192 research outputs found

    Satellite Communications in the V and W Band: Tropospheric Effects

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    An investigation into the use of Weather Cubes compiled by the atmospheric characterization package, Laser Environmental Effects Definition and Reference (LEEDR), to develop accurate, long-term attenuation statistics for link-budget analysis is presented. A Weather Cube is a three-dimensional mesh of numerical weather prediction (NWP) data plus LEEDR calculations that allows for the quantification of rain, cloud, aerosol, and molecular effects at any UV to RF wavelength on any path contained within the cube. The development of this methodology is motivated by the potential use of V (40-75 GHz) and W (75-110 GHz) band frequencies for the satellite communication application, as V and W band frequencies incur very significant lower atmospheric attenuation. Total path attenuation probability of exceedance curves are compared against ground based radiometric measurements of slant-path attenuation in the V and W bands, as well as relevant International Telecommunication Union recommendations. The results of this work demonstrate the need for further improvements in this methodology

    MEQSILHOUETTE: a mm-VLBI observation and signal corruption simulator

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    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) aims to resolve the innermost emission of nearby supermassive black holes, Sgr A* and M87, on event horizon scales. This emission is predicted to be gravitationally lensed by the black hole which should produce a shadow (or silhouette) feature, a precise measurement of which is a test of gravity in the strong-field regime. This emission is also an ideal probe of the innermost accretion and jet-launch physics, offering the new insights into this data-limited observing regime. The EHT will use the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at (sub)millimetre wavelengths, which has a diffraction limited angular resolution of order ~ 10 µ-arcsec. However, this technique suffers from unique challenges, including scattering and attenuation in the troposphere and interstellar medium; variable source structure; as well as antenna pointing errors comparable to the size of the primary beam. In this thesis, we present the meqsilhouette software package which is focused towards simulating realistic EHT data. It has the capability to simulate a time-variable source, and includes realistic descriptions of the effects of the troposphere, the interstellar medium as well as primary beams and associated antenna pointing errors. We have demonstrated through several examples simulations that these effects can limit the ability to measure the key science parameters. This simulator can be used to research calibration, parameter estimation and imaging strategies, as well as gain insight into possible systematic uncertainties

    Lidar Observations of the Optical Properties and 3-Dimensional Structure of Cirrus Clouds

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    The scientific research conducted under this grant have been reported in a series of journal articles, dissertations, and conference proceedings. This report consists of a compilation of these publications in the following areas: development and operation of a High Spectral Resolution Lidar, cloud physics and cloud formation, mesoscale observations of cloud phenomena, ground-based and satellite cloud cover observations, impact of volcanic aerosols on cloud formation, visible and infrared radiative relationships as measured by satellites and lidar, and scattering cross sections

    A modular field system for near-surface, vertical profiling of the atmospheric composition in harsh environments using cavity ring-down spectroscopy

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    Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) has allowed for increasingly widespread, in situ observations of trace gases, including the stable isotopic composition of water vapor. However, gathering observations in harsh environments still poses challenges, particularly in regard to observing the small-scale exchanges taking place between the surface and atmosphere. It is especially important to resolve the vertical structure of these processes. We have designed the ISE-CUBE system as a modular CRDS deployment system for profiling stable water isotopes in the surface layer, specifically the lowermost 2 m above the surface. We tested the system during a 2-week field campaign during February–March 2020 in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway, with ambient temperatures down to −30 ∘C. The system functioned suitably throughout the campaign, with field periods exhibiting only a marginal increase in isotopic measurement uncertainty (30 %) as compared to optimal laboratory operation. Over the 2 m profiling range, we have been able to measure and resolve gradients on the temporal and spatial scales needed in an Arctic environment.publishedVersio

    Assimilation of trace gas retrievals with the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter

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    Over the 50 year history of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), the focus has been on the modeling and prediction of meteorological parameters such as surface pressure, temperature, wind, and precipitation. However, due to concerns over pollution and to recent advancements in satellite technologies, an increasing number of NWP systems have been upgraded to include capabilities to analyze and predict the concentration of trace gases. This dissertation explores some of the specific issues that have to be addressed for an efficient modeling of the concentration of the trace gases. These issues include modeling the effects of convective mixing on the concentration of the trace gases and the multivariate assimilation of space-based observations of the concentration of the trace gases. In this dissertation, we assimilate observations of the concentration of trace gases with an implementation of the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation system on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) NWP model. We use a modified version of the NCEP GFS model that was operational in 2004 at resolution T62/L28. We modify the model by adding parameterization for the process of convective mixing of the trace gases. We consider two specific trace gases: ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO). We incorporate these gases into the model by using 3-dimensional time-dependent O3 and CO production-loss values from the Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) global chemical model. The O3 observations we assimilate are from the Solar Backscatter UltraViolet generation 2 (SBUV/2) satellite instrument (version 8) flown on the NOAA 16 and 17 satellites. The CO observations we assimilate are from the Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument (version 3) flown on the NASA TERRA satellite. We also develop a new observation operator for the assimilation of retrievals with the LETKF. We carry out numerical experiment for the period between 000UTC 1 July 2004 to 000UTC 15 August in the summer of 2004. The analysis and forecast impact of the assimilation of trace gas observations on the meteorological fields is assessed by comparing the analyses and forecasts to the high resolution operational NCEP GFS analyses and to radiosonde observations. The analysis and forecast impact on the trace gas fields is assessed by comparing the analyzed and predicted fields to observations collected during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment (INTEX-A) field mission. The INTEX-A field mission was conducted to characterize composition of pollution over North America, thus providing us with ozonesonde and aircraft based verification data. We find that adding the process of convective mixing to the parameterization package of the model and the assimilation of observations of the trace gases improves the analysis and forecast of the concentration of the trace gases. In particular, our system is more accurate in quantifying the concentration of O3 in the troposphere than the original NCEP GFS. Also, our system is competitive with the state-of-the-art RAQMS atmospheric chemical model in analyzing the concentration of O3 and CO throughout the full atmospheric model column. The assimilation of O3 and CO observations has a mixed impact on the analysis and forecast of the meteorological fields. We find that most of the negative impact on the meteorological fields can be eliminated, without much reduction to the positive impact on the trace gas fields, by inflating the prescribed variance of the trace gas observations. The appendices of this dissertation reproduces two papers on related research. The first paper covers the northward front movement and rising surface temperatures in the great planes. The second paper covers the assessment of predictability with a Local Ensemble Kalman Filter

    Fourth National Aeronautics and Space Administration Weather and Climate Program Science Review

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    The NASA Weather and Climate Program has two major thrusts. The first involves the development of experimental and prototype operational satellite systems, sensors, and space facilities for monitoring and understanding the atmosphere. The second thrust involves basic scientific investigation aimed at studying the physical and chemical processes which control weather and climate. This fourth science review concentrated on the scientific research rather than the hardware development aspect of the program. These proceedings contain 65 papers covering the three general areas: severe storms and local weather research, global weather, and climate

    Field Emissions of (Hydro)Chlorofluorocarbons and Methane from a California Landfill

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    A comprehensive field investigation was conducted at Potrero Hills Landfill (PHL) located in Suisun City, California to quantify emissions of twelve (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons (i.e. F-gases). The specific target constituents for this study included CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, HCFC-21, HCFC-22, HCFC-141b, HCFC-142b, HCFC-151a, HFC-134a, HFC-152a, and HFC-245fa. The majority of the F-gas emission studies have been conducted outside of the United States and very limited field landfill emission data are available in the United States. Because of historical usage of blowing agents in insulation foams including CFC-11, HCFC-142b, HFC-134a, and HFC-245fa, models reported in literature predicted high F-gas emissions from a landfill environment, but very limited field data are available to verify such predictions. In this investigation, the surface flux of the twelve F-gases, methane, and carbon dioxide was quantified from various landfill cover systems and in areas with different waste ages, waste heights, and cover thicknesses at Potrero Hills Landfill. In addition, destruction efficiencies for the twelve F-gases were determined based on inlet and outlet concentrations of the onsite flare system. Lastly, the surface flux values were scaled up to a facility-wide emission value to estimate the total fugitive emissions from the landfill. The F-gas flux values for the daily covers were in the 10 -8 to 10-1 g m-2 day -1 range and 10-7 to 10-2 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. The F-gas flux values for the intermediate covers in the -10-6 to 10-4 g m-2 day-1 range and -10-6 to 10-4 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. The F-gas flux values for the final covers were in the 10-7 to 10-5 g m-2 day-1 range and -10-7 to 10-6 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. F-gas fluxes for the final covers had the highest number of below detection limit cases as well as lower than R2 threshold cases. Thest F-gas fluxes were measured from daily cover system constructed with auto shredder residue (i.e. auto fluff) for the both the wet and dry seasons. The highest fluxes were measured for CFC-11, HCFC-21, and HCFC-141b in the wet season and for CFC-11, HCFC-141b, and HFC-134a in the dry season across the seven cover locations. Lower level of variation was observed for methane and carbon dioxide with flux values ranging over five orders of magnitude for the seven tested locations. The methane flux values for the daily covers were in the 10-2 to 10+1 g m-2 d-1 range and 1 to 10+1 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. The carbon dioxide flux values for the daily covers were in the -10+1 to 10+2 g m-2 day-1 range and -10+1 to 10+1 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. The methane flux values for the intermediate covers were in the -10-2 to 10+1 g m-2 d-1 range and -10-3 to 10+1 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. The carbon dioxide flux values for the intermediate covers were in the 1 to 10+2 g m-2 day-1 range for both seasons. The methane fluxes for the final cover were -10 -3 g m-2 day-1 and 10-4 g m-2 day-1 for the wet and dry season, respectively. The carbon dioxide flux values for the final cover were in the 10+1 g m-2 d-1 range and 1 to 10+1 g m-2 day-1 range for the wet and dry season, respectively. Negative flux values were typically observed during the wet season and at the intermediate and final covers. The destruction efficiencies for the twelve F-gases were above 99.5% for the onsite flare. Highest F-gas raw gas concentrations were measured for HFC-134a while the lowest F-gas concentration was measured for CFC-113. The F-gas concentrations in the raw gas ranged from 103 to 106 pptv. Similar to what has been reported in the literature, the landfill gas flare system was an efficient abatement device in controlling F-gas emissions. The surface emission measurement values from the field investigation were scaled up to estimate facility-wide fugitive emission values using the relative surface areas of the daily, intermediate, and final cover distributions in the landfill. The total fugitive emissions from the landfill including twelve F-gases, methane, and carbon dioxide ranged from 6,900 to 94,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the wet season, from 21,000 to 47,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the dry season, and from 13,000 to 75,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the year, prorated by the season (representing weighted average of 58% wet season emission rate and 42% dry season emission rate in a 12-month calendar year). The total fugitive F-gas emissions ranged from 1,600 to 4,800 CO2E tonnes per year during the wet season, from 140 to 600 CO2E tonnes per year during the dry season, and from 1,000 to 3,000 CO2E tonnes per year, prorated by the season. The total fugitive methane emissions ranged from 530 to 75,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the wet season, 17,000 to 35,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the dry season, and from 7,500 to 58,000 CO2E tonnes per year, prorated by the season. The total fugitive carbon dioxide emissions ranged from 5,000 to 14,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the wet season, 4,200 to 12,000 CO2E tonnes per year during the dry season, and from 4,500 to 13,000 CO2E tonnes per year, prorated by the season. In comparison to the total fugitive emission value derived from the first-order decay (FOD) model reported by USEPA and the total fugitive emission values calculated using waste-in-place (WIP) – landfill gas correlation equation presented in Spokas et al. (2015), the field-derived methane emission values were one to three orders of magnitude lower

    Jupiter Science Enabled by ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

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    ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) will provide a detailed investigation of the Jovian system in the 2030s, combining a suite of state-of-the-art instruments with an orbital tour tailored to maximise observing opportunities. We review the Jupiter science enabled by the JUICE mission, building on the legacy of discoveries from the Galileo, Cassini, and Juno missions, alongside ground- and space-based observatories. We focus on remote sensing of the climate, meteorology, and chemistry of the atmosphere and auroras from the cloud-forming weather layer, through the upper troposphere, into the stratosphere and ionosphere. The Jupiter orbital tour provides a wealth of opportunities for atmospheric and auroral science: global perspectives with its near-equatorial and inclined phases, sampling all phase angles from dayside to nightside, and investigating phenomena evolving on timescales from minutes to months. The remote sensing payload spans far-UV spectroscopy (50-210 nm), visible imaging (340-1080 nm), visible/near-infrared spectroscopy (0.49-5.56 μm), and sub-millimetre sounding (near 530-625 GHz and 1067-1275 GHz). This is coupled to radio, stellar, and solar occultation opportunities to explore the atmosphere at high vertical resolution; and radio and plasma wave measurements of electric discharges in the Jovian atmosphere and auroras. Cross-disciplinary scientific investigations enable JUICE to explore coupling processes in giant planet atmospheres, to show how the atmosphere is connected to (i) the deep circulation and composition of the hydrogen-dominated interior; and (ii) to the currents and charged particle environments of the external magnetosphere. JUICE will provide a comprehensive characterisation of the atmosphere and auroras of this archetypal giant planet

    Jupiter science Enabled by ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

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    ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) will provide a detailed investigation of the Jovian system in the 2030s, combining a suite of state-of-the-art instruments with an orbital tour tailored to maximise observing opportunities. We review the Jupiter science enabled by the JUICE mission, building on the legacy of discoveries from the Galileo, Cassini, and Juno missions, alongside ground- and space-based observatories. We focus on remote sensing of the climate, meteorology, and chemistry of the atmosphere and auroras from the cloud-forming weather layer, through the upper troposphere, into the stratosphere and ionosphere. The Jupiter orbital tour provides a wealth of opportunities for atmospheric and auroral science: global perspectives with its near-equatorial and inclined phases, sampling all phase angles from dayside to nightside, and investigating phenomena evolving on timescales from minutes to months. The remote sensing payload spans far-UV spectroscopy (50-210 nm), visible imaging (340-1080 nm), visible/near-infrared spectroscopy (0.49-5.56 μm), and sub-millimetre sounding (near 530-625 GHz and 1067-1275 GHz). This is coupled to radio, stellar, and solar occultation opportunities to explore the atmosphere at high vertical resolution; and radio and plasma wave measurements of electric discharges in the Jovian atmosphere and auroras. Cross-disciplinary scientific investigations enable JUICE to explore coupling processes in giant planet atmospheres, to show how the atmosphere is connected to (i) the deep circulation and composition of the hydrogen-dominated interior; and (ii) to the currents and charged particle environments of the external magnetosphere. JUICE will provide a comprehensive characterisation of the atmosphere and auroras of this archetypal giant planet

    Optical properties of Southern Hemisphere aerosols: Report of the joint CSIRO/NASA study

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    This study was made in support of the LAWS and GLOBE programs, which aim to design a suitable Doppler lidar system for measuring global winds from a satellite. Observations were taken from 5 deg S to 45 deg S along and off the E and SE Australian coast, thus obtaining representative samples over a large latitude range. Observations were made between 0 and 6 km altitude of aerosol physical and chemical properties in situ from the CSIRO F-27 aircraft; of lidar backscatter coefficients at 10.6 micron wavelength from the F-27 aircraft; of lidar backscatter profiles at 0.694 microns at Sale, SE Australia; and of lidar backscatter profiles at 0.532 microns at Cowley Beach, NE Australia. Both calculations and observations in the free troposphere gave a backscatter coefficient of 1-2 x 10 to the -11/m/sr at 10.6 microns, although the accuracies of the instruments were marginal at this level. Equivalent figures were 2-8 x 10 to the -9/m/sr (aerosol) and 9 x 10 to the -9 to 2 x 10 to the -8/m/sr (lidar) at 0.694 microns wavelength at Sale; and 3.7 x 10 to the -9/m/sr (aerosol) and 10 to the -8 to 10 to the -7/m/sr (lidar) at 0.532 microns wavelength at Cowley Beach. The measured backscatter coefficients at 0.694 and 0.532 microns were consistently higher than the values calculated from aerosol size distributions by factors of typically 2 to 10