73 research outputs found

    WSN and Fuzzy Logic for Flash Flood and Traffic Congestion Detection

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    Floods are the most common natural disaster and source of significant damage to life, agriculture and economy. Flash Floods are particularly deadly because of short timescales on which they occur. Most flood casualties are caused by a lack of information. There is no dedicated flood sensing systems that monitor propagation of flash floods in cities. .Human being do not have power to totally uproot natural calamity but they can predict natural calamity & take major steps to prevent it. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology is used for predicting & detecting flooding condition in this study. WSN is preferred due to its cost effectiveness, faster transfer of data & accurate computation of required parameter for flood prediction. IoT combines embedded system hardware techniques along with data science or machine learning models. The model uses a mesh network connection over ZigBee for the WSN to collect data, and a GPRS module to send data to the internet. Data sets are evaluated using fuzzy logic to detect floods then broadcast alerts. Floods rarely occur hence the system is dedicated for traffic congestion notifications

    Integrating Precipitation Nowcasting in a Deep Learning-Based Flash Flood Prediction Framework and Assessing the Impact of Rainfall Forecasts Uncertainties

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    Flash floods are among the most immediate and destructive natural hazards. To issue warnings on time, various attempts were made to extend the forecast horizon of flash floods prediction models. Particularly, introducing rainfall forecast into process-based hydrological models was found effective. However, integrating precipitation predictions into flash flood data-driven models has not been addressed yet. In this endeavor, we propose a modeling framework that integrates rainfall nowcasts and assesses the impact of rainfall predictions uncertainties on a Deep Learning-based flash flood prediction model. Compared to the Persistence and ARIMA models, the LSTM model provided better rainfall nowcasting performance. Further, we proposed an Encoder-Decoder LSTM-based model architecture for short-term flash flood prediction that supports rainfall forecasts. Computational experiments showed that future rainfall values improved flash floods’ predictability for extended lead times. We also found that rainfall underestimation had a significant adverse effect on the model’s performance compared to rainfall overestimation

    Integrating Precipitation Nowcasting in a Deep Learning-Based Flash Flood Prediction Framework and Assessing the Impact of Rainfall Forecasts Uncertainties

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    Flash floods are among the most immediate and destructive natural hazards. To issue warnings on time, various attempts were made to extend the forecast horizon of flash floods prediction models. Particularly, introducing rainfall forecast into process-based hydrological models was found effective. However, integrating precipitation predictions into flash flood data-driven models has not been addressed yet. In this endeavor, we propose a modeling framework that integrates rainfall nowcasts and assesses the impact of rainfall predictions uncertainties on a Deep Learning-based flash flood prediction model. Compared to the Persistence and ARIMA models, the LSTM model provided better rainfall nowcasting performance. Further, we proposed an Encoder-Decoder LSTM-based model architecture for short-term flash flood prediction that supports rainfall forecasts. Computational experiments showed that future rainfall values improved flash floods predictability for extended lead times. We also found that rainfall underestimation had a significant adverse effect on the models performance compared to rainfall overestimation

    A review of the internet of floods : near real-time detection of a flood event and its impact

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    Worldwide, flood events frequently have a dramatic impact on urban societies. Time is key during a flood event in order to evacuate vulnerable people at risk, minimize the socio-economic, ecologic and cultural impact of the event and restore a society from this hazard as quickly as possible. Therefore, detecting a flood in near real-time and assessing the risks relating to these flood events on the fly is of great importance. Therefore, there is a need to search for the optimal way to collect data in order to detect floods in real time. Internet of Things (IoT) is the ideal method to bring together data of sensing equipment or identifying tools with networking and processing capabilities, allow them to communicate with one another and with other devices and services over the Internet to accomplish the detection of floods in near real-time. The main objective of this paper is to report on the current state of research on the IoT in the domain of flood detection. Current trends in IoT are identified, and academic literature is examined. The integration of IoT would greatly enhance disaster management and, therefore, will be of greater importance into the future

    Design of a wireless sensor network for monitoring of flash floods in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia

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    En Barranquilla, Colombia el riesgo de muerte de personas y pérdidas materiales asociadas con las inundaciones repentinas en las calles de la ciudad es alto. Por ello, el presente artículo muestra el diseño de una arquitectura de red de sensores inalámbricos o WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) para monitorear en tiempo real parámetros atmosféricos que influyen en la detección del nivel de peligrosidad de inundaciones repentinas o los llamados familiarmente “arroyos”, producto de las súbitas e intensas lluvias en un breve período de tiempo. El diseño de la red se hizo por medio de un estudio de sitio o site survey para obtener los datos y resultados que son usados en el presente trabajo. Se ha desarrollado también una aplicación web móvil que utiliza el lenguaje unificado de modelado (UML®) basado en un listado de requerimientos que muestra en tiempo real, sobre un mapa de las calles de la ciudad el nivel de peligrosidad del arroyo en diferentes puntos de su trayectoria. El sistema diseñado será de utilidad para la toma de decisiones preventivas por parte del usuario final y, además, está desarrollado para que sea replicable y escalable en entornos similares. Además, en este trabajo se ha probado la plataforma Waspmote y los módulos XBee-PRO ZB (S2) como herramienta tecnológica para la WSNIn Barranquilla, Colombia, the risk of deaths and property losses is associated with flash floods in the streets, which is very high. Therefore, this paper shows the design of a wireless sensor network to monitor realtime hydrological parameters that influence the detecting of dangerousness level of flash floods familiarly known as “arroyos”, product of sudden and heavy rains in a short time. The design of the network is made through a site survey to obtain the data and results that are used in this work. It has also developed a mobile web application that uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML ®) based on a list of requirements that displays real-time, on a street map of the city the dangerousness level of the stream at different points along its path. The designed system will be useful for preventive decision making by the end user and it is further developed to be replicable and scalable in similar environments. Furthermore, in this work it was tested the platform Waspmote and the XBee-PRO ZB (S2) Modules as a technological tool for the WSN

    Advancement of Data-Driven Short-Term Flood Predictions on an Urbanized Watershed Using Preprocessing Techniques

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    Supervised classification can be applied for short-term predictions of hydrological events in cases where the label of the event rather than its magnitude is crucial, as in the case of early flood warning systems. To be effective, these warning systems must be able to forecast floods accurately and to provide estimates early enough. Following the approach of transforming hydrological sensor data into a phase space using time-delay embedding, an attempt was made to improve the performance of the models and to increase the lead-time of reliable predictions. For this, the available set of attributes supplied by stream and rain gauges was extended by derivatives. In addition, imbalanced data techniques were applied at the data preprocessing step. The computational experiments were conducted on various data sets, lead-times, and years with different hydrological characteristics. The results show that especially derivatives of water level data improve model performance, increasingly when added for only one or two hours before the prediction time. In addition to that, the imbalanced data techniques allowed for overall improved prediction of floods at the cost of slight increase of misclassification of low-flow events

    Towards the “Perfect” Weather Warning

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    This book is about making weather warnings more effective in saving lives, property, infrastructure and livelihoods, but the underlying theme of the book is partnership. The book represents the warning process as a pathway linking observations to weather forecasts to hazard forecasts to socio-economic impact forecasts to warning messages to the protective decision, via a set of five bridges that cross the divides between the relevant organisations and areas of expertise. Each bridge represents the communication, translation and interpretation of information as it passes from one area of expertise to another and ultimately to the decision maker, who may be a professional or a member of the public. The authors explore the partnerships upon which each bridge is built, assess the expertise and skills that each partner brings and the challenges of communication between them, and discuss the structures and methods of working that build effective partnerships. The book is ordered according to the “first mile” paradigm in which the decision maker comes first, and then the production chain through the warning and forecast to the observations is considered second. This approach emphasizes the importance of co-design and co-production throughout the warning process. The book is targeted at professionals and trainee professionals with a role in the warning chain, i.e. in weather services, emergency management agencies, disaster risk reduction agencies, risk management sections of infrastructure agencies. This is an open access book

    Advances in Remote Sensing-based Disaster Monitoring and Assessment

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    Remote sensing data and techniques have been widely used for disaster monitoring and assessment. In particular, recent advances in sensor technologies and artificial intelligence-based modeling are very promising for disaster monitoring and readying responses aimed at reducing the damage caused by disasters. This book contains eleven scientific papers that have studied novel approaches applied to a range of natural disasters such as forest fire, urban land subsidence, flood, and tropical cyclones

    Estimation of monsoon rainfall by single polarization weather radar

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    Weather radar can offer synoptic measurement at a higher temporal and spatial resolution to extract the rain information. Rainfall can be inverted from the radar reflectivity using the power-law relation to ground rain gauge measurement. The relationship known as Z-R model has been established in many variants but the uncertainty from the sampling bias and the Z-R variability of single-polarization radar observation on monsoon rain becomes subject to research. This study reports a novel research framework to systematically estimate the monsoon rainfall using new Z-R model on the single-polarization weather radar in Kelantan. The sampling bias was quantified by the pixel matching procedure while the non-linear Levenberg Marquardt (LM) regression and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) regression at different rain intensity and radar range were introduced to minimise the Spatio-temporal variability of the new Z-R model. This study uses 10-minute reflectivity data recorded in Kota Bahru radar station and hourly rain record at the nearby 58 gauge stations in 2013 to 2015. The three-dimensional nearest neighbour interpolation proves that the sampling bias can be quantified. The LM shows an improvement of about 12% if the spatial adjustment was applied in the regression. Unlike LM, the ANN is more robust and independent to the spatial adjustment thus it could provide more accurate and reliable monsoon rain information in heterogenous rainy condition. The ANN model provides accuracy of ± 0.4 mm/hr, ± 1.0 mm/hr and ± 8.2 mm/hr for low, medium and high rain intensity respectively with correlation coefficient > 0.7 (p 0.5 and accuracy improvement about 8 %, 10% and 5% for abovementioned rain intensity respectively. Radar derived rainfall maps present the rain distribution was more concentrated in all downstream but only covered 1/3 of the upstream in Kelantan rivers. Further research is needed before the technique could be applied to any single-polarization system in Southeast Asia to achieve better accuracy of rain information extraction