1,660 research outputs found

    Prediction of Hourly Cooling Energy Consumption of Educational Buildings Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Predicating the required building energy when it is in the design stage and before being constructed considers a crucial step for in charge people. Hence, the main aim of this research is to accurately forecast the needed building cooling energy per hour for educational buildings at University of Technology in Iraq. For this purpose, the feed forward artificial neural network (ANN) has been selected as an efficient technique to develop such a predication system.  Firstly, the main building parameters have been investigated and then only the most important ones were chosen to be used as inputs to the ANN model. However, due to the long time period that is required to collect actual consumed building energy in order to be employed for ANN model training, the hourly analysis program (HAP), which is a building simulation software, has been utilized to produce a database covering the summer months in Iraq. Different training algorithms and range of learning rate values have been investigated, and the Bayesian regularization backpropagation training algorithm and 0.05 learning rate were found very suitable for precise cooling energy prediction. To evaluate the performance of the optimized ANN model, mean square error (MSE) and correlation coefficient (R) have been adopted. The MSE and R indices for the predication results proved that the optimized ANN model is having a high predication accuracy with 5.99*10-6 and 0.9994, respectively

    An echo state network architecture based on quantum logic gate and its optimization

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    Quantum neural network (QNN) is developed based on two classical theories of quantum computation and artificial neural networks. It has been proved that quantum computing is an important candidate for improving the performance of traditional neural networks. In this work, inspired by the QNN, the quantum computation method is combined with the echo state networks (ESNs), and a hybrid model namely quantum echo state network (QESN) is proposed. Firstly, the input training data is converted to quantum state, and the internal neurons in the dynamic reservoir of ESN are replaced by qubit neurons. Then in order to maintain the stability of QESN, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) is applied to the model for the parameter optimizations. The synthetic time series and real financial application datasets (Standard & Poor's 500 index and foreign exchange) are used for performance evaluations, where the ESN, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMAX) are used as the benchmarks. Results show that the proposed PSO-QESN model achieves a good performance for the time series predication tasks and is better than the benchmarking algorithms. Thus, it is feasible to apply quantum computing to the ESN model, which provides a novel method to improve the ESN performance

    Echo state network optimization using binary grey wolf algorithm

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    The echo state network (ESN) is a powerful recurrent neural network for time series modelling. ESN inherits the simplified structure and relatively straightforward training process of conventional neural networks, and shows strong computational capabilities to solve nonlinear problems. It is able to map low-dimensional input signals to high-dimensional space for information extraction, but it is found that not every dimension of the reservoir output directly contributes to the model generalization. This work aims to improve the generalization capabilities of the ESN model by reducing the redundant reservoir output features. A novel hybrid model, namely binary grey wolf echo state network (BGWO-ESN), is proposed which optimises the ESN output connection by the feature selection scheme. Specially, the feature selection scheme of BGWO is developed to improve the ESN output connection structure. The proposed method is evaluated using synthetic and financial data sets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed BGWO-ESN model is more effective than other benchmarks, and obtains the lowest generalization error

    "Medical + internet" concept stock investment analysis

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    The rapid development of China's medical industry and information technology promote the development of internet medical industry. The concept of "Healthy China" emphasizes "prevention first" and gradually transforms the traditional medical industry. It is easy to find BAT’s (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) investment and relevant emerging concept stocks in Ashare market. The internet medical industry is evaluated according to five category profiting models including wearable devices, medical e-commerce, medical information, Hospital and medical insurance. Around 32 selected stocks representing these industries are analysed by gathering extensive qualitative and quantitative data. By applying the forecasting analysis, the study provides the main financial strategy for the selected stocks in order to wisely select the real strategically planning internet medical companies for better investment.O rápido desenvolvimento da indústria de saúde médica da China e a tecnologia da informação têm promovido o desenvolvimento da indústria médica através da Internet. O conceito de "China Saudável" enfatiza a "prevenção em primeiro lugar" e gradualmente reverte a transformação da indústria médica tradicional. É fácil encontrar o maior investimento dos BAT (Baidu, Alibaba e Tencent) nesta área e de títulos emergentes relevantes no mercado de ações. A indústria médica interna é avaliada de acordo com cinco categorias de modelos de lucro, incluindo dispositivos vestíveis, comércio eletrónico médico, informações médicas, seguro hospitalar e médico. Cerca de 32 ações selecionadas representando essas indústrias são analisadas pela recolha de dados quantitativos e qualitativos extensivos. Ao aplicar a análise de previsão, o estudo fornece a principal estratégia financeira para as ações selecionadas, a fim de selecionar os melhores investimento nas empresas médicas assentes na Internet

    Novel Internet of Vehicles Approaches for Smart Cities

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    Smart cities are the domain where many electronic devices and sensors transmit data via the Internet of Vehicles concept. The purpose of deploying many sensors in cities is to provide an intelligent environment and a good quality of life. However, different challenges still appear in smart cities such as vehicular traffic congestion, air pollution, and wireless channel communication aspects. Therefore, in order to address these challenges, this thesis develops approaches for vehicular routing, wireless channel congestion alleviation, and traffic estimation. A new traffic congestion avoidance approach has been developed in this thesis based on the simulated annealing and TOPSIS cost function. This approach utilizes data such as the traffic average travel speed from the Internet of Vehicles. Simulation results show that the developed approach improves the traffic performance for the Sheffield the scenario in the presence of congestion by an overall average of 19.22% in terms of travel time, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as compared to other algorithms. In contrast, transmitting a large amount of data among the sensors leads to a wireless channel congestion problem. This affects the accuracy of transmitted information due to the packets loss and delays time. This thesis proposes two approaches based on a non-cooperative game theory to alleviate the channel congestion problem. Therefore, the congestion control problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game. A proof of the existence of a unique Nash equilibrium is given. The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated on the highway and urban testing scenarios. This thesis also addresses the problem of missing data when sensors are not available or when the Internet of Vehicles connection fails to provide measurements in smart cities. Two approaches based on l1 norm minimization and a relevance vector machine type optimization are proposed. The performance of the developed approaches has been tested involving simulated and real data scenarios

    Machine learning as an online diagnostic tool for proton exchange membrane fuel cells

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    Proton exchange membrane fuel cells are considered a promising power supply system with high efficiency and zero emissions. They typically work within a relatively narrow range of temperature and humidity to achieve optimal performance; however, this makes the system difficult to control, leading to faults and accelerated degradation. Two main approaches can be used for diagnosis, limited data input which provides an unintrusive, rapid but limited analysis, or advanced characterisation that provides a more accurate diagnosis but often requires invasive or slow measurements. To provide an accurate diagnosis with rapid data acquisition, machine learning methods have shown great potential. However, there is a broad approach to the diagnostic algorithms and signals used in the field. This article provides a critical view of the current approaches and suggests recommendations for future methodologies of machine learning in fuel cell diagnostic applications

    Integrated Traffic and Communication Performance Evaluation of an Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) System for Online Travel Time Prediction

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    This paper presents a framework for online highway travel time prediction using traffic measurements that are likely to be available from Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) systems, in which vehicle and infrastructure devices communicate to improve mobility and safety. In the proposed intelligent VII system, two artificial intelligence (AI) paradigms, namely Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR), are used to determine future travel time based on such information as current travel time, VII-enabled vehicles’ flow and density. The development and performance evaluation of the VII-ANN and VII-SVR frameworks, in both of the traffic and communications domains, were conducted, using an integrated simulation platform, for a highway network in Greenville, South Carolina. Specifically, the simulation platform allows for implementing traffic surveillance and management methods in the traffic simulator PARAMICS, and for evaluating different communication protocols and network parameters in the communication network simulator, ns-2. The study’s findings reveal that the designed communications system was capable of supporting the travel time prediction functionality. They also demonstrate that the travel time prediction accuracy of the VII-AI framework was superior to a baseline instantaneous travel time prediction algorithm, with the VII-SVR model slightly outperforming the VII-ANN model. Moreover, the VII-AI framework was shown to be capable of performing reasonably well during non-recurrent congestion scenarios, which traditionally have challenged traffic sensor-based highway travel time prediction methods

    Financial time series prediction using spiking neural networks

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    In this paper a novel application of a particular type of spiking neural network, a Polychronous Spiking Network, was used for financial time series prediction. It is argued that the inherent temporal capabilities of this type of network are suited to non-stationary data such as this. The performance of the spiking neural network was benchmarked against three systems: two "traditional", rate-encoded, neural networks; a Multi-Layer Perceptron neural network and a Dynamic Ridge Polynomial neural network, and a standard Linear Predictor Coefficients model. For this comparison three non-stationary and noisy time series were used: IBM stock data; US/Euro exchange rate data, and the price of Brent crude oil. The experiments demonstrated favourable prediction results for the Spiking Neural Network in terms of Annualised Return and prediction error for 5-Step ahead predictions. These results were also supported by other relevant metrics such as Maximum Drawdown and Signal-To-Noise ratio. This work demonstrated the applicability of the Polychronous Spiking Network to financial data forecasting and this in turn indicates the potential of using such networks over traditional systems in difficult to manage non-stationary environments. © 2014 Reid et al

    Optimizing Hyperparameters for Enhanced LSTM-Based Prediction System Performance

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    This research paper explores the application of deep learning and supervised machine learning algorithms, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), for stock market prediction. The study focuses on the closing prices of three companies - Tata Steel, Apple, and Powergrid - using a dataset sourced from Yahoo Finance. Performance evaluation of the LSTM model employed RMSE, MAPE, and accuracy metrics, along with hyperparameter calibration to determine the optimal model parameters. The findings indicate that a single-layer LSTM model outperformed a multilayer LSTM model across all companies and evaluation metrics. Furthermore, a comparison with existing research demonstrated the superiority of the proposed model. The study emphasizes the effectiveness of LSTM models for stock price prediction, underscores the significance of proper hyperparameter tuning for optimal performance, and concludes that a single-layer LSTM model can yield superior results compared to a multilayer model
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