1,890 research outputs found

    A theory of normed simulations

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    In existing simulation proof techniques, a single step in a lower-level specification may be simulated by an extended execution fragment in a higher-level one. As a result, it is cumbersome to mechanize these techniques using general purpose theorem provers. Moreover, it is undecidable whether a given relation is a simulation, even if tautology checking is decidable for the underlying specification logic. This paper introduces various types of normed simulations. In a normed simulation, each step in a lower-level specification can be simulated by at most one step in the higher-level one, for any related pair of states. In earlier work we demonstrated that normed simulations are quite useful as a vehicle for the formalization of refinement proofs via theorem provers. Here we show that normed simulations also have pleasant theoretical properties: (1) under some reasonable assumptions, it is decidable whether a given relation is a normed forward simulation, provided tautology checking is decidable for the underlying logic; (2) at the semantic level, normed forward and backward simulations together form a complete proof method for establishing behavior inclusion, provided that the higher-level specification has finite invisible nondeterminism.Comment: 31 pages, 10figure

    Generalized Strong Preservation by Abstract Interpretation

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    Standard abstract model checking relies on abstract Kripke structures which approximate concrete models by gluing together indistinguishable states, namely by a partition of the concrete state space. Strong preservation for a specification language L encodes the equivalence of concrete and abstract model checking of formulas in L. We show how abstract interpretation can be used to design abstract models that are more general than abstract Kripke structures. Accordingly, strong preservation is generalized to abstract interpretation-based models and precisely related to the concept of completeness in abstract interpretation. The problem of minimally refining an abstract model in order to make it strongly preserving for some language L can be formulated as a minimal domain refinement in abstract interpretation in order to get completeness w.r.t. the logical/temporal operators of L. It turns out that this refined strongly preserving abstract model always exists and can be characterized as a greatest fixed point. As a consequence, some well-known behavioural equivalences, like bisimulation, simulation and stuttering, and their corresponding partition refinement algorithms can be elegantly characterized in abstract interpretation as completeness properties and refinements

    Stuttering Min oscillations within E. coli bacteria: A stochastic polymerization model

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    We have developed a 3D off-lattice stochastic polymerization model to study subcellular oscillation of Min proteins in the bacteria Escherichia coli, and used it to investigate the experimental phenomenon of Min oscillation stuttering. Stuttering was affected by the rate of immediate rebinding of MinE released from depolymerizing filament tips (processivity), protection of depolymerizing filament tips from MinD binding, and fragmentation of MinD filaments due to MinE. Each of processivity, protection, and fragmentation reduces stuttering, speeds oscillations, and reduces MinD filament lengths. Neither processivity or tip-protection were, on their own, sufficient to produce fast stutter-free oscillations. While filament fragmentation could, on its own, lead to fast oscillations with infrequent stuttering; high levels of fragmentation degraded oscillations. The infrequent stuttering observed in standard Min oscillations are consistent with short filaments of MinD, while we expect that mutants that exhibit higher stuttering frequencies will exhibit longer MinD filaments. Increased stuttering rate may be a useful diagnostic to find observable MinD polymerization in experimental conditions.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, missing unit for k_f inserte

    Personalising the user experience of a mobile health application towards Patient Engagement

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    Stuttering is a multifactorial speech disorder that usually has several impacts on daily life, especially regarding loss of confidence in social situations and increased anxiety levels. BroiStu is a mobile health application that was developed to address the impacts of stuttering on people who stutter, allowing them to be more aware of their speech disorder in their everyday life. The personalisation of the user experience may be particularly important to maintain the patient engaged with the application towards a long-term use to take full advantage of the application’s features. This paper presents the implementation of personalisation aspects in BroiStu, introducing the model that is being followed, describing the features used, and presenting the results obtained with a preliminary experiment. The personalisation mechanisms are provided by a cloud-based platform that is designed to serve different applications. Interesting findings and further work are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assembling evidence for identifying reservoirs of infection

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    Many pathogens persist in multihost systems, making the identification of infection reservoirs crucial for devising effective interventions. Here, we present a conceptual framework for classifying patterns of incidence and prevalence, and review recent scientific advances that allow us to study and manage reservoirs simultaneously. We argue that interventions can have a crucial role in enriching our mechanistic understanding of how reservoirs function and should be embedded as quasi-experimental studies in adaptive management frameworks. Single approaches to the study of reservoirs are unlikely to generate conclusive insights whereas the formal integration of data and methodologies, involving interventions, pathogen genetics, and contemporary surveillance techniques, promises to open up new opportunities to advance understanding of complex multihost systems

    Generalizing the Paige-Tarjan Algorithm by Abstract Interpretation

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    The Paige and Tarjan algorithm (PT) for computing the coarsest refinement of a state partition which is a bisimulation on some Kripke structure is well known. It is also well known in model checking that bisimulation is equivalent to strong preservation of CTL, or, equivalently, of Hennessy-Milner logic. Drawing on these observations, we analyze the basic steps of the PT algorithm from an abstract interpretation perspective, which allows us to reason on strong preservation in the context of generic inductively defined (temporal) languages and of possibly non-partitioning abstract models specified by abstract interpretation. This leads us to design a generalized Paige-Tarjan algorithm, called GPT, for computing the minimal refinement of an abstract interpretation-based model that strongly preserves some given language. It turns out that PT is a straight instance of GPT on the domain of state partitions for the case of strong preservation of Hennessy-Milner logic. We provide a number of examples showing that GPT is of general use. We first show how a well-known efficient algorithm for computing stuttering equivalence can be viewed as a simple instance of GPT. We then instantiate GPT in order to design a new efficient algorithm for computing simulation equivalence that is competitive with the best available algorithms. Finally, we show how GPT allows to compute new strongly preserving abstract models by providing an efficient algorithm that computes the coarsest refinement of a given partition that strongly preserves the language generated by the reachability operator.Comment: Keywords: Abstract interpretation, abstract model checking, strong preservation, Paige-Tarjan algorithm, refinement algorith