68 research outputs found

    SDN-Based Network Intrusion Detection as DDoS defense system for Virtualization Environment

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    Nowadays, DDoS attacks are often aimed at cloud computing environments, as more people use virtualization servers. With so many Nodes and distributed services, it will be challenging to rely solely on conventional networks to control and monitor intrusions. We design and deploy DDoS attack defense systems in virtualization environments based on Software-defined Networking (SDN) by combining signature-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and sampled flow (sFlow). These techniques are practically tested and evaluated on the Proxmox production Virtualization Environment testbed, adding High Availability capabilities to the Controller. The evaluation results show that it promptly detects several types of DDoS attacks and mitigates their negative impact on network performance. Moreover, it also shows good results on Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as average packet loss about 0 %, average latency about 0.8 ms, and average bitrate about 860 Mbit/s

    StateSec: Stateful Monitoring for DDoS Protection in Software Defined Networks

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    To be presented at IEEE NetSoft, 3-7 July 2017, Bologna, ItalyInternational audienceSoftware-Defined Networking (SDN) allows for fast reactions to security threats by dynamically enforcing simple forwarding rules as countermeasures. However, in classic SDN all the intelligence resides at the controller, with the switches only capable of performing stateless forwarding as ruled by the controller. It follows that the controller, in addition to network management and control duties, must collect and process any piece of information required to take advanced (stateful) forwarding decisions. This threatens both to overload the controller and to congest the control channel. On the other hand, stateful SDN represents a new concept, developed both to improve reactivity and to offload the controller and the control channel by delegating local treatments to the switches. In this paper, we adopt this stateful paradigm to protect end-hosts from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). We propose StateSec, a novel approach based on in-switch processing capabilities to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks. StateSec monitors packets matching configurable traffic features (e.g., IP src/dst, port src/dst) without resorting to the controller. By feeding an entropy-based algorithm with such monitoring features, StateSec detects and mitigates several threats such as (D)DoS and port scans with high accuracy. We implemented StateSec and compared it with a state-of-the-art approach to monitor traffic in SDN. We show that StateSec is more efficient: it achieves very accurate detection levels, limiting at the same time the control plane overhead

    Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Carried Out by Botnets in Software-Defined Networks

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    Recent years witnessed a surge in network traffic due to the emergence of new online services, causing periodic saturation and complexity problems. Additionally, the growing number of IoT devices further compounds the problem. Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new architecture which offers innovative advantages that help to reduce saturation problems. Despite its benefits, SDNs not only can be affected by traditional attacks but also introduce new security challenges. In this context, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is one of the most important attacks that can damage an SDN network's normal operation. Furthermore, if these attacks are executed using botnets, they can use thousands of compromised devices to disrupt critical online services. This paper proposes a framework for detecting DDoS attacks generated by a group of botnets in an SDN network. The framework is implemented using open-source tools such as Mininet and OpenDaylight and tested in a centralized network topology using BYOB and SNORT. The results demonstrate real-time attack identification by implementing an intrusion detection mechanism in the victim client. Our proposed solution offers quick and effective detection of DDoS attacks in SDN networks. The framework can successfully differentiate the type of attack with high accuracy in a short tim

    Detailed Review on The Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Software Defined Networks (SDNs) and Defense Strategies

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    The development of Software Defined Networking (SDN) has altered the landscape of computer networking in recent years. Its scalable architecture has become a blueprint for the design of several advanced future networks. To achieve improve and efficient monitoring, control and management capabilities of the network, software defined networks differentiate or decouple the control logic from the data forwarding plane. As a result, logical control is centralized solely in the controller. Due to the centralized nature, SDNs are exposed to several vulnerabilities such as Spoofing, Flooding, and primarily Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) among other attacks. In effect, the performance of SDN degrades based on these attacks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of several DoS and DDoS defense/mitigation strategies and classifies them into distinct classes with regards to the methodologies employed. Furthermore, suggestions were made to enhance current mitigation strategies accordingly

    On Efficiency of Selected Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Software Defined Networks

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    We propose a concept of using Software Defined Network (SDN) technology and machine learning algorithms for monitoring and detection of malicious activities in the SDN data plane. The statistics and features of network traffic are generated by the native mechanisms of SDN technology. In order to conduct tests and a verification of the concept, it was necessary to obtain a set of network workload test data. We present virtual environment which enables generation of the SDN network traffic. The article examines the efficiency of selected  machine learning methods: Self Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization and their enhanced versions. The results are compared with other SDN-based IDS

    Software Defined Networking Opportunities for Intelligent Security Enhancement of Industrial Control Systems

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    In the last years, cyber security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has become an important issue due to the discovery of sophisticated malware that by attacking Critical Infrastructures, could cause catastrophic safety results. Researches have been developing countermeasures to enhance cyber security for pre-Internet era systems, which are extremely vulnerable to threats. This paper presents the potential opportunities that Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides for the security enhancement of Industrial Control Networks. SDN permits a high level of configuration of a network by the separation of control and data planes. In this work, we describe the affinities between SDN and ICSs and we discuss about implementation strategies

    Tennison: A Distributed SDN Framework for Scalable Network Security

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    Despite the relative maturity of the Internet, the computer networks of today are still susceptible to attack. The necessary distributed nature of networks for wide area connectivity has traditionally led to high cost and complexity in designing and implementing secure networks. With the introduction of software-defined networks (SDNs) and network functions virtualization, there are opportunities for efficient network threat detection and protection. SDN's global view provides a means of monitoring and defense across the entire network. However, current SDN-based security systems are limited by a centralized framework that introduces significant control plane overhead, leading to the saturation of vital control links. In this paper, we introduce TENNISON, a novel distributed SDN security framework that combines the efficiency of SDN control and monitoring with the resilience and scalability of a distributed system. TENNISON offers effective and proportionate monitoring and remediation, compatibility with widely available networking hardware, support for legacy networks, and a modular and extensible distributed design. We demonstrate the effectiveness and capabilities of the TENNISON framework through the use of four attack scenarios. These highlight multiple levels of monitoring, rapid detection, and remediation, and provide a unique insight into the impact of multiple controllers on network attack detection at scale

    Renforcement de la sécurité à travers les réseaux programmables

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    La conception originale d’Internet n’a pas pris en compte les aspects de sĂ©curitĂ© du rĂ©seau; l’objectif prioritaire Ă©tait de faciliter le processus de communication. Par consĂ©quent, de nombreux protocoles de l’infrastructure Internet exposent un ensemble de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s. Ces derniĂšres peuvent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es par les attaquants afin de mener un ensemble d’attaques. Les attaques par dĂ©ni de service distribuĂ© (Distributed Denial of Service ou DDoS) reprĂ©sentent une grande menace et l’une des attaques les plus dĂ©vastatrices causant des dommages collatĂ©raux aux opĂ©rateurs de rĂ©seau ainsi qu’aux fournisseurs de services Internet. Les rĂ©seaux programmables, dits Software-Defined Networking (SDN), ont Ă©mergĂ© comme un nouveau paradigme promettant de rĂ©soudre les limitations de l’architecture rĂ©seau actuelle en dĂ©couplant le plan de contrĂŽle du plan de donnĂ©es. D’une part, cette sĂ©paration permet un meilleur contrĂŽle du rĂ©seau et apporte de nouvelles capacitĂ©s pour mitiger les attaques par dĂ©ni de service distribuĂ©. D’autre part, cette sĂ©paration introduit de nouveaux dĂ©fis en matiĂšre de sĂ©curitĂ© du plan de contrĂŽle. L’enjeu de cette thĂšse est double. D’une part, Ă©tudier et explorer l’apport de SDN Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© afin de concevoir des solutions efficaces qui vont mitiger plusieurs vecteurs d’attaques. D’autre part, protĂ©ger SDN contre ces attaques. À travers ce travail de recherche, nous contribuons Ă  la mitigation des attaques par dĂ©ni de service distribuĂ© sur deux niveaux (intra-domaine et inter-domaine), et nous contribuons au renforcement de l’aspect sĂ©curitĂ© dans les rĂ©seaux programmables.The original design of Internet did not take into consideration security aspects of the network; the priority was to facilitate the process of communication. Therefore, many of the protocols that are part of the Internet infrastructure expose a set of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers to carry out a set of attacks. Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) represents a big threat and one of the most devastating and destructive attacks plaguing network operators and Internet service providers (ISPs) in a stealthy way. Software defined networks (SDN), an emerging technology, promise to solve the limitations of the conventional network architecture by decoupling the control plane from the data plane. On one hand, the separation of the control plane from the data plane allows for more control over the network and brings new capabilities to deal with DDoS attacks. On the other hand, this separation introduces new challenges regarding the security of the control plane. This thesis aims to deal with various types of attacks including DDoS attacks while protecting the resources of the control plane. In this thesis, we contribute to the mitigation of both intra-domain and inter-domain DDoS attacks, and to the reinforcement of security aspects in SDN

    Improving Security in Internet of Things with Software Defined Networking

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    Future Internet of Things (IoT) will connect to the Internet billions of heterogeneous smart devices with the capacity of interacting with the environment. Therefore, the proposed solutions from an IoT networking perspective must take into account the scalability of IoT nodes as well as the operational cost of deploying the networking infrastructure. This will generate a huge volume of data, which poses a tremendous challenge both from the transport, and processing of information point of view. Moreover, security issues appear, due to the fact that untrusted IoT devices are interconnected towards the aggregation networks. In this paper, we propose the usage of a Software- Defined Networking (SDN) framework for introducing security in IoT gateways. An experimental validation of the framework is proposed, resulting in the enforcement of network security at the network edge
