1,129 research outputs found

    Cooperative Data Backup for Mobile Devices

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    Les dispositifs informatiques mobiles tels que les ordinateurs portables, assistants personnels et téléphones portables sont de plus en plus utilisés. Cependant, bien qu'ils soient utilisés dans des contextes où ils sont sujets à des endommagements, à la perte, voire au vol, peu de mécanismes permettent d'éviter la perte des données qui y sont stockées. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un service de sauvegarde de données coopératif pour répondre à ce problème. Cette approche tire parti de communications spontanées entre de tels dispositifs, chaque dispositif stockant une partie des données des dispositifs rencontrés. Une étude analytique des gains de cette approche en termes de sûreté de fonctionnement est proposée. Nous étudions également des mécanismes de stockage réparti adaptés. Les problèmes de coopération entre individus mutuellement suspicieux sont également abordés. Enfin, nous décrivons notre mise en oeuvre du service de sauvegarde coopérative. ABSTRACT : Mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs and cell phones are increasingly relied on but are used in contexts that put them at risk of physical damage, loss or theft. However, few mechanisms are available to reduce the risk of losing the data stored on these devices. In this dissertation, we try to address this concern by designing a cooperative backup service for mobile devices. The service leverages encounters and spontaneous interactions among participating devices, such that each device stores data on behalf of other devices. We first provide an analytical evaluation of the dependability gains of the proposed service. Distributed storage mechanisms are explored and evaluated. Security concerns arising from thecooperation among mutually suspicious principals are identified, and core mechanisms are proposed to allow them to be addressed. Finally, we present our prototype implementation of the cooperative backup servic

    Optimizing Network Coding Algorithms for Multiple Applications.

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    Deviating from the archaic communication approach of treating information as a fluid moving through pipes, the concepts of Network Coding (NC) suggest that optimal throughput of a multicast network can be achieved by processing information at individual network nodes. However, existing challenges to harness the advantages of NC concepts for practical applications have prevented the development of NC into an effective solution to increase the performance of practical communication networks. In response, the research work presented in this thesis proposes cross-layer NC solutions to increase the network throughput of data multicast as well as video quality of video multicast applications. First, three algorithms are presented to improve the throughput of NC enabled networks by minimizing the NC coefficient vector overhead, optimizing the NC redundancy allocation and improving the robustness of NC against bursty packet losses. Considering the fact that majority of network traffic occupies video, rest of the proposed NC algorithms are content-aware and are optimized for both data and video multicast applications. A set of content and network-aware optimization algorithms, which allocate redundancies for NC considering content properties as well as the network status, are proposed to efficiently multicast data and video across content delivery networks. Furthermore content and channel-aware joint channel and network coding algorithms are proposed to efficiently multicast data and video across wireless networks. Finally, the possibilities of performing joint source and network coding are explored to increase the robustness of high volume video multicast applications. Extensive simulation studies indicate significant improvements with the proposed algorithms to increase the network throughput and video quality over related state-of-the-art solutions. Hence, it is envisaged that the proposed algorithms will contribute to the advancement of data and video multicast protocols in the future communication networks

    Grid Analysis of Radiological Data

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    IGI-Global Medical Information Science Discoveries Research Award 2009International audienceGrid technologies and infrastructures can contribute to harnessing the full power of computer-aided image analysis into clinical research and practice. Given the volume of data, the sensitivity of medical information, and the joint complexity of medical datasets and computations expected in clinical practice, the challenge is to fill the gap between the grid middleware and the requirements of clinical applications. This chapter reports on the goals, achievements and lessons learned from the AGIR (Grid Analysis of Radiological Data) project. AGIR addresses this challenge through a combined approach. On one hand, leveraging the grid middleware through core grid medical services (data management, responsiveness, compression, and workflows) targets the requirements of medical data processing applications. On the other hand, grid-enabling a panel of applications ranging from algorithmic research to clinical use cases both exploits and drives the development of the services

    Secure and efficient storage of multimedia: content in public cloud environments using joint compression and encryption

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    The Cloud Computing is a paradigm still with many unexplored areas ranging from the technological component to the de nition of new business models, but that is revolutionizing the way we design, implement and manage the entire infrastructure of information technology. The Infrastructure as a Service is the delivery of computing infrastructure, typically a virtual data center, along with a set of APIs that allow applications, in an automatic way, can control the resources they wish to use. The choice of the service provider and how it applies to their business model may lead to higher or lower cost in the operation and maintenance of applications near the suppliers. In this sense, this work proposed to carry out a literature review on the topic of Cloud Computing, secure storage and transmission of multimedia content, using lossless compression, in public cloud environments, and implement this system by building an application that manages data in public cloud environments (dropbox and meocloud). An application was built during this dissertation that meets the objectives set. This system provides the user a wide range of functions of data management in public cloud environments, for that the user only have to login to the system with his/her credentials, after performing the login, through the Oauth 1.0 protocol (authorization protocol) is generated an access token, this token is generated only with the consent of the user and allows the application to get access to data/user les without having to use credentials. With this token the framework can now operate and unlock the full potential of its functions. With this application is also available to the user functions of compression and encryption so that user can make the most of his/her cloud storage system securely. The compression function works using the compression algorithm LZMA being only necessary for the user to choose the les to be compressed. Relatively to encryption it will be used the encryption algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) that works with a 128 bit symmetric key de ned by user. We build the research into two distinct and complementary parts: The rst part consists of the theoretical foundation and the second part is the development of computer application where the data is managed, compressed, stored, transmitted in various environments of cloud computing. The theoretical framework is organized into two chapters, chapter 2 - Background on Cloud Storage and chapter 3 - Data compression. Sought through theoretical foundation demonstrate the relevance of the research, convey some of the pertinent theories and input whenever possible, research in the area. The second part of the work was devoted to the development of the application in cloud environment. We showed how we generated the application, presented the features, advantages, and safety standards for the data. Finally, we re ect on the results, according to the theoretical framework made in the rst part and platform development. We think that the work obtained is positive and that ts the goals we set ourselves to achieve. This research has some limitations, we believe that the time for completion was scarce and the implementation of the platform could bene t from the implementation of other features.In future research it would be appropriate to continue the project expanding the capabilities of the application, test the operation with other users and make comparative tests.A Computação em nuvem é um paradigma ainda com muitas áreas por explorar que vão desde a componente tecnológica à definição de novos modelos de negócio, mas que está a revolucionar a forma como projetamos, implementamos e gerimos toda a infraestrutura da tecnologia da informação. A Infraestrutura como Serviço representa a disponibilização da infraestrutura computacional, tipicamente um datacenter virtual, juntamente com um conjunto de APls que permitirá que aplicações, de forma automática, possam controlar os recursos que pretendem utilizar_ A escolha do fornecedor de serviços e a forma como este aplica o seu modelo de negócio poderão determinar um maior ou menor custo na operacionalização e manutenção das aplicações junto dos fornecedores. Neste sentido, esta dissertação propôs· se efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática da Computação em nuvem, a transmissão e o armazenamento seguro de conteúdos multimédia, utilizando a compressão sem perdas, em ambientes em nuvem públicos, e implementar um sistema deste tipo através da construção de uma aplicação que faz a gestão dos dados em ambientes de nuvem pública (dropbox e meocloud). Foi construída uma aplicação no decorrer desta dissertação que vai de encontro aos objectivos definidos. Este sistema fornece ao utilizador uma variada gama de funções de gestão de dados em ambientes de nuvem pública, para isso o utilizador tem apenas que realizar o login no sistema com as suas credenciais, após a realização de login, através do protocolo Oauth 1.0 (protocolo de autorização) é gerado um token de acesso, este token só é gerado com o consentimento do utilizador e permite que a aplicação tenha acesso aos dados / ficheiros do utilizador ~em que seja necessário utilizar as credenciais. Com este token a aplicação pode agora operar e disponibilizar todo o potencial das suas funções. Com esta aplicação é também disponibilizado ao utilizador funções de compressão e encriptação de modo a que possa usufruir ao máximo do seu sistema de armazenamento cloud com segurança. A função de compressão funciona utilizando o algoritmo de compressão LZMA sendo apenas necessário que o utilizador escolha os ficheiros a comprimir. Relativamente à cifragem utilizamos o algoritmo AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) que funciona com uma chave simétrica de 128bits definida pelo utilizador. Alicerçámos a investigação em duas partes distintas e complementares: a primeira parte é composta pela fundamentação teórica e a segunda parte consiste no desenvolvimento da aplicação informática em que os dados são geridos, comprimidos, armazenados, transmitidos em vários ambientes de computação em nuvem. A fundamentação teórica encontra-se organizada em dois capítulos, o capítulo 2 - "Background on Cloud Storage" e o capítulo 3 "Data Compression", Procurámos, através da fundamentação teórica, demonstrar a pertinência da investigação. transmitir algumas das teorias pertinentes e introduzir, sempre que possível, investigações existentes na área. A segunda parte do trabalho foi dedicada ao desenvolvimento da aplicação em ambiente "cloud". Evidenciámos o modo como gerámos a aplicação, apresentámos as funcionalidades, as vantagens. Por fim, refletimos sobre os resultados , de acordo com o enquadramento teórico efetuado na primeira parte e o desenvolvimento da plataforma. Pensamos que o trabalho obtido é positivo e que se enquadra nos objetivos que nos propusemos atingir. Este trabalho de investigação apresenta algumas limitações, consideramos que o tempo para a sua execução foi escasso e a implementação da plataforma poderia beneficiar com a implementação de outras funcionalidades. Em investigações futuras seria pertinente dar continuidade ao projeto ampliando as potencialidades da aplicação, testar o funcionamento com outros utilizadores e efetuar testes comparativos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Report on BCTCS 2016: The 32nd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science 22–24 March 2016, Queen’s University Belfast

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    Report on BCTCS 2016: The 32nd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science 22–24 March 2016, Queen’s University Belfas

    TSKY: a dependable middleware solution for data privacy using public storage clouds

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation aims to take advantage of the virtues offered by data storage cloud based systems on the Internet, proposing a solution that avoids security issues by combining different providers’ solutions in a vision of a cloud-of-clouds storage and computing. The solution, TSKY System (or Trusted Sky), is implemented as a middleware system, featuring a set of components designed to establish and to enhance conditions for security, privacy, reliability and availability of data, with these conditions being secured and verifiable by the end-user, independently of each provider. These components, implement cryptographic tools, including threshold and homomorphic cryptographic schemes, combined with encryption, replication, and dynamic indexing mecha-nisms. The solution allows data management and distribution functions over data kept in different storage clouds, not necessarily trusted, improving and ensuring resilience and security guarantees against Byzantine faults and at-tacks. The generic approach of the TSKY system model and its implemented services are evaluated in the context of a Trusted Email Repository System (TSKY-TMS System). The TSKY-TMS system is a prototype that uses the base TSKY middleware services to store mailboxes and email Messages in a cloud-of-clouds

    Generalized Numerical Entanglement For Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear And Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams

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    We propose a new technique for the mitigation of fail-stop failures and/or silent data corruptions (SDCs) within linear, sesquilinear or bijective (LSB) operations on M integer data streams (M ⩾ 3). In the proposed approach, the M input streams are linearly superimposed to form M numerically entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs, i.e., no additional (aka. “checksum”) streams are used. An arbitrary number of LSB operations can then be performed in M processing cores using these entangled data streams. The output results can be extracted from any (M-K) entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts, thereby mitigating K fail-stop failures (K ≤ ⌊(M-1)/2 ⌋ ), or detecting up to K SDCs per M-tuple of outputs at corresponding in-stream locations. Therefore, unlike other methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and recovery of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. Our proposal is validated within an Amazon EC2 instance (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via integer matrix product operations. Our analysis and experiments for failstop failure mitigation and SDC detection reveal that the proposed approach incurs 0.75% to 37.23% reduction in processing throughput in comparison to the equivalent errorintolerant processing. This overhead is found to be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the equivalent checksum-based method, with increased gains offered as the complexity of the performed LSB operations is increasing. Therefore, our proposal can be used in distributed systems, unreliable multicore clusters and safety-critical applications, where robustness against failures and SDCs is a necessity

    A review on structured scheme representation on data security application

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    With the rapid development in the era of Internet and networking technology, there is always a requirement to improve the security systems, which secure the transmitted data over an unsecured channel. The needs to increase the level of security in transferring the data always become the critical issue. Therefore, data security is a significant area in covering the issue of security, which refers to protect the data from unwanted forces and prevent unauthorized access to a communication. This paper presents a review of structured-scheme representation for data security application. There are five structured-scheme types, which can be represented as dual-scheme, triple-scheme, quad-scheme, octal-scheme and hexa-scheme. These structured-scheme types are designed to improve and strengthen the security of data on the application