Rule-Based Multi-label Classification

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    We advocate the use of conformal prediction (CP) to enhance rule-based multi-label classification (MLC). In particular, we highlight the mutual benefit of CP and rule learning: Rules have the ability to provide natural (non-)conformity scores, which are required by CP, while CP suggests a way to calibrate the assessment of candidate rules, thereby supporting better predictions and more elaborate decision making. We illustrate the potential usefulness of calibrated conformity scores in a case study on lazy multi-label rule learning

    Conformal Prediction: a Unified Review of Theory and New Challenges

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    In this work we provide a review of basic ideas and novel developments about Conformal Prediction -- an innovative distribution-free, non-parametric forecasting method, based on minimal assumptions -- that is able to yield in a very straightforward way predictions sets that are valid in a statistical sense also in in the finite sample case. The in-depth discussion provided in the paper covers the theoretical underpinnings of Conformal Prediction, and then proceeds to list the more advanced developments and adaptations of the original idea.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0706.3188, arXiv:1604.04173, arXiv:1709.06233, arXiv:1203.5422 by other author

    Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers with Bounded Error Levels

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    In most classification tasks there are observations that are ambiguous and therefore difficult to correctly label. Set-valued classifiers output sets of plausible labels rather than a single label, thereby giving a more appropriate and informative treatment to the labeling of ambiguous instances. We introduce a framework for multiclass set-valued classification, where the classifiers guarantee user-defined levels of coverage or confidence (the probability that the true label is contained in the set) while minimizing the ambiguity (the expected size of the output). We first derive oracle classifiers assuming the true distribution to be known. We show that the oracle classifiers are obtained from level sets of the functions that define the conditional probability of each class. Then we develop estimators with good asymptotic and finite sample properties. The proposed estimators build on existing single-label classifiers. The optimal classifier can sometimes output the empty set, but we provide two solutions to fix this issue that are suitable for various practical needs.Comment: Final version to be published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01621459.2017.1395341?journalCode=uasa2

    Dual conformal constraints and infrared equations from global residue theorems in N=4 SYM theory

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    Infrared equations and dual conformal constraints arise as consistency conditions on loop amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. These conditions are linear relations between leading singularities, which can be computed in the Grassmannian formulation of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory proposed recently. Examples for infrared equations have been shown to be implied by global residue theorems in the Grassmannian picture. Both dual conformal constraints and infrared equations are mapped explicitly to global residue theorems for one-loop next-to-maximally-helicity-violating amplitudes. In addition, the identity relating the BCFW and its parity-conjugated form of tree-level amplitudes, is shown to emerge from a particular combination of global residue theorems.Comment: 21 page

    Detecting adversarial manipulation using inductive Venn-ABERS predictors

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    Inductive Venn-ABERS predictors (IVAPs) are a type of probabilistic predictors with the theoretical guarantee that their predictions are perfectly calibrated. In this paper, we propose to exploit this calibration property for the detection of adversarial examples in binary classification tasks. By rejecting predictions if the uncertainty of the IVAP is too high, we obtain an algorithm that is both accurate on the original test set and resistant to adversarial examples. This robustness is observed on adversarials for the underlying model as well as adversarials that were generated by taking the IVAP into account. The method appears to offer competitive robustness compared to the state-of-the-art in adversarial defense yet it is computationally much more tractable

    ELM regime classification by conformal prediction on an information manifold

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    Characterization and control of plasma instabilities known as edge-localized modes (ELMs) is crucial for the operation of fusion reactors. Recently, machine learning methods have demonstrated good potential in making useful inferences from stochastic fusion data sets. However, traditional classification methods do not offer an inherent estimate of the goodness of their prediction. In this paper, a distance-based conformal predictor classifier integrated with a geometric-probabilistic framework is presented. The first benefit of the approach lies in its comprehensive treatment of highly stochastic fusion data sets, by modeling the measurements with probability distributions in a metric space. This enables calculation of a natural distance measure between probability distributions: the Rao geodesic distance. Second, the predictions are accompanied by estimates of their accuracy and reliability. The method is applied to the classification of regimes characterized by different types of ELMs based on the measurements of global parameters and their error bars. This yields promising success rates and outperforms state-of-the-art automatic techniques for recognizing ELM signatures. The estimates of goodness of the predictions increase the confidence of classification by ELM experts, while allowing more reliable decisions regarding plasma control and at the same time increasing the robustness of the control system

    An Algebraic Classification of Exceptional EFTs

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    We classify four-dimensional effective field theories (EFTs) with enhanced soft limits, which arise due to non-linearly realised symmetries on the Goldstone modes of such theories. We present an algorithm for deriving all possible algebras that can be non-linearly realised on a set of Goldstone modes with canonical propagators, linearly realised Poincar\'{e} symmetries and interactions at weak coupling. We then perform a full classification of the cases with multiple scalars or multiple spin-1/21/2 fermions as the Goldstone modes. In each case there are only a small number of algebras consistent with field-dependent transformation rules, leading to the class of exceptional EFTs including the scalar sector of Dirac-Born-Infeld, Special Galileon and Volkov-Akulov theories. We also discuss the coupling of a U(1)U(1) gauge vector to the exceptional scalar theories, showing that there is a Special Galileon version of the full Dirac-Born-Infeld theory. This paper is part I in a series of two papers, with the second providing an algebraic classification of supersymmetric theories

    Branes: from free fields to general backgrounds

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    Motivated by recent developments in string theory, we study the structure of boundary conditions in arbitrary conformal field theories. A boundary condition is specified by two types of data: first, a consistent collection of reflection coefficients for bulk fields on the disk; and second, a choice of an automorphism ω\omega of the fusion rules that preserves conformal weights. Non-trivial automorphisms ω\omega correspond to D-brane configurations for arbitrary conformal field theories. The choice of the fusion rule automorphism ω\omega amounts to fixing the dimension and certain global topological features of the D-brane world volume and the background gauge field on it. We present evidence that for fixed choice of ω\omega the boundary conditions are classified as the irreducible representations of some commutative associative algebra, a generalization of the fusion rule algebra. Each of these irreducible representations corresponds to a choice of the moduli for the world volume of the D-brane and the moduli of the flat connection on it.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX2e. Typos corrected; two references adde
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