655 research outputs found

    DDT: a research tool for automatic data distribution in HPF

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    This article describes the main features and implementation of our automatic data distribution research tool. The tool (DDT) accepts programs written in Fortran 77 and generates High Performance Fortran (HPF) directives to map arrays onto the memories of the processors and parallelize loops, and executable statements to remap these arrays. DDT works by identifying a set of computational phases (procedures and loops). The algorithm builds a search space of candidate solutions for these phases which is explored looking for the combination that minimizes the overall cost; this cost includes data movement cost and computation cost. The movement cost reflects the cost of accessing remote data during the execution of a phase and the remapping costs that have to be paid in order to execute the phase with the selected mapping. The computation cost includes the cost of executing a phase in parallel according to the selected mapping and the owner computes rule. The tool supports interprocedural analysis and uses control flow information to identify how phases are sequenced during the execution of the application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Pegasus: Performance Engineering for Software Applications Targeting HPC Systems

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    Developing and optimizing software applications for high performance and energy efficiency is a very challenging task, even when considering a single target machine. For instance, optimizing for multicore-based computing systems requires in-depth knowledge about programming languages, application programming interfaces, compilers, performance tuning tools, and computer architecture and organization. Many of the tasks of performance engineering methodologies require manual efforts and the use of different tools not always part of an integrated toolchain. This paper presents Pegasus, a performance engineering approach supported by a framework that consists of a source-to-source compiler, controlled and guided by strategies programmed in a Domain-Specific Language, and an autotuner. Pegasus is a holistic and versatile approach spanning various decision layers composing the software stack, and exploiting the system capabilities and workloads effectively through the use of runtime autotuning. The Pegasus approach helps developers by automating tasks regarding the efficient implementation of software applications in multicore computing systems. These tasks focus on application analysis, profiling, code transformations, and the integration of runtime autotuning. Pegasus allows developers to program their strategies or to automatically apply existing strategies to software applications in order to ensure the compliance of non-functional requirements, such as performance and energy efficiency. We show how to apply Pegasus and demonstrate its applicability and effectiveness in a complex case study, which includes tasks from a smart navigation system

    A Survey and Evaluation of FPGA High-Level Synthesis Tools

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) is increasingly popular for the design of high-performance and energy-efficient heterogeneous systems, shortening time-to-market and addressing today's system complexity. HLS allows designers to work at a higher-level of abstraction by using a software program to specify the hardware functionality. Additionally, HLS is particularly interesting for designing field-programmable gate array circuits, where hardware implementations can be easily refined and replaced in the target device. Recent years have seen much activity in the HLS research community, with a plethora of HLS tool offerings, from both industry and academia. All these tools may have different input languages, perform different internal optimizations, and produce results of different quality, even for the very same input description. Hence, it is challenging to compare their performance and understand which is the best for the hardware to be implemented. We present a comprehensive analysis of recent HLS tools, as well as overview the areas of active interest in the HLS research community. We also present a first-published methodology to evaluate different HLS tools. We use our methodology to compare one commercial and three academic tools on a common set of C benchmarks, aiming at performing an in-depth evaluation in terms of performance and the use of resources

    Image Feature Extraction Acceleration

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    Image feature extraction is instrumental for most of the best-performing algorithms in computer vision. However, it is also expensive in terms of computational and memory resources for embedded systems due to the need of dealing with individual pixels at the earliest processing levels. In this regard, conventional system architectures do not take advantage of potential exploitation of parallelism and distributed memory from the very beginning of the processing chain. Raw pixel values provided by the front-end image sensor are squeezed into a high-speed interface with the rest of system components. Only then, after deserializing this massive dataflow, parallelism, if any, is exploited. This chapter introduces a rather different approach from an architectural point of view. We present two Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) where the 2-D array of photo-sensitive devices featured by regular imagers is combined with distributed memory supporting concurrent processing. Custom circuitry is added per pixel in order to accelerate image feature extraction right at the focal plane. Specifically, the proposed sensing-processing chips aim at the acceleration of two flagships algorithms within the computer vision community: the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm and the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). Experimental results prove the feasibility and benefits of this architectural solution.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-38921-C02, IPT-2011- 1625-430000, IPC-20111009Junta de Andalucía TIC 2338-2013Xunta de Galicia EM2013/038Office of NavalResearch (USA) N00014141035

    Easing parallel programming on heterogeneous systems

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    El modo más frecuente de resolver aplicaciones de HPC (High performance Computing) en tiempos de ejecución razonables y de una forma escalable es mediante el uso de sistemas de cómputo paralelo. La tendencia actual en los sistemas de HPC es la inclusión en la misma máquina de ejecución de varios dispositivos de cómputo, de diferente tipo y arquitectura. Sin embargo, su uso impone al programador retos específicos. Un programador debe ser experto en las herramientas y abstracciones existentes para memoria distribuida, los modelos de programación para sistemas de memoria compartida, y los modelos de programación específicos para para cada tipo de co-procesador, con el fin de crear programas híbridos que puedan explotar eficientemente todas las capacidades de la máquina. Actualmente, todos estos problemas deben ser resueltos por el programador, haciendo así la programación de una máquina heterogénea un auténtico reto. Esta Tesis trata varios de los problemas principales relacionados con la programación en paralelo de los sistemas altamente heterogéneos y distribuidos. En ella se realizan propuestas que resuelven problemas que van desde la creación de códigos portables entre diferentes tipos de dispositivos, aceleradores, y arquitecturas, consiguiendo a su vez máxima eficiencia, hasta los problemas que aparecen en los sistemas de memoria distribuida relacionados con las comunicaciones y la partición de estructuras de datosDepartamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Discovery of Potential Parallelism in Sequential Programs

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    In the era of multicore processors, the responsibility for performance gains has been shifted onto software developers. Once improvements of the sequential algorithm have been exhausted, software-managed parallelism is the only option left. However, writing parallel code is still difficult, especially when parallelizing sequential code written by someone else. A key task in this process is the identification of suitable parallelization targets in the source code. Parallelism discovery tools help developers to find such targets automatically. Unfortunately, tools that identify parallelism during compilation are usually conservative due to the lack of runtime information, and tools relying on runtime information primarily suffer from high overhead in terms of both time and memory. This dissertation presents a generic framework for parallelism discovery based on dynamic program analysis, supporting various types of parallelism while incurring practically affordable overhead. The framework contains two main components: an efficient data-dependence profiler and a set of parallelism discovery algorithms based on a language-independent concept called Computational Unit. The data-dependence profiler serves as the foundation of the parallelism discovery framework. Traditional dependence profiling approaches introduce a tremendous amount of time and memory overhead. To lower the overhead, current methods limit their scope to the subset of the dependence information needed for the analysis they have been created for, sacrificing generality and discouraging reuse. In contrast, the profiler shown in this thesis addresses the problem via signature-based memory management and a lock-free parallel design. It produces detailed dependences not only for sequential but also for multi-threaded code without causing prohibitive overhead, allowing it to serve as a generic base for various program analysis techniques. Computational Units (CUs) provide a language-independent foundation for parallelism discovery. CUs are computations that follow the read-compute-write pattern. Unlike other concepts, they are not restricted to predefined language constructs. A program is represented as a CU graph, in which vertexes are CUs and edges are data dependences. This allows parallelism to be detected that spreads across multiple language constructs, taking code refactoring into consideration. The parallelism discovery algorithms cover both loop and task parallelism. Results of our experiments show that 1) the efficient data-dependence profiler has a very competitive average slowdown of around 80× with accuracy higher than 99.6%; 2) the framework discovers parallelism with high accuracy, identifying 92.5% of the parallel loops in NAS benchmarks; 3) when parallelizing well-known open-source software following the outputs of the framework, reasonable speedups are obtained. Finally, use cases beyond parallelism discovery are briefly demonstrated to show the generality of the framework

    Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java MapReduce on Multi-Cores

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    MapReduce has been widely accepted as a simple programming pattern that can form the basis for efficient, large-scale, distributed data processing. The success of the MapReduce pattern has led to a variety of implementations for different computational scenarios. In this paper we present MRJ, a MapReduce Java framework for multi-core architectures. We evaluate its scalability on a four-core, hyperthreaded Intel Core i7 processor, using a set of standard MapReduce benchmarks. We investigate the significant impact that Java runtime garbage collection has on the performance and scalability of MRJ. We propose the use of memory management auto-tuning techniques based on machine learning. With our auto-tuning approach, we are able to achieve MRJ performance within 10% of optimal on 75% of our benchmark tests

    Compiler Techniques for Optimizing Communication and Data Distribution for Distributed-Memory Computers

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    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationOpe