20,869 research outputs found

    Coloring random graphs

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    We study the graph coloring problem over random graphs of finite average connectivity cc. Given a number qq of available colors, we find that graphs with low connectivity admit almost always a proper coloring whereas graphs with high connectivity are uncolorable. Depending on qq, we find the precise value of the critical average connectivity cqc_q. Moreover, we show that below cqc_q there exist a clustering phase c[cd,cq]c\in [c_d,c_q] in which ground states spontaneously divide into an exponential number of clusters and where the proliferation of metastable states is responsible for the onset of complexity in local search algorithms.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, version to app. in PR

    Circular Coloring of Random Graphs: Statistical Physics Investigation

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    Circular coloring is a constraints satisfaction problem where colors are assigned to nodes in a graph in such a way that every pair of connected nodes has two consecutive colors (the first color being consecutive to the last). We study circular coloring of random graphs using the cavity method. We identify two very interesting properties of this problem. For sufficiently many color and sufficiently low temperature there is a spontaneous breaking of the circular symmetry between colors and a phase transition forwards a ferromagnet-like phase. Our second main result concerns 5-circular coloring of random 3-regular graphs. While this case is found colorable, we conclude that the description via one-step replica symmetry breaking is not sufficient. We observe that simulated annealing is very efficient to find proper colorings for this case. The 5-circular coloring of 3-regular random graphs thus provides a first known example of a problem where the ground state energy is known to be exactly zero yet the space of solutions probably requires a full-step replica symmetry breaking treatment.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs

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    We study the strong spatial mixing (decay of correlation) property of proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) with a fixed dd. The strong spatial mixing of coloring and related models have been extensively studied on graphs with bounded maximum degree. However, for typical classes of graphs with bounded average degree, such as G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n), an easy counterexample shows that colorings do not exhibit strong spatial mixing with high probability. Nevertheless, we show that for qαd+βq\ge\alpha d+\beta with α>2\alpha>2 and sufficiently large β=O(1)\beta=O(1), with high probability proper qq-colorings of random graph G(n,d/n)G(n, d/n) exhibit strong spatial mixing with respect to an arbitrarily fixed vertex. This is the first strong spatial mixing result for colorings of graphs with unbounded maximum degree. Our analysis of strong spatial mixing establishes a block-wise correlation decay instead of the standard point-wise decay, which may be of interest by itself, especially for graphs with unbounded degree

    Polynomial iterative algorithms for coloring and analyzing random graphs

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    We study the graph coloring problem over random graphs of finite average connectivity cc. Given a number qq of available colors, we find that graphs with low connectivity admit almost always a proper coloring whereas graphs with high connectivity are uncolorable. Depending on qq, we find the precise value of the critical average connectivity cqc_q. Moreover, we show that below cqc_q there exist a clustering phase c[cd,cq]c\in [c_d,c_q] in which ground states spontaneously divide into an exponential number of clusters. Furthermore, we extended our considerations to the case of single instances showing consistent results. This lead us to propose a new algorithm able to color in polynomial time random graphs in the hard but colorable region, i.e when c[cd,cq]c\in [c_d,c_q].Comment: 23 pages, 10 eps figure

    Graph coloring heuristics from investigation of smallest hard to color graphs

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    Vertex coloring of graphs is an NP-complete problem. No polynomial time algorithm is known to color graphs optimally. The best we can do to handle vertex coloring of graphs is to create heuristics which provide a guess as to an optimal coloring. This thesis examines a number of known vertex coloring heuristics, and compares their performance to a brute-force optimal coloring. These comparisons are made for relatively small graphs with low numbers of vertices. The behaviors of the existing heuristics is examined to aid in the creation of new heuristics. The new heuristics are compared against the existing heuristics for both all small (n \u3c 12) and relatively large random graphs. The result of this thesis is two new graph coloring heuristics. The first heuristic, the so called double interchange, provides the best coloring performance of the heuristics studied for small, connected graphs. The second heuristic, the annealing interchange, provides the best coloring performance of the heuristics studied for larger, random graphs

    Message passing for the coloring problem: Gallager meets Alon and Kahale

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    Message passing algorithms are popular in many combinatorial optimization problems. For example, experimental results show that {\em survey propagation} (a certain message passing algorithm) is effective in finding proper kk-colorings of random graphs in the near-threshold regime. In 1962 Gallager introduced the concept of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, and suggested a simple decoding algorithm based on message passing. In 1994 Alon and Kahale exhibited a coloring algorithm and proved its usefulness for finding a kk-coloring of graphs drawn from a certain planted-solution distribution over kk-colorable graphs. In this work we show an interpretation of Alon and Kahale's coloring algorithm in light of Gallager's decoding algorithm, thus showing a connection between the two problems - coloring and decoding. This also provides a rigorous evidence for the usefulness of the message passing paradigm for the graph coloring problem. Our techniques can be applied to several other combinatorial optimization problems and networking-related issues.Comment: 11 page

    Finding Pseudorandom Colorings of Pseudorandom Graphs

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    We consider the problem of recovering a planted pseudorandom 3-coloring in expanding and low threshold-rank graphs. Alon and Kahale [SICOMP 1997] gave a spectral algorithm to recover the coloring for a random graph with a planted random 3-coloring. We show that their analysis can be adapted to work when coloring is pseudorandom i.e., all color classes are of equal size and the size of the intersection of the neighborhood of a random vertex with each color class has small variance. We also extend our results to partial colorings and low threshold-rank graphs to show the following: * For graphs on n vertices with threshold-rank r, for which there exists a 3-coloring that is eps-pseudorandom and properly colors the induced subgraph on (1-gamma)n vertices, we show how to recover the coloring for (1 - O(gamma + eps)) n vertices in time (rn)^{O(r)}. * For expanding graphs on n vertices, which admit a pseudorandom 3-coloring properly coloring all the vertices, we show how to recover such a coloring in polynomial time. Our results are obtained by combining the method of Alon and Kahale, with eigenspace enumeration methods used for solving constraint satisfaction problems on low threshold-rank graphs

    Random Graph Coloring - a Statistical Physics Approach

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    The problem of vertex coloring in random graphs is studied using methods of statistical physics and probability. Our analytical results are compared to those obtained by exact enumeration and Monte-Carlo simulations. We critically discuss the merits and shortcomings of the various methods, and interpret the results obtained. We present an exact analytical expression for the 2-coloring problem as well as general replica symmetric approximated solutions for the thermodynamics of the graph coloring problem with p colors and K-body edges.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Coloring random graphs online without creating monochromatic subgraphs

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    Consider the following random process: The vertices of a binomial random graph Gn,pG_{n,p} are revealed one by one, and at each step only the edges induced by the already revealed vertices are visible. Our goal is to assign to each vertex one from a fixed number rr of available colors immediately and irrevocably without creating a monochromatic copy of some fixed graph FF in the process. Our first main result is that for any FF and rr, the threshold function for this problem is given by p0(F,r,n)=n1/m1(F,r)p_0(F,r,n)=n^{-1/m_1^*(F,r)}, where m1(F,r)m_1^*(F,r) denotes the so-called \emph{online vertex-Ramsey density} of FF and rr. This parameter is defined via a purely deterministic two-player game, in which the random process is replaced by an adversary that is subject to certain restrictions inherited from the random setting. Our second main result states that for any FF and rr, the online vertex-Ramsey density m1(F,r)m_1^*(F,r) is a computable rational number. Our lower bound proof is algorithmic, i.e., we obtain polynomial-time online algorithms that succeed in coloring Gn,pG_{n,p} as desired with probability 1o(1)1-o(1) for any p(n)=o(n1/m1(F,r))p(n) = o(n^{-1/m_1^*(F,r)}).Comment: some minor addition