1,373 research outputs found

    Field Testing of a Stochastic Planner for ASV Navigation Using Satellite Images

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    We introduce a multi-sensor navigation system for autonomous surface vessels (ASV) intended for water-quality monitoring in freshwater lakes. Our mission planner uses satellite imagery as a prior map, formulating offline a mission-level policy for global navigation of the ASV and enabling autonomous online execution via local perception and local planning modules. A significant challenge is posed by the inconsistencies in traversability estimation between satellite images and real lakes, due to environmental effects such as wind, aquatic vegetation, shallow waters, and fluctuating water levels. Hence, we specifically modelled these traversability uncertainties as stochastic edges in a graph and optimized for a mission-level policy that minimizes the expected total travel distance. To execute the policy, we propose a modern local planner architecture that processes sensor inputs and plans paths to execute the high-level policy under uncertain traversability conditions. Our system was tested on three km-scale missions on a Northern Ontario lake, demonstrating that our GPS-, vision-, and sonar-enabled ASV system can effectively execute the mission-level policy and disambiguate the traversability of stochastic edges. Finally, we provide insights gained from practical field experience and offer several future directions to enhance the overall reliability of ASV navigation systems.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures. Project website https://pcctp.github.io. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.1186

    Self consistent bathymetric mapping from robotic vehicles in the deep ocean

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    Submitted In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2005Obtaining accurate and repeatable navigation for robotic vehicles in the deep ocean is difficult and consequently a limiting factor when constructing vehicle-based bathymetric maps. This thesis presents a methodology to produce self-consistent maps and simultaneously improve vehicle position estimation by exploiting accurate local navigation and utilizing terrain relative measurements. It is common for errors in the vehicle position estimate to far exceed the errors associated with the acoustic range sensor. This disparity creates inconsistency when an area is imaged multiple times and causes artifacts that distort map integrity. Our technique utilizes small terrain "submaps" that can be pairwise registered and used to additionally constrain the vehicle position estimates in accordance with actual bottom topography. A delayed state Kalman filter is used to incorporate these sub-map registrations as relative position measurements between previously visited vehicle locations. The archiving of previous positions in a filter state vector allows for continual adjustment of the sub-map locations. The terrain registration is accomplished using a two dimensional correlation and a six degree of freedom point cloud alignment method tailored for bathymetric data. The complete bathymetric map is then created from the union of all sub-maps that have been aligned in a consistent manner. Experimental results from the fully automated processing of a multibeam survey over the TAG hydrothermal structure at the Mid-Atlantic ridge are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was funded by the CenSSIS ERC of the Nation Science Foundation under grant EEC-9986821 and in part by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a grant from the Penzance Foundation

    3D Fine-scale Terrain Variables from Underwater Photogrammetry: A New Approach to Benthic Microhabitat Modeling in a Circalittoral Rocky Shelf

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    The relationship between 3D terrain complexity and fine-scale localization and distribution of species is poorly understood. Here we present a very fine-scale 3D reconstruction model of three zones of circalittoral rocky shelf in the Bay of Biscay. Detailed terrain variables are extracted from 3D models using a structure-from-motion (SfM) approach applied to ROTV images. Significant terrain variables that explain species location were selected using general additive models (GAMs) and micro-distribution of the species were predicted. Two models combining BPI, curvature and rugosity can explain 55% and 77% of the Ophiuroidea and Crinoidea distribution, respectively. The third model contributes to explaining the terrain variables that induce the localization of Dendrophyllia cornigera. GAM univariate models detect the terrain variables for each structural species in this third zone (Artemisina transiens, D. cornigera and Phakellia ventilabrum). To avoid the time-consuming task of manual annotation of presence, a deep-learning algorithm (YOLO v4) is proposed. This approach achieves very high reliability and low uncertainty in automatic object detection, identification and location. These new advances applied to underwater imagery (SfM and deep-learning) can resolve the very-high resolution information needed for predictive microhabitat modeling in a very complex zone.En prens

    Investigation and integration of spatial analyses in benthic habitat mapping with application to nearshore Arctic environments

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    The field of benthic habitat mapping has entered an era of automated statistical methods that have increased the capacity to produce maps as marine management tools. Spurred by a confluence of advances in acoustic remote sensing, open-source statistical tools, GIS, and computing power, these methods facilitate quick and objective mapping of habitats and physical seabed characteristics. Their performance and accessibility have led to widespread uptake, yet key spatial issues associated with these methods have not fully translated into the benthic habitat mapping workflow. Towards establishing “best practices”, this thesis explores the application of several spatial concepts to benthic habitat mapping using three Canadian Arctic case studies. Relationships between seabed morphology and benthic habitats are well-established. Though recognized as a critical element in the field of geomorphometry, the scale dependence of these relationships is commonly neglected in habitat mapping. Chapter 2 provides evidence of the scale dependence of benthic terrain variables and demonstrates methods for testing and selecting from among many variables and scales for modelling the distribution of sediment grain size near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. Given challenges associated with marine data collection that are pronounced in the Arctic, benthic habitat maps commonly utilize multi-year and multisource datasets. Despite apparent advantages, there can be substantial challenges associated with the compatibility and spatial properties of such data. Chapter 3 demonstrates that spatially autocorrelated samples are likely to inflate estimates of predictive performance and uses a spatial resampling strategy to estimate and correct for inflation in a multi-model Arctic clam habitat map near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. Classified seabed maps are a common requirement for marine management and one of two broad approaches are often selected to produce them. Chapter 4 examines differences between classification and continuous modelling approaches in a spatial context to produce classified seabed sediment maps for inner Frobisher Bay, Nunavut. Non-spatial methods failed to indicate whether models could extrapolate to unsampled areas, which was a requirement for this study. When evaluated in a spatial context, the qualities of the classification approach made it more suitable, which was a function of ground-truth dataset characteristics and the predictive goals of the model. Non-spatial techniques may be appropriate for interpolation, but the ability to extrapolate needs to be examined in a spatial context

    Geometric data understanding : deriving case specific features

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    There exists a tradition using precise geometric modeling, where uncertainties in data can be considered noise. Another tradition relies on statistical nature of vast quantity of data, where geometric regularity is intrinsic to data and statistical models usually grasp this level only indirectly. This work focuses on point cloud data of natural resources and the silhouette recognition from video input as two real world examples of problems having geometric content which is intangible at the raw data presentation. This content could be discovered and modeled to some degree by such machine learning (ML) approaches like deep learning, but either a direct coverage of geometry in samples or addition of special geometry invariant layer is necessary. Geometric content is central when there is a need for direct observations of spatial variables, or one needs to gain a mapping to a geometrically consistent data representation, where e.g. outliers or noise can be easily discerned. In this thesis we consider transformation of original input data to a geometric feature space in two example problems. The first example is curvature of surfaces, which has met renewed interest since the introduction of ubiquitous point cloud data and the maturation of the discrete differential geometry. Curvature spectra can characterize a spatial sample rather well, and provide useful features for ML purposes. The second example involves projective methods used to video stereo-signal analysis in swimming analytics. The aim is to find meaningful local geometric representations for feature generation, which also facilitate additional analysis based on geometric understanding of the model. The features are associated directly to some geometric quantity, and this makes it easier to express the geometric constraints in a natural way, as shown in the thesis. Also, the visualization and further feature generation is much easier. Third, the approach provides sound baseline methods to more traditional ML approaches, e.g. neural network methods. Fourth, most of the ML methods can utilize the geometric features presented in this work as additional features.Geometriassa käytetään perinteisesti tarkkoja malleja, jolloin datassa esiintyvät epätarkkuudet edustavat melua. Toisessa perinteessä nojataan suuren datamäärän tilastolliseen luonteeseen, jolloin geometrinen säännönmukaisuus on datan sisäsyntyinen ominaisuus, joka hahmotetaan tilastollisilla malleilla ainoastaan epäsuorasti. Tämä työ keskittyy kahteen esimerkkiin: luonnonvaroja kuvaaviin pistepilviin ja videohahmontunnistukseen. Nämä ovat todellisia ongelmia, joissa geometrinen sisältö on tavoittamattomissa raakadatan tasolla. Tämä sisältö voitaisiin jossain määrin löytää ja mallintaa koneoppimisen keinoin, esim. syväoppimisen avulla, mutta joko geometria pitää kattaa suoraan näytteistämällä tai tarvitaan neuronien lisäkerros geometrisia invariansseja varten. Geometrinen sisältö on keskeinen, kun tarvitaan suoraa avaruudellisten suureiden havainnointia, tai kun tarvitaan kuvaus geometrisesti yhtenäiseen dataesitykseen, jossa poikkeavat näytteet tai melu voidaan helposti erottaa. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan datan muuntamista geometriseen piirreavaruuteen kahden esimerkkiohjelman suhteen. Ensimmäinen esimerkki on pintakaarevuus, joka on uudelleen virinneen kiinnostuksen kohde kaikkialle saatavissa olevan datan ja diskreetin geometrian kypsymisen takia. Kaarevuusspektrit voivat luonnehtia avaruudellista kohdetta melko hyvin ja tarjota koneoppimisessa hyödyllisiä piirteitä. Toinen esimerkki koskee projektiivisia menetelmiä käytettäessä stereovideosignaalia uinnin analytiikkaan. Tavoite on löytää merkityksellisiä paikallisen geometrian esityksiä, jotka samalla mahdollistavat muun geometrian ymmärrykseen perustuvan analyysin. Piirteet liittyvät suoraan johonkin geometriseen suureeseen, ja tämä helpottaa luonnollisella tavalla geometristen rajoitteiden käsittelyä, kuten väitöstyössä osoitetaan. Myös visualisointi ja lisäpiirteiden luonti muuttuu helpommaksi. Kolmanneksi, lähestymistapa suo selkeän vertailumenetelmän perinteisemmille koneoppimisen lähestymistavoille, esim. hermoverkkomenetelmille. Neljänneksi, useimmat koneoppimismenetelmät voivat hyödyntää tässä työssä esitettyjä geometrisia piirteitä lisäämällä ne muiden piirteiden joukkoon

    Visibility in underwater robotics: Benchmarking and single image dehazing

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    Dealing with underwater visibility is one of the most important challenges in autonomous underwater robotics. The light transmission in the water medium degrades images making the interpretation of the scene difficult and consequently compromising the whole intervention. This thesis contributes by analysing the impact of the underwater image degradation in commonly used vision algorithms through benchmarking. An online framework for underwater research that makes possible to analyse results under different conditions is presented. Finally, motivated by the results of experimentation with the developed framework, a deep learning solution is proposed capable of dehazing a degraded image in real time restoring the original colors of the image.Una de las dificultades más grandes de la robótica autónoma submarina es lidiar con la falta de visibilidad en imágenes submarinas. La transmisión de la luz en el agua degrada las imágenes dificultando el reconocimiento de objetos y en consecuencia la intervención. Ésta tesis se centra en el análisis del impacto de la degradación de las imágenes submarinas en algoritmos de visión a través de benchmarking, desarrollando un entorno de trabajo en la nube que permite analizar los resultados bajo diferentes condiciones. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos con este entorno, se proponen métodos basados en técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para mitigar el impacto de la degradación de las imágenes en tiempo real introduciendo un paso previo que permita recuperar los colores originales

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here

    DOES: A Deep Learning-based approach to estimate roll and pitch at sea

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    The use of Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) for orientation estimation is now common practice in a wide range of applications, e.g., robotics and human motion tracking, aerial vehicles and aerospace, gaming and virtual reality, indoor pedestrian navigation and maritime navigation. The integration of the high-rate measurements can provide very accurate estimates, but these can suffer from errors accumulation due to the sensors drift over longer time scales. To overcome this issue, inertial sensors are typically combined with additional sensors and techniques. As an example, camera-based solutions have drawn a large attention by the community, thanks to their low-costs and easy hardware setup; moreover, impressive results have been demonstrated in the context of Deep Learning. This work presents the preliminary results obtained by DOES, a supportive Deep Learning method specifically designed for maritime navigation, which aims at improving the roll and pitch estimations obtained by common AHRS. DOES recovers these estimations through the analysis of the frames acquired by a low-cost camera pointing the horizon at sea. The training has been performed on the novel ROPIS dataset, presented in the context of this work, acquired using the FrameWO application developed for the scope. Promising results encourage to test other network backbones and to further expand the dataset, improving the accuracy of the results and the range of applications of the method as a valid support to visual-based odometry techniques