7 research outputs found

    Low cost NodeMcu based development water rocket measurement system applied to STEM education

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    Water rockets have become one of learning tools for STEM Education in schools. Generally water rockets make in school activity have no parachute load, altitude, and velocity measurement. Rocket can go any direction and also will cause hard collision to the ground that break the high speed rocket. It will take time and need more cost to make a new one for students. This study propose the low cost NodeMcu based water rocket measurement system to solve the problem. Altitude and velocity measurement are added and deployment system to release the parachute to make water rocket fall to the ground smoothly. Smartphone application used to monitor altitude and velocity of water rocket. Variables consist of water volume and air pressure. Five experiments had been conducted and recorded. The result found that the system could calculate Altitude, Velocity, and Deployment System also could release the parachute automatically in Coasting Descent position

    Container-based microservice architecture for local IoT services

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    Abstract. Edge services are needed to save networking and computational resources on higher tiers, enable operation during network problems, and to help limiting private data propagation to higher tiers if the function needing it can be handled locally. MEC at access network level provides most of these features but cannot help when access network is down. Local services, in addition, help alleviating the MEC load and limit the data propagation even more, on local level. This thesis focuses on the local IoT service provisioning. Local service provisioning is subject to several requirements, related to resource/energy-efficiency, performance and reliability. This thesis introduces a novel way to design and implement a Docker container-based micro-service system for gadget-free future IoT (Internet of Things) network. It introduces a use case scenario and proposes few possible required micro-services as of solution to the scenario. Some of these services deployed on different virtual platforms along with software components that can process sensor data providing storage capacity to make decisions based on their algorithm and business logic while few other services deployed with gateway components to connect rest of the devices to the system of solution. It also includes a state-of-the-art study for design, implementation, and evaluation as a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) based on container-based microservices with Docker. The used IoT devices are Raspberry Pi embedded computers along with an Ubuntu machine with a rich set of features and interfaces, capable of running virtualized services. This thesis evaluates the solution based on practical implementation. In addition, the thesis also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the system with respect to the empirical solution. The output of the thesis shows that the virtualized microservices could be efficiently utilized at the local and resource constrained IoT using Dockers. This validates that the approach taken in this thesis is feasible for providing such services and functionalities to the micro and nanoservice architecture. Finally, this thesis proposes numerous improvements for future iterations

    Challenges in using the actor model in software development, systematic literature review

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    Toimijamalli on hajautetun ja samanaikaisen laskennan malli, jossa pienet osat ohjelmistoa viestivät keskenään asynkronisesti ja käyttäjälle näkyvä toiminnallisuus on usean osan yhteistyöstä esiin nouseva ominaisuus. Nykypäivän ohjelmistojen täytyy kestää valtavia käyttäjämääriä ja sitä varten niiden täytyy pystyä nostamaan kapasiteettiaan nopeasti skaalautuakseen. Pienempiä ohjelmiston osia on helpompi lisätä kysynnän mukaan, joten toimijamalli vaikuttaa vastaavan tähän tarpeeseen. Toimijamallin käytössä voi kuitenkin esiintyä haasteita, joita tämä tutkimus pyrkii löytämään ja esittelemään. Tutkimus toteutetaan systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena toimijamalliin liittyvistä tutkimuksista. Valituista tutkimuksista kerättiin tietoja, joiden pohjalta tutkimuskysymyksiin vastattiin. Tutkimustulokset listaavat ja kategorisoivat ohjelmistokehityksen ongelmia, joihin käytettiin toimijamallia, sekä erilaisia toimijamallin käytössä esiintyviä haasteita ja niiden ratkaisuita. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin toimijamallin käytössä esiintyviä haasteita ja näille haasteille luotiin uusi kategorisointi. Haasteiden juurisyitä analysoidessa havaittiin, että suuri osa toimijamallin haasteista johtuvat asynkronisen viestinnän käyttämisestä, ja että ohjelmoijan on oltava jatkuvasti tarkkana omista oletuksistaan viestijärjestyksestä. Haasteisiin esitetyt ratkaisut kategorisoitiin niihin liittyvän lisättävän koodin sijainnin mukaan

    Computations on the Edge in the Internet of Things

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT), many applications focus on gathering data which can then be processed and visualized. However, such computations are usually spread generically based on parameters such as CPU and/or network load. This may mean that a significant amount of data needs to be transported over the network (either directly, or transparently using a network file system) in order for the data to be available to the node that is responsible for processing them. This paper proposes a method for deploying computations that can take factors such as data proximity into consideration. Thus, processing can be moved from central high-powered processing nodes to smaller devices on the edge of the network. By doing this, costs for gathering, processing and actuation can be minimized. In order to capture data dependencies among computations, but also to deploy and handle individual processing tasks in an easy way, the actor-model programming paradigm is used. To minimize the overall cost and to handle extra factors that weigh in on the distribution of tasks, a constraint programming approach is used. The combination of these two techniques results in an efficient distribution of tasks to processing resources in IoT. Taking into consideration the NP-hard nature of this problem, we present empirical results that illustrate how this technique performs in relation to the amount of devices/actors

    Computations on the Edge in the Internet of Things

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