1,352 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: concepts and realizations

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    Nonlinear SUSY approach to preparation of quantum systems with pre-planned spectral properties is reviewed. Possible multidimensional extensions of Nonlinear SUSY are described. The full classification of ladder-reducible and irreducible chains of SUSY algebras in one-dimensional QM is given. Emergence of hidden symmetries and spectrum generating algebras is elucidated in the context of Nonlinear SUSY in one- and two-dimensional QM.Comment: 75 pages, Minor corrections, Version published in Journal of Physics

    Capturing the phase diagram of (2+1)-dimensional CDT using a balls-in-boxes model

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    We study the phase diagram of a one-dimensional balls-in-boxes (BIB) model that has been proposed as an effective model for the spatial-volume dynamics of (2+1)-dimensional causal dynamical triangulations (CDT). The latter is a statistical model of random geometries and a candidate for a nonperturbative formulation of quantum gravity, and it is known to have an interesting phase diagram, in particular including a phase of extended geometry with classical properties. Our results corroborate a previous analysis suggesting that a particular type of potential is needed in the BIB model in order to reproduce the droplet condensation typical of the extended phase of CDT. Since such a potential can be obtained by a minisuperspace reduction of a (2+1)-dimensional gravity theory of the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz type, our result strengthens the link between CDT and Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    On Jordan's measurements

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    The Jordan measure, the Jordan curve theorem, as well as the other generic references to Camille Jordan's (1838-1922) achievements highlight that the latter can hardly be reduced to the "great algebraist" whose masterpiece, the Trait\'e des substitutions et des equations alg\'ebriques, unfolded the group-theoretical content of \'Evariste Galois's work. The present paper appeals to the database of the reviews of the Jahrbuch \"uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik (1868-1942) for providing an overview of Jordan's works. On the one hand, we shall especially investigate the collective dimensions in which Jordan himself inscribed his works (1860-1922). On the other hand, we shall address the issue of the collectives in which Jordan's works have circulated (1860-1940). Moreover, the time-period during which Jordan has been publishing his works, i.e., 1860-1922, provides an opportunity to investigate some collective organizations of knowledge that pre-existed the development of object-oriented disciplines such as group theory (Jordan-H\"older theorem), linear algebra (Jordan's canonical form), topology (Jordan's curve), integral theory (Jordan's measure), etc. At the time when Jordan was defending his thesis in 1860, it was common to appeal to transversal organizations of knowledge, such as what the latter designated as the "theory of order." When Jordan died in 1922, it was however more and more common to point to object-oriented disciplines as identifying both a corpus of specialized knowledge and the institutionalized practices of transmissions of a group of professional specialists

    Two-Point Functions and Boundary States in Boundary Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories

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    Our main aim in this thesis is to address the results and prospects of boundary logarithmic conformal field theories: theories with boundaries that contain the above Jordan cell structure. We have investigated c_{p,q} boundary theory in search of logarithmic theories and have found logarithmic solutions of two-point functions in the context of the Coulomb gas picture. Other two-point functions have also been studied in the free boson construction of BCFT with SU(2)_k symmetry. In addition, we have analyzed and obtained the boundary Ishibashi state for a rank-2 Jordan cell structure [hep-th/0103064]. We have also examined the (generalised) Ishibashi state construction and the symplectic fermion construction at c=-2 for boundary states in the context of the c=-2 triplet model. The differences between two constructions are interpreted, resolved and extended beyond each case.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis (University of Oxford), 96 pages, the layout is modified from the origina

    Effective Non-Hermiticity and Topology in Markovian Quadratic Bosonic Dynamics

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    Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in re-imagining many-body quantum phenomena beyond equilibrium. One such effort has extended the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase classification of non-interacting fermions to driven and dissipative settings, uncovering novel topological phenomena that are not known to exist in equilibrium which may have wide-ranging applications in quantum science. Similar physics in non-interacting bosonic systems has remained elusive. Even at equilibrium, an effective non-Hermiticity intrinsic to bosonic Hamiltonians poses theoretical challenges. While this non-Hermiticity has been acknowledged, its implications have not been explored in-depth. Beyond this dynamical peculiarity, major roadblocks have arisen in the search for SPT physics in non-interacting bosonic systems, calling for a much needed paradigm shift beyond equilibrium. The research program undertaken in this thesis provides a systematic investigation of effective non-Hermiticity in non-interacting bosonic Hamiltonians and establishes the extent to which one must move beyond equilibrium to uncover SPT-like bosonic physics. Beginning in the closed-system setting, whereby systems are modeled by quadratic Hamiltonians, we classify the types of dynamical instabilities effective non-Hermiticity engenders. While these flavors of instability are distinguished by the algebraic behavior of normal modes, they can be unified under the umbrella of spontaneous generalized parity-time symmetry-breaking. By harnessing tools from Krein stability theory, a numerical indicator of dynamical stability phase transitions is also introduced. Throughout, the role played by non-Hermiticity in dynamically stable systems is scrutinized, resulting in the discovery of a Hermiticity-restoring duality transformation. Building on the preceding analysis, we take the necessary plunge into open bosonic systems undergoing Markovian dissipation, modeled by quadratic (Gaussian) Lindblad master equations. The first finding is that of a uniquely-bosonic notion of dynamical metastability, whereby asymptotically stable dynamics are preempted by a regime of transient amplification. Incorporating non-trivial topological invariants leads to the notion of topological metastability which, remarkably, features tight bosonic analogues to the edge modes characteristic of fermionic SPT phases - which we deem Majorana and Dirac bosons - along with a manifold of long-lived quasi-steady states. Implications regarding the breakdown of Noether\u27s theorem are explored, and several observable signatures based on two-time correlation functions and power spectra are proposed

    Nonperturbative Quantum Gravity

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    Asymptotic safety describes a scenario in which general relativity can be quantized as a conventional field theory, despite being nonrenormalizable when expanding it around a fixed background geometry. It is formulated in the framework of the Wilsonian renormalization group and relies crucially on the existence of an ultraviolet fixed point, for which evidence has been found using renormalization group equations in the continuum. "Causal Dynamical Triangulations" (CDT) is a concrete research program to obtain a nonperturbative quantum field theory of gravity via a lattice regularization, and represented as a sum over spacetime histories. In the Wilsonian spirit one can use this formulation to try to locate fixed points of the lattice theory and thereby provide independent, nonperturbative evidence for the existence of a UV fixed point. We describe the formalism of CDT, its phase diagram, possible fixed points and the "quantum geometries" which emerge in the different phases. We also argue that the formalism may be able to describe a more general class of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravitational models.Comment: Review, 146 pages, many figure

    Periodic-orbit approach to the nuclear shell structures with power-law potential models: Bridge orbits and prolate-oblate asymmetry

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    Deformed shell structures in nuclear mean-field potentials are systematically investigated as functions of deformation and surface diffuseness. As the mean-field model to investigate nuclear shell structures in a wide range of mass numbers, we propose the radial power-law potential model, V \propto r^\alpha, which enables a simple semiclassical analysis by the use of its scaling property. We find that remarkable shell structures emerge at certain combinations of deformation and diffuseness parameters, and they are closely related to the periodic-orbit bifurcations. In particular, significant roles of the "bridge orbit bifurcations" for normal and superdeformed shell structures are pointed out. It is shown that the prolate-oblate asymmetry in deformed shell structures is clearly understood from the contribution of the bridge orbit to the semiclassical level density. The roles of bridge orbit bifurcations in the emergence of superdeformed shell structures are also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, revtex4-1, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transport in deformed centrosymmetric networks

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    Centrosymmetry often mediates Perfect State Transfer (PST) in various complex systems ranging from quantum wires to photosynthetic networks. We introduce the Deformed Centrosymmetric Ensemble (DCE) of random matrices, H(λ)H++λHH(\lambda) \equiv H_+ + \lambda H_-, where H+H_+ is centrosymmetric while HH_- is skew-centrosymmetric. The relative strength of the H±H_\pm prompts the system size scaling of the control parameter as λ=Nγ2\lambda = N^{-\frac{\gamma}{2}}. We propose two quantities, P\mathcal{P} and C\mathcal{C}, quantifying centro- and skewcentro-symmetry, respectively, exhibiting second order phase transitions at γP1\gamma_\text{P}\equiv 1 and γC1\gamma_\text{C}\equiv -1. In addition, DCE posses an ergodic transition at γE0\gamma_\text{E} \equiv 0. Thus equipped with a precise control of the extent of centrosymmetry in DCE, we study the manifestation of γ\gamma on the transport properties of complex networks. We propose that such random networks can be constructed using the eigenvectors of H(λ)H(\lambda) and establish that the maximum transfer fidelity, FTF_T, is equivalent to the degree of centrosymmetry, P\mathcal{P}.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Exactly solvable path integral for open cavities in terms of quasinormal modes

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    We evaluate the finite-temperature Euclidean phase-space path integral for the generating functional of a scalar field inside a leaky cavity. Provided the source is confined to the cavity, one can first of all integrate out the fields on the outside to obtain an effective action for the cavity alone. Subsequently, one uses an expansion of the cavity field in terms of its quasinormal modes (QNMs)-the exact, exponentially damped eigenstates of the classical evolution operator, which previously have been shown to be complete for a large class of models. Dissipation causes the effective cavity action to be nondiagonal in the QNM basis. The inversion of this action matrix inherent in the Gaussian path integral to obtain the generating functional is therefore nontrivial, but can be accomplished by invoking a novel QNM sum rule. The results are consistent with those obtained previously using canonical quantization.Comment: REVTeX, 26 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.