56 research outputs found

    Modelling of Multi-Agent Systems: Experiences with Membrane Computing and Future Challenges

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    Formal modelling of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) is a challenging task due to high complexity, interaction, parallelism and continuous change of roles and organisation between agents. In this paper we record our research experience on formal modelling of MAS. We review our research throughout the last decade, by describing the problems we have encountered and the decisions we have made towards resolving them and providing solutions. Much of this work involved membrane computing and classes of P Systems, such as Tissue and Population P Systems, targeted to the modelling of MAS whose dynamic structure is a prominent characteristic. More particularly, social insects (such as colonies of ants, bees, etc.), biology inspired swarms and systems with emergent behaviour are indicative examples for which we developed formal MAS models. Here, we aim to review our work and disseminate our findings to fellow researchers who might face similar challenges and, furthermore, to discuss important issues for advancing research on the application of membrane computing in MAS modelling.Comment: In Proceedings AMCA-POP 2010, arXiv:1008.314

    Development and validation of computational models of cellular interaction

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    In this paper we take the view that computational models of biological systems should satisfy two conditions ā€“ they should be able to predict function at a systems biology level, and robust techniques of validation against biological models must be available. A modelling paradigm for developing a predictive computational model of cellular interaction is described, and methods of providing robust validation against biological models are explored, followed by a consideration of software issues

    Hybrid automata dicretising agents for formal modelling of robots

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    Some of the fundamental capabilities required by autonomous vehicles and systems for their intelligent decision making are: modelling of the environment and forming data abstractions for symbolic, logic based reasoning. The paper formulates a discrete agent framework that abstracts and controls a hybrid system that is a composition of hybrid automata modelled continuous individual processes. Theoretical foundations are laid down for a class of general model composition agents (MCAs) with an advanced subclass of rational physical agents (RPAs). We define MCAs as the most basic structures for the description of complex autonomous robotic systems. The RPAā€™s have logic based decision making that is obtained by an extension of the hybrid systems concepts using a set of abstractions. The theory presented helps the creation of robots with reliable performance and safe operation in their environment. The paper emphasizes the abstraction aspects of the overall hybrid system that emerges from parallel composition of sets of RPAs and MCAs

    Testing conformance of a deterministic implementation against a non-deterministic stream X-machine

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    Stream X-machines are a formalisation of extended finite state machines that have been used to specify systems. One of the great benefits of using stream X-machines, for the purpose of specification, is the associated test generation technique which produces a test that is guaranteed to determine correctness under certain design for test conditions. This test generation algorithm has recently been extended to the case where the specification is non-deterministic. However, the algorithms for testing from a non-deterministic stream X-machine currently have limitations: either they test for equivalence, rather than conformance or they restrict the source of non-determinism allowed in the specification. This paper introduces a new test generation algorithm that overcomes both of these limitations, for situations where the implementation is known to be deterministic

    A Modular Formalization of Reversibility for Concurrent Models and Languages

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    Causal-consistent reversibility is the reference notion of reversibility for concurrency. We introduce a modular framework for defining causal-consistent reversible extensions of concurrent models and languages. We show how our framework can be used to define reversible extensions of formalisms as different as CCS and concurrent X-machines. The generality of the approach allows for the reuse of theories and techniques in different settings.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2016, arXiv:1608.0313

    An Individual-based Probabilistic Model for Fish Stock Simulation

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    We define an individual-based probabilistic model of a sole (Solea solea) behaviour. The individual model is given in terms of an Extended Probabilistic Discrete Timed Automaton (EPDTA), a new formalism that is introduced in the paper and that is shown to be interpretable as a Markov decision process. A given EPDTA model can be probabilistically model-checked by giving a suitable translation into syntax accepted by existing model-checkers. In order to simulate the dynamics of a given population of soles in different environmental scenarios, an agent-based simulation environment is defined in which each agent implements the behaviour of the given EPDTA model. By varying the probabilities and the characteristic functions embedded in the EPDTA model it is possible to represent different scenarios and to tune the model itself by comparing the results of the simulations with real data about the sole stock in the North Adriatic sea, available from the recent project SoleMon. The simulator is presented and made available for its adaptation to other species.Comment: In Proceedings AMCA-POP 2010, arXiv:1008.314

    CompleX-Machine: An automated testing tool using X-Machine theory

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    This paper is aimed at creating an Automatic Java X-Machine testing tool for software development. The nature of software development is changing. Thus, the type of software testing tools required is also changing. Software is growing increasingly complex and, in part due to commercial impetus for faster software releases with new features and value, increasingly in danger of containing faults. These faults can incur huge cost for software development organisations and users; Cambridge Judge Business Schoolā€™s research estimated the cost of software bugs to the global economy is $312 billion. Beyond the cost, faster software development methodologies and increasing expectations on developers to become testers is driving demand for faster, automated, and effective tools to prevent potential faults as early as possible in the software development lifecycle. Using X-Machine theory, this paper will explore a new tool to address software complexity, changing expectations on developers, faster development pressures and methodologies, with a view to reducing the huge cost of fixing software bugs

    Rosen's (M,R) system as an X-machine

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    Robert Rosen's (M,R) system is an abstract biological network architecture that is allegedly both irreducible to sub-models of its component states and non-computable on a Turing machine. (M,R) stands as an obstacle to both reductionist and mechanistic presentations of systems biology, principally due to its self-referential structure. If (M,R) has the properties claimed for it, computational systems biology will not be possible, or at best will be a science of approximate simulations rather than accurate models. Several attempts have been made, at both empirical and theoretical levels, to disprove this assertion by instantiating (M,R) in software architectures. So far, these efforts have been inconclusive. In this paper, we attempt to demonstrate why - by showing how both finite state machine and stream X-machine formal architectures fail to capture the self-referential requirements of (M,R). We then show that a solution may be found in communicating X-machines, which remove self-reference using parallel computation, and then synthesize such machine architectures with object-orientation to create a formal basis for future software instantiations of (M,R) systems
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