189 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the explosion of chip transistor counts, the semiconductor industry has struggled with ways to continue scaling computing performance in line with historical trends. In recent years, the de facto solution to utilize excess transistors has been to increase the size of the on-chip data cache, allowing fast access to an increased portion of main memory. These large caches allowed the continued scaling of single thread performance, which had not yet reached the limit of instruction level parallelism (ILP). As we approach the potential limits of parallelism within a single threaded application, new approaches such as chip multiprocessors (CMP) have become popular for scaling performance utilizing thread level parallelism (TLP). This dissertation identifies the operating system as a ubiquitous area where single threaded performance and multithreaded performance have often been ignored by computer architects. We propose that novel hardware and OS co-design has the potential to significantly improve current chip multiprocessor designs, enabling increased performance and improved power efficiency. We show that the operating system contributes a nontrivial overhead to even the most computationally intense workloads and that this OS contribution grows to a significant fraction of total instructions when executing several common applications found in the datacenter. We demonstrate that architectural improvements have had little to no effect on the performance of the OS over the last 15 years, leaving ample room for improvements. We specifically consider three potential solutions to improve OS execution on modern processors. First, we consider the potential of a separate operating system processor (OSP) operating concurrently with general purpose processors (GPP) in a chip multiprocessor organization, with several specialized structures acting as efficient conduits between these processors. Second, we consider the potential of segregating existing caching structures to decrease cache interference between the OS and application. Third, we propose that there are components within the OS itself that should be refactored to be both multithreaded and cache topology aware, which in turn, improves the performance and scalability of many-threaded applications

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Co-scheduling algorithms for cache-partitioned systems

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    Cache-partitioned architectures allow subsections of theshared last-level cache (LLC) to be exclusively reserved for someapplications. This technique dramatically limits interactions between applicationsthat are concurrently executing on a multi-core machine. Consider n applications that execute concurrently, with the objective to minimize the makespan, defined as the maximum completion time of the n applications.Key scheduling questions are: (i) which proportionof cache and (ii) how many processors should be given to each application?Here, we assign rational numbers of processors to each application,since they can be shared across applications through multi-threading.In this paper, we provide answers to (i) and (ii) for perfectly parallel applications.Even though the problem is shown to be NP-complete, we give key elements to determinethe subset of applications that should share the LLC(while remaining ones only use their smaller private cache). Building upon these results,we design efficient heuristics for general applications.Extensive simulations demonstrate the usefulness of co-schedulingwhen our efficient cache partitioning strategies are deployed

    Improving cache Behavior in CMP architectures throug cache partitioning techniques

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    The evolution of microprocessor design in the last few decades has changed significantly, moving from simple inorder single core architectures to superscalar and vector architectures in order to extract the maximum available instruction level parallelism. Executing several instructions from the same thread in parallel allows significantly improving the performance of an application. However, there is only a limited amount of parallelism available in each thread, because of data and control dependences. Furthermore, designing a high performance, single, monolithic processor has become very complex due to power and chip latencies constraints. These limitations have motivated the use of thread level parallelism (TLP) as a common strategy for improving processor performance. Multithreaded processors allow executing different threads at the same time, sharing some hardware resources. There are several flavors of multithreaded processors that exploit the TLP, such as chip multiprocessors (CMP), coarse grain multithreading, fine grain multithreading, simultaneous multithreading (SMT), and combinations of them.To improve cost and power efficiency, the computer industry has adopted multicore chips. In particular, CMP architectures have become the most common design decision (combined sometimes with multithreaded cores). Firstly, CMPs reduce design costs and average power consumption by promoting design re-use and simpler processor cores. For example, it is less complex to design a chip with many small, simple cores than a chip with fewer, larger, monolithic cores.Furthermore, simpler cores have less power hungry centralized hardware structures. Secondly, CMPs reduce costs by improving hardware resource utilization. On a multicore chip, co-scheduled threads can share costly microarchitecture resources that would otherwise be underutilized. Higher resource utilization improves aggregate performance and enables lower cost design alternatives.One of the resources that impacts most on the final performance of an application is the cache hierarchy. Caches store data recently used by the applications in order to take advantage of temporal and spatial locality of applications. Caches provide fast access to data, improving the performance of applications. Caches with low latencies have to be small, which prompts the design of a cache hierarchy organized into several levels of cache.In CMPs, the cache hierarchy is normally organized in a first level (L1) of instruction and data caches private to each core. A last level of cache (LLC) is normally shared among different cores in the processor (L2, L3 or both). Shared caches increase resource utilization and system performance. Large caches improve performance and efficiency by increasing the probability that each application can access data from a closer level of the cache hierarchy. It also allows an application to make use of the entire cache if needed.A second advantage of having a shared cache in a CMP design has to do with the cache coherency. In parallel applications, different threads share the same data and keep a local copy of this data in their cache. With multiple processors, it is possible for one processor to change the data, leaving another processor's cache with outdated data. Cache coherency protocol monitors changes to data and ensures that all processor caches have the most recent data. When the parallel application executes on the same physical chip, the cache coherency circuitry can operate at the speed of on-chip communications, rather than having to use the much slower between-chip communication, as is required with discrete processors on separate chips. These coherence protocols are simpler to design with a unified and shared level of cache onchip.Due to the advantages that multicore architectures offer, chip vendors use CMP architectures in current high performance, network, real-time and embedded systems. Several of these commercial processors have a level of the cache hierarchy shared by different cores. For example, the Sun UltraSPARC T2 has a 16-way 4MB L2 cache shared by 8 cores each one up to 8-way SMT. Other processors like the Intel Core 2 family also share up to a 12MB 24-way L2 cache. In contrast, the AMD K10 family has a private L2 cache per core and a shared L3 cache, with up to a 6MB 64-way L3 cache.As the long-term trend of increasing integration continues, the number of cores per chip is also projected to increase with each successive technology generation. Some significant studies have shown that processors with hundreds of cores per chip will appear in the market in the following years. The manycore era has already begun. Although this era provides many opportunities, it also presents many challenges. In particular, higher hardware resource sharing among concurrently executing threads can cause individual thread's performance to become unpredictable and might lead to violations of the individual applications' performance requirements. Current resource management mechanisms and policies are no longer adequate for future multicore systems.Some applications present low re-use of their data and pollute caches with data streams, such as multimedia, communications or streaming applications, or have many compulsory misses that cannot be solved by assigning more cache space to the application. Traditional eviction policies such as Least Recently Used (LRU), pseudo LRU or random are demand-driven, that is, they tend to give more space to the application that has more accesses to the cache hierarchy.When no direct control over shared resources is exercised (the last level cache in this case), it is possible that a particular thread allocates most of the shared resources, degrading other threads performance. As a consequence, high resource sharing and resource utilization can cause systems to become unstable and violate individual applications' requirements. If we want to provide a Quality of Service (QoS) to applications, we need to enhance the control over shared resources and enrich the collaboration between the OS and the architecture.In this thesis, we propose software and hardware mechanisms to improve cache sharing in CMP architectures. We make use of a holistic approach, coordinating targets of software and hardware to improve system aggregate performance and provide QoS to applications. We make use of explicit resource allocation techniques to control the shared cache in a CMP architecture, with resource allocation targets driven by hardware and software mechanisms.The main contributions of this thesis are the following:- We have characterized different single- and multithreaded applications and classified workloads with a systematic method to better understand and explain the cache sharing effects on a CMP architecture. We have made a special effort in studying previous cache partitioning techniques for CMP architectures, in order to acquire the insight to propose improved mechanisms.- In CMP architectures with out-of-order processors, cache misses can be served in parallel and share the miss penalty to access main memory. We take this fact into account to propose new cache partitioning algorithms guided by the memory-level parallelism (MLP) of each application. With these algorithms, the system performance is improved (in terms of throughput and fairness) without significantly increasing the hardware required by previous proposals.- Driving cache partition decisions with indirect indicators of performance such as misses, MLP or data re-use may lead to suboptimal cache partitions. Ideally, the appropriate metric to drive cache partitions should be the target metric to optimize, which is normally related to IPC. Thus, we have developed a hardware mechanism, OPACU, which is able to obtain at run-time accurate predictions of the performance of an application when running with different cache assignments.- Using performance predictions, we have introduced a new framework to manage shared caches in CMP architectures, FlexDCP, which allows the OS to optimize different IPC-related target metrics like throughput or fairness and provide QoS to applications. FlexDCP allows an enhanced coordination between the hardware and the software layers, which leads to improved system performance and flexibility.- Next, we have made use of performance estimations to reduce the load imbalance problem in parallel applications. We have built a run-time mechanism that detects parallel applications sensitive to cache allocation and, in these situations, the load imbalance is reduced by assigning more cache space to the slowest threads. This mechanism, helps reducing the long optimization time in terms of man-years of effort devoted to large-scale parallel applications.- Finally, we have stated the main characteristics that future multicore processors with thousands of cores should have. An enhanced coordination between the software and hardware layers has been proposed to better manage the shared resources in these architectures

    High Performance Embedded Computing

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    Nowadays, the prevalence of computing systems in our lives is so ubiquitous that we live in a cyber-physical world dominated by computer systems, from pacemakers to cars and airplanes. These systems demand for more computational performance to process large amounts of data from multiple data sources with guaranteed processing times. Actuating outside of the required timing bounds may cause the failure of the system, being vital for systems like planes, cars, business monitoring, e-trading, etc. High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing presents recent advances in software architecture and tools to support such complex systems, enabling the design of embedded computing devices which are able to deliver high-performance whilst guaranteeing the application required timing bounds. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Parallel embedded platforms Programming models Mapping and scheduling of parallel computations Timing and schedulability analysis Runtimes and operating systemsThe work reflected in this book was done in the scope of the European project P SOCRATES, funded under the FP7 framework program of the European Commission. High-performance and time-predictable embedded computing is ideal for personnel in computer/communication/embedded industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things

    High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing

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    Nowadays, the prevalence of computing systems in our lives is so ubiquitous that we live in a cyber-physical world dominated by computer systems, from pacemakers to cars and airplanes. These systems demand for more computational performance to process large amounts of data from multiple data sources with guaranteed processing times. Actuating outside of the required timing bounds may cause the failure of the system, being vital for systems like planes, cars, business monitoring, e-trading, etc. High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing presents recent advances in software architecture and tools to support such complex systems, enabling the design of embedded computing devices which are able to deliver high-performance whilst guaranteeing the application required timing bounds. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Parallel embedded platforms Programming models Mapping and scheduling of parallel computations Timing and schedulability analysis Runtimes and operating systems The work reflected in this book was done in the scope of the European project P SOCRATES, funded under the FP7 framework program of the European Commission. High-performance and time-predictable embedded computing is ideal for personnel in computer/communication/embedded industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and internet-of-things.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploiting heterogeneity in Chip-Multiprocessor Design

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    In the past decade, semiconductor manufacturers are persistent in building faster and smaller transistors in order to boost the processor performance as projected by Moore’s Law. Recently, as we enter the deep submicron regime, continuing the same processor development pace becomes an increasingly difficult issue due to constraints on power, temperature, and the scalability of transistors. To overcome these challenges, researchers propose several innovations at both architecture and device levels that are able to partially solve the problems. These diversities in processor architecture and manufacturing materials provide solutions to continuing Moore’s Law by effectively exploiting the heterogeneity, however, they also introduce a set of unprecedented challenges that have been rarely addressed in prior works. In this dissertation, we present a series of in-depth studies to comprehensively investigate the design and optimization of future multi-core and many-core platforms through exploiting heteroge-neities. First, we explore a large design space of heterogeneous chip multiprocessors by exploiting the architectural- and device-level heterogeneities, aiming to identify the optimal design patterns leading to attractive energy- and cost-efficiencies in the pre-silicon stage. After this high-level study, we pay specific attention to the architectural asymmetry, aiming at developing a heterogeneity-aware task scheduler to optimize the energy-efficiency on a given single-ISA heterogeneous multi-processor. An advanced statistical tool is employed to facilitate the algorithm development. In the third study, we shift our concentration to the device-level heterogeneity and propose to effectively leverage the advantages provided by different materials to solve the increasingly important reliability issue for future processors

    Learning-based run-time power and energy management of multi/many-core systems: current and future trends

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    Multi/Many-core systems are prevalent in several application domains targeting different scales of computing such as embedded and cloud computing. These systems are able to fulfil the everincreasing performance requirements by exploiting their parallel processing capabilities. However, effective power/energy management is required during system operations due to several reasons such as to increase the operational time of battery operated systems, reduce the energy cost of datacenters, and improve thermal efficiency and reliability. This article provides an extensive survey of learning-based run-time power/energy management approaches. The survey includes a taxonomy of the learning-based approaches. These approaches perform design-time and/or run-time power/energy management by employing some learning principles such as reinforcement learning. The survey also highlights the trends followed by the learning-based run-time power management approaches, their upcoming trends and open research challenges

    Towards resource-aware computing for task-based runtimes and parallel architectures

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    Current large scale systems show increasing power demands, to the point that it has become a huge strain on facilities and budgets. The increasing restrictions in terms of power consumption of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers have forced hardware vendors to include power capping capabilities in their commodity processors. Power capping opens up new opportunities for applications to directly manage their power behavior at user level. However, constraining power consumption causes the individual sockets of a parallel system to deliver different performance levels under the same power cap, even when they are equally designed, which is an effect caused by manufacturing variability. Modern chips suffer from heterogeneous power consumption due to manufacturing issues, a problem known as manufacturing or process variability. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this thesis we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability, in terms of both performance and energy efficiency. In order to evaluate our work we have also implemented our own task-based version of the PARSEC benchmark suite. This allows to test our methodology using state-of-the-art parallelization techniques and real world workloads. We present two approaches to mitigate manufacturing variability, by power redistribution at runtime level and by power- and variability-aware job scheduling at system-wide level. A parallel runtime system can be used to effectively deal with this new kind of performance heterogeneity by compensating the uneven effects of power capping. In the context of a NUMA node composed of several multi core sockets, our system is able to optimize the energy and concurrency levels assigned to each socket to maximize performance. Applied transparently within the parallel runtime system, it does not require any programmer interaction like changing the application source code or manually reconfiguring the parallel system. We compare our novel runtime analysis with an offline approach and demonstrate that it can achieve equal performance at a fraction of the cost. The next approach presented in this theis, we show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensures that power consumption stays under a system wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications.Los sistemas modernos de gran escala muestran crecientes demandas de energía, hasta el punto de que se ha convertido en una gran presión para las instalaciones y los presupuestos. Las restricciones crecientes de consumo de energía de los sistemas de alto rendimiento (HPC) y los centros de datos han obligado a los proveedores de hardware a incluir capacidades de limitación de energía en sus procesadores. La limitación de energía abre nuevas oportunidades para que las aplicaciones administren directamente su comportamiento de energía a nivel de usuario. Sin embargo, la restricción en el consumo de energía de sockets individuales de un sistema paralelo resulta en diferentes niveles de rendimiento, por el mismo límite de potencia, incluso cuando están diseñados por igual. Esto es un efecto causado durante el proceso de la fabricación. Los chips modernos sufren de un consumo de energía heterogéneo debido a problemas de fabricación, un problema conocido como variabilidad del proceso o fabricación. Como resultado, los sistemas que no consideran este tipo de variabilidad causada por problemas de fabricación conducen a degradaciones del rendimiento y desperdicio de energía. Para evitar dicho impacto negativo, los usuarios y administradores del sistema deben contrarrestar activamente cualquier variabilidad de fabricación. En esta tesis, demostramos que los sistemas paralelos se benefician de tener en cuenta las consecuencias de la variabilidad de la fabricación, tanto en términos de rendimiento como de eficiencia energética. Para evaluar nuestro trabajo, también hemos implementado nuestra propia versión del paquete de aplicaciones de prueba PARSEC, basada en tareas paralelos. Esto permite probar nuestra metodología utilizando técnicas avanzadas de paralelización con cargas de trabajo del mundo real. Presentamos dos enfoques para mitigar la variabilidad de fabricación, mediante la redistribución de la energía a durante la ejecución de las aplicaciones y mediante la programación de trabajos a nivel de todo el sistema. Se puede utilizar un sistema runtime paralelo para tratar con eficacia este nuevo tipo de heterogeneidad de rendimiento, compensando los efectos desiguales de la limitación de potencia. En el contexto de un nodo NUMA compuesto de varios sockets y núcleos, nuestro sistema puede optimizar los niveles de energía y concurrencia asignados a cada socket para maximizar el rendimiento. Aplicado de manera transparente dentro del sistema runtime paralelo, no requiere ninguna interacción del programador como cambiar el código fuente de la aplicación o reconfigurar manualmente el sistema paralelo. Comparamos nuestro novedoso análisis de runtime con los resultados óptimos, obtenidos de una análisis manual exhaustiva, y demostramos que puede lograr el mismo rendimiento a una fracción del costo. El siguiente enfoque presentado en esta tesis, muestra que es posible predecir el impacto de la variabilidad de fabricación en aplicaciones específicas mediante el uso de modelos de predicción de potencia conscientes de la variabilidad. Basados ​​en estos modelos de predicción de energía, proponemos dos políticas de programación de trabajos que consideran los efectos de la variabilidad de fabricación para cada aplicación y que aseguran que el consumo se mantiene bajo un presupuesto de energía de todo el sistema. Evaluamos nuestras políticas con diferentes presupuestos de energía y escenarios de tráfico, que consisten en aplicaciones paralelas que corren en uno o varios nodos