24 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Second Program Visualization Workshop, 2002

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    The Program Visualization Workshops aim to bring together researchers who design and construct program visualizations and, above all, educators who use and evaluate visualizations in their teaching. The first workshop took place in July 2000 at Porvoo, Finland. The second workshop was held in cooperation with ACM SIGCSE and took place at HornstrupCentret, Denmark in June 2002, immediately following the ITiCSE 2002 Conference in Aarhus, Denmark

    Teaching Specifications Using An Interactive Reasoning Assistant

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    The importance of verifiably correct software has grown enormously in recent years as software has become integral to the design of critical systems, including airplanes, automobiles, and medical equipment. Hence, the importance of solid analytical reasoning skills to complement basic programming skills has also increased. If developers cannot reason about the software they design, they cannot ensure the correctness of the resulting systems. And if these systems fail, the economic and human costs can be substantial. In addition to learning analytical reasoning principles as part of the standard Computer Science curriculum, students must be excited about learning these skills and engaged in their practice. Our approach to achieving these goals at the introductory level is based on the Test Case Reasoning Assistant (TCRA), interactive courseware that allows students to provide test cases that demonstrate their understanding of instructor-supplied interface specifications while receiving immediate feedback as they work. The constituent tools also enable instructors to rapidly generate graphs of student performance data to understand the progress of their classes. We evaluate the courseware using two case-studies. The evaluation centers on understanding the impact of the tool on students\u27 ability to read and interpret specifications

    Tutor-Complete: An Educational Game and Intelligent Tutoring System for Languages and Automata

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    Educational games and Intelligent Tutoring Systems have been shown to improve student learning outcomes by increasing engagement and providing individualized instruction. However, while introductory programming students frequently benefit from such systems, students in upper-level theoretical courses such as CS 235 (Languages and Automata) have dense textbooks and dry mathematical readings as their primary or only resources. Tutor-Complete aims to fill this gap by presenting two fundamental CS 235 concepts in a game environment. In the first activity, students construct Deterministic Finite-State Automata in order to guide their character across a landscape. In the second activity, students build proofs using the pumping lemma to defeat the “villain” character. Tutor-Complete also fosters a peer-learning environment by encouraging students to explain concepts to each other and providing hints based on past student work. Finally, Tutor-Complete uses Bayesian Knowledge Tracing to model students’ knowledge and tailor the learning experience accordingly


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    Grading coding assignments call for a lot of work. There are numerous aspects of the code that need to be checked, such as compilation errors, runtime errors, the number of test cases passed or failed, and plagiarism. Automated grading tools for programming assignments can be used to help instructors and graders in evaluating the programming assignments quickly and easily. Creating the assignment on Canvas is again a time taking process and can be automated. We developed CodEval, which instantly grades the student assignment submitted on Canvas and provides feedback to the students. It also uploads, creates, and edits assignments, thereby making the whole experience streamlined and quick for instructors and students. It is simple to use, easily integrated with the learning management system, and has a low learning curve. This report shows the background, implementation, and results of using CodEval for programming courses

    Quantitative Modeling and Verification of Evolving Software

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    Mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Innovationen spielt Software in verschiedenenWirtschaftsbereichen eine wichtige Rolle, wie z.B. in der Automobilindustrie, bei intelligenten Systemen als auch bei Kommunikationssystemen. Daher ist die Qualität für die Softwareentwicklung von großer Bedeutung. Allerdings ändern sich die probabilistische Modelle (die Qualitätsbewertungsmodelle) angesichts der dynamischen Natur moderner Softwaresysteme. Dies führt dazu, dass ihre Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten im Laufe der Zeit schwanken, welches zu erheblichen Problemen führt. Dahingehend werden probabilistische Modelle im Hinblick auf ihre Laufzeit kontinuierlich aktualisiert. Eine fortdauernde Neubewertung komplexer Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodelle ist jedoch teuer. In letzter Zeit haben sich inkrementelle Ansätze als vielversprechend für die Verifikation von adaptiven Systemen erwiesen. Trotzdem wurden bei der Bewertung struktureller Änderungen im Modell noch keine wesentlichen Verbesserungen erzielt. Wahrscheinlichkeitssysteme werden als Automaten modelliert, wie bei Markov-Modellen. Solche Modelle können in Matrixform dargestellt werden, um die Gleichungen basierend auf Zuständen und Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zu lösen. Laufzeitmodelle wie Matrizen sind nicht signifikant, um die Auswirkungen von Modellveränderungen erkennen zu können. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Framework unter Verwendung stochastischer Bäume mit regulären Ausdrücken entwickelt, welches modular aufgebaut ist und eine aktionshaltige sowie probabilistische Logik im Kontext der Modellprüfung aufweist. Ein solches modulares Framework ermöglicht dem Menschen die Entwicklung der Änderungsoperationen für die inkrementelle Berechnung lokaler Änderungen, die im Modell auftreten können. Darüber hinaus werden probabilistische Änderungsmuster beschrieben, um eine effiziente inkrementelle Verifizierung, unter Verwendung von Bäumen mit regulären Ausdrücken, anwenden zu können. Durch die Bewertung der Ergebnisse wird der Vorgang abgeschlossen.Software plays an innovative role in many different domains, such as car industry, autonomous and smart systems, and communication. Hence, the quality of the software is of utmost importance and needs to be properly addressed during software evolution. Several approaches have been developed to evaluate systems’ quality attributes, such as reliability, safety, and performance of software. Due to the dynamic nature of modern software systems, probabilistic models representing the quality of the software and their transition probabilities change over time and fluctuate, leading to a significant problem that needs to be solved to obtain correct evaluation results of quantitative properties. Probabilistic models need to be continually updated at run-time to solve this issue. However, continuous re-evaluation of complex probabilistic models is expensive. Recently, incremental approaches have been found to be promising for the verification of evolving and self-adaptive systems. Nevertheless, substantial improvements have not yet been achieved for evaluating structural changes in the model. Probabilistic systems are usually represented in a matrix form to solve the equations based on states and transition probabilities. On the other side, evolutionary changes can create various effects on theese models and force them to re-verify the whole system. Run-time models, such as matrices or graph representations, lack the expressiveness to identify the change effect on the model. In this thesis, we develop a framework using stochastic regular expression trees, which are modular, with action-based probabilistic logic in the model checking context. Such a modular framework enables us to develop change operations for the incremental computation of local changes that can occur in the model. Furthermore, we describe probabilistic change patterns to apply efficient incremental quantitative verification using stochastic regular expression trees and evaluate our results

    Service oriented computing for dynamic virtual learning environments

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    Using the Internet for teaching and learning has become a trend in modern higher education, facilitated through the exploitation of advanced computing technologies. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) applications support online learning over the Internet, and VLEs have thus emerged as e-learning domains that are essential prerequisites in cutting edge design and implementation technologies in education. Service Oriented Computing (SOC), as a novel software development and implementation approach, has become an active area of research and development. Web services, as an example of SOC, support the integration of software applications in an incremental way, using existing platforms and languages that utilize and adopt existing legacy systems. Thus, VLEs should be particularly well suited to Web ser- vices through the SOC approach. VLE services is a field subjected to continuous development but VLEs as Web services are still not generally accessible for academic institutions, although they have been adopted by some scientific projects. The next generation of VLEs should address the limitations of the current online systems by providing a richer context for online learning, one that is sensitive to the specific domain requirements of e-learning. Web Services Matching and Selection (WSMS), as a part of the functional requirements of Web services, has received less attention from SOC researchers. It involves discovering a set of semantically equivalent services by filtering a set of available services based on service metadata, and instantaneously selecting the best possible service. WSMS is the discovery of a service by a user, where correspondence is established between the objectives of the consumer and the capabilities of the service. It thereby aims to match and select the optimal service that best meets the requestor's needs. The main aim of this doctoral work is to explore novel architectural designs for VLEs, based on the SOC paradigm and its related techniques. In addition, this investigation aims to extend the core ideas behind VLE tools, which are gradually becoming dominant within academic institutes. Another aim is to devise a policy- based technique to enforce security requirements for VLEs and to build a test-bed for VLE security based on Modular Moodle. The fundamental contribution of this thesis that it demonstrates that VLEs can be considered as services, which can be published, discovered and composed as perceived in the SOC paradigm. An additional contribution to the knowledge is that it has built a new extension to the structure of Web services: the Web Services Matching and Selection (WSMS) system. Another contribution to the knowledge is that traditional security requirements have been modified to cater for the highly mobile and changeable environment of VLEs; this has been achieved through policy- based techniques. These contributions to the body of knowledge have been published in learned journals and at conferences

    Tools and Environments

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    Teaching and learning how to build software are central aspects of computing education, and the tools which we use to support this are themselves a focus of research and innovation. This chapter considers tools designed or predominately used for education; from software development environments to automatic assessment tools, visualization, and educational games platforms. It looks at not just the history and state-of-the-art of these tools, but also at the challenges and opportunities in researching with and about them

    The Pacifican, April 22 ,1983

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