1,325 research outputs found

    From white to green : Snow cover loss and increased vegetation productivity in the European Alps

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    Mountains are hotspots of biodiversity and ecosystem services, but they are warming about twice as fast as the global average. Climate change may reduce alpine snow cover and increase vegetation productivity, as in the Arctic. Here, we demonstrate that 77% of the European Alps above the tree line experienced greening (productivity gain) andPeer reviewe

    NDVI Analysis for Monitoring Land-Cover Evolution on Selected Deglaciated Areas in the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps)

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    The ongoing climate warming is affecting high-elevation areas, reducing the extent and the duration of glacier and snow covers, driving a widespread greening effect on the Alpine region. The impact assessment requires therefore the integration of the geomorphological context with altitudinal and ecological features of the study areas. The proposed approach introduces chronologically-constrained zones as geomorphological evidence for selecting deglaciated areas in the alpine and non-alpine belts. In the present study, the protected and low-anthropic-impacted areas of the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps) were analysed using Landsat NDVI time series (1984–2022 CE). The obtained results highlighted a progressive greening even at a higher altitude, albeit not ubiquitous. The detected NDVI trends showed, moreover, how the local factors trigger the greening in low-elevation areas. Spectral reflectance showed a general decrease over time, evidencing the progressive colonisation of recently deglaciated surfaces. The results improved the discrimination between different greening rates in the deglaciated areas of the Alpine regions. The geomorphological-driven approach showed significant potential to support the comprehension of these processes, especially for fast-changing areas such as the high mountain regions

    Above-treeline ecosystems facing drought: lessons from the 2022 European summer heat wave

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    In 2022, a large part of Europe experienced an extremely dry and hot summer. In the Alps, this episode occurred after an unusually low-snowfall winter, which aggravated the dryness of soils. This study examines the impact of this particular year on the canopy greenness of above-treeline ecosystems by comparison with previous heat waves that hit the Alps during the last 2 decades. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite were processed to extract the temporal variability in yearly maximum NDVI (NDVImax). The responsiveness of NDVImax to snow cover duration and growing-season weather conditions was evaluated in contrasting hydroclimate regions of the Alps using linear mixed-effect models. The year 2022 was unique in that the summer heat wave led to a widespread negative anomaly of NDVImax. The magnitude of this anomaly was unprecedented in the southwestern, driest part of the Alps, where vegetation activity was found to be particularly responsive to snow cover duration and early summer precipitation. In the colder and wetter regions, all warm to very warm summers before 2022 had led to increased canopy greenness, but the combination of a reduced snow cover and low early summer precipitation counteracted this expected beneficial effect in 2022. This study provides evidence that the control of canopy greenness by temperature and water balance differs markedly across regions of the Alps and that the year 2022 bears witness to a shift toward an increasing importance of moisture availability for regulating plant growth at high elevation. This is viewed as a warning sign of what could become the new norm in the years ahead in the context of increasing frequency and intensity of extreme droughts throughout temperate mountain ecosystems.</p

    Fernerkundung der Vegetationsphänologie über MODIS NDVI Daten - Herausforderungen bei der Datenverarbeitung und -validierung mittels Bodenbeobachtungen zahlreicher Arten und LiDAR

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    Phenology, the cyclic events in living organisms is triggered by climatic conditions and indicators of climate change. They are important factors influencing species interactions and ecosystem functioning. This thesis deals with the estimation of phenological metrics (Land Surface Phenology or LSP) from MODIS based time series NDVI data. Results of data analysis emphasises the role of ground observations, topography and LiDAR characteristics of forest stand in describing the variability in LSP.Phänologie, die zyklischen Stadien von lebenden Organismen werden über klimatische Verhältnisse gesteuert und dienen als Indikatoren des Klimawandels. Diese Faktoren beeinflussen maßgeblich die Interaktionen zwischen Arten und sind für das Funktionieren von Ökosystemen ausschlaggebend. Diese Arbeit behandelt die Bestimmung von phänologischen Metriken (Phänologie der Landoberfläche oder LSP) unter Verwendung von MODIS basierten NDVI Zeitreihen. Die Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse hebt die Wichtigkeit von Bodenbeobachtungen, Topographie und LiDAR Merkmalen von Waldbeständen bei der Beschreibung der LSP Variabilität hervor

    Montane ecosystem productivity responds more to global circulation patterns than climatic trends

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    Ajuts: we thank the support of KIT IMK-IFU, the University of Wisconsin sabbatical leave program, and the Helmholtz Society/MICMOR fellowship program. We also thank the DWD for German weather data. Phenology data were provided by the members of the PEP725 project. We are indebted to the providers and funders of the eddy covariance flux tower observations, the FLUXNET program, and its database. The sites in Graswang, Rottenbuch and Fendt belong to the TERENO and ICOS-ecosystems networks, funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung(BMBF)and the Helmholtz Association. The modeling study of SOLVEG was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, no. 21120512, provided by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS). This study was financially supported by the Austrian National Science Fund(FWF) under contract P26425 to GW.Regional ecosystem productivity is highly sensitive to inter-annual climate variability, both within and outside the primary carbon uptake period. However, Earth system models lack sufficient spatial scales and ecosystem processes to resolve how these processes may change in a warming climate. Here, we show, how for the European Alps, mid-latitude Atlantic ocean winter circulation anomalies drive high-altitude summer forest and grassland productivity, through feedbacks among orographic wind circulation patterns, snowfall, winter and spring temperatures, and vegetation activity. Therefore, to understand future global climate change influence to regional ecosystem productivity, Earth systems models need to focus on improvements towards topographic downscaling of changes in regional atmospheric circulation patterns and to lagged responses in vegetation dynamics to non-growing season climate anomalies

    Compositional shifts of alpine plant communities across the high Andes.

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    Aim: Climate change is transforming mountain summit plant communities worldwide, but we know little about such changes in the High Andes. Understanding large-scale patterns of vegetation changes across the Andes, and the factors driving these changes, is fundamental to predicting the effects of global warming. We assessed trends in vegetation cover, species richness (SR) and community-level thermal niches (CTN) and tested whether they are explained by summits' climatic conditions and soil temperature trends. Location: High Andes. Time period: Between 2011/2012 and 2017/2019. Major taxa studied: Vascular plants. Methods: Using permanent vegetation plots placed on 45 mountain summits and soil temperature loggers situated along a ~6800 km N-S gradient, we measured species and their relative percentage cover and estimated CTN in two surveys (intervals between 5 and 8 years). We then estimated the annual rate of changes for the three variables and used generalized linear models to assess their relationship with annual precipitation, the minimum air temperatures of each summit and rates of change in the locally recorded soil temperatures. Results: Over time, there was an average loss of vegetation cover (mean = −0.26%/ yr), and a gain in SR across summits (mean = 0.38 species m2/yr), but most summits had significant increases in SR and vegetation cover. Changes in SR were positively related to minimum air temperature and soil temperature rate of change. Most plant communities experienced shifts in their composition by including greater abundances of species with broader thermal niches and higher optima. However, the measured changes in soil temperature did not explain the observed changes in CTN. Main conclusions: High Andean vegetation is changing in cover and SR and is shifting towards species with wider thermal niche breadths. The weak relationship with soil temperature trends could have resulted from the short study period that only marginally captures changes in vegetation through time.EEA Santa CruzFil: Cuesta, F. Universidad de las Américas. Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad Medio Ambiente y Salud – BIOMAS; Ecuador.Fil: Carilla, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Carilla, Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; Argentina.Fil: Llambí, L.D. Universidad de Los Andes. Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas; Venezuela.Fil: Llambí, L.D. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina (CONDESAN); Perú.Fil: Muriel, P. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas Laboratorio de Ecofisiología; Ecuador.Fil: Lencinas, María Vanessa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CADIC); Argentina.Fil: Meneses, R. I. Universidad Católica del Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo; Chile.Fil: Feeley, K. J. University of Miami. Biology Department. Coral Gables; Estados UnidosFil: Pauli, H. Austrian Academy of Sciences. Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research; Austria.Fil: Pauli, H. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research; Austria.Fil: Aguirre, N. Universidad Nacional de Loja. Carrera de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales del Ambiente y Biodiversidad (CITAB); Ecuador.Fil: Beck, S. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural - Instituto de Ecología (UMSA). Herbario Nacional de Bolivia; Bolivia.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Tovar, C. Royal Botanical Gardens Kew. Jodrell Laboratory; Reino Unid

    Growth form and leaf habit drive contrasting effects of Arctic amplification in long-lived woody species

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    Current global change is inducing heterogeneous warming trends worldwide, with faster rates at higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Consequently, tundra vegetation is experiencing an increase in growth rate and uneven but expanding distribution. Yet, the drivers of this heterogeneity in woody species responses are still unclear. Here, applying a retrospective approach and focusing on long-term responses, we aim to get insight into growth trends and climate sensitivity of long-lived woody species belonging to different functional types with contrasting growth forms and leaf habits (shrub vs. tree and deciduous vs. evergreen). A total of 530 samples from 7 species (common juniper, dwarf birch, woolly willow, Norway spruce, lodgepole pine, rowan, and downy birch) were collected in 10 sites across Iceland. We modelled growth trends and contrasted yearly ring-width measurements, filtering in high- and low-frequency components, with precipitation, land- and sea-surface temperature records (1967-2018). Shrubs and trees showed divergent growth trends, with shrubs closely tracking the recent warming, whereas trees, especially broadleaved, showed strong fluctuations but no long-term growth trends. Secondary growth, particularly the high-frequency component, was positively correlated with summer temperatures for most of the species. On the contrary, growth responses to sea surface temperature, especially in the low frequency, were highly diverging between growth forms, with a strong positive association for shrubs and a negative for trees. Within comparable vegetation assemblage, long-lived woody species could show contrasting responses to similar climatic conditions. Given the predominant role of oceanic masses in shaping climate patterns in the Arctic and Low Arctic, further investigations are needed to deepen the knowledge on the complex interplay between coastal tundra ecosystems and land-sea surface temperature dynamics

    Salix shrub encroachment along a 1000 m elevation gradient triggers a major ecosystem change in the European Alps

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    Shrub encroachment, a globally recognized response to climate warming, usually involves late successional species in mountain environments, without alteration to climax communities. We show that a major ecosystem change is occurring in the European Alps across a 1000 m elevation gradient, with pioneer hygrophilous Salix shrubs, previously typical of riparian forests, wetlands and avalanche ravines, encroaching into the climax communities of subalpine and alpine belts shrublands and grasslands, as well as snowbeds, pioneer vegetation and barren grounds in the nival belt. We analyzed Salix recruitment through dendrochronological methods, and assessed its relationships with climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration. The dendrochronological data indicated that Salix encroachment commenced in the 1950s (based on the age of the oldest Salix individuals, recruited in 1957), and that it was correlated with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, spring warming and snow cover decrease. Hygrophilous Salix shrubs are expanding their distribution both through range filling and upwards migration, likely achieving competitive replacement of species of subalpine and alpine climax communities. They benefit from climate warming and CO2 fertilization and are not sensitive to spring frost damage and soil limitations, being observed across a gradient of soil conditions from loose glacial sediments in recently deglaciated areas (where soils had not had sufficient time to develop) to mature soils such as podzols (when colonizing late successional subalpine shrublands). Salix encroachment may trigger ecosystem and landscape transformations, promoting the development of forests that replace pre-existing subalpine shrublands, and of open woodlands invading alpine grasslands and snowbeds, making the alpine environment similar to sub-Arctic and Arctic areas. This results in a new threat to the conservation of the plant species, communities and landscapes typical of the alpine biota, as mountain ranges such as the Alps provide limited opportunities for upward migration and range-shift