16 research outputs found

    Cпецифика изображения постсоветского пространства в сборнике репортажей Я. Гуго-Бадера "Белая горячка"

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    Стаття присвячена розглядові збірки репортажів «Біла гарячка» польського журналіста Я. Гуґо-Бадера. Мета розвідки – проаналізувати особливості висвітлення пострадянського простору. У дослідженні наголошується на тому, що автор описує світ соціальних низів колишнього Радянського Союзу.The article devoted the wishes of the collection of reports by Polish journalist Y. Gugo-Bader «White fever». The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the coverage of the post-Soviet space in the collection of reports «White fever». The study emphasizes the fact that the author describes the world of the social bases of the former Soviet Union. Of particular importance is the characteristic character of the literary reports (dialogism, documental, the effect of visibility, the effect of presence), which allow readers to see and feel similar with the reporter. The main emphasis is on the fact that the portrayal of the reports of the collection «White fever» helps the reader to emotionally perceive the written. It is noted that the reporting turns out to be extremely emotional and subjective, since the events, facts, phenomena reader perceives through the prism of the journalist's attitude to what is happening. Traveler observations of the reporter often consist of fixing all the trifles that reproduce the unique post-Soviet flavor. The text is divided into many parts but retains. Its integrity through the presentation of information from 1 person. It was noted that the chronological type of composition chosen by the journalist allows not only to describe the events, but also to share his own impressions and thoughts from what he saw. The author concludes that the literary and artistic value of the collection of reports «White fever» is determined by the author's ability to use the word, harmoniously combine the reportage method with numerous literary means and techniques.Статья посвящена рассмотрению сборника репортажей «Белая горячка» польского журналиста Я. Гуго-Бадера. Цель исследования - проанализировать особенности освещения постсоветского пространства. В статьи отмечается, что автор описывает мир социальных низов бывшего Советского Союза

    Antropologia punktów : rozważania przy tekstach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego

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    The anthropology of points. Deliberations on texts by Ryszard Kapuściński outlines a research perspective of an anthropology of points. A point is a notion orientating in an epistemological, and not subject way. By means of this key-word, one can read cultural spaces, but also “rewrite” the motives constituting texts by Kapuściński. Cultural experience and literature stand here in a mutual link so it is a research way which follows not only the question on how experience is expressed in literature, but, basically speaking, allows for thinking about what a cultural experience demanding a literary description and reportage diagnosis is. The arrangements on how the point is filled in the space of Maths, Physics or Humanities make it possible to take out the notion contours and thought style organized in a point way. However, it is only a combination of a theoretical interpretation with a textual description by Ryszard Kapuściński that allows for an exemplification of the way man’s experiences picture in the culture. A combination of thoughts with texts by Ryszard Kapuściński allows for asking the question on what point thinking is, and why it is important for man’s experience. The anthropology of point concentrates mind on the point, measures a distance from one point to another, marks special, orientating and extreme points, records density of point placement, regularity and irregularity of points, finds the points of fastening in observation and recognized figures of thoughts and man’s activities. At the same time, it provokes the questions on how to conduct a point description which matches the point matter of experience. Anthropology is an entrance into the insight of things, and, thus, it has to direct at what an already-outlined etymology of punctum indicates - something that moves one thoroughly, pierce and hurt, and has a bitter taste. The point becomes a stigma, a sign and takes on a concrete figure carved on the body. It is a bundle of relations, something that pierces one thoroughly. It is a culmination, a destination of an anthropologist journey to the ends of the world, a turn towards the other and itself, a beginning and an end, the alpha and omega. It constitutes an axis mundi, presents itself in stations, borderline pole, unimportant and stable places which give support and de-orientate, is in the places of coincidence and junction of the things, is in the immobilized and dynamic. The research optics placed in the point opens a space around man - according to a treaty of geometry and picture which make the point a perfect potential. It is sudden. The picture, though, closes because a line is already the end, a clear outline of things, whereas it just the point that opens the world. The point is a place in which life pulses. It opens itself to other points, creates networks of references and is active. It opens the world - including the orders of nature, social life and metaphysical existence. The anthropology of points explores this dynamics and allows for an interpretation of the human space via an epistemologically derived notion of point. The extraction of an anthropology of points takes place in several areas. The first of them covers the spaces of thinking around the point, which is well-examined both in the mathematical and natural sciences, in the functional usage of thinking about the point, and in the humanities. Outlined spaces of science and social organization allow for an indication of the affinity of thoughts organized by means of a point, but also allow for an establishment of point parameters and environment. The next space that underwent interpretation is a textual space in Kapuściński which serves the field of exemplification. The second field is the praxis sphere, which is an exploration of man’s experiences in culture. Esseistic considerations make use of a point exemplum derived by Kapuściński during his journey and outlined via the word and picture. An orientation determined by an epistemologically- derived point leads to an interpretation of the following thematic motives placed in notes by Kapuściński: intimity, submission to strangeness, distance, cultural body, silence, place, closeness to the rhythm, suspected whole, micrology charm and apocalypsis

    Literary Reportage and the Poetics of Cold War Internationalism

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2017. Major: Comparative Literature. Advisor: Timothy Brennan. 1 computer file (PDF); 313 pages.Based on a neglected archive of Polish cultural encounters with the Third World, this comparative study examines the ways formal techniques of narrative non-fiction developed in conjunction with political upheaval in the socialist and decolonizing worlds in the second-half of the twentieth century. By putting the work of Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuściński in conversation with that of an international milieu of anti-colonial writers and filmmakers of the period, I develop a new genealogy of the reportage genre to show how it was mobilized to create a political culture of “friendship” between the Second and Third Worlds, in accordance with the Soviet Union’s foreign policy. But it is not simply that this body of work reflects Soviet Cold War strategy that interests me. The heavy-handed influence of the Soviet Union restricted the satellite states’ right to national self-determination in a manner that seemed to be in contradiction with the Socialist Bloc’s official support for anti-imperialism in the Third World. This contradiction found form, I argue, in works of anti-colonial reportage that, through the use of intertextuality, intermediality, allegory, and allusion express a content in excess of what they report. They express, I contend, the desire, held by many Third World and satellite state subjects alike, to develop democratic alternatives to the political systems of both the West and the Soviet Union

    Literatura non-fiction : czytanie Kapuścińskiego po Domosławskim

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    The book is a collection of four articles in which the authors of the first artistic biography of Ryszard Kapuściński deal with the main accusations brought against the writer by Artur Domosławski in Kapuściński non‑fiction, a book widely discussed in 2010. They oppose the accusation of creating a myth, and his own legend, as well as confabulations and opportunism in an objective and justified way, showing a selected and tendentious usage of the author’s life knowledge, the lack of comprehension of a literary reportage, manipulation with texts and quotations, as well as numerous factual and technical mistakes made by Domosławski. The book provides all who care about an individual and unprejudiced communing with Kapuściński’s texts with arguments, and may be useful particularly when shaping an appropriate attitude towards them in a school or university

    Pisanie przeszłości : pamięć i historia w twórczości Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego

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    Niniejsza praca ma charakter interpretacyjny, nie zdecydowałem się zatem na zamieszczenie na początku rozprawy rozdziału, wstępu teoretycznego. Punktem wyjścia są bowiem określone problemy wywoływane przez teksty reportażowe (z wyjątkiem rozdziału Pomiędzy historią i pamięcią, który opiera się na uwagach reportera zawartych głównie w Lapidariach). Oczywiście nie rezygnuję z warstwy teoretycznej, wszak oświetlam moje rozważania rozmaitymi koncepcjami filozoficznymi, historiograficznymi czy psychologicznymi. Niemniej, muszę przyznać, że pomimo rezygnacji i w pewnym sensie redukcji koncentracji na wymiarze teoretycznym i tak nie uniknąłem sytuacji bliskiej tej, którą opisują Jonathan Culler, czy Kapuściński. Ponadto nie wydzielam również osobnego miejsca na przytoczenie stanu badań dotyczącego twórczości autora Cesarza. Staram się bowiem w trakcie snucia rozważań przywoływać poszczególnych krytyków, którym wdzięczny jestem za cenne drogowskazy

    Comparative literature : literary studies - cultural studies

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    Ryszard Kapuściński. Biographie d’un écrivain

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    Ce livre est la première monographie qui tente de présenter l’œuvre de Ryszard Kapuścinski dans toute sa diversité intrinsèque (journalisme d’opinion, correspondances de presse, reportages, récits, notes essayistiques, poésie, photographie) et dans toute sa durée, soit plus de cinquante ans : des premiers poèmes au volume posthume Lapidarium VI. Les auteurs considèrent Kapuścinski avant tout comme un écrivain qui s’est incarné dans la figure d’un journaliste-voyageur et qui, grâce à son talent, a transformé le reportage en outil permettant de formuler des significations universelles tout en préservant sa sensibilité de journaliste aux changements et aux besoins du monde. Le livre propose des interprétations théoriques littéraires des principaux ouvrages de Kapuścinski, mais les auteurs étudient également avec attention le destin personnel de l’écrivain qui était souvent le héros de ses propres textes. La biographie a été traduite en espagnol et en italien