13 research outputs found

    Decision support system for building information modeling (BIM) software selection: A case study in construction feasibility stage

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    The adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) software has proven to be beneficial to the construction industry to improve the design, analysis, construction, operation and data management. Due to the variety of BIM software on the market, choosing the right BIM software in construction projects is deemed to be a complicated decision making process. Previous studies revealed that software selection is mainly made based on popularity and recommendation from other companies. Consequently, inaccurate selection would lead to the underutilised features and negative effect the investment on the BIM software. Based on literature, there is a lack of systematic approach to select the right BIM software for specific project requirements. This highlights the needs for decision making tools to select the appropriate BIM software. This research aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) named topsis4BIM which integrates graphical user interfaces, BIM features database, Fuzzy TOPSIS and Web 2.0 tools. A real construction project was used as a case study for demonstrating and validating the DSS framework. The findings indicate that the use of topsis4BIM improves the BIM software selection process compared to the current practice. In addition, it also produce a new framework for the next generation DSS using Web 2.0 tools. The study introduces an innovative and economical decision making approach that can guide construction practitioners towards the betterment of BIM adoption

    Maintain maintenance: a look at some threats in the sector

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    [EN] Industrial maintenance is a key factor in ensuring the availability of the production systems of companies. Furthermore, it also has a significant impact on energy efficiency and on safety. The study of the status of the maintenance departments activity in the industrial sector in Spain (and probably in other European countries) shows negative aspects that indicate little innovation, lack of resources or personnel, poor planning and a downward trend in own staffing levels, while hiring with outside companies increases. Many companies perceive maintenance as an unavoidable cost. To change these negative trends it is necessary to make visible to the management staff the cost-benefit analysis of the maintenance activity and justify the investments to improve their results. This article highlights some of the threats that affect the activity of maintenance departments in industry, as perceived through statistics on industrial activity and sectoral surveys in Spain. Secondly, the article proposes the basis of a cost-benefit analysis, based on the avoided costs that maintenance department activity can generate. The authors propose this model as a simple tool to justify investments in the maintenance departments of companies.Roldán-Porta, C.; Cárcel Carrasco, FJ.; Escrivá-Escrivá, G.; Roldán-Blay, C. (2014). Maintain maintenance: a look at some threats in the sector. International Journal of Services Technology and Management. 20(6):233-250. doi:10.1504/IJSTM.2014.068856S23325020

    Exploring the role of E-maintenance for value creation in service provision

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    Technological innovations has always played an important role in economic growth and industrial productivity, but they have also potential to influence service industry. In particular, they can offer support to the process of servitization in manufacturing companies. This article presents a study regarding the prospective value that different technological innovations can offer to maintenance service provision. A review of different baseline technologies and a categorization of several types of E-maintenance tools and applications has been carried out in order to understand the new functionalities that can potentially bring to the provision of smart maintenance services. Moreover, a value analysis method for representing the contribution of tool categories to several value dimensions is presented here. This method can be used for identifying the best technological solution, matching both customer value and provider value, i.e. conforming a win-win situation for the parties involved in the service provision. Some preliminary results based on a survey are eventually given as a first test of its applicability

    Selection of computerized maintenance management systems to meet organizations' needs using AHP

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    Due to the complexity of modern industrial plants introduced by Industry 4.0, it has become increasingly difficult to manage physical assets maintenance without the support of a specialized information system, often referred to as Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). CMMS implementation brings several benefits such as cost reduction, increased productivity and better planning and scheduling. Nevertheless, selecting the most suitable one is not an easy task due to the large amount of CMMS available in the market. This paper presents a multicriteria decision-making method based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) applied for comparative evaluation of different CMMS alternatives. This method allows the evaluation of CMMS quality level based on a set of functional and non-functional features defined according to ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and distributed into a hierarchical structure of 5 criteria and 16 sub-criteria. This study shows the application of the proposed method in a synthetic foam production company, where it allowed a detailed comparison of three possible CMMS candidates and the selection of the most appropriate according to this organization' specific needs and requirements. It was observed that the differences in the global quality levels of the three CMMS alternatives were practically unnoticeable, requiring a cost-benefit analysis to complete the decision process. The method proposed has shown to be easily applied in an industrial context, leading to a reduction of the probability of failure often faced by organizations at the time of CMMS implementation.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Building information modelling to support maintenance management of healthcare built assets

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    Purpose: This research investigated how digital capabilities associated with Building Information Modelling can integrate a wide range of information to improve built asset management decision making during the in-use phase of hospital buildings. Research methodology: A comprehensive document analysis and a participatory case study was undertaken with a regional NHS hospital to: review the type of information that can be used to better inform BAM decision making; to develop a conceptual framework to improve information use during the healthcare built asset management process; to test how the conceptual framework can be applied within a BAM division of a healthcare organisation; and to develop a cloud-based BIM application. Findings: BIM has the potential to facilitate better informed built asset management decision making by integrating: a wide range of information related to the physical condition of built assets; resources available for built asset management; and the built asset’s contribution to healthcare provision within an organisation. However, interdepartmental information sharing requires: a significant level of time and cost investment; and changes to information gathering and storing practices within the whole organisation. Originality/value: This research demonstrated that the implementation of BIM during the in-use phase of hospital buildings is different to that in the design and construction phases. At the in-use phase BIM needs to integrate and communicate information within and between the estates, facilities division and other departments of the organisation. This poses a significant change management task for the organisation’s information management systems. Thus, a strategically driven top-down organisational approach is needed to implement BIM for the in-use phase of hospital buildings

    An integrated fuzzy AHP/DEA approach for performance evaluation of territorial units in Turkey

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    Due to the differences between regions and sub-regions in the countries, some problems come out especially in economic and social life. The issue of differences of regions has been widely implemented to evaluate the economic performance of Turkey in many disciplines. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of 26 sub-regions of NUTS-2 classification using integration Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The integrated FAHP/DEA method comprises two stages. In the first stage, linguistic terms are used to determine the decision makers’ opinion and are converted to quantitative forms by using FAHP methods. Subsequently, in the second stage, DEA method is applied to obtain relative efficiency of sub-regions in Turkey. The integrated FAHP/DEA method is illustrated with a real case study

    Propuesta de un modelo de mantenimiento para el área de corte en una compañía productora y comercializadora de Empaques de Cartón Corrugado.

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    El presente trabajo se desarrolla en una compañía productora y comercializadora de empaques de cartón corrugado ubicada en el municipio de San Pedro Valle del Cauca, para ello se realizó una propuesta de modelo de mantenimiento para el área de corte de una compañía del sector anteriormente mencionado, comenzando con la descripción de la situación actual de las máquinas con un análisis de criticidad de los equipos empleando una matriz de análisis modal de fallos y efectos (AMFE), para pasar a formular una planificación del mantenimiento donde se establecieron los lineamientos del mantenimiento, estandarización de los procesos del mantenimiento para su ejecución y pronóstico de la carga de trabajo que tendrán los operarios para finalizar con un programa de mantenimiento donde se encuentran todas las actividades y el cronograma para efectuar los respectivos mantenimientos a cada uno de los grupos de máquinas, programa que luego quedo inmerso dentro de un sistema computarizado para la administración del mantenimiento (SCAM) mediante Microsoft Excel, que se utilizaría para planificar ejecutar y controlar el mantenimiento del área de corte de la compañía.PregradoINGENIERO(A) EN INDUSTRIA

    Modelle zur Analyse, Auswahl, Einführung und Erfolgsmessung von betrieblichen Informationssystemen

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    Melhoria nos processos de negócio para gestão da manutenção na organização ANA, SA Aeroportos de Portugal: procedimento de gestão da manutenção

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    Com a implementação de um sistema de gestão de manutenção numa ótica corporativa na Organização ANA,SA Aeroportos de Portugal, aliada a diversas parametrizações relacionadas com os principais processos de negócio em vigor, surgiu de forma natural, um conjunto de oportunidades de melhoria aos processos de negócio através da investigação e desenvolvimento de métricas que permitissem obter análises, que até então eram abordadas sem a mesma profundidade e sem acesso ao mesmo repositório e modelo de dados. Foi nesta base, que a idealização do procedimento de gestão da manutenção, enquadrado no framework para a gestão da manutenção em vigor na Organização, transitou rapidamente para a realidade. O desenvolvimento do procedimento passou pela identificação dos problemas, definição de metas e objetivos a atingir, investigação bibliográfica na área de conhecimento da manutenção e boas práticas na gestão de serviços com incidência no ITIL, estudo da normas de manutenção existentes com a relação de conceitos e métodos de cálculo de ICD, apresentação dos processos de negócio em produção na Organização, desenvolvimento do procedimento de gestão da manutenção com as metodologias usadas e respetiva análise de resultados, e por fim as principais conclusões do trabalho efetuado, com apresentação das limitações encontradas, possíveis desenvolvimentos futuros e que implicações o novo modelo de negócio tem na Organização. Uma das principais contribuições do presente trabalho está no facto de terem surgido um conjunto de ações de melhoria e/ou correção aos processos de negócio existentes, que poderão trazer vantagens técnicas, organizacionais e económicas para a gestão da manutenção da Organização em causa

    Organização e gestão da manutenção de equipamentos da empresa Flamingo, S.A.

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    Num mundo cada vez mais competitivo, em constante mudança e evolução, a gestão e controlo da manutenção apresenta-se como uma possibilidade para as empresas reduzirem custos e aumentaram a sua produtividade. Desta forma, este trabalho pretende contribuir para que a organização seja mais competitiva, eliminando ineficiências e desperdícios. De tal forma, esta dissertação, desenvolveu-se em ambiente de estágio numa empresa da indústria da ourivesaria, a Flamingo, S.A., mais concretamente no seu departamento de manutenção. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com base na identificação de falhas e problemas na área da manutenção, com o objetivo de posteriormente implementar melhorias e estudar os seus impactos na empresa. Durante o período de estágio na empresa, recolheram-se informações de máquinas e equipamentos, criaram-se documentos e ficheiros (lista de códigos funcionais, ordens de trabalho, fichas de requisição de materiais, registo de controlo de horas-homem e consumíveis), desenvolveu-se ainda um sistema informático de gestão da manutenção, para suportar e auxiliar todo este trabalho e permitir compilar todos os registos efetuados ao longo do estágio. Desencadearam-se ações e workshops motivados pelas filosofias Lean e TPM, por forma a envolver toda a estrutura da organização e motivar a equipa para combater os desafios diários e modificando o paradigma da manutenção. Com o trabalho desenvolvido na Flamingo, S.A., implementaram-se novas formas de pensar e novos hábitos de registo, gestão documental e de comunicação, com o objetivo de minimizar as perdas, diminuir os custos e aumentar a produtividade da empresa. Do ponto de vista quantitativo, como principais ganhos aferidos por auditoria externa, foi possível aumentar em 48% a informação existente, aumentou-se em 5% a condição dos equipamentos, aumentou-se em 19% os trabalhos para a extensão de vida dos equipamentos, aumentou-se em 26% a facilidade de inspeção, a manutibilidade aumentou em 9% e a saúde, segurança e ambiente teve um acréscimo de 33%, resultando assim num aumento do score da manutenção em 23%.In an increasingly competitive world, constantly changing and evolving, the management and control of maintenance presents itself as a possibility for companies to reduce costs and increase your productivity. In this way, this work aims to contribute to the Organization to be more competitive by eliminating inefficiencies and waste. So, this dissertation, developed into a stage environment in a jewelry industry, named Flamingo, S.A., more specifically in your maintenance department. The work was developed based on the identification of gaps and problems in maintenance, to subsequently implement improvements and study its impact on the company. During this period with the company, information about machines and equipment was collected, and documents and files were created (functional code list, work orders, material requisition sheets, inspection of man-hours and consumables), was developed a computer system for the management of maintenance, to support and assist all this work and to allow the compile of all records made during the internship. Triggered actions and workshops driven by Lean philosophies and TPM to involve the entire structure of the Organization and motivate the team to face the daily challenges and changing the paradigm of maintenance. With the work done on Flamingo, S.A., implemented new ways of thinking and new registration habits, document management and communication, to minimize losses, reduce costs and increase the productivity of the company. From the quantitative point of view, the main gains measured by an external audit, it was possible to increase the existing information at 48% , increased 5% in the condition of equipment, increased by 19% in the works for extension of life of the equipment, increased in 26% the ease of inspection, the ease of maintenance increased by 9%, and the health, safety and environment had an increase of 33%, thus resulting in an increase of the score of 23% maintenanc