98 research outputs found

    Technical Note. On Matrix Exponential Differentiation with Application to Weighted Sum Distributions

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    In this note, we revisit the innovative transform approach introduced by Cai, Song, and Kou [(2015) A general framework for pricing Asian options under Markov processes. Oper. Res. 63(3):540–554] for accurately approximating the probability distribution of a weighted stochastic sum or time integral under general one-dimensional Markov processes. Since then, Song, Cai, and Kou [(2018) Computable error bounds of Laplace inversion for pricing Asian options. INFORMS J. Comput. 30(4):625–786] and Cui, Lee, and Liu [(2018) Single-transform formulas for pricing Asian options in a general approximation framework under Markov processes. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 266(3):1134–1139] have achieved an efficient reduction of the original double to a single-transform approach. We move one step further by approaching the problem from a new angle and, by dealing with the main obstacle relating to the differentiation of the exponential of a matrix, we bypass the transform inversion. We highlight the benefit from the new result by means of some numerical examples

    Intrinsic expansions for averaged diffusion processes

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    We show that the rate of convergence of asymptotic expansions for solutions of SDEs is generally higher in the case of degenerate (or partial) diffusion compared to the elliptic case, i.e. it is higher when the Brownian motion directly acts only on some components of the diffusion. In the scalar case, this phenomenon was already observed in (Gobet and Miri 2014) using Malliavin calculus techniques. In this paper, we provide a general and detailed analysis by employing the recent study of intrinsic functional spaces related to hypoelliptic Kolmogorov operators in (Pagliarani et al. 2016). Relevant applications to finance are discussed, in particular in the study of path-dependent derivatives (e.g. Asian options) and in models incorporating dependence on past information

    Applications of Laplace transform for evaluating occupation time options and other derivatives

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    The present thesis provides an analysis of possible applications of the Laplace Transform (LT) technique to several pricing problems. In Finance this technique has received very little attention and for this reason, in the first chapter we illustrate with several examples why the use of the LT can considerably simplify the pricing problem. Observed that the analytical inversion is very often difficult or requires the computation of very complicated expressions, we illustrate also how the numerical inversion is remarkably easy to understand and perform and can be done with high accuracy and at very low computational cost. In the second and third chapters we investigate the problem of pricing corridor derivatives, i.e. exotic contracts for which the payoff at maturity depends on the time of permanence of an index inside a band (corridor) or below a given level (hurdle). The index is usually an exchange or interest rate. This kind of bond has evidenced a good popularity in recent years as alternative instruments to common bonds for short term investment and as opportunity for investors believing in stable markets (corridor bonds) or in non appreciating markets (hurdle bonds). In the second chapter, assuming a Geometric Brownian dynamics for the underlying asset and solving the relevant Feynman-Kac equation, we obtain an expression for the Laplace transform of the characteristic function of the occupation time. We then show how to use a multidimensional numerical inversion for obtaining the density function. In the third chapter, we investigate the effect of discrete monitoring on the price of corridor derivatives and, as already observed in the literature for barrier options and for lookback options, we observe substantial differences between discrete and continuous monitoring. The pricing problem with discrete monitoring is based on an appropriate numerical scheme of the system of PDE's. In the fourth chapter we propose a new approximation for pricing Asian options based on the logarithmic moments of the price average

    Essays on variance risk

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    My PhD thesis consists of three papers which study the nature, structure, dynamics and price of variance risks. As tool I make use of multivariate affine jump-diffusion models with matrix-valued state spaces. The first chapter proposes a new three-factor model for index option pricing. A core feature of the model are unspanned skewness and term structure effects, i.e., it is possible that the structure of the volatility surface changes without a change in the volatility level. The model reduces pricing errors compared to benchmark two-factor models by up to 22%. Using a decomposition of the latent state, I show that this superior performance is directly linked to a third volatility factor which is unrelated to the volatility level. The second chapter studies the price of the smile, which is defined as the premia for individual option risk factors. These risk factors are directly linked to the variance risk premium (VRP). I find that option risk premia are spanned by mid-run and long-run volatility factors, while the large high-frequency factor does not enter the price of the smile. I find the VRP to be unambiguously negative and decompose it into three components: diffusive risk, jump risk and jump intensity risk. The distinct term structure patterns of these components explain why the term structure of the VRP is downward sloping in normal times and upward sloping during market distress. In predictive regressions, I find an economically relevant predictive power over returns to volatility positions and S&P 500 index returns. The last chapter introduces several numerical methods necessary for estimating matrix-valued affine option pricing models, including the Matrix Rotation Count algorithm and a fast evaluation scheme for the Likelihood function
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