11 research outputs found

    Исследование макроинституциональных контекстов структуры и динамики взаимодействия технологических инновационных систем

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    Цель статьи – дать оценку вопросам взаимодействия между технологическими инновационными системами и некоторыми контекстными структурами. В частности, автором выделены и рассматриваются четыре особенно важных типа макроинституциональных контекстных структур: технологических, отраслевых, экстраторных и регуляторных. Для каждого из них автор приводит примеры различных способов взаимодействия контекстных структур с центральными технологическими системами и того, как наше понимание динамики технологической инновационной системы улучшается при применении данной методологии. Научная новизна статьи заключается в предложенном автором новом подходе описания контекстных структур через механизм интерактивной динамики, который демонстрирует некоторую степень институциональной согласованности. Также приводятся критерии, позволяющие различать два интерактивных вида взаимодействия, которые в свою очередь характеризуются различной степенью взаимозависимости между центральной технологической инновационной системой и конкретными контекстными структурам

    Technological innovation systems: a review of recent findings and suggestions for further research

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    In recent years, the technological innovation system (TIS) framework and its ‘functions approach’ has reached widespread diffusion among innovation scholars, especially those interested in sustainability transitions. It has so far been used frequently in studies of emerging sustainable technologies in the energy and transport sectors. This chapter provides some conceptual clarification regarding the functions framework, reviews the empirical findings of previous TIS studies and identifies topics to explore in future research. The review shows that a detailed understanding of the underlying mechanisms of some of the functions (‘entrepreneurial experimentation’, ‘market formation’ and ‘development of positive externalities’) is largely missing. More in-depth, qualitative analyses is therefore needed to identify causal chains of events within TISs. The review also reveals that the functions framework is not easily applicable to pure diffusion contexts, which suggests that the TIS framework should be supplemented by a ‘diffusion system’ framework

    Modalidad, práctica y patrón delictivo: análisis desde una perspectiva criminológica

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    The purpose of this article is the eludation of the concepts of criminal form, practice and pattern –sometimes confused with modus operandi– for being primary criteria for criminal and criminal analysis widely addressed from sciences such as criminology and legal psychology. To achieve this objective, to the first extent, some misuses of crime and crime will be exposed as commonly handled terms in judicial slang, where a wide demand for conceptual clarification is found. Through the method of analytical-synthetic reasoning, terminological and pragmatic disintegration of the concepts of modality, practice and criminal pattern and their applicability will be carried out to promote the holistic understanding of these behaviors in the applied field of research. Finally, the scientific spectrum of criminology will allow a comprehensive and unedited understanding of these concepts and their application, providing options for an adequate interpretation of behaviors that violate standards from a comprehensive scenario.Este artículo pretende elucidar los conceptos de modalidad, práctica y patrón delictivo –a veces confundidos con el modus operandi– por ser criterios primordiales para el análisis delictivo y criminal ampliamente abordado desde áreas del derecho y ciencias como la criminología y la psicología jurídica. Para cumplir este objetivo se exponen algunos usos incorrectos del delito y el crimen como términos manejados comúnmente en el argot judicial, donde se encuentra una amplia demanda de clarificación conceptual. Asimismo, a través del método de razonamiento analítico-sintético se realiza una desintegración terminológica y pragmática de los conceptos de modalidad, práctica y patrón delictivo y su aplicabilidad para favorecer la comprensión holística de estas conductas en el campo aplicado de la investigación. Finalmente, el espectro científico de la criminología permitirá la comprensión integral e inédita de estos conceptos y su aplicación, brindando opciones para una adecuada interpretación de las conductas que infringen las normas desde un escenario integral

    Conceptual confusion - an analysis of the meaning of concepts in technological innovation systems and sociological functionalism

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    The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how conceptual confusion may be a significant obstacle to cross-disciplinary dialogue. We focus on the relationship between the framework of technological innovation systems (TIS) and sociological functionalism (SF). The paper argues that while there are similarities between the two schools of thought, in particular in the use of the terms 'structure' and 'function', these are more linguistic than substantive. We demonstrate this by assessing the validity of the spillover to TIS of four main points of critique raised against SF. We conclude by stating some lessons for improving cross-disciplinary communication

    A Constituição dos Saberes nos Cursos de Graduação em Administração nas Universidades Federais dos Estados do Espírito Santo, do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a constituição dos saberes na formação em Administração nos cursos de graduação das universidades federais do Estado do Espírito Santo, do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e do Estado de São Paulo. Na tentativa de responder a este objetivo, foi realizada uma investigação nos perfis do curso e analisados os saberes e os sujeitos administrador. A abordagem metodológica escolhida para este estudo foi a da Análise Histórica por meio da técnica de análise documental. A produção dos dados foi feita mediante a análise de um conjunto de 08 (oito) projetos pedagógicos. Os dados extraídos foram contemplam nos seguintes subtópicos: perfil das DCNs, perfil adaptativo, foco em formar profissionais competentes, metodologias de ensino, conhecimentos obrigatórios à formação em administração, a questão da produção de um perfil de administrador e o formalismo no ensino em administração. A pesquisa proporcionou um entendimento de que os saberes prescritos em projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de Graduação em Administração são constituídos com base em um conhecimento inflexível, que impõem um modo de ser administrador; que o ensino ofertado aos alunos é incompatível com os diferentes espaços que o administrador pode ocupar; que os responsáveis pela elaboração dos projetos pedagógicos são conduzidos acriticamente pelo foco em desenvolver competências, que os deixam incapazes de perceber que garantir competências profissionais implica em compreender os condicionantes que formam cada aluno. Verificou-se também a necessidade de um conhecimento mais abrangente que possibilite tomada de decisões éticas e responsáveis, já que os alunos são reféns de um conhecimento restrito, que o impede de enxergar as influências de suas ações no processo decisório

    An Interpretation of Complexity - No one likes touch typing

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    This thesis examines how complexity thinking is understood and how it relates to two other administrative science's key concepts - efficiency and uncertainty. At the same time, thesis was discerning towards an alternative interpretive framework based on philosophical hermeneutics and general complexity. The aim of this study was not to deny, demystify, or impose clearer dichotomous (categorization) thinking; it was to contemplate new ways complexity thinking claims to be producing an understanding. The main objective of this thesis was to elucidate different presuppositions in the philosophy of science; how they affect, for instance, what we can depict in the first place, and how this relates towards what is truth and what is knowledge. Thesis challenges some of the taken for granted stands and conceptualizations in regard to the three concepts - complexity, uncertainty, and efficiency; concepts that forge administrative science's reality. How they together, separately, and in relation to elsewhere constrain what can be e.g. said, seen, or thought. Hence, analyses enunciated meanings and contexts that provide, for instance, novel interpretations. Furthermore, thesis examined these questions in relation to complex adaptive systems approach - how it depicts reality. Moreover, thesis showed how certain constraining understandings are evident inside it. The end contribution and conclusion was an interpretation; an interpretation that illustrated complexity and the other two concepts in regard to the first one - inside an alternative interpretative framework. Interpretative framework depicted some exemplifying principles derived from Edgar Morin's general complexity and Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. Thesis showed how we can use them in order to position ourselves in a more 'complementary', a less mutilating way, in conjunction with other understandings

    Understanding the diffusion and adoption of improved cookstove technologies in Uganda through the technological innovation system

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    About 2.5 billion people in the world rely on the traditional use of solid bioenergy to cook their meals, and in Sub-Saharan Africa almost 80% of the population still cooks with solid bioenergy. Despite the multifaceted promises associated with improved cookstoves to overcome the inefficient use of bioenergy, their diffusion and adoption remains slow. In making a contribution towards understanding this problem, this thesis departs from the extensive studies that explain it from the users’ and technology attributes’ perspective, and interrogates the role of systemic factors. The thesis draws from the Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) theory, and employs an interpretive multiple case research design. Data was collected using a multi-method approach including semi-structured interviews, document analysis, Focus Group Discussions and direct observation, and it was thematically analysed. The improved cookstove TIS in Uganda is at a critical stage of going through what I have called structural thinning resulting from change of context in terms of national policy direction and reduced external funding, which brings in the critical question of ability of the system to cope with, and overcome these structural shocks. Structural thinning refers to premature disengagement of key structural elements from the TIS. This change in context comes at a time when the system, which started in the 1980s is working under a largely misaligned structure and the key processes (functions) are largely externally induced, exposing the system at all levels (firm, network and national) to the vagaries of the changing needs and priorities of the external dominant actors especially development partners and carbon finance projects. Although entry of firms is perceived in literature as an inducement to systems in the formative stages, in Uganda’s case it portends a barrier because of firms’ capability and motivation issues. Stove dissemination is largely limited to urban areas and the quality of locally manufactured stoves is generally poor mainly because of the proliferation of counterfeit stoves on the market. The system is largely unregulated and the household biomass stoves standard, which is currently the main supporting institution is detached from local innovators’ focus and user habits and preferences, thus raising questions on the usefulness of standardised stove testing processes. Results also reveal how indigenous knowledge (informal structures) applied in some of the stove making and use processes (at firm and user levels respectively) is excluded from knowledge generation and exchange mechanisms at network and system levels, and how this exclusion impedes the generation of appropriate technologies. Relatedly, results show how actors perceive innovation and stove quality differently, and how the divergent perceptions (technological frames) work to slow progress of improved cookstove generation, diffusion and adoption in Uganda. Further, limited autonomy caused by donor dependence for survival coupled with weak legitimacy among local manufacturers weaken the voice of formal networks, which inhibits learning and knowledge exchange. In an effort to address the interaction gaps, some actors like networks use social media for research and information dissemination, albeit with challenges. R&D financing schemes boosted stove generation and dissemination in the short run but caused retrogression in the long term especially at firm level and are largely not adapted to the needs of the system. Results above represent a nascent system in formative stage. However, the improved cookstove TIS has been growing for about 35 years now, which points more to the system being stunted than young. The factors responsible for this stunted growth are embedded in the weak and misaligned structure, which affects fulfilment of the key processes. The study recommends restructuring of both the institutions and networks in order to absorb the current shocks and also create better structuration for progressive development of improved cookstove TIS in Uganda. This restructuring is specifically about aligning the improved cookstove standard to the needs of the system as well as building new necessary institutions such as supporting policy, and integrating the dominant informal institutions with formal ones to generate appropriate technologies. The restructuring also speaks about the reorganisation of networks to overcome dependency and legitimacy challenges.