59 research outputs found

    Interpolative multidimensional scaling techniques for the identification of clusters in very large sequence sets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern pyrosequencing techniques make it possible to study complex bacterial populations, such as <it>16S rRNA</it>, directly from environmental or clinical samples without the need for laboratory purification. Alignment of sequences across the resultant large data sets (100,000+ sequences) is of particular interest for the purpose of identifying potential gene clusters and families, but such analysis represents a daunting computational task. The aim of this work is the development of an efficient pipeline for the clustering of large sequence read sets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Pairwise alignment techniques are used here to calculate genetic distances between sequence pairs. These methods are pleasingly parallel and have been shown to more accurately reflect accurate genetic distances in highly variable regions of <it>rRNA </it>genes than do traditional multiple sequence alignment (MSA) approaches. By utilizing Needleman-Wunsch (NW) pairwise alignment in conjunction with novel implementations of interpolative multidimensional scaling (MDS), we have developed an effective method for visualizing massive biosequence data sets and quickly identifying potential gene clusters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study demonstrates the use of interpolative MDS to obtain clustering results that are qualitatively similar to those obtained through full MDS, but with substantial cost savings. In particular, the wall clock time required to cluster a set of 100,000 sequences has been reduced from seven hours to less than one hour through the use of interpolative MDS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although work remains to be done in selecting the optimal training set size for interpolative MDS, substantial computational cost savings will allow us to cluster much larger sequence sets in the future.</p

    New techniques to characterise the vaginal microbiome in pregnancy

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    Understanding of the vaginal microbiome in health and disease is essential to screen, detect and manage complications in pregnancy. One of the major complications of pregnancy is preterm birth, which is the leading world-wide cause of death and disability in children under five years of age. The aetiology of preterm birth is multifactorial, but a causal link has been established with infection. Despite the importance of understanding the vaginal microbiome in pregnancy in order to evaluate strategies to prevent and manage PTB, currently used culture based techniques provide limited information as not all pathogens are able to be cultured. The implementation of culture-independent high-throughput techniques and bioinformatics tools are advancing our understanding of the vaginal microbiome. New methods employing 16S rRNA and metagenomics analyses make possible a more comprehensive description of the bacteria of the human microbiome. Several studies on the vaginal microbiota of pregnant women have identified a large number of taxa. Studies also suggest reduced diversity of the microbiota in pregnancy compared to non-pregnant women, with a relative enrichment of the overall abundance of Lactobacillus species, and significant differences in the diversity of Lactobacillus spp. A number of advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are discussed briefly. The potential clinical importance of the new techniques is illustrated through recent reports where traditional culture-based techniques failed to identify pathogens in high risk complicated pregnancies whose presence subsequently was established using culture-independent, high-throughput analyses

    Comparison between 16S rRNA and shotgun sequencing data for the taxonomic characterization of the gut microbiota

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    In this paper we compared taxonomic results obtained by metataxonomics (16S rRNA gene sequencing) and metagenomics (whole shotgun metagenomic sequencing) to investigate their reliability for bacteria profiling, studying the chicken gut as a model system. The experimental conditions included two compartments of gastrointestinal tracts and two sampling times. We compared the relative abundance distributions obtained with the two sequencing strategies and then tested their capability to distinguish the experimental conditions. The results showed that 16S rRNA gene sequencing detects only part of the gut microbiota community revealed by shotgun sequencing. Specifically, when a sufficient number of reads is available, Shotgun sequencing has more power to identify less abundant taxa than 16S sequencing. Finally, we showed that the less abundant genera detected only by shotgun sequencing are biologically meaningful, being able to discriminate between the experimental conditions as much as the more abundant genera detected by both sequencing strategies

    Reads2Type: a web application for rapid microbial taxonomy identification

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of bacteria may be based on sequencing and molecular analysis of a specific locus such as 16S rRNA, or a set of loci such as in multilocus sequence typing. In the near future, healthcare institutions and routine diagnostic microbiology laboratories may need to sequence the entire genome of microbial isolates. Therefore we have developed Reads2Type, a web-based tool for taxonomy identification based on whole bacterial genome sequence data. RESULTS: Raw sequencing data provided by the user are mapped against a set of marker probes that are derived from currently available bacteria complete genomes. Using a dataset of 1003 whole genome sequenced bacteria from various sequencing platforms, Reads2Type was able to identify the species with 99.5 % accuracy and on the minutes time scale. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with other tools, Reads2Type offers the advantage of not needing to transfer sequencing files, as the entire computational analysis is done on the computer of whom utilizes the web application. This also prevents data privacy issues to arise. The Reads2Type tool is available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/~dhany/reads2type.html

    Analysis of the salivary microbiome using culture-independent techniques

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    The salivary microbiota is a potential diagnostic indicator of several diseases. Culture-independent techniques are required to study the salivary microbial community since many of its members have not been cultivated

    Bacterial species identification getting easier

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    The traditional methods of bacterial identification are based on observation of either the morphology of single cells or colony characteristics. However, the adoption of newer and automated methods offers advantage in terms of rapid and reliable identification of bacterial species. The review provides a comprehensive appreciation of new and improved technologies such fatty acid profiling, sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF), metabolic finger profiling using BIOLOG, ribotyping, together with the computational tools employed for querying the databases that are associated with these identification tools and high-throughput genomic sequencing in bacterial identification. It is evident that with the increase in the adoption of new technologies bacterial identification is becoming easier.Keywords: Bacteria, Biolog, computational tools, fatty acids, Gram staining, identification, metagenomics, morphology, MALDI-TOF MS, RiboPrinter, 16S rRNA gene.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(41), pp. 5975-598

    Caracterización de la microbiota de un producto probiótico

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    Aquaculture has become an important practice globally, accounting for about 90% of the world's seafood production. This is the main reason why it is essential to acquire knowledge about the microorganisms that are associated with aquaculture systems. This is the only way to overcome the challenges faced by aquaculture in recent years, such as disease outbreaks caused by pathogenic bacteria. The addition of probiotic supplements is an alternative that has been attaining great relevance over the last few years to tackle and control the presence of pathogens in these systems...La acuicultura se ha convertido en una práctica importante a nivel mundial, representando cerca del 90% de la producción mundial de mariscos. Esta es la principal razón por la que es esencial tener conocimiento sobre los microorganismos que se encuentran asociados con los sistemas acuícolas. Solo así se logrará superar los desafíos a los que se ha enfrentado la acuicultura en los últimos años, por ejemplo los brotes de enfermedades causados por bacterias patógenas. La adición de suplementos probióticos es una alternativa que ha ido ganando gran relevancia durante los últimos años para combatir y controlar la presencia de patógenos en estos sistemas..