8 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of food studies: Evidence from British Food Journal

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    The objective of the current study is to overview the British Food Journal publications from 2010 to 2020. To address our purpose, bibliometric and visualization analyses were used. Firstly, a total of 1892 documents published from 2010 to 2020 in the British Food Journal (BFJ) was obtained from the Web of Science database (WoS). Then, the analyses were made by running VOS viewer software. In the process of analyzing data, we have principally considered some bibliometric indicators such as the number of annual publications, the most productive organizations, the most cited papers, the most contributing countries, the most productive authors, the co-occurrence of author keywords, the coauthorship of countries, and the co-citation of authors. The results show that BFJ is one of the leading and prominent journals with the number of publications increasing each year according to the basic indicators mentioned above. Further to this, the most productive and contributing authors, institutions, and countries are mainly from European countries. The most common researched fields according to the co-occurrence of author keywords are listed as “consumer behavior, food safety, food products, food industry, food, nutrition, organic food, sustainability, and consumer”

    Revealing the research landscape of Master's degrees via bibliometric analyses

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    The evolution of a Master's programme, like many other human institutions, can be viewed as a self-organising system whose underlying structures and dynamics arise primarily from the interaction of its faculty and students. Identifying these hidden properties may not be a trivial task, due to the complex behaviour implicit in such evolution. Nonetheless, we argue that the programme's body of research production (represented mainly by dissertations) can serve this purpose. Bibliometric analyses of such data can reveal insights about production growth, collaborative networks, and visual mapping of established, niche, and emerging research topics, among other facets. Thus, we propose a bibliometric workflow aimed at discovering the production dynamics, as well as the conceptual, social and intellectual structures developed by the Master's degree, in the interest of guiding decision-makers to better assess the strengths of the programme and to prioritise strategic goals. In addition, we report two case studies to illustrate the realisation of the proposed workflow. We conclude with considerations on the possible application of the approach to other academic research units

    Uma aplicação de acoplamento bibliográfico de autores aos estudos métricos da informação no Brasil: base Scopus (2014-2018)

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    The relational analyzes of citations aim to map the thematic, theoretical and/or methodological similarities between articles, related to different variables: authors, documents, journals, countries or other units of analysis. There are two main methods of relational citation analysis: author bibliographic coupling analysis and author co-citation analysis, which, despite some similarities, present important differences and complement each other. This study aims to discuss theoretical, conceptual and applied aspects, inherent to the analysis of the author's bibliographic coupling, aiming to contribute to the reflections and development of theoretical-methodological studies and applied in the theme metric studies of information in Brazil, in the period from 2014 to 2018. More specifically, it aims to: know the proximity and proximity between researchers and their productions, in the articles typology, through the bibliographic coupling of authors; analyze the different looks and methodologies explained by the coupling, which define the identity of the citing authors, evaluating the proximity between them. The Scopus database was used, with a corpus of 731 articles produced in the period under analysis, on which the bibliographic coupling of authors was carried out. As a result, there was a predominance of researchers in the area of ​​health, information science, engineering, management, and others with lesser prevalence. The bibliographic coupling network of authors with 36 most productive components and their respective connections was analyzed, with the strongest being the connections with the highest intensity of coupling between the two authors, through the citations in common between them. It was concluded that highly cited authors were found, but who were not coupled with prolific and well-known authors.As análises relacionais de citações objetivam mapear as similaridades temáticas, teóricas e/ou metodológicas entre artigos, relativas às diferentes variáveis: autores, documentos, periódicos, países ou outras unidades de análise. Há dois métodos principais de análise relacional das citações: análise de acoplamento bibliográfico de autor e análise de cocitação de autores, que, apesar de algumas semelhanças, apresentam diferenças importantes e se complementam. Este estudo tem por objetivo discutir aspectos teóricos, conceituais e aplicados, inerentes à análise de acoplamento bibliográfico de autor, visando contribuir para as reflexões e desenvolvimento dos estudos teórico-metodológicos e aplicados na temática, no período de 2014 a 2018. Mais especificamente, objetiva: conhecer a proximidade e vizinhança entre pesquisadores e suas produções, na tipologia artigos, por meio do acoplamento bibliográfico de autores; analisar os diferentes olhares e metodologias explicitadas pelo acoplamento, que definem a identidade dos autores citantes, avaliando a proximidade entre eles. Utilizou-se a base de dados Scopus, com um corpus de 731 artigos produzidos no período em análise, sobre os quais se realizou o acoplamento bibliográfico de autores. Como resultados encontraram-se predominância de pesquisadores da área da saúde, ciência da informação, engenharias, gestão, e outras com menor prevalência. Analisou-se a rede de acoplamento bibliográfico de autores com 36 componentes mais produtivos e suas respectivas ligações, sendo as mais fortes as ligações com maior intensidade de acoplamento entre os dois autores, por meio das citações em comum entre eles. Concluiu-se que foram encontrados autores muito citados, mas que não se acoplaram a autores prolíficos e conhecidos

    Analyzing Funding Patterns and Their Evolution in Two Medical Research Topics

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    [EN] This paper analyzes funding patterns and their evolution in two medical research topics: breast cancer and ovarian cancer, taking into account cross-agency and cross- national co-funding. A bibliometric analysis of 355 463 papers from PubMed (273 526 on breast cancer and 81 937 on ovarian cancer) brought back 91 funding agencies involved in breast cancer and 65 in ovarian cancer. Additionally, the paper examined the evolution of medical subject headings ( MESH) funded by agencies. An analysis of patterns in funding, co-funding, MESH, and their evolution, was carried out using social network analysis (SNA) methodology. The results show the importance of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in both breast and ovarian cancer. The NCI achieves its policy goals by co-funding its programs with both national and cross- national agencies. Moreover, the MESH agencies co-funded in the two years studied coincided; however, it must be said that the number of agencies which participated in research funding also increased.De-Miguel-Molina, B.; Cunningham, SW.; Palop Marro, FR. (2017). Analyzing Funding Patterns and Their Evolution in Two Medical Research Topics. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (Online). 14(2):1-39. doi:10.1142/S0219877017400107S13914

    Acoplamento bibliográfico e análise de cocitação: revisão teórico-conceitual

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    Inovação bancária : um estudo cientométrico sobre os avanços do mobile banking

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2018.O presente estudo teve como objetivo dissertar sobre as mais importantes inovações bancárias ocorridas no Brasil e abordar os expressivos avanços do Mobile banking na oferta de serviços bancários e como esses avanços levaram as organizações a novos patamares de resultados financeiros positivos. Para mostrar a relevância da temática em nível mundial, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliométrica por meio da teoria do enfoque meta analítico consolidado (TEMAC). O Mobile banking está mudando os paradigmas relacionados à prestação de serviços bancários e já é a plataforma onde mais de um terço das transações bancárias são realizadas no Brasil (35%), tornando-se quase uma obrigatoriedade a ativação desse canal digital nas aberturas de contas. Do ano de 2014 para o ano de 2015 houve um aumento de 138,30% na quantidade de transações bancarias feitas pelo Mobile Banking e nesse período todos os bancos analisados obtiveram uma performance positiva em seus lucros líquidos. Diante disso, foi possível evidenciar que o aumento da utilização do Mobile banking tem uma correlação positiva com o aumento dos resultados financeiros dos bancos, uma vez que ele reduz despesas e custos operacionais, sendo fundamental uma boa gestão desse canal de atendimento para que a instituição financeira crie vantagem competitiva e alcance o sucesso.The present study aimed to discuss the most important banking innovations in Brazil and to address the significant advances made by Mobile banking in the provision of banking services and how these advances have led organizations to new levels of positive financial results. In order to show the relevance of the theme at a worldwide level, a bibliometric research was carried out through the theory of the consolidated meta-analytic approach (TEMAC). Mobile banking is changing paradigms related to the provision of banking services and it is already the platform where more than a third part of banking transactions are carried out in Brazil (35%), making it almost mandatory to activate this digital channel in account openings. From 2014 to 2015 there was a 138.30% increase in the number of banking transactions carried out by Mobile Banking, and in this period all the banks analyzed had a positive performance in their net profits. In view of this, it was possible to show that the increase in the use of Mobile banking has a positive correlation with the increase of the financial results of the banks, since it reduces expenses and operational costs, being fundamental to good management of this service channel so that the institution create competitive advantage achieving success

    Structures and dynamics of production, consumption and appropriation of new knowledge in the masters of engineering a at the Francisco José de Caldas District University

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    Los programas de maestrías como sistemas autoorganizados y complejos surgen de las interacciones de docentes y estudiantes, que bajo el principio de la educación su objetivo principal se encamina a la producción de nuevo conocimiento. Por lo anterior, los resultados reportados principalmente como tesis de investigaciones durante los procesos de formación evidencian el comportamiento y evolución de los programas. De esta manera, estudios bibliométricos pueden servir para este propósito, y en particular esta tesis pretende desarrollar un marco metodológico que permita ayudar a comprender las estructuras y dinámicas que han tenido las maestrías de ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital en la última década, que, como beneficio adicional, permita generar insumos para diseñar estrategias que evalúen rutas y políticas de investigación, incremente la productividad de artículos, mejore indicadores de impacto y la toma de decisiones o formulación de nuevos trabajos con base a los avances y resultados de las investigaciones ya publicadas. Para este fin, se realizó un análisis de las tesis sustentadas entre los años 2010 y 2020 en las maestrías de la facultad de ingeniería de la UD, soportado en herramientas bibliométricas de impacto y de mapeo científico, que permiten vislumbrar la evolución de las mencionadas dinámicas u estructuras. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se propone un flujo de trabajo metodológico que sirva de guía para realizar este tipo de estudios.Master's programs as self-organized and complex systems arise from the interactions of teachers and students, whose main objective under the principle of education is aimed at the production of new knowledge. Due to the above, the results reported mainly as research theses during the training processes show the behavior and evolution of the programs. In this way, bibliometric studies can serve this purpose, and in particular this thesis aims to develop a methodological framework that allows to help understand the structures and dynamics that the engineering master's degrees of the District University have had in the last decade, which, as additional benefit, it allows the generation of inputs to design strategies that evaluate research routes and policies, increase the productivity of articles, improve impact indicators and decision-making or formulation of new works based on the advances and results of already published research. For this purpose, an analysis of the theses supported between the years 2010 and 2020 in the master's degrees of the engineering faculty of the UD was carried out, supported by impact bibliometric tools and scientific mapping, which allow us to glimpse the evolution of the aforementioned dynamics. or structures. According to the results obtained, a methodological workflow is proposed to serve as a guide to carry out this type of study

    Evaluación de la actividad científica en ciencia de la información a partir de indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos

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    La presente investigación es un análisis de la producción científica en Ciencia de la Informacion (CI), fundamentada en el contexto epistemológico e histórico de la disciplina, para identificar las tendencias de uso de la información en plataformas de publicación formales e informales. A partir de la implementación de indicadores bibliométricos e indicadores alternativos, se pretende establecer. ¿Como la integración de indicadores altimétricos en la evaluación científica, posibilita la identificación de tendencias en la investigación disciplinar? Y si es valido afirmar, que la altmetría es una herramienta confiable y útil para la evaluación de los dominios científicos. Se toma como referente la producción visible en Web of Science durante el periodo 2012- 2016, para identificar las dinámicas científicas de investigación en la CI, a partir de una muestra de 1224 registros en los cuales se utilizan indicadores bibliometricos de producción, citación o impacto e indicadores altimétricos recuperados de las plataformas ResearchGate (RG) y Plum Analytics (PlumX). Los resultados evidencian que los indicadores alternativos aun están en periodo de desarrollo y necesitan normalización; de lo cual se concluye, que la evaluación científica requiere la complementación de modelos métricos clásicos junto a métricas alternativas que permitan identificar las dinámicas sociales y de comunicación que se generan en la comunidad científica más allá del impacto y la citación.This research is an analysis of the scientific activity in Information Science (CI), based on the epistemological and historical context of the discipline, to identify trends in the use of information in formal and informal publishing platforms. Based on the implementation of bibliometric iand alternative indicators, it is intended to establish: How does the integration of altmetric indicators in scientific evaluation make it possible to identify trends in disciplinary research? And, if it is valid to say that altmetrics is a reliable and useful tool for the scientific evaluation of scientific domains. Visible production in Web of Science during the 2012-2016 period is taken as a reference to identify the scientific dynamics of research in the CI, from a sample of 1224 records in which bibliometric indicators of production, citation or impact and altmetric indicators recovered from the ResearchGate (RG) and Plum Analytics (PlumX) platforms are used. The results show that the alternative indicators are still under development and need to be standardized; from which it is concluded that scientific evaluation requires the complementing of classical metric models with alternative metrics that allow identifying the social and communication dynamics generated in the scientific community beyond the impact and citation.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad