53 research outputs found

    Near-Field UHF RFID Transponder with a Screen-Printed Graphene Antenna

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    As a method of producing RFID tags, printed graphene provides a low-cost and eco-friendly alternative to the etching of aluminum or copper. The high resistivity of graphene, however, sets a challenge for the antenna design. In practice, it has led to using very large antennas in the UHF RFID far field tags demonstrated before. Using inductive near field as the coupling method between the reader and the tag is an alternative to the radiating far field also at UHF. The read range of such a near field tag is very short, but, on the other hand, the tag is extremely simple and small. In this paper, near field UHF RFID transponders with screen-printed graphene antennas are presented and the effect of the dimensions of the tag and the attachment method of the microchip studied. The attachment of the microchip is an important step of the fabrication process of a tag that has its impact on the final cost of a tag. Of the tags demonstrated, even the smallest one with the outer dimensions of 21 mm * 18 mm and the chip attached with isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) was readable from a distance of 10 mm with an RF power marginal of 19 dB, which demonstrates that an operational and small graphene-based UHF RFID tag can be fabricated with low-cost industrial processes.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 201

    Modern Microelectronic Technologies in Fabrication of RFID Tags

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    This paper presents fabrication of RFID tags, especially antennas for HF band (13.56 MHz), on cheap flexible substrates. The physicochemical, geometrical, DC and AC electrical properties as well as long-term stability (under thermal, moisture-thermal and mechanical exposures) have been characterized for several low-temperature polymer thick-film conductive films made on various paper or foil substrates. Resistance measurement during curing has been used for investigation of polymerization velocity, which is very important for increase of process capacity

    Exploration of disruptive technologies for low cost RFID manufacturing

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design & Management Program, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 81-83).Significant developments have taken place in defining technology standards and identifying avenues for technological innovations to reduce the cost of manufacturing RFID tags below the $0.05 price point. The Auto-ID center at MIT has been the central coordinating body with participation from 5 universities and over 100 industry partners. The primary focus of these efforts has been in developing a standard which minimizes the logic capability of on chip circuitry and using radical innovations to reduce the cost of assembly of the RFID tags. Various disruptive innovations are underway to explore lithographic techniques which can reduce the cost of fabrication in the sub 100 nm regime wherein photolithography faces significant challenges. This research analyzes the value chain in the RFID industry and reviews potential technology strategies using the double-helix model of business dynamics and Porter's five forces framework. It also explores the current state of the art in RFID tag manufacturing and proposes the application of disruptive technologies in conjunction with innovations in assembly and packaging to enable a low cost RFID system design. Five key emerging technologies which are examined in detail are Nanoimprint Lithography, Step and Flash Imprint Lithography, Inkjet Printing, Soft lithography and Spherical Integrated Circuit Processing. These are analyzed in terms of application to RFID tag manufacturing. Current innovations in high speed and low cost assembly and packaging techniques are also examined. Fluidic Self Assembly, Vibratory Assembly, Chip on Paper techniques are reviewed in terms of application to RFID manufacturing. A systems thinking approach is also pursued to explore the drivers for wider acceptance of RFID-based(cont.) applications in addition to just depending on cost reduction for crossing the chasm from early adopters to a wider market penetration.Badarinath Kommandur.S.M

    Silkkipainetuille johtimille toteutetun flip-chip-liitoksen taivutettavuus

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    The world is heading towards the IoE (Internet of Everything) where everything will be connected to each other. New flexible, light-weight and low-cost electronic devices are needed to add intelligence everywhere in our surroundings. Conventional silicon-based manufacturing is not the best solution because silicon is mechanically rigid and expensive. One way to manufacture these devices cost-effectively in a very large scale is by roll-to-roll screen printing on flexible substrates. However, due to the low calculation performance of current printed electronics, silicon ICs are still needed to act as brains of the devices. Many studies about chip-on-flex or chip-on-film (COF) attachments are available but information about the integration of a silicon chip directly on a screen printed substrate is needed. This thesis investigates bare chip attachment on printed flexible circuitry and evaluates its subsequent level of bendability. The chip was attached on the high-density rotary screen printed circuitry using a flip-chip technique with anisotropic conductive adhesives (ACP and ACF). A selection of chips was stud bumped with gold. Chips without bumps were more challenging to bond due to the surface roughness of the screen printed lines and a small marginal of the suitable bonding pressure. A chip should be exactly parallel with the substrate while bonding so that the pressure is correct on all pads. After finding the suitable bonding parameters, approximately 90 % of the ACP bonded and 96 % of the ACF bonded interconnections worked without bumps. Stud bumping increased the yield almost to 100 % and decreased the contact resistances approximately 75% making the contacts more reliable. Calendering was tested for printed lines to increase their uniformity and decrease the pad height deviation by heating and pressing them with high force. Calendering reduced the line heights by approximately 1 μm and decreased the surface roughness, but following this process there still existed at least a 2 μm variation in the line heights (nominal line height 5 μm). Bending reliability of the chip attachments on flexible plastic substrates was determined using a self-built bending test set-up which bends the sample between two rigid plates. All chip attachments studied withstood at least a 2.5 cm bending radius. The main results of this thesis were to demonstrate bare die integration on screen printed circuitry and to show its suitability for flexible hybrid electronic applications. Still further development of the bonding process and materials are needed to achieve more reliable long-term solutions

    Acoustic Manipulation and Alignment of Particles for Applications in Separation, Micro-Templating, and Device Fabrication

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    This dissertation studies the manipulation of particles using acoustic stimulation for applications in microfluidics and templating of devices. The term particle is used here to denote any solid, liquid or gaseous material that has properties, which are distinct from the fluid in which it is suspended. Manipulation means to take over the movements of the particles and to position them in specified locations. Using devices, microfabricated out of silicon, the behavior of particles under the acoustic stimulation was studied with the main purpose of aligning the particles at either low-pressure zones, known as the nodes or high-pressure zones, known as anti-nodes. By aligning particles at the nodes in a flow system, these particles can be focused at the center or walls of a microchannel in order to ultimately separate them. These separations are of high scientific importance, especially in the biomedical domain, since acoustopheresis provides a unique approach to separate based on density and compressibility, unparalleled by other techniques. The study of controlling and aligning the particles in various geometries and configurations was successfully achieved by controlling the acoustic waves. Apart from their use in flow systems, a stationary suspended-particle device was developed to provide controllable light transmittance based on acoustic stimuli. Using a glass compartment and a carbon-particle suspension in an organic solvent, the device responded to acoustic stimulation by aligning the particles. The alignment of light-absorbing carbon particles afforded an increase in visible light transmittance as high as 84.5%, and it was controlled by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the acoustic wave. The device also demonstrated alignment memory rendering it energy-efficient. A similar device for suspended-particles in a monomer enabled the development of electrically conductive films. These films were based on networks of conductive particles. Elastomers doped with conductive metal particles were rendered surface conductive at particle loadings as low as 1% by weight using acoustic focusing. The resulting films were flexible and had transparencies exceeding 80% in the visible spectrum (400-800 nm) These films had electrical bulk conductivities exceeding 50 S/cm

    Micro- and Nanofluidics for Bionanoparticle Analysis

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    Bionanoparticles such as microorganisms and exosomes are recoganized as important targets for clinical applications, food safety, and environmental monitoring. Other nanoscale biological particles, includeing liposomes, micelles, and functionalized polymeric particles are widely used in nanomedicines. The recent deveopment of microfluidic and nanofluidic technologies has enabled the separation and anslysis of these species in a lab-on-a-chip platform, while there are still many challenges to address before these analytical tools can be adopted in practice. For example, the complex matrices within which these species reside in create a high background for their detection. Their small dimension and often low concentration demand creative strategies to amplify the sensing signal and enhance the detection speed. This Special Issue aims to recruit recent discoveries and developments of micro- and nanofluidic strategies for the processing and analysis of biological nanoparticles. The collection of papers will hopefully bring out more innovative ideas and fundamental insights to overcome the hurdles faced in the separation and detection of bionanoparticles

    Rational design of electrically conductive polymer composites for electronic packaging

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    Electrically conductive polymer composites, i.e. polymers filled with conductive fillers, may display a broad range of electrical properties. A rational design of fillers, filler surface chemistry and filler loading can tune the electrical properties of the composites to meet the requirements of specific applications. In this dissertation, two studies were discussed. In the first study, highly conductive composites with electrical conductivity close to that of pure metals were developed as environmentally-friendly alternatives to tin/lead solder in electronic packaging. Conventional conductive composites with silver fillers have an electrical conductivity 1~2 orders of magnitude lower than that of pure, even at filler loadings as high as 80-90 wt.%. It is found that the low conductivity of the polymer composites mainly results from the thin layer of insulating lubricant on commercial silver flakes. In this work, by modifying the functional groups in polymer backbones, the lubricant layer on silver could be chemically reduced in-situ to generate silver nanoparticles. Furthermore, these nanoparticles could sinter to form metallurgical bonds during the curing of the polymer matrix. This resulted in a significant electrical conductivity enhancement up to 10 times, without sacrificing the processability of the composite or adding extraneous steps. This method was also applied to develop highly flexible/stretchable conductors as building block for flexible/stretchable electronics. In the second study, a moderately conductive carbon/polymer composite was developed for use in sensors to monitor the thermal aging of insulation components in nuclear power plants. During thermal aging, the polymer matrix of this composite shrank while the carbon fillers remained intact, leading to a slight increase in filler loading and a substantial decrease in the resistivity of the sensors. The resistivity change was used to correlate with the aging time and to predict the need for maintenance of the insulation component according to Arrhenius’ equation. This aging sensor realized real-time, non-destructive monitoring capability for the aging of the target insulation component for the first time.Ph.D

    Optically Driven PH Gradient Generator Based on Self-Assembled Proton Pumps for Activating Hydrogel Microactuators

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    This dissertation presents a new approach for developing a biologically inspired photo-electro-chemo-mechanical microactuator by exploiting the ion pumping characteristics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) proton pumps and the pH sensitivity of smart hydrogels. The ultimate goal of this project is to prove the viability of integrating bR monolayer into novel actuation applications using molecular level architectures. To accomplish this, the bR proton pumps are molecularly labelled, organized, and directionally immobilized on Au-coated substrate, and then integrated with pH sensitive hydrogel. When responding to an incident light beams, the internal proton pumping mechanism is mathematically modeled for quantifying the processing of the photonic energy into electro-chemical potential. Experimental and theoretical findings indicate that the photo-electric response of the dry bR is attributed to charge displacement and recombination; whereas, the response of the aqueous bR measured is a real proton pumping mechanism. The photo-electric properties, light source conditions all have influence on the observed photo-electric response characteristics. The presented technology is proven both experimentally and analytically through simulation. Experiments are conducted using acrylic acid (AA) monomer linked to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) monomer and the developed bR monolayer forming this hybrid microactuator. The light detecting part of the actuator is the bR monolayer. In this part the incident light beams are processed in the bR proton pumps through their photo-cycle to transport protons from the cytoplasmic side to the extracellular side of the bR protein. The bR monolayer is fabricated with molecular level recognition, labelling, and adsorption leading to a novel architecture able to transport protons through a porous substrate. Once protons are transported from one side to the other side of the membrane, the concentration of the hydrogen ions is changed. The change in the hydrogen ions concentration is expected theoretically and has been proved by monitoring pH changes in the ionic solution as pH gives direct indication on the hydrogen ions concentration. The change in the pH is exploited by integrating the light detecting part of the actuator to the pH-sensitive hydrogel which acts as the actuator shell that receives the pH changes and treat it as an input signal and then process it to undergo in an electric phase transition that leads to volume transition and associated mechanical work. The generated mechanical work is exploited in microactuation techniques with interest in microfluidic valves to control the flow in the microchannels. Based on the presented work the bR monolayer shows great potential for becoming a viable biomaterial for use in optical sensing and actuation. Many industrial and biomedical applications may benefit from the presented advances in generating higher performance micro-systems

    Utilisation of embedded information devices to support a sustainable approach to product life-cycle management

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    The huge landfills from solid waste generated by the massive utilisation of different products from domestic sources are badly affecting the environment. About 70% of the solid municipal waste, two thirds of which comprises of household waste, is dumped as landflll all over the world. For efficient product lifecycle management via upgrade, maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, and reclamation of components etc., storage of product related information throughout its lifecycle is indispensable. Efficient use of information technology integrated with product design can enable products to manage themselves in a semiautomatic and intelligent manner. It means that products themselves should contain informationú that what to do with them when they are of no use. More advanced products may locate themselves and communicate with their recyclers through internet or some other communication technology. In this regard, different types of technologies have been investigated. These technologies are broadly classified as passive embedded information devices and active embedded information devices. Methods of automatic identification in combination with information technology can act as passive Embedded Information Devices (EID) to make products intelligent enough in order to manage associated information throughout their life cycles. Barcodes, Radio Frequency Identification tags, and a new technology called i-button technology were investigated as possible candidates for passive EIDs. The ibutton technology from the perspective of product lifecycle management is presented for the very first time in the literature. Experiments demonstrated that RFID and i-button technologies have potential to store not only the static but dynamic data up to some extent, such as small maintenance logs. As passive EIDs are unable to store the sensory data and detailed maintenance logs regarding a product, therefore, in addition to these demonstrators for passive EIDs, an advanced active EID demonstrator for lifecycle management of products with high functional complexity is also presented. Initially, the idea is presented as smart EID system that r~cords the sensory data of a refrigerator compressor and stores the detailed maintenance logs into the product itself. However, this idea is extended as intelligent EID that is implemented on a gearbox in order to predict the gearbox lifetime under an accelerated life test. This involves developmen,t of a novel on-chip life prediction algorithm to predict the gearbox lifetime under accelerated life testing scenario. The algorithm involves a combination of artificial neural networks and an appropriate reliability distribution. Results of accelerated life testing, simulation for the choice of appropriate reliability distribution and the life prediction algorithm are presented. Bi-directional communication software that is developed in order to retrieve lifecycle data from the intelligent EID and to keep intelligent EID updated is also explained. Overall, embedded information devices can be proposed as a good solution to support a sustainable approach to lifecycle management.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Nanoplasmonic efficacy of gold triangular nanoprisms in measurement science: applications ranging from biomedical to forensic sciences

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Noble metal nanostructures display collective oscillation of the surface conduction electrons upon light irradiation as a form of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties. Size, shape, and refractive index of the surrounding environment are the key features that control the LSPR properties. Surface passivating ligands on to the nanostructure can modify the charge density of nanostructures. Further, allow resonant wavelengths to match that of the incident light. This unique phenomenon called the “plasmoelectric effect.” According to the Drude model, red and blue shifts of LSPR peak of nanostructures are observed in the event of reducing and increasing charge density, respectively. However, herein, we report unusual LSPR properties of gold triangular nanoprisms (Au TNPs) upon functionalization with para-substituted thiophenols (X-Ph-SH, X = -NH2, -OCH3, -CH3, -H, -Cl, -CF3, and -NO2). Accordingly, we hypothesized that an appropriate energy level alignment between the Au Fermi energy and the HOMO or LUMO of ligands allows the delocalization of surface plasmon excitation at the hybrid inorganic-organic interface. Thus, provides a thermodynamically driven plasmoelectric effect. We further validated our hypothesis by calculating the HOMO and LUMO levels and work function changes of Au TNPs upon functionalization with para-substituted thiol. This reported unique finding then utilized to design ultrasensitive plasmonic substrate for biosensing of cancer microRNA in bladder cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In the discovery of early bladder cancer diagnosis platform, for the first time, we have been utilized to analyze the tumor suppressor microRNA for a more accurate diagnosis of BC. Additionally, we have been advancing our sensing platform to mitigate the false positive and negative responses of the sensing platform using surface-enhanced fluorescence technique. This noninvasive, highly sensitive, highly specific, also does not have false positives techniques that provide the strong key to detect cancer at a very early stage, hence increase the cancer survival rate. Moreover, the electromagnetic field enhancement of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and other related surface-enhanced spectroscopic processes resulted from the LSPR property. This dissertation describes the design and development of entirely new SERS nanosensors using a flexible SERS substrate based on the unique LSPR property of Au TNPs. The developed sensor shows an excellent SERS activity (enhancement factor = ~6.0 x 106) and limit of detection (as low as 56 parts-per-quadrillions) with high selectivity by chemometric analyses among three commonly used explosives (TNT, RDX, and PETN). Further, we achieved the programmable self-assembly of Au TNPs using molecular tailoring to form a 3D supper lattice array based on the substrate effect. Here we achieved the highest reported sensitivity for potent drug analysis, including opioids and synthetic cannabinoids from human plasma obtained from the emergency room. This exquisite sensitivity is mainly due to the two reasons, including molecular resonance of the adsorbate molecules and the plasmonic coupling among the nanoparticles. Altogether we are highly optimistic that our research will not only increase the patient survival rate through early detection of cancer but also help to battle the “war against drugs” that together are expected to enhance the quality of human life