1,370 research outputs found

    From data to innovation : empowering sustainable new product development with AI and data science : insights from Portuguese industries

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    Unlocking the potential of AI and Data Science (AI/DS) in New Product Development (NPD) stands as a promising avenue for innovation acceleration. According to Gomes (2022), despite recognizing the potential of these technologies for better decision-making, many Portuguese firms lack the resources, hindering competitiveness and innovation.This dissertation examines this paradox, aiming to reveal the AI/DS potential for 'Innovation Analytics' in Portugal's NPD landscape. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys, semi-structured interviews, and a practical application, this study investigates the impact of AI/DS adoption on sustainable NPD. Key contributions of this research include a proposed conceptual framework harmonizing both AI/DS and functional departments with Cooper's Stage-Gate model (potentially acting as a roadmap for AI/DS implementation for NPD), insights from AI/DS adoption and a practical examples for rapid innovation using AI tools. The study's insights highlight correlations between AI/DS interest and innovation in NPD, supported by real-world cases. Additionally, a practical application employing AI tools like DALL·E and ChatGPT demonstrates these technologies transformative potential for rapid innovation, improving market research efficiency and product concept visualization. While some Portuguese industry sectors exhibited varied AI/DS adoption profiles, the study found that these sectoral differences were not significant. The insights offered provide guidance for venturing into the realm of AI/DS-powered sustainable innovation.A inclusão da Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Dados (IA/CD) no Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos (DNP) surge como potencial acelerador da inovação. Segundo Gomes (2022) apesar de considerarem estas tecnologias para uma melhor tomada de decisão, muitas empresas portuguesas carecem de recursos, limitando a competitividade e inovação. Pretende-se examinar o potencial da IA/CD no contexto do DNP sustentável em Portugal. Utilizando uma abordagem com métodos mistos: inquéritos, entrevistas semiestruturadas e uma aplicação prática, investigou-se o impacto da IA/CD no DNP. As contribuições-chave englobam uma proposta de framework conceptual alinhando IA/CD com departamentos funcionais, baseada no modelo Stage-Gate de Cooper (servindo como guia de implementação), insights das diversas indústrias na adoção da IA/CD e um exemplo prático para a inovação sustentável. Foram descobertas correlações entre o interesse em IA/CD e a inovação no DNP. Adicionalmente, um guia prático, utilizando ferramentas de IA como DALL·E e ChatGPT, evidencia o potencial transformador destas tecnologias para inovação célere, melhorando a pesquisa de mercado e a visualização de conceitos de produtos. Apesar de alguns setores da indústria portuguesa apresentarem perfis variados de adoção de IA/CD, concluiu-se que essas diferenças setoriais não são significativas. Reconhecendo limitações, esta dissertação fornece orientações no domínio da inovação sustentável impulsionada pela IA/CD

    Digital Twins for Logistics and Supply Chain Systems: Literature Review, Conceptual Framework, Research Potential, and Practical Challenges

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    To facilitate an effective, efficient, transparent, and timely decision-making process as well as to provide guidelines for industry planning and public policy development, a conceptual framework of digital twins (DTs) for logistics and supply chain systems (LSCS) is needed. This paper first introduces the background of the logistics and supply chain industry, the DT and its potential benefits, and the motivations and scope of this research. The literature review indicates research and practice gaps and needs that motivate proposing a new conceptual DT framework for LSCS. As each element of the new framework has different requirements and goals, it initiates new research opportunities and creates practical implementation challenges. As such, the future of DT computation involves advanced analytics and modeling techniques to address the new agenda's requirements. Finally, ideas on the next steps to deploy a transparent, trustworthy, and resilient DT for LSCS are presented.Comment: 45 page

    Virtual Factory:a systemic approach to building smart factories

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    A systems dynamics enabled real-time efficiency for fuel cell data-driven remanufacturing

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    Remanufacturing is a viable option to extend the useful life of an end-of-use product or its parts, ensuring sustainable competitive advantages under the current global economic climate. Challenges typical to remanufacturing still persist, despite its many benefits. According to the European Remanufacturing Network, a key challenge is the lack of accurate, timely and consistent product knowledge as highlighted in a 2015 survey of 188 European remanufacturers. With more data being produced by electric and hybrid vehicles, this adds to the information complexity challenge already experienced in remanufacturing. Therefore, it is difficult to implement real-time and accurate remanufacturing for the shop floor; there are no papers that focus on this within an electric and hybrid vehicle environment. To address this problem, this paper attempts to: (1) identify the required parameters/variables needed for fuel cell remanufacturing by means of interviews; (2) rank the variables by Pareto analysis; (3) develop a casual loop diagram for the identified parameters/variables to visualise their impact on remanufacturing; and (4) model a simple stock and flow diagram to simulate and understand data and information-driven schemes in remanufacturing

    Academic Year 2011-2012

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    Road2CPS priorities and recommendations for research and innovation in cyber-physical systems

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    This document summarises the findings of the Road2CPS project, co-financed by the European Commission under the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, to develop a roadmap and recommendations for strategic action required for future deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The term Cyber-Physical System describes hardware-software systems, which tightly couple the physical world and the virtual world. They are established from networked embedded systems that are connected with the outside world through sensors and actuators and have the capability to collaborate, adapt, and evolve. In the ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda 2016, CPS are described as ‘Embedded Intelligent ICT Systems’ that make products smarter, more interconnected, interdependent, collaborative, and autonomous. In the future world of CPS, a huge number of devices connected to the physical world will be able to exchange data with each other, access web services, and interact with people. Moreover, information systems will sense, monitor and even control the physical world via Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things (HiPEAC Vision 2015). Cyber-Physical Systems find their application in many highly relevant areas to our society: multi-modal transport, health, smart factories, smart grids and smart cities amongst others. The deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is expected to increase substantially over the next decades, holding great potential for novel applications and innovative product development. Digital technologies have already pervaded day-to-day life massively, affecting all kinds of interactions between humans and their environment. However, the inherent complexity of CPSs, as well as the need to meet optimised performance and comply with essential requirements like safety, privacy, security, raises many questions that are currently being explored by the research community. Road2CPS aims at accelerating uptake and implementation of these efforts. The Road2CPS project identifying and analysing the relevant technology fields and related research priorities to fuel the development of trustworthy CPS, as well as the specific technologies, needs and barriers for a successful implementation in different application domains and to derive recommendations for strategic action. The document at hand was established through an interactive, community-based approach, involving over 300 experts from academia, industry and policy making through a series of workshops and consultations. Visions and priorities of recently produced roadmaps in the area of CPS, IoT (Internet of Things), SoS (System-of-Systems) and FoF (Factories of the Future) were discussed, complemented by sharing views and perspectives on CPS implementation in application domains, evolving multi-sided eco-systems as well as business and policy related barriers, enablers and success factors. From the workshops and accompanying activities recommendations for future research and innovation activities were derived and topics and timelines for their implementation proposed. Amongst the technological topics, and related future research priorities ‘integration, interoperability, standards’ ranged highest in all workshops. The topic is connected to digital platforms and reference architectures, which have already become a key priority theme for the EC and their Digitisation Strategy as well as the work on the right standards to help successful implementation of CPSs. Other themes of very high technology/research relevance revealed to be ‘modelling and simulation’, ‘safety and dependability’, ‘security and privacy’, ‘big data and real-time analysis’, ‘ubiquitous autonomy and forecasting’ as well as ‘HMI/human machine awareness’. Next to this, themes emerged including ‘decision making and support’, ‘CPS engineering (requirements, design)’, ‘CPS life-cycle management’, ‘System-of-Systems’, ‘distributed management’, ‘cognitive CPS’, ‘emergence, complexity, adaptability and flexibility’ and work on the foundations of CPS and ‘cross-disciplinary research/CPS Science’

    Innovation and Technology: The Era of Autonomous Cars and Their Outcomes in Law Enforcement

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    The purpose of this research study is to explore the cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), including the technological challenges, barriers, and impacts on society. This research study provides a framework for law enforcement agencies to understand the scope of security of AVs and develop relevant policies and strategies to enhance the security of these vehicles. AVs are a relatively nascent concept in the automotive industry, and thus, there is limited knowledge about cybersecurity. In the upcoming years, there will probably be a considerable increase in the number of semi-autonomous vehicles on many US and European roads. Some experts even predict that fully autonomous vehicles might be on the road within the next ten years. There are problems that arise with respect to criminal and civil liability, the obligations of manufacturers and insurers, and the future regulation of road traffic as a result of these developments. This research study aims to explore and address the knowledge gaps related to cybersecurity, law enforcement policies and regulations, and the impact of AVs on society. The methods used to conduct research on AV procedures for analyzing data and the names of the interviewees will also be listed

    i-FRAME – Assessing impacts of social policy innovation in the EU: Proposed methodological framework to evaluate socio-economic returns on investment of social policy innovations

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    This report presents the final proposal for developing a methodological framework to assess the impacts generated by social policy innovations which promote social investment in the EU, in short i-FRAME. This framework has the objective to provide a structured approach that shall serve as a comprehensive framework for conducting analysis of the economic and social returns on investments of social policy innovations. It also aims to act as a guide to gather insights into replicability and transferability of initiatives which promote social investment across the EU. The report outlines the reviewed and improved theoretical and methodological approach developed by the JRC with help from external experts, and validated by testing the operational components proposed on a number of case studies and scenarios of use. After outlining the conceptual and methodological approach underpinning the i-FRAME (V1.0), the report discusses the proposal for building its operational components according to a structured theoretical framework of a dynamic simulation model for social impact assessment (V1.5). The final proposal for i-FRAME (V2.0) and an overview of the operational components for its implementation are then presented discussing the key elements that should be developed to build a comprehensive i-FRAME Web-Platform and simulator for social impact assessment. Conclusions are then offered in terms of implications for policy and directions for future research. These were drawn after consulting experts from different research disciplines, practitioners and representatives of relevant stakeholders and policymakers, and they include .recommendations for further developing the operational components proposed, paving the way towards building the i-FRAME (V3.0) and beyond.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Why design matters? Making the case for the smaller companies in the automotive industry

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    This research focuses on industrial design and strategic management and more specifically on the way the development of design capabilities can influence the strategic product market position of the Portuguese small and medium supply companies for the automotive industry. Industrial design is not usually highlighted as a cornerstone skill of most small-scale automotive supply companies. Instead, it is usually established as a process in resource-capability combinations due to the highly dynamic environments that characterize this industry. Practice suggests a double bias either in the definition of design, sometimes emphasized as style and associated with carmakers, or in design’s role in developing the position of small and medium enterprises in supply networks. This line of reasoning supports the lead research question: why design matters for smaller companies in the automotive industry? The theoretical constructs and context field supported through the literature and the automotive industry profile (international and Portuguese) review reveal a research procedure supported on an interdisciplinary work process. The exploratory nature of this study calls for a qualitative type of research to be conducted as the use of case studies is the most appropriate research strategy. Three firms from the Portuguese automotive cluster were selected for the case study representing an appropriate automotive industry supplier sample for cross-case analysis. The analysis of the gathered data required three phases: analysis and report of individual cases; analysis and report of cross cases; and the conclusions and implications of the cross cases for both theory and practice. As a result, it is revealed the importance of the development of design capabilities for a determined business strategy. The development of design capabilities is key for the development of high added value products for the supply of complex parts or modules. Hence, a list of suggested positive and negative industrial design practices are proposed
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