2,303 research outputs found

    The parcel hub scheduling problem with limited conveyor capacity and controllable unloading speeds

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    We investigate a specific truck scheduling problem at cross-docks in the postal service industry on an operational level aiming to maximise the number of duly parcels assuming fixed departure times of the outbound trucks. The inbound gates and the conveyors as means of transportation inside the hub constitute the bottleneck resources. As a novel extension, we propose flexible unloading speeds to efficiently utilise the scarce resources. We formalise the problem with a mixed integer program and explicitly incorporate controllable unloading speeds of the inbound trucks. We determine the computational complexity and develop a genetic algorithm to efficiently solve the problem. Our investigation focuses on both the performance of the genetic algorithm and the applicability of the results in a real-world environment by implementing scheduling policies in a simulation model that considers individual parcel interactions. Based on our experimental results, we can state that especially in problem settings with scarce conveyor capacities, our approach to incorporate controllable unloading speeds has the potential of significantly increasing the number of duly parcels

    Design of Closed Loop Supply Chains

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    Increased concern for the environment has lead to new techniques to design products and supply chains that are both economically and ecologically feasible. This paper deals with the product - and corresponding supply chain design for a refrigerator. Literature study shows that there are many models to support product design and logistics separately, but not in an integrated way. In our research we develop quantitative modelling to support an optimal design structure of a product, i.e. modularity, repairability, recyclability, as well as the optimal locations and goods flows allocation in the logistics system. Environmental impacts are measured by energy and waste. Economic costs are modelled as linear functions of volumes with a fixed set-up component for facilities. We apply this model using real life R&D data of a Japanese consumer electronics company. The model is run for different scenarios using different parameter settings such as centralised versus decentralised logistics, alternative product designs, varying return quality and quantity, and potential environmental legislation based on producer responsibility.supply chain management;reverse logistics;facility location;network design;product design

    The relevance of outsourcing and leagile strategies in performance optimization of an integrated process planning and scheduling

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    Over the past few years growing global competition has forced the manufacturing industries to upgrade their old production strategies with the modern day approaches. As a result, recent interest has been developed towards finding an appropriate policy that could enable them to compete with others, and facilitate them to emerge as a market winner. Keeping in mind the abovementioned facts, in this paper the authors have proposed an integrated process planning and scheduling model inheriting the salient features of outsourcing, and leagile principles to compete in the existing market scenario. The paper also proposes a model based on leagile principles, where the integrated planning management has been practiced. In the present work a scheduling problem has been considered and overall minimization of makespan has been aimed. The paper shows the relevance of both the strategies in performance enhancement of the industries, in terms of their reduced makespan. The authors have also proposed a new hybrid Enhanced Swift Converging Simulated Annealing (ESCSA) algorithm, to solve the complex real-time scheduling problems. The proposed algorithm inherits the prominent features of the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The ESCSA algorithm reduces the makespan significantly in less computational time and number of iterations. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been shown by comparing the results with GA, SA, Tabu, and hybrid Tabu-SA optimization methods

    Ordonnancement de camions dans une plateforme logistique : complexité, méthodes de résolution et incertitudes

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    La problématique dite de crossdocking a été source de beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années dans la littérature. Un crossdock est une plateforme logistique favorisant, par une synchronisation efficace des camions entrants et sortants, une rotation rapide des produits, le volume de produits stockés devant être le plus faible possible. Le crossdocking soulève de nombreux problèmes logistiques, dont notamment celui de l'ordonnancement des camions entrants et sortants sur les quais de la plateforme. L'objectif classiquement considéré dans la littérature pour ce problème est la minimisation du makespan, critère très répandu en d'ordonnancement. Pour le crossdocking néanmoins, minimiser la date de départ du dernier camion ne garantie pas nécessairement une bonne synchronisation des camions et le makespan ne semble donc pas être l'objectif le plus pertinent. Pour répondre au besoin de synchronisation et favoriser les rotations rapides, notre travail propose alternativement de minimiser la somme des temps de séjour des palettes dans le stock. Nous étudions d'abord la version déterministe de ce problème d'ordonnancement. Sa complexité est détaillée selon différentes hypothèses pour identifier les éléments menant à sa NP-difficulté. Différentes méthodes de résolutions sont proposées. Une méthode classique de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers utilisant des variables de décision indexées par le temps. Une famille d'inégalités valides est également proposée et exploitée dans un algorithme avec ajout itératif de coupes. Des méthodes basées sur la programmation par contraintes sont enfin proposées. Une analyse comparative de ces différentes méthodes est proposée. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudions une version non-déterministe de notre problème d'ordonnancement dans laquelle des incertitudes sur les dates d'arrivée des camions sont introduites sous la forme d'intervalles de temps équiprobables. Une méthode d'ordonnancement proactive-réactive utilisant le concept de groupes d'opérations permutables est proposée pour faire face aux incertitudes. Des groupes de camions permutables sont séquencés et affectés aux quais puis, durant l'exécution d'ordonnancement, en fonction de la réalisation des dates d'arrivée, un ordre est choisi dans chaque groupe à l'aide d'un algorithme réactif.Crossdocking has received a lot of attention in the literature in recent years. A crossdock is a logistic platform that promotes rapid product turnover through efficient synchronization of incoming and outgoing trucks, with the volume of products stored being kept as low as possible. Crossdocking raises many logistical problems, including the scheduling of incoming and outgoing trucks on the platform's docks. The classical objective considered in the literature for this problem is the minimization of the makespan, a very common criterion in scheduling. However, for crossdocking, minimizing the departure date of the last truck does not necessarily guarantee a good synchronization of the trucks and the makespan does not seem to be the most relevant objective. In order to meet the need for synchronization and to help fast rotations, our work proposes alternatively to minimize the sum of the pallets' sojourn times in the warehouse. We first study the deterministic version of this scheduling problem. Its complexity is detailed under different assumptions to identify the elements leading to its NP-hardness. Different solution methods are proposed. A classical integer linear programming method using time-indexed decision variables. A family of valid inequalities is also proposed and exploited in an algorithm with iterative addition of cuts. Finally, methods based on constraint programming are proposed. A comparative analysis of these different methods is proposed. In a second step, we study a non-deterministic version of our scheduling problem in which uncertainties on truck arrival dates are introduced in the form of equiprobable time intervals. A proactive-reactive scheduling method using the concept of permutable operation groups is proposed to cope with the uncertainties. Groups of permutable trucks are sequenced and assigned to the docks and then, during the scheduling run, based on the realization of arrival dates, an order is chosen in each group using a reactive algorithm

    Bütünleşik tedarik zinciri çizelgeleme modelleri: Bir literatür taraması

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    Research on integration of supply chain and scheduling is relatively recent, and number of studies on this topic is increasing. This study provides a comprehensive literature survey about Integrated Supply Chain Scheduling (ISCS) models to help identify deficiencies in this area. For this purpose, it is thought that this study will contribute in terms of guiding researchers working in this field. In this study, existing literature on ISCS problems are reviewed and summarized by introducing the new classification scheme. The studies were categorized by considering the features such as the number of customers (single or multiple), product lifespan (limited or unlimited), order sizes (equal or general), vehicle characteristics (limited/sufficient and homogeneous/heterogeneous), machine configurations and number of objective function (single or multi objective). In addition, properties of mathematical models applied for problems and solution approaches are also discussed.Bütünleşik Tedarik Zinciri Çizelgeleme (BTZÇ) üzerine yapılan araştırmalar nispeten yenidir ve bu konu üzerine yapılan çalışma sayısı artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bu alandaki eksiklikleri tespit etmeye yardımcı olmak için BTZÇ modelleri hakkında kapsamlı bir literatür araştırması sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla, bu çalışmanın bu alanda çalışan araştırmacılara rehberlik etmesi açısından katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, BTZÇ problemleri üzerine mevcut literatür gözden geçirilmiş ve yeni sınıflandırma şeması tanıtılarak çalışmalar özetlenmiştir. Çalışmalar; tek veya çoklu müşteri sayısı, sipariş büyüklüğü tipi (eşit veya genel), ürün ömrü (sınırlı veya sınırsız), araç karakteristikleri (sınırlı/yeterli ve homojen/heterojen), makine konfigürasyonları ve amaç fonksiyonu sayısı (tek veya çok amaçlı) gibi özellikler dikkate alınarak kategorize edildi. Ayrıca problemler için uygulanan matematiksel modellerin özellikleri ve çözüm yaklaşımları da tartışılmıştır

    Integrated Models and Algorithms for Automotive Supply Chain Optimization

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    The automotive industry is one of the most important economic sectors, and the efficiency of its supply chain is crucial for ensuring its profitability. Developing and applying techniques to optimize automotive supply chains can lead to favorable economic outcomes and customer satisfaction. In this dissertation, we develop integrated models and algorithms for automotive supply chain optimization. Our objective is to explore methods that can increase the competitiveness of the automotive supply chain via maximizing efficiency and service levels. Based on interactions with an automotive industry supplier, we define an automotive supply chain planning problem at a detailed operational level while taking into account realistic assumptions such as sequence-dependent setups on parallel machines, auxiliary resource assignments, and multiple types of costs. We model the research problem of interest using mixed-integer linear programming. Given the problem’s NP-hard complexity, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach, including a constructive heuristic and an effective encoding-decoding strategy, to minimize the total integrated cost of production setups, inventory holding, transportation, and production outsourcing. Furthermore, since there are often conflicting objectives of interest in automotive supply chains, we investigate simultaneously optimizing total cost and customer service level via a multiobjective optimization methodology. Finally, we analyze the impact of adding an additional transportation mode, which offers a cost vs. delivery time option to the manufacturer, on total integrated cost. Our results demonstrate the promising performance of the proposed solution approaches to analyze the integrated cost minimization problem to near optimality in a timely manner, lowering the cost of the automotive supply chain. The proposed bicriteria, hybrid metaheuristic offers decision makers several options to trade-off cost with service level via identified Pareto-optimal solutions. The effect of the available additional transportation mode’s lead time is found to be bigger than its cost on the total integrated cost measure under study

    Adaptive Order Dispatching based on Reinforcement Learning: Application in a Complex Job Shop in the Semiconductor Industry

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    Heutige Produktionssysteme tendieren durch die Marktanforderungen getrieben zu immer kleineren Losgrößen, höherer Produktvielfalt und größerer Komplexität der Materialflusssysteme. Diese Entwicklungen stellen bestehende Produktionssteuerungsmethoden in Frage. Im Zuge der Digitalisierung bieten datenbasierte Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens einen alternativen Ansatz zur Optimierung von Produktionsabläufen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit von Verfahren des Reinforcement Learning (RL) in einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum. Im Bereich der Produktionssteuerung haben sich jedoch bisher nur wenige Autoren damit befasst. Eine umfassende Untersuchung verschiedener RL-Ansätze sowie eine Anwendung in der Praxis wurden noch nicht durchgeführt. Unter den Aufgaben der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung gewährleistet die Auftragssteuerung (order dispatching) eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität der Produktionsabläufe, um eine hohe Kapazitätsauslastung und kurze Durchlaufzeiten zu erreichen. Motiviert durch komplexe Werkstattfertigungssysteme, wie sie in der Halbleiterindustrie zu finden sind, schließt diese Arbeit die Forschungslücke und befasst sich mit der Anwendung von RL für eine adaptive Auftragssteuerung. Die Einbeziehung realer Systemdaten ermöglicht eine genauere Erfassung des Systemverhaltens als statische Heuristiken oder mathematische Optimierungsverfahren. Zusätzlich wird der manuelle Aufwand reduziert, indem auf die Inferenzfähigkeiten des RL zurückgegriffen wird. Die vorgestellte Methodik fokussiert die Modellierung und Implementierung von RL-Agenten als Dispatching-Entscheidungseinheit. Bekannte Herausforderungen der RL-Modellierung in Bezug auf Zustand, Aktion und Belohnungsfunktion werden untersucht. Die Modellierungsalternativen werden auf der Grundlage von zwei realen Produktionsszenarien eines Halbleiterherstellers analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass RL-Agenten adaptive Steuerungsstrategien erlernen können und bestehende regelbasierte Benchmarkheuristiken übertreffen. Die Erweiterung der Zustandsrepräsentation verbessert die Leistung deutlich, wenn ein Zusammenhang mit den Belohnungszielen besteht. Die Belohnung kann so gestaltet werden, dass sie die Optimierung mehrerer Zielgrößen ermöglicht. Schließlich erreichen spezifische RL-Agenten-Konfigurationen nicht nur eine hohe Leistung in einem Szenario, sondern weisen eine Robustheit bei sich ändernden Systemeigenschaften auf. Damit stellt die Forschungsarbeit einen wesentlichen Beitrag in Richtung selbstoptimierender und autonomer Produktionssysteme dar. Produktionsingenieure müssen das Potenzial datenbasierter, lernender Verfahren bewerten, um in Bezug auf Flexibilität wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und gleichzeitig den Aufwand für den Entwurf, den Betrieb und die Überwachung von Produktionssteuerungssystemen in einem vernünftigen Gleichgewicht zu halten

    Discrete-Event Control and Optimization of Container Terminal Operations

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    This thesis discusses the dynamical modeling of complex container terminal operations. In the current literature, the systems are usually modeled in static way using linear programming techniques. This setting does not completely capture the dynamic aspects in the operations, where information about external factors such as ships and trucks arrivals or departures and also the availability of terminal's equipment can always change. We propose dynamical modeling of container terminal operations using discrete-event systems (DES) modeling framework. The basic framework in this thesis is the DES modeling for berth and quay crane allocation problem (BCAP) where the systems are not only dynamic, but also asynchronous. We propose a novel berth and QC allocation method, namely the model predictive allocation (MPA) which is based on model predictive control principle and rolling horizon implementation. The DES models with asynchronous event transition is mathematically analyzed to show the efficacy of our method. We study an optimal input allocation problem for a class of discrete-event systems with dynamic input sequence (DESDIS). We show that in particular, the control input can be obtained by the minimization/maximization of the present input sequence only. We have shown that the proposed approach performed better than the existing method used in the studied terminal and state-of-the-art methods in the literature